Neutral: This label means that Dagnus knows the person, but doesn't know much about them, or have any feelings that stand otu.
Mixed: This means that Dagnus' feelings about a person are inconclusive. He knows their name, and a few of their deeds, though he doesn't agree with all of them.
Trusted: Dagnus knows the name of the person, and has heard of some relatively good deeds. The craftsmen trusts this individual to participate in business exchanges fairly, and will take measures to ensure that this customer is satisfied with his product, wanting to make sure they return to his forge.
Untrusted: The Isur is wary of this individual, perhaps from hearing stories of their swindling or lying habits. Dagnus will be careful when doing business with this person, not willing to budge on prices for custom items. However, Dagnus will still impart with common items reasonably easily with this person, though he might be careful as to how much he sells them for.
Liked: Dagnus has found a small amount of trust with this person, though they are not yet friends. Dagnus may be willing to do small favors for this person, so long as it poses no risk to himself, and is more likely to bump up custom forge requests from this person.
Disliked: A disliked individual is someone Dagnus has found to be troublesome and untrustworthy in they eyes of this Isur. Dagnus will make a point to avoid them, and will refrain from speaking with the individual. Dagnus may consider preforming small favors to this persons determent, if the action causes himself no harm. Dagnus is also likely to push back custom requested items from this person.
Friend: A individual that is highly valued by Dagnus. This Isur does not form many friendships, and those who he does find worth of friendship will find themselves in good positions. Dagnus will go reasonable distances to assist this friend in their needs, willing to go as far as small fights to help them. All products requested by this person are almost immediately put at the top of his queue for crafting, and deals will be fairly easy to strike with Dagnus, so long as the price is still reasonably fair.
Enemy: Enemies of Dagnus are very unfortunate. The Isur will go out of his way to ensure his enemies have a hard time through life, going as far as to breaking into houses to destroy forged weapons. Almost any favors that will negatively affect his enemies, the only ones being rejected are the ones that result in his death. Any items purchased through Dagnus by his enemies will be a joke. The armor will be rigged to break, created with brittle metals and improperly cooled on purpose in order to cause his enemies strife.
Loved: Dagnus has never loved anyone but family. He takes a common outlook on non-Isur, and does not often speak with them at all. Someone loved by Dagnus is in the most favorable position of the Isur. All tasks asked of Dagnus by a loved one will be fulfilled, no matter what the risk. Dagnus is willing to share all of his possessions with this person, and all items purchased or requested by Dagnus are pushed to the top of his priorities, and crafted with all skill the isur can muster.
Hated: An enemy of Dagnus is not an enviable place to be. Dagnus will do anything to cause this person trouble in life, even to kill them. He cares not for his health when working for the determent of his enemies. Dagnus will simply refuse to sell his items to someone who is hated, and will encourage other shopkeepers to do this same. Dagnus has never hit anyone with his golden Isurian arm, and never plans to. Unless he finds someone to be hated.