Location Tower of Silence

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This is Falyndar at its finest. Danger lurks everywhere - in the ground, in the trees, in the bush. Only the strongest survive...

Moderator: Gossamer

Tower of Silence

Postby Empyrean on December 22nd, 2013, 9:13 pm



There is a place of wickedness thought only to exist in the largely forgotten stories prior to Myri's reign. Orations confirming the existence of the Tower of Silence are often tales of fear and bloody sacrifice taking place within the jungle. It is believed that before the Tupahi were eradicated by the Myrians, they built a terrible house for the dead. Whether those laid to rest there were enemies or prisoners is unknown, but there does seem to be an unsettling variety of ancient Falyndar races present.

Upon arriving at the morbid scene, the visitor would experience an eerie quiet permeating the entire area the site occupies. An observant eye would quickly identify the stone wall ravaged by overgrown foliage. The heavy, wooden doors would hang wide open as if they had been waiting for the traveler to enter all along. The inside of the walls is essentially a ruined courtyard. With most of the sculptures and walkways worn away by the elements or camouflaged by plant-life, it's rather obvious it was abandoned long ago. In its center sits the actual Tower of Silence.

A long and flat spiral walkway up its side will lead to its top. It is there that the ancient corpses lay in their eternal rest to be picked clean by birds and decomposed by exposure. Oddly enough, despite the stench there are no maggots present in the bodies. However, the deep plunge in the center is occupied with festering blood far below that gives off quite a unique smell of its own. One might begin to wonder how the present number of dead left behind, could've possibly supplied the amount of blood present in the pit...

Miscellaneous and Legend: Even the seemingly neglected structure occupied by no one but corpses and bones has it's dangers. Some say a great curse befalls anyone foolish enough to get the blood from the pit on their flesh. For what purpose the Tupahi built the elusive Tower of Silence is unknown, but there is question as to whether or not someone or something may be monitoring its upkeep...

Moderator's Note: This location is about 25 days directly northeast of Zinrah and does not require permission to use. If, however, you intend to try to unlock its secrets, do contact a moderator to discuss your intentions or request moderation.

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