The ride back home was largely silent, Miro staying to himself for once, and Alric going over the conversation and plans in his head. He had a few ideas that he wasn't quite ready to share yet, but would in time. He had many things to do before Miro and he were ready to act. Miro was quite excited it seemed about owning and operating a magic shop. Alric gave him his attention, but in truth cared little about the shop. Though if he stopped to truly think about it, he may have become just as excited. It was an opportunity for great wealth, something he desperately wanted. But he did not see it that way. he saw it only as a means to live. No, what he saw as an avenue of wealth was the Ravokian Political scene. He knew first impressions were important. And his first move was going to make ripples that he could scarcely imagine. What then would happen afterward? He shuddered with excitement. They came upon the house rather quickly, or at least it seemed that way. Though Alric imagined it had more to do with the fact that he had been so deep in thought. As they left, Alric made sure to alter the ravosalaman's memory of him. He did not want anyone to know who he was, where he was, what he was doing, or finding out in the future when he knew more people would be inquiring about him. The best way to do that, of course was to alter the ravosalamans' memories. He made it quick so as to catch up to Miro. As he and Miro entered, Alric turned the corner into his room, carrying his own things. He placed them inside the door, next to the corner in a nice neat pile. He already had most of his stuff there, minus the things left on the bed to make room in his backpack. He retrieved the backpack and refilled it with his basic necessities before it too joined his things neatly in the corner. After that he found Miro in the common area. He sat down and spoke plainly. "I believe that you should work on your glyphing now, as we have no time to waste. This opportunity will not last much longer. As such we must be ready as soon as humanely possible. Or, um... well you know what I mean. In any case I have things to attend to myself tomorrow. And I will be occupying my mornings with intense studies. When you are done I will join you, and we should join up sooner rather than later I think. Contact me, please, when you are done. I will be freely available in the evenings. This is not a time of rest. If you need me I'll be reading that animation book before sleeping and then waking early in the morn." With that said, Alric left the room, intent on his goals like never before. |