
Viridae develops techniques to more precisely fire his bow.

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A surreal cavern city inhabited by Symenestra where stones glow and streets are reams of silk. Cocoon like structures hang between stalactites and cascade over limestone flows in organic and eerie arabesques. Without a Symenestra willing to escort you, entrance is impossible.


Postby Viridae Kabre on December 22nd, 2013, 5:12 am

23rd Fall, 510 AV
Wooded valley near Kalinor

Sina beat upon Viridae's neck, and sweat beaded heavily at his brow. He raised his gloved hand and wiped it clean, careful not to let its trickle into his eyes. The sun's glare was enough to impede his vision, he did not need the sting of sweat to add to it.

"Its not far now," Valydor grunted over his shoulder, as he trudged through four inch piles of birch leaves. Viridae was glad. They had been walking in the sun for nearly two bells in search of a valley where Valydor has shot Sparrow Hawk in the past. Usually, Viridae would trap them and pluck the feathers, but the experienced hunter had told him that here they had to hunt lower to the ground because of the wind being squeezed between the mountains.

"Shot at least half a dozen a week ago," he had said casually at the sickle and arrow as Viridae was taking his morning meal of onion and turkey soup.

And now here he was, trudging under the sun. He hopped against hope the old spider was not loosing his mind.

As they crested a small hillock, the pair stood before a vast valley ignited with the bright reds and oranges of early autumn. At first glance, the skies seemed clear, certainly not dotted with a sparrowhawk. But just as Viridae was about to inquire as to rather or not this was the correct valley, a distinct high pitched squawk sounded, as a blue and brown dot barreled into the ground and swiftly arched back into the skyline.
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Postby Viridae Kabre on December 22nd, 2013, 4:26 pm

The pair of hunters weaved between several tall pines, positioning themselves in the center of the vast valley. Valydor crouched near the young hunter.

"Do you see them?" He said quickly, scanning the skies.

Viridae scanned the vast field of blue before shaking his head silently. Where were they? Valydor had said they hunt lower here, but he did not see them.

"You're not focusing. If your focus is trained, you can see further. Squint your eyes. Narrow your vision to a single point. All else will blur."

Viridae strained for what felt like an eternity into the sky, furrowing his brow in an attempt to see the small aerial hunters. After a time, the tree tops were no longer visible, thin blurry wisps at the corners of his vision, and the sky grew to a new state of life, as distant clouds shone against the sun high in the stratosphere.

For a while, he still saw nothing, then a shape soared against the sunlight, leaving shimmers in its wake. The shape was triangular, black, and slow moving across the sky in slow swooping patterns.

"I see it, I think," he said quietly to Valydor. The old hunter looked up, squinting against Sina's light.

"Well....Shoot it Versda."

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Postby Viridae Kabre on December 27th, 2013, 10:58 pm

Without another word, Viridae nocked an arrow and pulled back firmly on the bowstring, holding the bow as steady as he could, aiming directly for the flapping black bird.

He released the string, and with a strong vibration and muffled thunk, the arrow flew off into the distance, arching high and out of sight. Then......Nothing.

"You'll have to lead into the shot, Viridae." Valydor said, shaking his head slightly. "Your target is moving. You need to aim in front of it."

Viridae nodded and nocked another arrow, aiming slightly in front of the hawk. Another thunk and..... Nothing. The bird flew a little higher, and Viridae lost sight of it in the stratosphere.

"I don't understand Dovna."

"Must be a little wind up there eh? We need to determine what direction its flowing."

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Postby Viridae Kabre on December 28th, 2013, 6:15 am

"And just how do we do that?" Viridae raised a brow and looked to his teacher, watching as his faintly wrinkled feature lit up with the spirit of nostalgia.

"Watch the leaves on the birch trees. Feel the slight breeze on your face. You could try this as well." The elder Spider stuck his finger in his mouth and held it in the air. "your finger will get cold on the side the wind is coming from, but its better to pick a clue from your surroundings. use the leaves."

Viridae focused intently on the leaves flurrying across the ground.

"Not those, Viridae. The winds higher up might be blowing a different direction. Use those remaining near the tree tops."

After a while Viridae got a fix on the wind's direction and speed and decided to take aim for another high flying hawk. Without further discussion, he took aim and fired a shot. Miss. He fired another. Miss. One more. He lead out a little further, and waited for a gust of wind to pass before firing another. The bird faltered and fluttered its wings before spiraling downward off into the trees.

"Well that's one," Valydor said with a grin. "We'll have many more before the day is out. Now the fun part. We get to collect your arrows."

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Postby Poison on December 28th, 2013, 2:38 pm

Skills: Observation 2, Hunting 2, Bow 2

Lores: Determining the Direction of the Wind; Shooting when it’s windy

Notes: I enjoyed your descriptions of nature and hunting, as always.

Unfortunately I couldn’t give you more XP and Lores as your thread and the posts themselves were short.

Still, it was well written!

Let me know if you have any issues with the way I graded this.

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