The man was certainly no master of subterfuge, his emotions were easy to see as they flashed across his face, rapidly changing as his mood did. Which made Clyde wonder how such a person could prosper as a salesman and trader when he showed so easily what he felt...
Of course unless he was simply doing so on purpose to make himself seem less skilled and a fool, so others would underestimate him and would be taken by surprise by a sudden wise dealing that did not at face value seem so wise...
Clyde could see the logic behind such a train of thought as he had it, but he soon admitted to himself that such supposition while possible, seemed even to him to be bordering paranoid. But then his healthy sense of paranoia had kept him alive as a mage so far, when many others were not or would not still be...
Regardless, he resolved to not trust the man, and to be careful in his dealings. He was already upset by the sudden change in dealers, and said dealers seemingly "on shirt sleeve" emotions did nothing to counter this.
As the man leaned forward over the counter to look closer at his creation, Clyde held it up, holding both hands up palm to the ceiling, palms spaced out a bit along the staff, letting it balance on his hands in order to show it off, it and its immaculate isur carved face.
"As I said, it has been enchanted via my own Magics, that of Magecrafting. Have you ever heard of a Magic Staff? Such as the ones used by wizards and mages of old? This is no simple creation, no mundane stick that can simply swing faster or that can take more hits, no this is much more. This is a TRUE Magic Staff, the proper tool of a powerful mage, a true and permanent conduit of personal Magics."
By the way Clyde said "TRUE Magic Staff", it would likely seem clear that there was also a "not so true magic staff". This would of course be a normal staff with a normal enchantment laid upon it via Magecrafting, without the added step of making it into a true Magic Staff. Perhaps the man would know this, and know what Clyde meant by calling it a true staff, or perhaps this would require further explanation on the part of Clyde. It all depended upon how much he knew of Magecrafting. But unless asked, Clyde would give no further explanation here, instead continuing on full stride.
"It's base item is made of the rare Vian Wood, found only on the Isle of Mura, of the Konti. Its wood is especially good for use in making Magic Staffs, better able to handle the Magics. After that it was carved by an Isur right here in Ravok, and imbued with the power of Izentor, making it far stronger and sturdier than any un-enhanced staff made of Vian wood, or even many hardier substances."
Clyde would pause for a moment here to take a breath, and to let the man see the staff, before passing on to where his own work had come in.
"But of course that was not enough, for my next step was that of Magecrafting. I took 3 steps of enchantment, each harder than the last, in order to push the item into a state of being far beyond its humble beginnings."
Considering the story of how it was crafted, of wood from Mura and Izentor carved by a Isur, calling them humble beginnings was almost laughable, but still Clyde was in the full stride of telling of the story of the staff, and could not be stopped. And it was a good way of showing how far Clyde felt the staff had risen from its base point, which many would find to be a marvel.
"I enhanced it with 2 steps to its durability, bringing up its hardiness and overall durability to something only matched by other such magical items. And then I made my third and final step, that of turning it into a TRUE Magic Staff, a conduit of djed for a personal mage, a extension of their body, the tool and ally most mages would give their right leg for."
His story done, Clyde turned the staff, returning it to a two handed grip, and slammed it once on the ground before letting it rest in place. A motion made to bring attention to the end of his story, and to show how he did not fear it being damaged by such a blow.
"That, is what it is, and what it does. And that is why it is blue."
OOC: Sorry if I got a bit carried away, Clyde just could not help himself. And I quite enjoyed it also. |