Solo [The Scholar's Demise] Drunk? How do you mean?

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The Diamond of Kalea is located on Kalea's extreme west coast and called as such because its completely made of a crystalline substance called Skyglass. Home of the Alvina of the Stars, cultural mecca of knowledge seekers, and rife with Ethaefal, this remote city shimmers with its own unique light.

[The Scholar's Demise] Drunk? How do you mean?

Postby Engghaen on November 25th, 2013, 4:05 pm

The 71th day of Fall, in the year 513 AV

Carefully walking around the streets of Lhavit, the cat grinned. It was a great night. The stars were rather bright and the moon... It shone as if it had always been this bright. She loved to look at the stars and the moon. Preferably from a place higher up. It made her feel happy. Connected. Almost bumping into a patrolling guard, she murmled a quick reply and walked on. She was now passing the fountain. It looked beautiful in this light. The clattering water relaxed her somehow. It was funny. She had been here before with Brandon. Only he had been trying to kiss her and swam in the fountain.

Then her eyes fell on something. There were people laughing and a bright light shone throught the windows. A tavern, she knew for sure. It was nothing for her to be there. She did not belong there. She needed to keep control over herself. And besides, people could steal very easily from you. Or they could make you do things you did not wanted. Not a good idea. She thought back at her first meeting with Brandon. He had been drunk. They had been here. She giggled. And because he had been drunk he had kissed her. Afterwards he had plunged into the fountain and kissed her again. Then Bran had offered her his bed and slept on the ground himself. But he was sober at that moment. Kissing her was not a mistake. Not something he would not do when he would not have been drunk. She hoped. But afterwards, he did kiss her again. So it was not like he... He was just in love with her and she kept reminding herself of that. And I love you too, Brandon.

She wanted to walk on, but someohow her legs stopped.
They seem to have a nice time... Can you not go in? Just for a while? You can go out whenever you want...
No. I need to stay focused.
But a little fun can not be such a problem, right? Just for once, one little time...
You know it is not smart.
What can one time do?

Convincing herself, she peeked through the window. Indeed, it looked fun. And warm. She was freezing out here. Then her legs walked her to the door. Abit hesitant, she opened it and immediately froze. The sound, the noise... It was almost smashing her ears until she would be deaf. This was not good. It hurt her ears and maybe could cause serious problems. Now walking to a spot in the back, her ears adapted to the sounds. Bad idea, bad idea..

She sat down on a free chair. Some other people were having a regular chat with eachother. It did not see to be interesting. ''If I may sit down here... Sorry for being so unpolite.'' A small, robed man chuckled. He stared at her with two cross eyes. He was a bit fat and almost bald. She could not really get how old he was. 40? 30? He could be human, but what he was she did not know. The cat decided not to think about it for too long. ''M' lady, it is a pleasure..'' The man chuckled with a bit of a double voice. Well, he has had something already.. she concluded. There was also another tall man and an older woman. The tall man looked at her a bit angry. His eyebrows were connected and he did not seem to have fun here. The woman had bouncy red curling hear and blue eyes. She was probably just human. A small piece of cloth covered her chest, but she didn't seem to care. They all seemed a bit odd in her eyes. Like they had been here for ages.

''Are you goin' to order somethin' already?'' the small man said friendly. Then she realised she had been staring at them for an awfully long while. ''Erm... Uh..'' This time, the woman laughed. ''Don't worry, darling. You are new here, I suppose? Should I get ya something?'' Her voice was more soothing than the ones of the men. ''Y..yes, thank you.'' The woman jumped up and criss-crossed her way through the scattered tables and chairs. Then, after a while, she came back with two mugs of a golden-brown liquid. "Here yer go." she said as the woman put the mugs on the table and pulled one of them closer to her. In one swift movement, she swallowed all of it. The woman recieved a few cheers from people around her. A smile spread over Engghaen's face as she grabbed her own mug. I'm not going to do it that quick. Or maybe I am. What does it matter?

A bit hesitant, Engghaen brought the mug to her lips. "Yer gonna do it in one time, girly?" the small man yelled and she could hear people laugh. Yes. Not your business. She tilted the mug and quickly started to swallow the liquid. Then the cat put the mug down. It tasted horribly bitter and her throat seemed on fire. This resulted in a fire of coughs coming from her mouth. The man grinned slowly. He was amused due to the fact that she had been able to... Well had tried to swallow it in one time. Carefully trying to breathe again, the girl looked up at the three people in front of her. She did not realise she was making a weird face because of the strong substance and they all needed to laugh. I tried. No need to laugh. But a smile appeared on her face. This was much less boring than being alone. It was interesting.

The woman's voice cut off her thoughts. "You know you got to pay for that... Right?" When she saw Engghaen's look on her face, she explained. "A golden Kina for that..." Grabbing down in her pouch, she took a Kina and put it on the table. The woman ran off with it again.

Everyone knows pain and misery,
But it's how we survive that makes us who we are.

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I'm not cute! I'm just... Fluffy.
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[The Scholar's Demise] Drunk? How do you mean?

Postby Engghaen on November 30th, 2013, 4:02 pm

A small figure stumbled outside The Scholar's Demise. She grinned. Why did she have to go home again? It had been fun. In a straight line, or, more in a... Zigzagging line, Engghaen walked towards the fountain. She put her legs on the street plumply, and it was surprising she hadn't tripped yet. Where was she going? The cat turned around and stopped. Wrong way. With big paces, she now walked into the direction she had come from. Also wrong. What was this place? Turning into one of the more narrow streets, she started humming. The melody was unrecognisable but for her it was perfectly fine hearable. Something.. It had been easy to remember. The men in the tavern had started singing it. What the text was, she did not care about. A memory drifted up. Ah!
And yar har fiddle dee dee
Yar har fiddle dee dee dee
Fiddle dee, fiddle dee, fiddle dee
Yar har fiddle dee dee dee!

It had been something someone had made up. Oh well. It sounded not that bad. Joyfully, she tried to remember where she was going again. It didn't matter.

All of a sudden, she bashed into a figure. Her head now started complaining and a horrible headache rose up. Great, thanks for the... Ache. Thing. Looking at who she had walked into, she tried to smile. "You seem to be having fun, don't you? What kind of song was that? Did you make it up yourself?" Huh? Did she sing? In her memory, she had just been humming it. "Oh... Y.yes.. No, I mean... Yes and no. No to the... And yes for.." She scratched her head. This wasn't going well.

"Don't you think you should be going home, hmm?" She hadn't looked at the person in front of her close enough. It was a man, she saw now, with a twin version next to him. "Oh.. Hai twin version of weird man!" The girl waved at what seemed to be his copy. She hiccuped and leaned forward. The hands of the man shot out to grab her. This only caused her to giggle. "Come on, let me help you." Carefully but firmly, he grabbed her hand and pulled her away. "H... Hey.. Lemme go.. I can do it my...self...! But the man kept pulling her away, almost too quickly for her legs to keep up. "Yes. I've seen that when you bashed into me. We need to get you home."

Confused, she shook her head. She didn't want to go home! Or to... Wait. Where was it anyway? She had been staying with Brandon before but... "Where do you live?" Ah. There the question came. This was actually a horribly tough question to answer. She did not know for sure. Her tent was... Where was it? And Brandon? Now utterly confused, she stopped abruptly and the man almost pulled her arm off. When he realised that she had stopped, he looked at her with a questioning glare. "Why did you stop? Are you scared or something? I can take you home with me if you want..." The cat shook her head. Everything but that. She would not cheat on Brandon. Or at least, it felt that way for her. There was no reason something would really happen, but.. "I stay in the... The... Erm. Thingy. The sleeping thingy. With all the... Eh."

The man smiled. "Okay. I will just take you home with me since I don't get what you mean. At all." Apparently he didn't want to confuse her any more and stopped talking to her. After a few ticks though, he started talking again. "So why are you so drunk? What was there to celebrate?" She giggled, but she didn't know the answer. The cat recalled going to the tavern, but she didn't know what happened. Her memory had just awfully big holes in it.

Arriving at the man's house, he shoo her inside. "Lie down on the bed. I'll take the couch." Pushing her to the bedroom, she couldn't see much of the place. She sat down on the bed. "Get in the bed, I'll grab a bucket." The cat nodded and tried to untie her shoes. Bad idea. Her fingers just fumbled with the laces and did not do anything to untie them. She sighed as the man came back with a bucket to put it next to the bed. Annoyed, she just pulled her shoes until they plopped off. Laying down onto the bed, she turned on her side.

Sleep came quicker than she had expected it to be. "Good night." the man said and disappeared. But the cat had already fallen asleep.

Everyone knows pain and misery,
But it's how we survive that makes us who we are.

Character Sheet | Scrapbook | Plotnotes | Ruvyn
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I'm not cute! I'm just... Fluffy.
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[The Scholar's Demise] Drunk? How do you mean?

Postby Trickster on March 19th, 2014, 11:45 pm


Here are your treats! ;)


Skill XP Earned
Socialization 2
Observation 2
Singing 1
Drinking 1


Lore: Brandon's Affections
Lhavit Location: The Scholar's Demise
Lore: Alcohol, a Bitter Liquid Fire
Lore: A Little Fiddle Melody
Lore: Taken Home With a Stranger

Note :
An entertaining and sweet thread! I wish I knew what happened next. ;)
If you haven't already done so, please deduct one Gold Kina from your ledger.

If you have any questions, feel free to shoot me a PM~♪

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