Closed Four quintets of quick fingers (Ardan)

Two thieves meet during a job

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The Diamond of Kalea is located on Kalea's extreme west coast and called as such because its completely made of a crystalline substance called Skyglass. Home of the Alvina of the Stars, cultural mecca of knowledge seekers, and rife with Ethaefal, this remote city shimmers with its own unique light.

Four quintets of quick fingers (Ardan)

Postby Brandon Blackwing on November 27th, 2013, 7:01 pm

OOCOh, I forgot to tell you that I edited the echolocation stuff since Elysium did not approve of it. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Upon opening the chest, he almost forgot about the other guy, hiding from him. Well, he didn’t matter right now, this was more important. He kept an ear out for any sound he made, but except for the almost unnoticeable breaths the man took he couldn't detect a thing. He didn’t hear any footsteps or other indications that the man was moving at all. Well, he did, but he paid it no heed. It was impossible to stand absolutely motionless after all.

Shrugging casually, he threw the lid of the chest wide open, revealing what was stored inside. Much to his disappointment, the chest didn’t hold the treasures he’d expected to find. He had dreamed of loads of kina, jewels of the highest value, gold and silver rings and necklaces stored within. He shook his head. Tsk. He had to admit that his daydreams of fortune and treasure were a bit unrealistic. Such things would only be found it a safe box with a really though lock that only master thieves could pick. Such boxes were very expensive, he knew.

But this guy - , how had he called himself again? Geoff? Something like that. – seemed to have loads of money. He owned that expensive feeling vase over there, so he had to have. Why didn’t he have decent locks then? Maybe he had, like the one on the chest, but he hadn’t bothered feeling the inside of it, so he had no idea if it was a sturdy lock or not. Not that it mattered, or that the thief cared. But still, he was a bit disappointed.

What kept in the chest he’d just opened were papers. Documents perhaps? Important ones? No, he doubted that. He wouldn’t store them in a random chest in the living room if they were. Plucking hands full of paper out of the chest’s belly, he threw it over his shoulder. Maybe there was something hidden underneath them. Too bad. This box only contained worthless paper. Nothing he could take pride in stealing it. He sighed.

Maybe this Geoff wasn’t so rich after all. He just owned a fancy house and vase to impress people, but had wasted all his money when he bought them and was a poor bastard now. A nice story, but the bat didn’t believe it. Even though he had made it up himself, and it might be probable didn’t mean it was true. Grabbing the sides of the lid, he pulled it shut, sealing off the (now) empty chest. Were there other things worth breaking in to here in this room? Yes, a few more chests stood side by side, guarding a statue on a small pedestal.

He didn’t want to go through the trouble of smashing his thumb again, so he ignored them. Something else got his attention now. Something that annoyed him like a mosquito buzzing in your ears when you want to sleep. Not that he minded that too much really. He considered it to be a free meal. His prey came to him for once. He hated their stings though. It itched. Very annoying.

Getting to his feet, he placed his hand on his cloak accidently. Feeling an instant pull at his neck, he quickly sat back down and tried again, making sure he didn’t make that mistake again. In an attempt to look casual, he looked around the room, stared at a random object near the wall on the same side the open door was and headed that way with stealthy steps. Distraction movement completed. Good. Now for the annoying pest observing him.

How should he deal with that other intruder? Just sneak towards him and attack? Wouldn’t he notice right away? Besides the bat had to turn around the corner first and only then he could attack. In that moment the other one could have struck already. Or fled. He’d rather have the latter. He did have to admit that he was starting to get fired up again. Fear was gathering in his stomach, but excitement as well. He closed his eyes briefly and shivered with pleasure. This was becoming an addiction, if it hadn’t been one already the first time he’d felt it.

Perhaps he could go around and catch him in the back? A surprise attack so to speak. He didn’t think that was actually possible. He hadn’t seen any other doors in the hallway, except the one that had brought him here. He could have missed it. It was possible. He couldn’t see really well in the dark, so the lack of light might have cloaked the door. He could try. The house was certainly big enough to have multiple doors in the hallway. He’d put his money on that plan. It was safer. Even though he had to turn his back at the sneaky bastard hiding in his corner. He shrugged. No plan was ever without risk. He strode towards the door, silently and seemingly calm, but his muscles were tensed and his ears cocked.

Last edited by Brandon Blackwing on February 2nd, 2014, 3:34 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Brandon Blackwing
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Four quintets of quick fingers (Ardan)

Postby Ardan on December 1st, 2013, 5:22 am


Suddenly, a bat flew across the ceiling and out a crack in a window. However, the man was still there. So, the echolation he had heard was likely just the small animal and not a Kelvic thief.

Nearlt silent footsteps. The man was very, very good. However, not much could escape Ardan's ears, and he just barely noticed the man walking away. He quickly looked around the corner, and saw the intruder, with his back turned. Perhaps they were not the professional he expected.

Ardan sneaked forward as quietly as he could. However, despite his efforts, the floor creaked under his light footsteps. Damn it. He drew his dagger, convinced that his plan had already fallen through.
Last edited by Ardan on December 3rd, 2013, 10:51 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Four quintets of quick fingers (Ardan)

Postby Brandon Blackwing on December 2nd, 2013, 6:38 pm

Just when he reached the door, a loud flapping of wings boomed through the silent room. The sound bounced against the walls and resonated with the ears of the thief. Brandon, startled by the sudden noise, jumped and turned his head towards the sound. Seeing it was just a bat making his way to the open air through a broken window, he relaxed. Hm, just one of my kin. Nothing to worry about. Wait, was that a crack in the window? Darn, such a big hole! No wonder it’s freezing in here!

Now, a bit more comfortable with everything, he returned to his original position, looking away from the other thief. He had almost forgotten about the fellow, when stealthy footsteps padded over to him. The guy was pretty good in moving quiet, but not good enough. The bat’s ears were almost unbeatable in detecting sounds. Even if he was in human form right now. He grinned. So the bastard had decided to go for the offence eh? Well too bad. His surprise attack wouldn’t work out as the guy had planned.

Brandon turned the knob of the door and opened it once more, stepping into the dark hallway. Just when he was about to close the door, he heard a cracking noise coming from behind. A rotten board protested when he had to support the guy’s weight. The bat could imagine him standing stark stiff in fear, hoping he wouldn’t have heard it. As if. Even the dead could have heard this. The noise had been way too loud. A thought occurred to him. The man might as well charge at him now. He had been discovered already anyway. Keeping up the sneaky act wouldn’t do him much good.

The bat cursed under his breath and hid behind the door, intending to throw it into the man’s face when he stepped into the frame of the thing. It was worth a try. It probably wouldn’t work, but it might create a nice distraction he could use to slip away or land a hit. Either way, the intruder was in for a surprise. Not a pleasant one, but a painful one. Well, it had the potential. Holding his breath in anticipation, he waited and focussed on the footsteps of the thief. He was getting closer, he could hear it as clearly as his own thoughts. How many steps? He guessed it would take about four of them, maybe five, maybe three. Silently, he counted them. One, …. Two, …. Three ….

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Four quintets of quick fingers (Ardan)

Postby Ardan on December 3rd, 2013, 10:01 pm


Just as Ardan was about to attack, the other man disappeared behind the door. It was the sensible thing to do, except for one problem. He had left the door open. When making an escape, most thieves would be slamming doors and knock things over to get away. However, this one had left it open, and Ardan couldn't hear any footsteps.

Whatever you do, do not go through that door. He's waiting to slam it in your face.

"Clever little bastard, eh?" he whispered. He could think of only one thing to do, but it would end up alarming the house's owners and every guard within hearing range.However, he didn't exactly care for the place's contents. At least, not as much as he cared about getting the man who was in his target building.

He prepared to pounce, his body quickly transforming into a jaguar. Luckily, he was a relatively large cat, and his clothing could fit both forms, more or less. The trousers were a bit too long and the shirt too short. However, with cut sleeves, his claws were uncovered.

He leaped forward, this form making him much faster than the man was expecting. He jumped through the door, just barely avoiding being hit, but also not hitting the man. It took his a moment to regain his faculties, but he managed to turn and growl at the intruder.

"So, did this factor into your plan?" he hissed, knowing full well that the man likely didn't understand him. Unless, of course, he was a feline Kelvic. Unlikely.

OC: I made some small edits to my other posts on this thread. Nothing too major, just a few fixes.
"I walk a lonely road, the only road that I have ever known. Don't know where it goes, but it's only me and I walk alone."
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Four quintets of quick fingers (Ardan)

Postby Brandon Blackwing on December 4th, 2013, 6:06 pm

And that was when things started going wrong. Not only did the man suspect he was up to something, he knew because he heard him whispering, but he guessed the other thief had a plan of his own. One specially created to counter his. What it was he did not know, however, he would stick with his scheme. It might not work, well in fact he was certain it wouldn’t work out, but it might buy him some time. Might.

Of course it didn’t go like planned. Once things turned bad, they never did. The bat found it very annoying. What’s the point in having a plan when it won’t work anyway? Who cares if it’s because of unforeseen happenings or whatever else reasons one could think of. Yes, a back-up plan should always be prepared in case things go bad, but that doesn’t mean that plan is completely infallible, does it? No. All plan’s have a chance of failure, no matter how great it is, or how well it was executed. In fact one should always have prepared about one hundred schemes, taking all unforeseeable factors into account. That was just a little bit impossible for a normal thief to do. He wasn’t some genius mastermind tactician. He only had one plan, maybe two or even three in rare cases.

Anyways, things didn’t turn out in the bat’s favour. It started with a flash of blinding light that illuminated the whole place for less than a tick before it faded away. Because of his position behind the door, his eyes had been spared from most of it, but he was not completely unaffected. Upon seeing the light, his orbs had adjusted themselves to it and now he was left behind, blinded in the dark. It would take a couple of chimes before he could use them again. Tsk. He should think of a plan for situations like that too.

His arms reacted before he knew what was going on. It was just a reaction on what happened. A brief moment of panic. In that period his arms had thrown the door back into the frame, the heavy object swinging fast and smashing to a stop. A loud boom filled the house. Great, now his ears were wrecked as well. It was not as bad as he initially thought though. It had been loud, true, but not deafening. However, it seemed to have awakened the bloke upstairs. He detected feet touching down on the floor and footsteps resounding. Things turned really, really bad this time.

Then he heard a growling noise coming from in front of him. Oh yes, the other thief, almost forgotten that bastard. Instead of a human, a large feline beast awaited him. Well, he guessed it was feline. It hissed like felines do. He didn’t really care. Cat or not, he wasn’t going to ask. Or stay. Survival instinct was running wild in his body, sounding all the alarms and sending waves of adrenaline pumping through his veins. A big hunter up front and an angry target making it’s way towards the hallway on the first floor.

The choice was simple. The least dangerous would be the human, so he’d run upstairs. However, the bat doubted he would be able to outrun a swift hunter. Probably not. And certainly not with his eyes still adapting. He needed to buy some time. He opened his mouth and started blabbing about the first thing that popped up in his head. “Where do all those Kelvics pop up from? It seems that the only persons I meet are Kelvic lately. Chari, Engghaen, now this guy…” It still wasn’t enough. Well, an escape in the dark it would be then. He sighed. What a pain.

But maybe, just maybe, he might be able to get out of here alive. However, his plan was sure to create a lot of noise and would probably attract the Shinya like moths to the light. He sighed, what a stupid situation he was in, it made him think of the time he discovered the body of that old man, Arthur. But this time he guessed things wouldn't turn out alright for him. There were three possible outcomes he didn't like: getting ripped to pieces by this big cat, getting caught by the inhabitant of this place and getting chased by the Shinya, or successfully exiting this place and attracting the guards. But the last one did gave him the chance to escape, he could probably disappear in the night. As he made up his mind, Brandon realised his body was trembling, and cold sweat was pearling on his forehead.

His sight had restored by now, enlarging his chances a little bit more, but it still was a gamble. A gamble with very little probability of him still being a free bat when this was over, but well, he could try, right? Bran rotated ninety degrees to the right and spurt up the stairs, his boots stomping the treads, he had been discovered already so he didn't care about being sneaky anymore.

The man standing In front of the stairs, on the first floor yelled something of which the meaning didn't get through the thief, he practically flew up the stairs, ramming his shoulder into the man's chest and tackling him. The man crashed down on the floor, the thief stumbled forward, almost falling himself but regained his balance soon and ran to the nearest window, propelling himself through the glass, shattering it while protecting himself with knees pulled up and arms protecting his face. Shards twirled around him, some cutting his skin, making the blood flow.

The bat crashed down hard on the stones below, his left leg hit the ground harder than expected, and the bend knees and the roll that followed to break his fall didn't help enough to make him get away without a scratch. He was limping, his leg burned with pain, a shard of glass had pierced it, sticking out of his shin. Bran pulled it out and threw it away, moving onwards, away from the crime scene. He didn't feel like getting caught by the guards, so he carried his body further away until he found a small space to hide, where he could wait for the Shinya to pass by before he continued his escape.

The bat hoped they'd hurry, quite a lot of blood was flowing out the wound. He should bandage it with something, a piece of cloth perhaps, but he didn't have any on him. He should use his cape then. With his trembling hands, he tore a strip off the downside of his cloak and wrapped it around his leg, covering the opening of the wound and temporarily stopping the flow of crimson. The catholicon, he should pay it a visit as soon as possible, who knows what would happen if he didn't.

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Credit for this awesome sig goes to Estrellir Konrath
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Brandon Blackwing
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Four quintets of quick fingers (Ardan)

Postby Catastrophe on April 19th, 2014, 2:50 pm

Brandon Blackwing :

  • Planning: 4 XP
  • Socialization: 1 XP
  • Larceny: 2 XP
  • Stealth: 2 XP
  • Observation: 3 XP
  • Escape Artist: 1 XP
  • Medicine: 1 XP


  • Planning: Deciding which Outcome to Pick
  • Revenge: The Definition of Breaking and Entering
  • Escape Artist: Escaping through the Upstairs Window
  • Medicine: Using a Cape to Wrap a Wound
  • Lying to Escape the Shinya's Suspicion
  • Interpreting Valuables through Touch
  • Larceny: Wedging into Locked Chests
  • Thief vs. Thief: A Bad Combination


  • Brandon has received a bruised thumb from his attempts at breaking into a chest. This should heal in roughly four days. He has also received a moderate laceration on his leg which should heal in approximately a week and a half. I will leave the leg part up to you. You mentioned the possibility of going to the Catholicon. If you do create a thread describing his time there, you may mention breaking your leg, spraining your leg or fracturing your leg all of which have a healing time of more than two weeks.

Ardan :
Once you have updated your ledger, please send me a private message so that I can award you your grades.

Notes :
Oh my goodness guys, the way you threaded with each other had me sitting on the edge of my seat. They weren't official interactions as you both didn't speak much to one another. Instead, you just sat idly by and watched each other in the shadows, trying to see what each other would do next and trying to plot what would happen. That was very suspenseful for me and I must admit I truly enjoyed reading this thread!

Brandon, brilliant work. I hope he takes care of his leg!

If you have any issues with your grades, please don't hesitate to send me a private message!

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