The Costume Showroom
Business Type: Goods
Items Sold:
- Simple Costume (Light) - 12GM
- Simple Costume (Heavy) - 15GM
- Fine Costume (Light) - 30GM
- Fine Costume (Heavy) - 35GM
- Exotic Costume (Light) - 50GM
- Exotic Costume (Heavy) - 60GM
- Fine Couture - 75GM
- Exotic Couture - Price on request. Anywhere between 70GM and 200GM
- Simple Headdress - 2gm
- Fine Headdress - 6gm
- Exotic Headdress - 10gm
- Simple Mask - 1gm
- Fine Mask - 5gm
- Exotic Mask - 10gm
- Made to order - Prices vary, depending on fabric used and hours needed, but the costume can be made to your wildest dreams.
Base Income: Tailor 4 gm/day (+2gm skill bonus) = 6gm/day
Assets: Elaborate Shop Space* = 2000gm
Chaise Longue = 8gm
2 Sewing Kits = 36gm
Loom = 5gm
Work table: Average = 1gm
Clothing racks: Good = 5gm/each (x2)
Mirror: Large = 50gm
Mannequin = 180gm
Skilled Human Female Slave (50 skill points, 1 @ L2) x 3 = 1350gm
- Common Fabric: 50 yards - 35gm
- Fine Fabric: 25yards - 125gm
- 50 square yards of silk - 500gm
- Exotic Fabric: 15 yards - 450gm Price
- Common Leather: 10lbs - 3gm
- Common Fur: 40lbs - 6gm
*Has seats for customers, and racks with pre-made costumes.
Debt: To the Sitai Plantation = 4854gm