Declan McManus

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Declan McManus

Postby Declan McManus on October 16th, 2009, 4:45 am

Declan McManus
Fledgling Hypnotist

Physical Information

Race: Human
Birthday & Age : 487 AV (22 Years old)
Gender: Male

Physical Description

Standing at just under six feet, Declan McManus weighs in at a little over 180 lbs. A light skin tone complimented with a modest tan suggests that outdoor labour and excursions are not uncommon. A well-cut jaw line sports a seemingly perpetual subtle. His hair is a dark blonde, which sits in a slightly wavy mop which looks well-cared for. His ice blue eyes are his most striking feature though, complimented by long lashes that really make them stand out.

It would be hard to deny that McManus is a handsome man, he is well-cut and seems to take the time to keep himself fit. By the lack of dirt on his face and under his nails, It is obvious that he takes his grooming habits seriously.

His voice is deep and smooth, he takes the time to annunciate, and when he speaks it has a certain melodic quality to it. He walks and speaks with confidence and perhaps a hint of cockiness as well.

Character Concept

The nature of Declan's magical talents lead him to be quite an extrovert. Admittedly he has become much more cautious on the amount he uses his abilities since the loss of his father back in 506AV, but his ambition to become more powerful in the arts of hypnotism often clash with his caution.

Confidence exudes from this man, a trait taught by his father at a young age. On the outside, Declan is a charming, and extremely friendly man. However this is somewhat of a front to hide his manipulative nature. A selfish man, he cares little about the fortune of others as long as he sees a profit for himself. On the occasions that he does perform 'selfless' acts or help others it is to boost his own sense of satisfaction.

In recent years especially, as his powers have grown, so has his sense of entitlement, growing up with all his needs met have left expectations in the young man's mind. He believes his powers are the gateway to greater things. He desires more and is willing to work and outplay others to get it. This ambition had fueled his quest for knowledge. He is curious to learn how to use his powers of Hypnotism to gain even more.

Though largely ignorant of magic as a whole, he has a keen desire to learn the other branches as well and expand his repertoire. His raw talent is quite impressive, he lacks knowledge of many of the customs and nature of magic as a whole. When using suggestions, he shows patience and creativity.

If accused of having a magical nature, he will deny it vehemently, though if able he will attempt to sway their opinions with his magical abilities. He will fight if cornered, but he knows his abilities in combat are limited at best. He will prefer flight. He relies on suggestion of others to achieve his aims.

Character History

Born in Sunberth in 487 AV, Declan was the only child of his mother Darcy and father, Benedict.

Declan was always aware his father was different than most. Where most families in Sunberth seemed to struggle with the ebb and flow of the free nature of the City, Declan's always seemed to prosper. They were well-liked, and always had Mizar and food to spare. It wasn't until his thirteenth birthday that Declan's father admitted to him the well-guarded secret to his family's success. Benedict was a master Hypnotist, and it was this feat alone that had allowed him and his family to live so well in the relative chaos that is Sunberth.

Suddenly, so many questions about his family were answered by the one simple admission from his father. Using his powers of Hypnotism, Declan's father had been able to gain a small position of affluence though was always careful not to push his luck too far. He knew full well how fast the people he had manipulated would turn on him if they only knew the truth.

It was at this time, that Declan was brought under the wing of his Father to learn the family trade in a sense. An art which he apparently learned from his own father. Benedict slowly taught his son over the years the art of Hypnotism, encouraging him to be confident in everything he does.

It wasn't too long before Declan's father started to bring him along on jobs with him. Usually selling bogus wares to unsuspecting customers in the markets and Squares of Sunberth. Never quite illegal (Not that it really mattered in Sunberth), but not moral either. The Father and son duo used their powers to manipulate those around them and make their living as con men.

In 506AV Declan returned home from a night on the town to find his parents home burning, and a large mob surrounding it. A few subtle questions to the crowd and Declan was able to learn that someone had outed his father's true nature as a Hypnotist. Who it was, he never learned. They had set his home alight with his parents inside. Too concerned for his own safety, lest the crowd catch on that he was related to the mage, Declan packed what few belongings and coin he had remaining and left the town.

For the next few years, Declan traveled about, taking odd jobs as a Caravan guard, from city to city, though by his own admission, he was a rather mediocre fighter. Recently, hhen he has needed a quick coin or two, he reads people's fortunes either with cards, or palms or whatever objects happen to be lying around. This had the added benefit of allowing him to be very close and intimate with many unsuspecting test subjects for his growing powers of hypnotism. Today it is one of his best sources of training.

Most recently he has arrived in Syliras, hoping to find new leads to develop his fledging powers of suggestion and emotional manipulation. He would be open to more formal training of his powers, but he is naturally very cautious of who he reveals his secret too.

Training (Skills, Arcana, Gnosis, Lore)

Hypnotism 30/100 (30 pts – starting package)
Seduction 10/100 (10 pts – starting package)
Sword 10/100 (10 pts – starting package)
Fortune Telling 10/100 (10 pts – racial bonus)
Meditation 5/100 (5 points – racial bonus)

Lore of Syliran Caravan routes.
Lore of Sylrian Underground contacts

Equipment and Possessions

1 Set of Clothing – Dark Green Cotton Cloak, Dark Leather boots, simple tunic and jerkin.
1 Waterskin
1 Backpack which contains:
1 Set of Toiletries (comb, brush, razor, soap)
Food for a week
1 eating knife (Starting Package)
Alice[Longsword with Ornate handle, originally his father's and supposedly his grandfather's as well] (Family Heirloom)

Starting Balance: 600 Mizas
Tarot Cards -10 Mizas (intial purchase)

Current Mizas: 590

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Declan McManus
Posts: 3
Words: 1193
Joined roleplay: October 16th, 2009, 4:30 am
Race: Human

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