Location Welcome Center and Employment Office

Looking for a steady income job? Apply here!

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This shining population center is considered the jewel of The Sylira Region. Home of the vast majority of Mizahar's population, Syliras is nestled in a quiet, sprawling valley on the shores of the Suvan Sea. [Lore]

[Syliras Location] Welcome Center/Employment Office

Postby Oriah on December 27th, 2013, 2:46 am

Oriah held in her relief as she beamed at the woman in the office. That went much smoother than she had anticipated, which was a minor miracle given all the complications she had met upon first arriving. To be able to dance in the safety of the city was pure luxury, something she had not been able to indulge since she first left her Tent.

"Thank you, I shall look there!" she replied, nodding her head in thanks and making her way out of the building. "A theater, wonder what that looks like..."
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[Syliras Location] Welcome Center/Employment Office

Postby Jasper Rainsong on January 1st, 2014, 8:46 am

8th of Winter, 513 AV

Jasper grumbled under her breath as she entered the Employment Center, shoulders hunched and all but stomping. She had been showered with suspicious and completely obvious stares on the way to the rather plain, old building, as though the simple fact that she was a long haired woman with a horse outfitted in Yvas automatically made her Drykas. Well, I am, she thought, even her mental monologue sounding rather snarky, But they shouldn't judge people by how they look! You cant even see my Windmarks!

Taking a deep breath Jasper straightened herself to her full but meagre height and approached the table beside the entrance and once retrieving her own slip of paper, continued to fill out the blanks.

Name: Jasper Rainsong
Race: Drykas
Age: 20
Relevant Skills: Animal Husbandry, Riding.
Preferred Employment: Animal care, Stables.
Expected Stay In Syliras: 2-3 seasons.

A sudden worry struck Jasper as she filled the form and she wondered whether or not she'd even be able to get a job, what with all the animosity toward Drykas at the moment and all. Not that it wasn't deserved on their part... she thought with great irritation as she joined the line and waited patiently to be served, not even realising she had used the word 'their' rather than 'our'.
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[Syliras Location] Welcome Center/Employment Office

Postby Nanuk on January 3rd, 2014, 7:02 am

Winter 2 513 AV

Nanuk shuffled into the building to escape the frigid wind outside. The chill left frost on his hair, giving his purple Vanthan hair an ethereal shimmer. His eyes rested a content brown as he warmed up, rubbing his hands together. His kettle drum, strapped to his side, bumped against another passerby with a dum. He held it closer, and looked around the room. When he embarked on his adventure to become a great bard, this isn't exactly what he had in mind. But before he could worry about anything else, he had to worry about a job. He tried convincing a tavern woman to hire him...that lasted all of one night.

Shrugging his shoulders, he stepped forward with a nod to the stern looking man. He wondered how he felt about a musician, applying to work as such. The man's brow was strong, and made him feel judged. His eyes shifted an indignant, somewhat proud gold. Especially in times of need, many saw entertainment as a waste. As an indulgence that can be crossed out. Thoughts of those people darkened Nanuk's eye color as he held his head higher. No. Artists and musicians are the lifeblood of times of need, like winters. When spirits are down, and workers are afraid, they turn to music to find strength, laughter, and friendship. He would not let the stare of this man take that from him. Diligently, he bent over the paper, and filled out in the cleanest writing he could:

Name: Nanuk
Race: Vantha
Age: 21
Relevant Skills: Story Telling, Singing, Music Composition, Musical Instrument: Kettle Drum
Preferred Employment: Bard, Tavern entertainment, Morale specialist
Expected Stay In Syliras: Two seasons, maybe.

He moved across, and set his eyes on the warm looking woman behind the desk. Eyes a more cheerful green, he smiled at her with a little charm, and handed her the papers. "Good morning," His voice cheerfully rang. "I hope you're doing well, today miss. I hope my papers are all in order. You wouldn't happen to know an establishment looking for someone who fits these skills, would you?"
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[Syliras Location] Welcome Center/Employment Office

Postby Elsu on January 11th, 2014, 2:32 am

2 winter, 513 av
Elsu needed a job. Jobs meant money, and money meant food, and hunting was not working out for him. Kelvics were probably supposed to be good at hunting or whatever, especially ones who were falcons, but this particular Kelvic was ... Not good at hunting. At all. And his stomach was unhappy with that. Plus, it would be nice to get some money for just buying things. He needed some more clothes, and some decorations or a rug for his room would be nice. A new sharpening stone for his daggers wouldn't be amiss, either. Pulling his jacket further over his shoulders, the lanky youth's eyes wandered over all the people. There were a lot of them. Hopefully he would be able to get a job. He wasn't the most qualified, that was for sure.

That wasn't quite true. He was pretty nimble, quick on his feet and flexible. Stretching everyday before bed helped with the flexibility, and his runs, on every other day, was helping with his endurance and overall strength. Just because he was able to do certain things did not mean he was able to do others, ones that were more applicable. Reading was one of the skills he didn't have a very firm grasp on. Grabbing a slip, the boy retired to a corner, puzzling over the words and filling them out in a shaky hand. His tongue stuck out as he mouthed the words, brow furrowed in concentration.

Name: Elsu
Race: Kelvic
Age: Two years
Relevant Skills: Weapons - Daggers, Acrobatics, Running
Preferred Employment: Messenger?
Length of Stay: Not planning on leaving soon, that's for sure.

Proud of his efforts, Elsu trotted up to the desk, paper in hand and a huge grin on his face.
Last edited by Elsu on January 12th, 2014, 7:20 am, edited 1 time in total.
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[Syliras Location] Welcome Center/Employment Office

Postby Accolade on January 11th, 2014, 5:41 am

Jasper Rainsong

Trega had worked at the employment office for years and she saw all manner of things go and come. It was part of the job and she tried to keep civil with all who entered. At the sight of the Drykas application, she didn't judge the woman and offered her a kind smile instead.

"Hello there, It just so happens that our stable hands are in need of help. The Windmount stables is the place to visit. There should be plenty for you to do there."


Trega felt for the people who were new to the city, those that got lost easily and were completely overwhelmed by the city that was settled mostly inside a castle structure. The ceilings all around seem to confuse people, and make them wander aimlessly, because they were so used to the stores on the outside.

"Hello young man." she said with a smile and took the sheet. "You're in luck, I hear that all of the taverns here have openings. You should look into them and see which one fits you best."
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[Syliras Location] Welcome Center/Employment Office

Postby Sami on January 12th, 2014, 10:37 am

1st Winter 513 AV

"Let's do this," she chirped to herself as she entered the employment office. Sami lingered there for a while, her brow creased as she tried to drag the script out. Writing and reading in the common tongue was not the easiest task for her to do. With a lot of scribbling, scrawling, repeats and question asking - most of the time on spelling - , the Inarta eventually managed to fill out the form:

Name: Sami
Race: Inarta
Age: 13
Relevant Skills: Shortbow, Wilderness Survival and little Medicine
Preferred Employment: Whatever deemed best. Probably Laborer or Groom work.
Expected Stay In Syliras: Indefinite - at least the season if not longer.

With that she slammed (and promptly winced in embarrassment afterwards) the form on the desk before the woman. There was a definite nod to the woman, before she spoke in the best common she could muster, "Work. I would like to work." Her face for the most part was serious, eyes burning intently - or at least until the eased off and broke into a grin, "What you got?"

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[Syliras Location] Welcome Center/Employment Office

Postby Halona on January 12th, 2014, 9:04 pm

Halona Mabel

Halona entered the building with uncertainty. Did being a hunter count as a job? She wondered. She hunted for food, the possibility of making money off of her kills was intriguing. Walking up to the counter and noticed the stack of paper's, picked up a quill and began to fill it out.
Name: Halona Mabel
Race: Kelvic Wolf
Age: 1 - 2 years 7 months
Relevant Skills: Hunting. Talking?
Preferred Employment: Hunter
Expected Stay In Syliras: No idea, for awhile at least.

After she finished she handed the paper to the secretary.
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[Syliras Location] Welcome Center/Employment Office

Postby Accolade on January 13th, 2014, 4:58 am


Syliras was a busy city and got it's share of messengers and couriers, but none ever stayed with the job long. It was hazardous, with long hours or travel at times, and no work at all in others. So when Elsu appeared wanting the job Trega was glad, but not too hopeful that they would stick to it.

The old patron took the sheet and smiled kindly in return. "Couriers are always need in the city, but I should warn you work can be hard to find if you don't know where to look. Sadly I won't be any help there. Messenger jobs seem to work better when people get their name around the city. Good luck."


Inartans weren't normal in the city, but they did come. More so now that the trades from the city in the mountain arrived three times in one season. Trega took the sheet and looked it over. It was a child after all, so she didn't expect much in the way of skills. "I can find you work at the docks, or maybe even in one of the local taverns if you like?"


Trega was always surprised when she met someone in the season of winter looking for a job hunting. It was without a doubt the hardest time to find good game. But maybe that was the allure to it that caused people to want to give it ago. She smiled to the woman as she looked over her sheet and spoke. "If you manage to find game this season be sure to sell it to a butcher, they might pay you well for it. Good luck."
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[Syliras Location] Welcome Center/Employment Office

Postby Sami on January 13th, 2014, 10:58 am

There was a long moment of pondering, the face of the red head creasing up with thought. Was her writing really that bad or was the woman simply thinking on where to send the child next? Of course there was the surprised blink when she final spoke and gave an answer. Arms folding she gave an approving nod to the choices before her; leaving her now to make the decision between the pair. On one hand, the idea of being in the warmth of a tavern was pleasing. To have the hum of voices in the background and the clicking of tongues. The Docks however, it would show her other things, faces, cultures, imports and exports - there was much more to learn with the people who came and went.

"The docks sounds better. More air. Different faces. Plus different challenges," she had made her decision and voiced it, "So. That is where I will pick. The docks, uh... please?" She awaited further instruction from Trega - if it came of course.

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[Syliras Location] Welcome Center/Employment Office

Postby Sayley Xylan on January 14th, 2014, 7:57 pm

Sayley Xylan


2nd of Winter 513 AV

Sayley opened the doors to the Employment Office. It was a plain building, yet as she entered she felt butterflies sting her stomach. What if she wasn't qualified enough to get a job? Or, worse yet, the only jobs available were ones that she hated, and she got stuck doing something she didn't enjoy for the rest of her life?

She scolded herself for the thoughts. She was a twenty two year old woman, she shouldn't be worried about such petty things. She would be fine - she would get a job, she would be fine.

She approached the front desk, a friendly smile plastered on her face. "Hi, I'm, uh, here to get a job?" she said. She slid the sheet that she had filled out earlier across the counter.

Name: Sayley Xylan
Race: Human
Age: 22
Relevant Skills: Medicines, Herbalism, Animal Husbandry.
Preferred Employment: Anything available, possibly as a nurse/doctor/healer, but generally anything you feel is suited.
Expected Stay In Syliras: Permanent residence.
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