Summer 91st, 492 AV
Considering it was the last day of Summer, Rosa had decided to head out to the city, and enjoy the end of the season. It had been nearly a year since the death of her sister, and remarkably, the woman had recovered quite well... all the while, Lacerta was continually impressed with the Paille's self control. Sometimes she spotted faults in Rosa's composure, or times when she nearly broke down, but otherwise... she was as composed as ever, if slightly colder to those she didn't know well. Lacerta herself was practically treated like Marie's replacement, another sister, just... technically not related. She'd managed to force the loss out of her mind as well, and most of the time... she forgot there had been two of them, not just... one. She'd technically spent the most time with only Rosa, rather than both Rosa and Marie, so this felt more... normal, if you could put it that way.
They had only recently gotten off the carriage they'd taken to the city, and were now on a short walk attempting to stretch their legs. The Paille woman had suggested a park, though they hadn't decided which... Kenash had numerous parks, each more beautiful than the next. Rosa herself was wearing one of her better dresses, in an attempt to show of to other Dynasties who would be wandering through the city as well. Like the woman herself, it was simple and elegant, pale blue silk mixed with crisp folds and other accents. Over her time with the woman, the Eth had developed some taste in style... at least for noticing it. More like she could identify that 'that looks bad', and 'that looks nice', though her friend had attempted to teach her otherwise. It never seemed to click, however, and she preferred critiquing things like music, for example.
The pair found their way to Reed Park, one of Rosa's favorites simply for the general solitude you had there. At the moment, the tide was low, with tall reeds visibly growing out of the mud that made the park's 'ground'. They, of course, stayed on the sidewalk, considering you could easily get stuck in the mud below. The wood, despite having been there for quite some time, was as sturdy and simple, creating a walk-able path through what would normally have been an un-passable marsh. At the current time of day, approximately noon, there was none of the beautiful sunset that the park was well known for, but the slight breeze that ran through the reeds was still remarkable... it gave the park a sense of life, really.
The Paille led them to a small bench overlooking part of the park, it's wooden seat worn with many visitors taking a seat as well. They settled down, the younger woman folding her skirts under her like any dignified Dynasty lady. They sat in silence for a moment, Lacerta not daring to - or feeling like - speaking, until something else deemed it time to break the silence. A chirping could be heard first, the calls filling the mostly quiet park. Then the bird itself appeared, hopping on top of the reeds like they were great, strong poles that could simply be walked across. It was a basic songbird, probably some kind of sparrow, though neither of them had the bird knowledge to correctly identify its species. It chirped a little more, bringing a small smile onto both of their faces, before glancing at the pair of women.
The bird didn't seem to mind their company, but apparently had better things to do than watch them. It took flight with a few quick wing flaps, and disappeared into the cloudy sky. The scholar watched the creature fly away for a moment, before grinning slightly. "Wouldn't you like to fly? Just... leave this place whenever you wanted..." She sighed quietly, before scratching her head slightly. "I'm getting tired of Kenash, and all it's rules. Marie was better at that. I wish I could go somewhere... with less slaves." The statement had a touch of bitterness, which was collected into a sharp laugh at the end. The Ethaefal's eyes widened slightly at the statement... she hadn't heard this opinion yet. Rosa wanted to leave? That was new... very new. But it seemed well thought over, rather than impulsive.
She gave a wry smile at the thought, considering her own travels. She'd avoided Kenash for just that reason... the slavery. She could never stand it, and now... she was stuck in it. However... the statement gave her a slight hope. A slight hope for freedom, and finally getting out of this dratted city. "You know," she commented, trying to keep her voice light and airy, with a joking tone to it. "I can sail quite well, in my opinion... I used to travel quite a lot before other things decided to come my way." She didn't want to get into a bitter recollection of getting captured, as that was long gone and past... but the Paille seemed to want to know. "How were you captured, Lacerta? I never asked..." The woman gave a small smile, causing Lacerta to sigh quietly to herself... she would have to tell the story anyways.
"In Riverfall... oh, years ago... I think ten? Maybe more. Anyways, I met another Ethaefal, a son of Syna. We became quick friends, and eventually decided to sail to Syliras... as that was apparently his dream. I agreed, since I liked having company while sailing, and we moved on..." She sighed, not really liking this part. The beginning was so calm and innocent, when you thought about it... and just became depressing and irritating afterwards. "Well, nearby Kenash, we came across a boat. They claimed to need carpentry help, and the Ethaefal - Apus - claimed to have a basic knowledge of the trade. I followed him... I didn't like or trust the sailors, and I wanted to keep an eye on him. But... it wasn't me who needed an eye kept on..."