DESCRIPTION: Visitors might wonder what kind of facility is hidden inside a building that looks like a giant spiny shell from the distance. Its milky white and sometimes pearlescent surface shimmers mysteriously in the sun and half a dozen spear-like spikes point several feet towards the sky. If asked, however, the residents would explain that it inhabited the best restaurant of Mura and official arch enemy of Pearl Divers. The architecture continues to impress if one explores the inside. Countless little rooms with arched walls and artistic and colorful decorations convey a feeling of isolated peace and solitude. Not a single noise is heard from the adjacent rooms. The furniture consists of a mixture of soft sandstone and white wood. Apparently pile upon pile of shell material is arranged upon one another, but somehow almost every surface room features at least one window letting in enough light. After Syna disappears and before She rises above the horizon cream candles are provided for a cozy atmosphere. When the weather is well, customers are able to sit in a little garden that hugs the building from all sides. Small ponds with colorful fish and miniature coral reefs create a curious as well as soothing nature feeling and white trees with the occasional vian one in between cast shadows over the benches and tables carved out of their very wood. The restaurant is owned and led by two close friends who started out as a small café back when Mura was still closed to outsiders but could expand with the influx of tourists during the latest couple of years. Nowadays Forest Meridian House is a mixture between café, restaurant and nightlife location. Despite the fact that most daytime customers are tourists – some patients of the Opal Order recommended to support the healing process with a healthy diet –, during the night the Konti reclaim the location and descend through an unassuming staircase populated with exotic fish, corals and various other underwater plants. The light some of those produce combined with reimancy fires and free snacks make an excellent meeting and dancing location. Almost everyone has found oneself dancing through the night at least once during their youth. And like every successful location, Forest Meridian House has its fair share of rumors ranging from a ghost in the highest rooms to an oath sworn to Laviku in exchange for the magnificent underwater disco. Services & Goods: Drinks (water, juice, coffee, sparkling wine) – 1 sm to 5 gm (depending on type and amount) Meals (fish, rice, vegetarian) – 1 gm to 5 gm Snacks (fish, rice, kelp, fruit, sweet/salty) – 3 sm to 2 gm NPCS: Pu'veo :
Jalka :