The girl took a moment to compose her answer before launching into it. Ajiv smirked slightly at that. It was of course wise for her not to raise certain idiosyncrasies of the Rajor house, which were merely reflective of those of the Dhani more generally. Perhaps she was worried that raising such features would be seen as gossipy and rude, or perhaps it was that she did not seek a demonstration. In Ajiv's case, neither of the unpleasant outcomes would be particularly likely to result. The Rajor were not ashamed of their predatory nature, though they were also not prone to flaunting it as some families were. Much of their crueler practice took place in their underground nests. Admittedly, if she had raised the concepts in an accusatory fashion or given hints of insolence he might well have ended the interchange with a punishment, but there was no point indulging violent tendencies when they distracted from the potential gain at hand.
The girl stuttered slightly on the name of his race. It was good for others to know that they were the prey in the world and that the Dhani were the predators. The Rajor might not be well-liked, but at least they would be respected and feared. Still, those who slumbered with serpents would provide warmth while the arrangement lasted, and sate a hunger conveniently when it did not; Ajiv was certainly not alone amongst the Rajor in this line of thought. He pursed his lips slightly. Talking to this slave was not the time to worry about relations between the Dynasties. As she spoke of some further details of his family and their plantation, he absentmindedly pushed the sleeve of his shirt up so that the dark flesh of his forearm was exposed to a ray of winter sun that had been warming the steps. His fingers twisted some of the blue cotton under itself to secure it in position.
"That isss correct; the Dhani are … the femalesss lead uss. To have child … to birth, it iss mossst valued. The Rajor," as Ajiv said the word, the 'j' was almost crossed with a shushing sound, "are perhapsss a little … lessss strong … on this matter. Perhapsss not. But in Kenash, a man may be very ssstrong through bussssinesss. That isss … different." Ajiv leant back, his arm stretched behind him to catch as much of the sun's ray as possible. "I am made to sssay 'ssstrong' too much; I do not have the words." He tilted his head back then rolled it leftwards on to his shoulder almost petulantly. He took a moment to observe the path down to the street and the world beyond the shop's land.
"It isss also correct that the Rajor will buy more difficult ssslavesss. We are good at training. One should ussse one'sss sstrengthsss. We are also … ah … arm strong." He slapped the step next to him loudly to illustrate his point. "A difficult ssslave will not … more ssstrong usss." Ajiv winced. "Many ssslavesss are afraid when they come. Perhapsss this is why we do not ssscare our ssslavesss with public punishmentssss. Direct punishmentsss are effective." His voice was a little lower and softer as he spoke this last sentence, almost as if these 'direct punishments' were a moment of intimate sharing. "Of courssse, one can alssso use … not-punishment … What is thisss word?" He turned his eyes back towards the small girl's emerald ones expectantly.