Location Welcome Center and Employment Office

Looking for a steady income job? Apply here!

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This shining population center is considered the jewel of The Sylira Region. Home of the vast majority of Mizahar's population, Syliras is nestled in a quiet, sprawling valley on the shores of the Suvan Sea. [Lore]

[Syliras Location] Welcome Center/Employment Office

Postby Accolade on December 7th, 2013, 6:11 am

Xira Hezmek

Trega smiled to the next to step up and took his form. "Well that would depend on the job that you are applying for." she stated to his question. The old patron looked it over and smiled again. "Couriers often work in the city, but there is no established office, they simply take work where they can find it. Will this be ok for you?"

(Gala, and Sahana, I will reply to you both when you have fixed the issues on your CS)
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[Syliras Location] Welcome Center/Employment Office

Postby Xira Hezmek on December 7th, 2013, 11:09 pm

At first he wasn't sure what to make of the response he received. One part of him saw no established office as a potential hardship. He would need to work hard on establishing himself in the city. There was no way to gauge the competition nor share the workload with other employees. Another part of him, an ambitious part of him, grinned inwardly at the prospect. He could build something where there was nothing. If he had the motivation and if luck favored him. He had one, but he would see if he had the other.

At last he nodded and replied with a "Yes ma'am, I am up to it." He then smiled cheerfully and winked at elder woman, "Let me know if you need any messages delivered."

(OOC: what will the seasonal wages be? Assuming that I do all of my job threads. i've checked the price list and it says between 1 and 5.)
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[Syliras Location] Welcome Center/Employment Office

Postby Accolade on December 12th, 2013, 2:26 am

Gala C'tor

Trega called to the next man and smiled as she took his sheet. That smile slowly slipped away however when she noticed what was listed there. Voiding wasn't allow in the city by it's citizens and travelers. Any that needed to be done was taken care of by the Knights themselves. "I'm sorry sir, but this is not a job we have here in this city."


The next woman to be called up was ambitious to say the least. There was only one other magecrafter in the city and he preferred to work alone. "Magecrafter, oh how exciting, it is good business. A word of advice, Devandil Nightshade is a hard man to know. You'll have to work extra hard to get his attention."
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[Syliras Location] Welcome Center/Employment Office

Postby Sahana on December 13th, 2013, 3:33 pm

There was a pause for a moment when the woman spoke, Sahanas head bobbed as she slowly spoke the words back. She wasn't stupid, but she was a foreigner and common was not as important as Nader Canoch in her studies. There were gaps in her vocabulary that was being processed before she nodded as she contemplated the meaning like she loosely understood.

Devandil Nightshade? Where do I hardly work to get his ummm this good business?

She seemed very proud of herself, common wasn't her forte language and there was a sense of accomplishment even if she made a blundering mess of the vocabulary
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[Syliras Location] Welcome Center/Employment Office

Postby Aldus Beaumont on December 13th, 2013, 9:50 pm

"You've spent enough time lounging around, Aldus. Time to find a real job," was what the young man thought to himself as he stepped into the employment office, orbs of dark chocolate casting their gaze about the place in search of the application he'd need to begin the process. Once he found it, he took one of the spare quills and inkwells, dipping the utensil and watching as the tip turned black as he considered what he would write. Several minutes would pass before he finally inscribed:

Name: Aldus Beaumont

Race: Human

Age: 22

Relevant Skills: Escape Artist, Intelligence, Rhetoric, and Persuasion.

Preferred Employment: Erm... I'm alright at getting myself out of a bind? Escaping places that I don't want to be in, mostly. Other than that, I like talking to people. They seem to enjoy my company well enough. Maybe a job where I talk a lot? Plenty of room to grow here. I'm eager to learn!

Expected Stay In Syliras: Until the sweet song of adventure calls.
Last edited by Aldus Beaumont on December 14th, 2013, 8:33 am, edited 1 time in total.
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[Syliras Location] Welcome Center/Employment Office

Postby Accolade on December 14th, 2013, 5:36 am

Trega continued on her daily work, excepting work orders and form from the people who needed jobs in the city. She called to the next person, offered a smile and took their sheet. This man had an interesting set of skills that would well in some under world, and his request was just as shady.

"A job where you talk alot? Do you mean as a Story teller?"
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[Syliras Location] Welcome Center/Employment Office

Postby Aldus Beaumont on December 14th, 2013, 8:43 am

Aldus paused thoughtfully at the woman's question. A Storyteller? Did she mean... "A Story Teller...? Like a bard? That'd be... wonderful!"The young man's dark chocolate eyes seemed to light up in his glee, for becoming a bard had been his most... legitimate... aspiration since he had come to the city a number of years ago. The song-tales of those merry gentlemen were things that haunted the young man's dreams nearly every night. Of course, tales of love and violence were not to dominate his life... he knew himself better than that. To surrender himself to such a thing was impossible, but it was a hope. A whimsical dream that perhaps a young kleptomaniac had a chance of becoming a legitimate young man.
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[Syliras Location] Welcome Center/Employment Office

Postby Accolade on December 16th, 2013, 3:15 am

Trega smiled, delighted that the man had chosen a job, and more than that, he was excited about it. "Good, I will file away your paperwork and you can get started. There are a few taverns here that you can look into, I'm sure you can find work."
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[Syliras Location] Welcome Center/Employment Office

Postby Oriah on December 23rd, 2013, 1:13 am

Still a bit unnerved by the swiftness she'd witnessed this morning of a knight's unyielding justice, Oriah was speed walking as unsuspiciously as possible to the employment office. She nearly missed the place and had to skid to a halt before back tracking a few steps. Taking a slow breath, the Benshira squared her shoulders, patted some of the dust from her clothing, and walked into the office.

Oriah stood there for a moment, unused to the sensation of being enclosed within four walls and utterly at a loss for what to do. Fortunately, there were a few other people present and one picked up a slip of paper. The Benshira followed suit, trying not to stare too obviously as she observed what the stranger was doing. Ah, right. He was just filling out what turned out to be a form of sorts. A form, not a problem. She ought to be able to handle this! Oriah rolled up her sleeves, huffed a little battle sigh, and then grinned down at the application form.

Her smile dropped. It was all in common. Well, of course it would be. Thankfully, the dancer could still make out the simple words, although it took her quite a while before she finished and was able to hand it in.

Name: Oriah
Race: Benshira
Age: 22
Relevant Skills: Dancing (competent)
Preferred Employment: Dancing in taverns
Expected Stay In Syliras: At least one whole season
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[Syliras Location] Welcome Center/Employment Office

Postby Accolade on December 27th, 2013, 1:54 am

Trega smiled, happy to be working again and a continuing service to the city of Syliras. She took more applications, gave out more jobs and kept the line moving. The old patron looked to the next sheet and called Oriah's name.

"A dancer. It's nice to see more of those in the city. You should find work easily at any of the taverns in the city and maybe even the Syliras theater."
she held the sheet in her hand and waited to see if the woman had anymore questions.
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