Julius Starr |
"The sun is always brighter in a city where its worshiped, the shadows more profound when they have a name" Appearance Race: Human Gender: Male Age: Twenty-One Years Old Birthday: 2nd day, Spring, 493 Av. Birthplace: Lhavit Appearance: Living in a city known for the beauty of the architecture and its immortal people, the Ethaefal, Julius is definitely average compared to his surroundings. Yet, with his lean physique and feminine visage, this man definitely had the qualities that many sought after in life. With no more than one hundred and fifty pounds wrapped around his five foot, ten inch frame, Julius had the look of a dancer or actor, not a scholar or mage that many imagined when they thought of the city of Lhavit. His skin was pale, a sharp contrast to the natural black hair atop his head. Overall, the body was unmarred with blemishes or scars, as his childhood had been rather lax; little hair could be found on his body, and his hands were soft to the touch. Julius’ face was full and healthy, no marks upon the white skin. His eyes were oval, and a dark shade of green. His nose was sharp, but by no means a hawk’s beak and his lips were plump, soft to the touch, as if they were well-taken care of. His chin too was round. No facial hair was kept on Julius’ visage, what little he could grow was shaved off often. In fact, the only hair on his face was his eyebrows, which were thick and straight along his brow. Julius’ sense of fashion was drab compared to the bright colors surrounding him. He often wore dark colors, blacks and grays, due to his desire not to stand out in a crowd. More often than not, his clothing was wool, due to the cold temperatures in Lhavit. His hair was usually kept at a medium length, and the hair was often kept up, either in a natural, wild state, or by other, man-made products. At the moment, Julius has no tattoos, but he does have piercings in both ears; the lobes are pierced twice on each side, but Julius tends to wear earrings in the bigger of the two holes, thus the smaller may close itself. Julius also enjoys rings on his fingers, but he only wears them during leisure times; when working, he finds them too distracting and forgoes wearing them. Constant Traits Curious (+): Julius has never found a topic he didn't want to know about. The world has so much knowledge in it, information he wants to understand just a little better. His curiosity is what led his path, like a light in the night, and what will continue to lead his life in the future. His curiosity doesn't follow any code of conduct or morals; its a flame that will utilize many methods to maintain its flame. Def'n (adj): having a desire to learn or know more about something or someone (inquisitive, nosy, prying, snoopy) Sensitive (-): Julius always take the words of others a little too close to the heart. This never prevented him from developing relationships as a child, just made it difficult. Usually, he takes comments harder from people he does have relationships with; strangers do hurt him too, but not as much. His sensitivity tends to affect his moods, as well; depression and joy change with the words spoken around him. Def'n (adj): easily upset by the things that people think or say about you (delicate, fine) Situational Traits Philosophical (+): Julius, having pondered the concept of religion for most of his life, typically looks at most questions with a deep, thought out answer. He doesn't consider himself wise, nor does he believe his answers are the best; he merely wishes to make the answers the best he can give. If nothing else, Julius plans are looking at situations any and every way he can. Def'n (adj): having a calm attitude toward a difficult or unpleasant situation Vengeful (-):: Julius lives by the code of getting even with others; when slighted, he often feels the need to react with slights of his own. The thought of vengeance is always there when Julius is offended, even if the actual plan to actually go through with the revenge is not. Furthermore, he's more likely to act against strangers than he is to friends, although this would depend on the specific situation in question. Def'n (adj): seeking to avenge (revengeful, vindictive) Character History Born and raised in the shining city, everything about Julius, everything he knew, was Lhavitian; even his name emphasized his life’s attachment to the city. Born to a low-skilled jeweler father and an avid worshipper of Zintila mother, they gave their only son a name that represented their own lives: Julius was a modified “Jewel” and Starr was an obvious example of Zintila’s domain. Thus from birth, he wasn’t just his parent’s child, but a child of the entire city. Julius was always an intuitive child, delving into many activities at an early age. Even as a toddler, Julius had enjoyed jewelry, often standing at his father’s shoulder as he meticulously pieced together necklaces and rings in his workshop; being too young to work with the jewels, he enjoyed just holding the finished products, running his hands over the natural designs. Julius also spent a good portion of his early childhood walking alongside his mother as she worshipped at Zintila’s temple. Thus religion became Julius first love. He didn’t care for worship of a single deity, but worship as a whole. In the beginning, it was a small desire to study religion; he would ask off the wall questions at the Academy that had nothing to do with the curriculum, always curious, always wanting to learn. As he grew older, though, the desire to understand grew stronger. He read books, visited temples across the city, and even asked strangers and foreigners on the street about their own opinion. Early on, Julius weighed the possibility of joining the Seekers, but decided against it. Oh, Julius did well in school, always in search of new knowledge, but he wasn’t ready to give up the city of Lhavit for long, dangerous trips after old books; he was still a child at heart, with friends and family he had no desire to leave. Plus, his parents had been struggling financially, and Julius didn’t want to leave them hanging; his mother had even entered the workforce, working as a bartender at private parties and events around the city. This is when Julius discovered his other two passions in life: alcohol and thievery. At seventeen, Julius began tagging along with his mother whenever she had an event to work. All it took was a single sip of one his mother’s finished products to convince the boy that he wanted to know more; it wasn’t an addictive desire, but a curious interest. He began learning the trade of mixology, combining various liquors and ingredients to make mouthwatering concoctions. He proved talented at the activity, surpassing even his mother. Along the way, Julius began swiping alcohol from the events he attended. At the beginning, it was harmless, a bottle here and there at the urgings of his friends. More often than not, the theft was easy; just grab a bottle from the bar after all of the partiers were drunk already. With each successful swipe, though, a confidence built in Julius. This boy, who had been a well-behaved child growing up, was performing bad deeds and it felt good. Plus, in his mind, he was doing a good thing; at some parties, the guests would get intoxicated to the point that they would degrade Julius and his mother; when this happened, Julius went all out. It wasn’t a single bottle, but ten or twelve; it wasn’t just the alcohol the hosts provided, but the ones they kept locked up too. Offend Julius Starr, and you’d wake up with an empty liquor case, with no way to prove it was him. Not that his victims didn’t try. Eventually, after this system had been in effect for several years Julius’ mother confronted him once she caught wind of the accusations. Julius, having no reason to lie, told her the truth, along with his reasoning behind it. His mother didn’t yell or scream, only nodded her head, and then suggested it was time for him to leave, to become his own person. And so he did. At the end of Fall of the year 513 AV, Julius secured himself an apartment at the Solar Winds; for the first time in his life, he was on his own. Oh, he had parents, both of which were disappointed with his actions and unlikely to support him unless he changed his ways. Which he wouldn’t, because his ways was all he knew . . . Language Fluent Language: Common Skills
Lore – Lhavit Streetplan Lore – Basics of Mixing a Drink Lore - Esszad, the Merchant Lore - The Art of Haggling Lore - Lhavit Location: Alluvion Academy Lore - Nyolt: Instructor of Anthropology Lore - Lhavit's Basic Foundation: Survival Lore - Zintila: The Gift of Skyglass Lore - Caiyha - The Gift of Okomo Lore - Lhavit: Alheas Park Lore - Fright: Helping Prevent Being Stolen From Lore - Lhavit: The Shooting Stars Inn Lore - Brandon: A Passionate Criminal Lore - Justice: The Art of stealing from those who Deserve it Lore - Brandon: Not a Myrian but a Poor Soul Lore - Catching a thief before they've Stolen Lore - Creating the Illusion of Prestige Lore - Meeting New People Lore - Parties: A Time for Trying New Things Lore - The Art of Bluffing Lore - Lacing Your Words with Compliments Lore - Lady Sela: Unexpectedly Wise Lore - Conversational Threesomes Lore - Masquerade: A Time to Be Something You Aren’t Lore - Being a Gentleman Possessions Starting Package :
Clothing -Shirt, Fine Wool, Black -Pants, Fine Wool, Black -Jacket, Fine Wool, Black -Buttoned Vest, Silk, Dark Purple -Scarf, Silk, Dark Purple -Scarf, Silk, Azure -Swiftrunner Sandals - Comfortable leather sandals that increase both the speed and stamina of the wearer [Awarded here ] Accessories -100 oz of Pomade Housing Location: Simple Room at the Solar Winds Apartment (9 Kina/Season Rent) This one room apartment is small but cozy, suitable for Julius and his . . . well his meager life at the moment. The canopy bed is the center piece of the room, with a couch pressed against the wall on the far side of the room. The desk is in the corner of the room beside the windows, so Julius can look outside to the Plaza below when at his desk; A small, black chair rests at the desk for Julius to sit upon when at said work. Finally, the hearth is directly beside the door. All of the furniture is in dark purple and black, which happen to be Julius' favorite colors. Ledger
Thread List Winter, 513 AV 2nd - Getting Cultured [Completed] 6th - Who am I [Abandoned] 9th - Race to Greatness [Abandoned] 15th - Getting Cultured II [Abandoned] 31st - Picking the Wrong Mark, 31st [Graded] 66th - The Wrong Mark Returns [Abandoned] 79th - Getting the Ball Rolling [Graded] 82nd - The Masquerade Ball [Graded] 88th - Not Just Any Day [Graded] Note: Inactive from Spring 514 to Spring 2016 |