by Brodon Windriver on December 6th, 2013, 10:18 pm
Brodon did not quite understand the various metaphors Eleret gave, but felt reasonably sure that he and she were actually in agreement. That what read clearly on one person, might give vague uncertainties on another, due to the variables inherent in each person's life. The same being true of the method of reading employed. One method may render a message clear as the written word, while another may seem as a delirious hallucination.
Strangely, he found himself reassured by the fact that the Konti gave no promises. But it was never that he doubted the honesty of the practitioners of readings, though, of course, there would be exceptions to that rule in every field of mortal endeavor. It was more the concern over the potential mischief of the gods. But if he was going to worry about something as all-pervasive as that, why should he have any faith at all? He might just as well fear to get out of his cot every morning.
He did not want to confuse things further with speculation about what subtleties she may have meant. It sounded as though she had meant that the 'fundamentals' of sword use were the same, and he agreed with that. You did not hold a sword by the blade, nor brace a staff below your own ribcage. He could only guess that she meant that, with readings, there were no such fundamentals; no components of a vision that always indicated the same thing.
Perhaps this was what had happened with Lucas. "I am only being able to say that Lucas gave a reading of me and was not finding any things. Also not when, wait...I am not thinking he ever only was touching the staff alone..." Brodon stopped, thinking for a moment.
"No, it was when I was holding the staff and he was reading me that he was finding a scene..ery. Of a jungle...But I was not being in it. Only the staff. He told me to stop holding it then, so I did so. Then he said the scene went gray and lost it. Then, when he took my reading, there was again nothings of any kind."
He leaned again on the railing, looking out over the rolling sea. "He tried again, doing all of it in the same way, but he got no things to see. He said it was not...regular...for it to be so. That the one scene...thing...had been very strong, but was not now even...a "twitch"...I am thinking he said."
He turned to look at Eleret, clearly hinting a request in his words, "I am wondering if it would be same for you."
"Carrying an angry load, keeps you on an angry road."