1st of Winter
Hadyn’s Apartment
Hadyn’s Apartment
How could he have missed it? Wasn’t it too soon? Gods, for being a doctor, he knew next to nothing about how that process worked. He couldn’t believe that it was turning out this way. But maybe he should have. When he saw the note, when he saw what was on the note, all his worries and fears about what was going to happen between them boiled over the top, leaving Orion pacing back and forth in the halls of in front of his room. He knew he should go, he knew he should go right then, but the unknown had never been so terrifying.
One of the chaperones had questioned him earlier, demanding to know why he was out past curfew. When he’d given his reason, the woman had then questioned why he was standing around in the dorms instead of rushing across the city to go and see, and that was something he didn’t have an answer for. If he went to her apartment, then it would all become real. Every opportunity he’d had to back out would fade into the distance and there’d be no more running away from reality.
It was the single most terrifying thing he’d experienced.
It was worse than even Emily had been. He knew what he was getting with her. An untamable brat. But with Hadyn and the newborn? Despite all their talks, despite all their fights, he had no idea what she truly expected. But…
He knew he had to go. There was no other way around it. He only had a bit of time; he’d been informed right when he returned there was a ceremony of some kind early in the morning. He had to get cleaned up and wear that blasted officer’s uniform. But there were several bells yet. He could get across the city, spend some time there, and get back in time. He hoped.
After removing his armor, Orion set off, trying to do anything but think about what he was doing. Training, riding, surgery, anything but a baby.
”….Only a baby..”
He shook his head, frowning as he made his way throughout the city. Streaks of dirt marred his face as he took weary step after weary step. His black locks were wild and unkempt, and his beard was a little fuller and considerably messier. Out on the road there was no one to impress, after all. The only thing out there was something trying to kill him. And Dinah’s judgment, of course.
He wasn’t sure how long it took him to get there; he’d thought on multiple occasions of just dipping into a bar and calling it a night. He could lie, say he missed the note, maybe fib about when he got in, or even better, say the chaperone wouldn’t let him leave. Because a five foot nothing tall woman was really going to be able to stop Orion if he really wanted to go.
No, he was stuck. He had to go.
Nervous, Orion found himself pacing once again when he did finally arrive at the entrance to her apartment. ”That was a nice morning walk,” he muttered. ”Now to go back to the dorms, right?” The squire sigh and went to knock on the door, but his hand froze inches from contact as though some magical field had prevented his entry. There’s another good excuse. Wizards. Wizards wouldn’t let me come see you.
He was such an idiot.
Taking a deep breath Orion brought his hand back and gently rapped his knuckles against the wooden frame. There he would wait, torn on whether he wanted the dark haired woman to hear the knock and become aware of his presence.