Completed [Temple of Viratas] An Alternative Method

Scorn tries a most un-Zithy way of dealing with her problems.

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A surreal cavern city inhabited by Symenestra where stones glow and streets are reams of silk. Cocoon like structures hang between stalactites and cascade over limestone flows in organic and eerie arabesques. Without a Symenestra willing to escort you, entrance is impossible.

[Temple of Viratas] An Alternative Method

Postby Aranta on November 30th, 2013, 1:28 pm

Aranta vaguely understood what the spider-man was doing; he was attempting to speak in Zithanese. Very poorly. Then he switched to common tongue, and Aranta listened intently. After the Symenestra spoke of his ancestors, the female turned to Aranta, sneering about how the 'stick man' feared his elders. Frankly, Aranta understood the spider-man's fear; the elder Zith of Aranta's own clan were ferocious when annoyed. At her challenge, however, Aranta bared his teeth at the female. "Gladly," he growled.

When the Symenestra began speaking of 'gods,' though, he found himself agreeing with the female. "I do not understand. What are these 'gods' you speak of?"
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[Temple of Viratas] An Alternative Method

Postby Viridae Kabre on November 30th, 2013, 8:50 pm

Viridae furled his brow and glared heavily at Scorn, patience wearing thin. If not for the countless hours he'd spent tracking game, he would not know the discipline at all.

And how was he supposed to explain his people's relationship with Viratas? It didn't make any sense. He was under qualified.

"Our people asked for his aid long ago. He helps us, in exchange for our worship." Viridae stepped closer to Aranta. "He's like our father. Our guidance. Our guardian. We help him, and he keeps us safe."

Then he placed a careful hand on scorn's forearm, tracing a faint vein beneath her skin. "This is what he deals in. Blood. He bears reigns over the blood of all things. We ask him to make our blood pure"
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[Temple of Viratas] An Alternative Method

Postby Scorn on December 1st, 2013, 2:32 am

OOCYou keep assuming that Scorn will let you touch her. Please stop before you lose that pretty face. :D
But seriously, stepping between two fighting Zith? You should be severely wounded or dead now. I should have brought this up earlier.

Scorn flinched away from the stick man, about to lose her temper. The only prey to get that close to her was one she intended to eat. She raised her claws to strike him again, but remembered again about Laute. A low, involuntary growl rumbled in her throat. Much more of this and a non-present Laute would not be enough to save this puny stick man.

From his explanation, it sounded like this "Viratas," this "god," was nothing more than their clan elder. In a skeptical murmur to her fellow Zith, she said, "Their elder makes his clan bleed themselves for him? And they do it willingly? No wonder they were so frail and weak." She wondered what Viratas did with his clan's blood. Did he just drink it? It sounded like a futile and evil practice, and if it had been a Zith and not an irrelevant race, Scorn might have been outraged. As it was, she just found it funny...

...Until she remembered that Scourge was in danger of joining them. Would these sick monsters bleed her sister? If she needed any more reason not to let Scourge stay with these creatures, she certainly had it now. She struggled to put her fears into terms the stick man would understand. "Keep your bloodthirsty 'god' away from my sister," she growled, baring her teeth inches from his face, so he could smell her predator's breath.
"Dialogue in italics is in Zithanese."
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[Temple of Viratas] An Alternative Method

Postby Aranta on December 2nd, 2013, 7:50 pm

Aranta stepped closer to the Symenestra, ready to move should the female attack him; Aranta did this not from any sense of protection towards the other male for his sake, but rather for Aranta's own; he was curious about this god, and so far, he knew only of the one Symenestra that could satisfy his curiosity.

He nodded in agreement at the female's comment, however; it did not make much sense for a clan elder to demand his clan weaken themselves, just for his sake. When Scorn stepped towards the spider-man, Aranta tensed, but he could understand her concern-- apparently her family was in danger from this god. He growled in agreement; while the Symenestra could satisfy his curiosity, Aranta would still side with another Zith over a strange race.
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[Temple of Viratas] An Alternative Method

Postby Viridae Kabre on December 3rd, 2013, 1:34 am

oocits a teaching method. Frankly, fighting in the temple as well as even being there in the first place are grounds enough to piss the Symenestra off. Viridae knows that and is pushing his boundaries. Its the consequence for breaking laws. He gains leverage.

Viridae turned his head slightly, sweeping the rancid smell from his hair easily with one clawed hand. "He is the one who binds the two of you. Through blood. Anything that can be given can be taken as well. Keep that in mind. I control his will as a fish controls the ocean."

With that he paced slowly towards a silk laden hallway, shimmering slightly and whispering silence. This is what he had come for. His mother.
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[Temple of Viratas] An Alternative Method

Postby Scorn on December 7th, 2013, 12:04 am

OOCI'm perfectly willing to accept the consequences for Scorn's actions. You want to bring in the authorities? Go for it. Just be careful about assuming other character's reactions. Assuming that you'll have time to casually go on talking without interruption after stepping into a Zith fight is getting perilously close to godmodding. ;)

Scorn did not really understand what the stick man was saying, but it sounded like a threat. Scorn did not know much about fish--they were always too quick and slippery for her to catch--but here was this stick man claiming, if she understood correctly, that he controlled the will of a being that demanded the blood of its own kin. It was sick.

Worse, here she was standing in the center of their lair. She hadn't felt this vulnerable since she and Scourge had raided a glassbeak nest. Her whole body was tense, preparing for an unforeseeable attack from an unknown enemy. When the stick man began to walk away, Scorn did not exactly relax, but she did seize the chance to escape. As she backed out of the temple, keeping all her senses alert for signs of threat (especialy the quickened heartbeat of something about to attack), she muttered to her new friend, "Let's get out of here. I itch to feel the sky under my wings." In the sky, she was safe. There was so little that could hurt her while she was flying.
"Dialogue in italics is in Zithanese."
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[Temple of Viratas] An Alternative Method

Postby Aranta on December 8th, 2013, 12:47 am

Aranta watched the Symenestra walk away, but he didn't follow him, instead following the female Zith as she backed out of the cave; he had not had a chance to interact with others of his kind for a while now, and he had missed flying with another Zith. Once they were out in the open, Aranta turned towards the female. "I have not heard your name," he commented, stretching his wings, glad to be out of the cave; he did not like the cave where this "god" lived. "Mine is Aranta."

OOCApologies for the short posts; I'm still working out how to balance a Zith's personality. :) Hopefully I'll have it figured out soon!
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[Temple of Viratas] An Alternative Method

Postby Scorn on December 8th, 2013, 6:04 pm

Scorn spared a glance for Aranta as they walked out of the Temple. Just before she dropped into the empty space below Kalinor, she spared him one word. "Scorn."

As much as she wanted to meet a Zith, any Zith in this festering waste of a hole, she was overcome by a need to just get out. So she flew until she was free of the caves, and then she just kept flying, not looking back until she'd forgotten where she came from.
"Dialogue in italics is in Zithanese."
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[Temple of Viratas] An Alternative Method

Postby Poison on December 23rd, 2013, 5:23 pm

Skills: Interrogation 2, Observation 2, Brawling 2, Intimidation 1
Lores: A Prayer to Viratas; Location: Temple of Viratas; Viridae’s Offering; Symenestra cut themselves for their God; Symenestra pray in front of a Pool of Blood; Don’t fight in the Temple of Viratas!; Religion: Viratas; Acquaintance: Aranta

Skills: Observation 2, Dodging 1, Brawling 1, Interrogation 1
Lores: Location: The Temple of Viratas; Viridae’s Offering; Symenestra cut themselves for their God; Symenestra pray in front of a Pool of Blood; Don’t fight in the Temple of Viratas!; Religion: Viratas; Acquaintance: Scorn

Viridae Kabre:
Skills: Observation 2, Stealth 2, Teaching 2, Intimidation 1
Lores: Recognizing Zithanese; Teaching Scorn to make an Offering to Viratas; Imitating Zithanese; Zith are like Children

Notes: Lots of religion related lores for the two Zith! Viridae, you get teaching XP for trying to teach Scorn and Aranta about Viratas. Scorn gets brawling for attacking and hitting the other two, and of course you all get observation for watching each other do things.

Viridae, I didn’t give you the acquaintance lores because Scorn and Aranta only said their names after you were gone.

Let me know if I have missed any XP or lores or if you think I should have given you more!

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