Time stamp: Fall 39th 513 AV continued from here
It had been a wicked attack, and while Mamoru and company fought a brave effort it was time to return to the nest before the Myrians could regroup and really take them out. It was always hard to tell where they came from in the fields of dark green but the Myrians knew the jungle like the back of their hands. The Dhani sheathed their weapons and checked their wounds and their surroundings before they slipped off into the dark.
They could hear the bird calls in the distance and knew that more were on their way and fast. The small group separated in twos as they tip toed in the shadows of the jungle, trying to keep out of the Myrians sight. They crept along exchanging hand signals from one side to the other just in case one set saw the monkeys approaching to the others blind side. They continued on fading into the shadows, and even stopping from time to time if they heard any noises close by.
The wounded soldiers paused for breaks in between their runs, watching the flickering lights from above for signs of moving shadows. The group crouched low in the undergrowth, weapons ready to be pulled out if they found themselves being attacked again before they were ready to move on. Each Dhani had been wounded and each had fought to the best of their ability. No one had any way of knowing how the other group fared as there was no way of finding out until after they made it back to the nest...if they made it back.
"Having fun yet Mamoru?" Talsuness asked.
"Ssso much fun. They are ssure to be pisssed."
Both Dhani chuckled lightly, but were sure to keep their voices down so that they didn't draw attention to themselves. Several chimes passed, and they hadn't spotted anyone coming for them and so the group moved on, going in pairs so that the movement in the undergrowth wouldn't be as busy and noticeable to the Myrian's keen eyes.