Completed Memories of Past Flowers

Remembering those that have passed

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Built into the cliffs overlooking the Suvan Sea, Riverfall resides on the edge of grasslands of Cyphrus where the Bluevein River plunges off the plain and cascades down to the inland sea below. Home of the Akalak, Riverfall is a self-supporting city populated by devoted warriors. [Riverfall Codex]

Memories of Past Flowers

Postby Faryon Whiteflower on September 30th, 2013, 2:17 am

Timestamp: 45th of Autumn, 513AV

At first Faryon wasn't going to go but after much thought she decided it will help her get pass it. Its been ten years now since the passing of her mother but still part of her blames herself and because of that she hasn't let go nor forgiven herself. Death is common occurrence out in the Sea of Grass with the Drykas hardly doing anything once some passed believing, once dead the soul stays connected to the web and the body is just flesh and bones to return to the grass. Riverfall however had a day to remember those that have left this world.

The teen have gone into the city a few times since her fated journey to Riverfall and the Sanctuary. Learning a few of the customs of Remembrance Day beforehand she came with red ribbons woven in her braid bun. She also decided to make an more elaborate braid than normal to commemorate the date.

The morning was given to families to mourn in their own way and traditions. Since Faryon had no set in stone way to do it she decided to spend it on the beach remembering her favorite moments with her mother, S'forea. The teen particularly favored when her and her mother would sneak out of the pavilion to watch the clouds crawl across the sky. They would giggle and laugh when they would pick out shapes, figures and animals amongst the fluffy puffs. The memories brought a smile and silent tears to her face.

Looking up to the sky to see if she could see the clouds but was disappointed to see it was overcast with gloomy grey clouds. Well they are certainly helping the mood of the city Faryon thought somberly.

The clouds reminded her of another memory when she was much younger. It was raining pretty bad and had continued through the night with lightning and thunder. The loud bangs and flashes had woken her up, scared her and rushing to her mother's bedroll. She had soothed her by singing to her. The song had been ridiculous something made on whim but had distracted Faryon from the storm outside. She began singing softly.

"Silly little doggy, where are you going?
Are you going home? Oh silly little doggy,
Where is your bone?"

There was more to the song but she couldn't recall all of it so instead she just hummed the rest and filling in the random words and phrases until the end.

She knew about midday the Akalak council was going to give a speech then several people were allowed to share art, poems, and stories. Faryon had no wish to join that part of day, what she really wanted to participate in was the activities tonight. A vigilance was to be held after the pyre filled with flowers and candles,in honor of Dira, was sent out to sea and no longer seen. Faryon planned to use the red ribbons in her hair to decorate the little candle boat and let it drift out to sea as well.
Last edited by Faryon Whiteflower on December 6th, 2013, 7:45 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Faryon Whiteflower
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Memories of Past Flowers

Postby Faryon Whiteflower on October 15th, 2013, 2:54 am

21st bell

Faryon had spent the mid day wandering up and down the beach. Most of the time, was spent trying to remember the words to the song and throwing rocks out to sea. It was really frustrating she could remember the slight details of that night but couldn't remember the darn words to the song. The whole point of the memory. Faryon was stubborn and even as she made her way to where Riverfall residents were to sail off the pyre, she hummed the song trying to will the words to her.

She was in better spirits than this morning and hoped she could remain as such the rest of the night. Faryon knew her mother would be cross with her for shedding so many tears for her, so the Drykas made it her new mission to not cry anymore tonight.

The big pyre was being pushed by three big Akalaks in various shades of blues out to the water's edge where it would be sent out to sea. Already there was a big crowd ready to watch on and more were trickling in. Stopping only for a few chimes to watch the Akalaks finish moving the pyre, before heading back towards the city.

Faryon was looking for a vendor who was selling the memory boats for those who wish or could not make one of their own. The Drykas would have made her own but she didn't have an ounce of artistic nature in her and knew if she tried the first chime it entered the water it was sure to sink. So to play it safe, she rather just buy one.

As she predicted there was a few vendors not far from the beach and the ever growing crowd. Faryon looked over the little paper boats. They all were pretty with various designs and/or pictures on them. She wanted to find one that represented her mother and almost missed it until another person beside her picked out a boat that was blocking it. It was perfect in an almost creepy way. The boat itself was the same generic shape as all the rest but what made it perfect was the beautiful lotus flower adorning the side.

The lotus flower was her mother's favorite flower. S'forea was always telling her that it symbolized wisdom, openness, beauty, light and most of all rebirth. Her mother would say even when its roots are in the dirtiest waters, the lotus produces the most beautiful flower. When Faryon was younger she didn't understand the meaning of that statement but as she grew up, she began to. Her mother was comparing the lotus to human condition.

S'forea was a spiritual Drykas believing in multiple rebirths was needed to reach peace with oneself. She was a strong believer in Lhex, the god of fates, despite knowing he desired no followers. She didn't pray to him but more along the lines acknowledged him and his power of deciding what one would he reborn as/who.

Faryon paid the vendor 3 silver rimmed mizas for the boat and began looking for a less populated area of the beach.
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Faryon Whiteflower
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Memories of Past Flowers

Postby Faryon Whiteflower on December 6th, 2013, 7:45 am

Faryon was in luck, the crowd that had gathered to watch the flower pyre be shipped out had mostly dissipated into smaller crowds. They kept a vigilant eye on the pyre that was now barely more than a slight blob on the horizon. The Drykas herself couldn't see it but it seemed the Akalaks could.

She picked a spot further down the beach so she wouldn't bother any of the other participants. Sitting at the water's edge, Faryon allowed the water to lap slowly at her toes. The teen set the boat gently down in the sand next to her so she could take one of the red ribbons from her hair. It wasn't difficult to remove but definitely was a bit time consuming due to the amount of hair she had. By the end of it all, her was quite all over the place and no longer was a nice neat braid bun.

Now looking at the candle boat she was unsure how to attach it without the candle cindering it asunder. Faryon opted to just tie it in a bow then place the small candle on top of it and hope it still wouldn't catch on fire.

"Mom there is so much I wish I could tell you right now.." Faryon was threatened to start crying again but she refuse to break her promise, even if it was to herself. "I love you and I miss you." With those words, the teen let the little boat go and a swift push. The current of the sea did the rest and slowly pulled it out further. Faryon watched on and felt herself finally forgive herself and let go. The Drykas watch the paper lotus boat until she no longer couldn't.

She had no idea how much time had passed since the boat had left her field of vision but she continue to sit there a few chimes more. For once in a really long time Faryon felt at peace, like a great weight was lifted and it made her smile.. Truly smile. And with that she left the beach, with Syna's ray slowly peeking over the horizon.
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Faryon Whiteflower
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