Terminus Norin

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Terminus Norin

Postby Terminus Norin on October 15th, 2009, 1:15 pm

Here is the finished product...meet Terminus

Character's Name

Physical Information

Race: Human
Birthday & Age : 21st Day Summer 477 AV(25)
Gender: Male

Physical Description

Terminus is a short man at 5'4" tall, he weighs 150 pounds and is of muscular,athletic build.
His long,ebony black hair is kept in a tight braid down his back unless he is relaxing, his eyes are a piercing blue and skin a deep golden tan. He normally wears a plain breeches, and shirt combination with high leather riding boots and a golden armband bearing a flaming bird which is his families mark and reflects their ties with Ivak.

Character Concept

Terminus is a man of great passion and depth of emotion, he is also a logical thinker when he can be. He uses these sides of him to get people to talk to him, therefore releasing their emotions. He believes that by release the forces of human emotion or nature are in balance and seeks to keep the world in balance. Terminus tends to be a little single minded or distracted depending on the depth of emotion in the room. He is a loyal friend and easy to talk to as well as able to persuade people to follow him. He is also protective of those he loves and cares for. But mostly he is dedicated to the work of his god, Ivak, who he wishes to return to his important work

Character History
Terminus was born 21st day of Summer 477AV to Dorian who is of the Avisata Azenth bloodline and Romae who is of the Tuvalik bloodline of the Azenth. Terminus was taught of Ivak from his birth and the philosophies of both his parents bloodlines. Believing as they did that Ivak was given the raw end of a deal over the events of the Valterrain he has chosen to worship Ivak using both entertainment and release,and is very devoted to restoring Ivak to his Pre Valterrain status. He is also devoted to keeping people and nature in balance by release and entertainment.
In order to further his cause, Terminus undertook the dangerous task of learning Reimancy. This included a long quest to find a Reimancer who would teach him. After years of devotion to the practice of the art,Terminus has developed a competent level of skill at manipulating fire and Earth. He also decided to undertake studies in Herbalism and Philtering as the making of philters would aid him eventually as well, however his competency in those arts is not as great.

As of present he is located in the city of Sylira and pursuing his gods work.

Training (Skills, Arcana, Gnosis, Lore)

Reimancy 31 (Starting package=26 Let Me Love the Wind=5)

Herbalism 12(Starting Package)
Philtering15 (Starting package)(+3 Philtering thread)
Longsword 15(Racial Bonus)
Fire dancing 4(Iron and Wine=2 Fire Festival =2)
Interrogation 3(Fire Walk With Me)
Leadership 2(Fire Walk With Me)
Dancing 2(Fire festival)
Hunting 2(Fire Festival)
Plant Identification 2 (philtering thread)
Seduction 1(Hunting for Answers)
Storytelling 2(Hunting for Answers)
Riding (Dire Owl) 2 (Hunting for Answers)

Lore of Plants of Sylira(Starting Package)
Lore Of Ivak(Starting Package)
Lore Of Kelvics(Iron and Wine)
Lore of Druvin(Fire Walk With Me) Lore of Chaon(Fire Walk With Me)
Lore of Ionu's changeable appearance(Fire Walk With Me)
Lore of Glav Navik being an Alvina and the son of Sylir(Fire Walk With Me)
Lore of Zai Initiation(Fire Walk With Me)
Lore of Sormir's tooth(Fire Walk With Me)
Lore of Nikali's Leash(Fire Walk With Me)
Lore of Tranquility(Fire Walk With Me)
Lore of Prey Selection(Hunting for Answers)
Lore of Braiding Hair(Hunting for Answers)
Lore of the Basics of Hunting(Hunting for Answers)
Lore of Talderan Hunting Tactics(Hunting for Answers)
Lore of Aviquilat(Hunting for Answers)
Lore of Setting Boundaries(Hunting for Answers)
Lore of Kelvic Bonding(Hunting for Answers)

Gnosis: Terminus has the honor of being marked by Ivak and he is very proud of the burning flame that adorns his right breast marking him as an Azenth. The story of how that mark was bestowed is one that he tells only those that truly understand Ivak.

The story began in the Cobalt Mountains while he was becoming skilled in Reimancy. He had a lover at the time named Sura who was of Syliran descent and lovely as the day is long. She was a Reimancer as well and they were practicing a simple spell manipulating fire and lost control of it, starting a blaze that encircled Sura and cut her off from Terminus. As the flames neared Sura, Terminus rushed toward them only to be repelled by the conflagration. In his grief he cried out to Ivak and then things changed.

Terminus found himself facing an image of a man surrounded by flames and magma, the man radiated emotion as he did heat and fire. It didn't take him long to recognize the figure as a projection of Ivak, how he had found him he didn't know nor did he know how he was reaching him from his hidden prison but he cried out "lord Ivak save my beloved."

There was a certain sadness in the face of the man, his eyes burned with the same flame that surrounded him, he spoke with and infinite softness as he said," I can give you the power to save her, however it may cost you her love."

Desperate to save his love Terminus said, " I accept the consequences."

At that moment a stream of fire erupted from the man's eyes and struck Terminus' breast. He was consumed by a burning heat but not harmed by the flame. When he gazed on his breast, there was a mark like unto a burning flame there. He suddenly knew what he must do
Stripping himself of his gear he charged into the flames and shielded Sura from the fiery doom that closed in on her by using his body as a shield.

Amazingly enough,when the fire died out, there was not a burn on him, though he had felt the intense heat and it nearly killed him, Sura who was protected by his body, had minor burns that could be treated by a healer. He reached for her but she rejected him saying he had become a monster, marked by he who caused the world to die. She knew she could never tell anyone what she had seen as they would not believe her, but neither did she accept Terminus afterward.

Terminus lost his love that day but gained his god's favor. He has since used the mark to aid him in worship.

Equipment and Possessions

1 Set of clothing:Boots,Pants, Shirt,Cloak(Starting Package)
1.Gold armband with picture of flaming bird on it(Starting Package)
1waterskin(Starting Package)
1Pack(Starting package)
In Pack:1 comb,1brush,1 razor with soap,1 weeks rations,1eating knife,fishing tackle and hooks
1 Longsword @ 15 Mizas
1 Night Leather @60 GM
Sormir's Tooth (Added to SS Thread)

Housing: 1 Large Tent,1bedroll,1 blanket,

Horse: Gildling breed with full tack and saddle and large saddlebags


100 Gold Mizas

1 Longsword @ 15 Mizas
1 Night Leather @60 GM

25 Gold Mizas

Notes: Has been in the presence of Ionu & Ivak.

Thread List
The Rearing Stallion:Relaxing after a hard day
Iron and Wine
Philtering:The Beginning of Formulation
The Midwinter Fire Festival
Fire Walk With Me
Let Me Love The Wind
Hunting For Answers
Iron Sharpens Iron
Tearing down The Walls Of Madness
Hunting for Answers
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Terminus Norin
Capture The Day
Posts: 130
Words: 63849
Joined roleplay: October 12th, 2009, 4:12 am
Race: Human
Character sheet
Storyteller secrets

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