[Note by Radiant] Neviah

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Moderator: Liaisons


Postby Neviah on December 22nd, 2013, 6:08 am



Race: Konti
Gender: Female
Age: 17
Birthday: Spring 6, 495AV
Birthplace: Mura


Neviah has white hair like most Konti with a icy blue for her eyes. Standing at 5'5", Neviah is around ninety pounds as she doesn't eat often. Lean and strong, yet not overly or noticably, Neviah is fit and keeps it that way as she goes on the run on occasion. Neviah seems delicate and can be as she is not very thick boned and is quite skinny. Her face is thin yet holds the Konti's beauty. Scales come down just below her hairline and on her wrists as well as ankles and thighs. Gills can be found at the base of the back and sides of her neck. Neviah has lightly webbed fingers, hard to see, as they are long and slim. Her white hair comes down to the middle of her back though she usually puts it up in some way to keep it out of her eyes.

Character Concept:

Neviah currently resides in Zeltiva where she uses her koni seeing ability to gain money easily. Neviah resides in the alleys of Zeltiva where she uses her cup game to con any sailors that can go without the money that have not been warned of the white haired con artist. Neviah does not necessarily steal the mens money for the greed so much as the excitement and challenge as she wants to test her abilities.
Neviah is a fast thinking, witty, yet always curious young Konti as she can never get enough with the bright sights and smells of the world around her. Neviah usually only stays in one city for as long as it takes to be figured out before moving on to the next one while always trying to stay near the coast and closest to Mura as much as possible. Neviah misses the Konti home she grew up in and usually thinks of her family often, visiting in between going to new cities.
Neviah's ethics are somewhat mixed as she doesn't support thievery or conning as she feels guilty after doing the con, but not enough to stop. Neviah can't stand it when people are cruel or rude though she doesn't take action against them as she does not promote violence like nearly all the Konti.
Neviah enjoys her tests of trickery as long as they do not hurt her victims a lot financially. She thoroughly enjoys the waters around Konti island more than anywhere else as she was raised below the waves. Neviah loves to sing, usually singing softly to herself at night before falling asleep as it soothes her.

Character History

Neviah was born to a human at the age of thirty and a Konti woman at the age of twenty eight. The human was not one to commit to one soul and left the Konti woman who then went back to the island where she stayed with her own mother until the birth of Neviah.
Neviah lived then underwater and above as she lived with the Konti people happily though always feeling out of place with her boisterous attitude.
As Neviah grew up, her mother nurtured her wanting to make her feel at home as much as possible as the city had always felt like more than a home for the woman who had given birth to the young girl. Neviah's mother would always sing to her whenever she could, teaching her songs that she had picked up over the years of life she had gone through.
When Neviah turned eleven, her mother and her traveled to the region Syliras to try to trade for some materials for a project her mother had been working on, but ended up with much more than they had ever wanted. Neviah's mother was taken prisoner by a troupe of slavers and only barely escaped herself as her mother had provided a distraction. Neviah never heard from her mother again, but one day, could somehow tell the woman who had given birth to her had passed on to go wherever they went after their life.
Neviah then left, not wanting to stay with her grandmother, and at the age of sixteen, took to living on her own in the cities as the con artist she is today. Even at the age she is now, Neviah has nightmares of the slavers coming to get her and her mother. To sooth herself after waking with the screams, Neviah would do her best to sleep after singing to herself the way her mother had sang to her after her nightmares.


Fluent Language: Kontinese
Basic Language: Common
Poor Language: Fratava


Skill EXP Total Proficiency
Larceny 20 20SP Novice
Agility 10 10Sp Novice
Singing 10 10SP Novice
Elusion 10 10SP Novice

Konti Skills:
Neviah has the ability to see a few minutes (usually a maximum of five though it's mostly a minute when used) into the future. She cannot always draw on the power though usually she can.

Helpful Lores:
Lore of Kontinese Culture
Lore of History of Mura


1 Set of Clothing
-Simple Tan Shirt
-Simple Black Pants
-Simple Undergarments
-Simple Dark Blue Cloak
-Simple Brown Boots
1 Waterskin
1 messenger bag which contains:
-Comb (Wood)
-Brush (Wood)
-Balanced Rations (1 Week’s Worth)
-1 eating knife
-Flint & Steel
100 Gold Mizas
1 Scarf used to cover her scales when working with her cups in con
3 cups
1 Konti scale


Neviah holds a necklace of her mother that she had received from her grandmother that has been passed down since the destruction of the old and creation of the new. The necklace has a deep blue pearl that is on a cord of worn leather.


Location: Her house is in Mura where her grandmother used to live as she has passed on and allowed it to go to her granddaughter.

House: 1 basic 20x20 single room cottage (400 sq feet) with a hearth, bunk, chest, chair, and small table on the coastal shelf on the island of the Konti

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Character sheet


Postby Radiant on December 23rd, 2013, 3:10 am

Hello, Neviah!

Konti Gift needs to be approved in the Help Desk and if it did, you should get a Storyteller Secrets link which you need to link on your profile.

Right now, I don't see such link.

Additional Issues:
-Age: she would be 18 years old if she was born in 495 A.V.

-You are missing your +10 Racial Bonus in Fortune Telling or Medicine and the "SP" in your skill table should be put int XP column, not Total.

-Agility should be changed to Acrobatics.

-You need to track all purchases in the form of a Ledger like so.

Purchase Cost Total
Starting +100 GM 100 GM

-Please deduct the scarf and 3 cups from your ledger. Check the Price list.

Please PM once you fix them and I'll remove the intervention.
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