[Syliras Location] Welcome Center/Employment Office

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This shining population center is considered the jewel of The Sylira Region. Home of the vast majority of Mizahar's population, Syliras is nestled in a quiet, sprawling valley on the shores of the Suvan Sea. [Lore]

[Syliras Location] Welcome Center/Employment Office

Postby Fade on August 10th, 2010, 9:13 am

9th of summer

Fade had already been a few days in Syliras mostly wondering around but now she needed something to hold on to, to make a living out of.She walked to the Employment Office slowly and when she arrived, having asked for directions previously, she stood in front of the door for some time then finally made up her mind. She walked in her steps silent the only sound her bag bouncing on her hip. She made her way to the desk and approached the secretary pushing a lock of blonde white hair from her angular face.

Stating the obvious she said "My name is Fade and I'm looking for a job" She paused "I'm an acrobat a contortionist and I can write" She trailed off and then reluctantly talked about her gift "I have Nikalis mark on me if that can be any help for you. And I’m good with kids" She clasped her hands hopefully.
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[Syliras Location] Welcome Center/Employment Office

Postby Marcus Braeden on August 10th, 2010, 4:06 pm

25 Summer 510AV

Marcus had been in the city of Syliras for a week now, trying to settle in to his new cottage. However he still had no job, and it was time to get one. He had noticed the Employment Office when he had first arrived in the city, however he completely ignored it due to his excitement of finally arriving after a month of travel.

Marcus made his way through city, trying not to get lost like on his first day. Soon he arrived at the main gate. He turned around to find the employment office directly behind him. Marcus casually walked inside and approached the secretary.

"Hello" Marcus said. "My name is Marcus and i was looking hoping to find a job, preferably as a weaponsmith."
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[Syliras Location] Welcome Center/Employment Office

Postby Leviathan on August 17th, 2010, 3:56 am

OOCHello everyone, I apologize for not getting to this sooner. Dusk has not told me whether or not I am to be doing this thread or not, but seeing as how it is piling up, I will take the chance and post for you guys. Please note that I am genuinely sorry about this, my post for each of you will be short because there are several of you to get to. Again, I am sorry and I'll see what I can do to avoid this in the future.


Aenysa Tieran gave Grayzdo a sweet little smile as she wrenched her gaze off of the rather large book of records in front of her. She nodded lightly, repeating his words to herself as she looked him over. Didn't seem to fit his own skills by appearance, but who was she to judge. "A willingness to learn is a sure sign of wisdom sir! What sorts of heavy lifting did you have in mind? The Ironworks is great for those with natural strength and a desire to construct with metal and their own hands. Does that sound about what you're looking for? If Metalworking isn't your interest, we can find you other options."


Aenysa Tieran stared at Jilitse for as long as she had arrived. The eerie silence was uncomfortable to the woman, yet she held powerfully to the smile she wore, which didn't particularly look fake, despite her obvious discomfort (Read easily by her shifting within her seat behind the desk). Once Jilitse spoke, Aenysa breathed a little easier. "Well, you sound like a unique case. I could suggest Sensual Scents, I personally love the perfume there. Dicen is just a doll, young, handsome, and willing to take on an apprentice. I warn you though, he's not patient with you if you seem... uninterested in his interests. I couldn't say his personal views... or how he would bare with you, but I'm certain he'd love you if you loved Perfume. The Flower Stand, Stormhold Salves, and Mechanical Marvels are also places you might be able to work in. Alistair, I don't know if he is accepting assistance or not, but a little metalworking should go a long way in his line of work, I'd imagine." As she spoke, the woman pulled out a small worn map of syliras, clearly marked were all the location Jilitse was searching for, along with several other places. She pointed each of them out, and once Jilitse felt herself satisfied, she placed the map back inside the desk and awaited the Nuit's response.


"Hello Taeghen, I'm Aenysa Tieran. I hope you enjoy your stay in Syliras. The Wilds are something aren't they?" Aenysa giggled as she spoke about the wildlands, as if somebody like her had ever set foot in such a crazy place. "Heavy lifting? Would you believe a young man just came yesterday with that very skill. Well, if you are looking to learn, than I can say you'll get a lot farther than if you didn't intend to. However, many owners around town won't like you're for a temporary stay. Many of them adore apprentices, which means seasons under their guidance. Guards, we don't need those. The Syliran Knights take care of protection and law for Syliras, so such a job doesn't really have a place here. I can suggest a metalworking job at The Ironworks. If that doesn't appeal to you though, I'm sure we can find something else."


Aenysa Tieran happily greeted Fade as she approached, her face, her welcoming voice, almost completely eased out uncertainties and troubles that the woman could have been having. It was clear why Aenysa was chosen for such a job. "That's a beautiful name. I'm Aenysa Tieran. If you ever need anything, you can feel free to come talk to me. Now Fade, I don't want to upset you, but I don't believe Syliras has many stable jobs offered to contortionists or acrobats, sorry. Writing can come in handy just about anywhere, at the very least for taking orders and such. There is one place though that you might enjoy. Soothing Waters is a bath and massage place, and there is one beautiful man there that goes by the name of Jaeden. I don't know if he's in town this time of year, but he's very talented. I'm sure he'd be willing to show you the ropes to massage therapy. Also though, since you say you're good with kids, I could send you to the Welcome Home. Stitch is a great person, the perfect sort of saint anyone could ask for. The Orphanage is complicated though, I'm not sure if Stitch pays for assistance or not, but I'd encourage you to visit him anyhow, if not anything but to witness such a caring heart."


"We know what we want don't we Marcus." Aenysa Tieran giggled lightly as she spoke. [b]"I'm Aenysa Tieran. I can point you to the Ironworks, it's a Metalworking Forge, perfect for the line of work you have in mind. The better you are, I'm sure the better you will get paid as well. If you'd like, I can send with you a letter of recommendation, though I doubt you'll need that. They are always hiring strong able-bodied young men like yourself."
Bad News Everybody. School is picking up, Exams are beginning to happen, homework is growing time consuming, I may soon be evicted from my apartment, I'm dealing with severe and physical fights among several of my best friends, and I can't seem to find a time to get much needed sleep. I'm terribly sorry, but don't expect to see much of me for a long while.
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[Syliras Location] Welcome Center/Employment Office

Postby Marcus Braeden on August 17th, 2010, 4:01 am

Marcus nodded at the secratary.

"Yes we most definitely do know what we want." Marcus grinned. "Alright, thanks for the information. I'll head on down to the Ironworks now and try and land myself a job. If i'm rejected...i'll be back." Marcus laughed and went on his way.
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[Syliras Location] Welcome Center/Employment Office

Postby Taeghen on August 23rd, 2010, 12:28 am

Taeghen nodded and couldn't help but smile. "Yes, the Wilds are quite the place. You get used to it though. It is very beautiful out there, away from all this hustle and bustle." He listened carefully to what she had to say about the work in town. He figured he wouldn't find any ideal work right away, there wasn't much need for his skills in these parts that didn't require breaking the law. "I suppose I'll stop by the Ironworks and see if I can't help out, at least until I find something else. My father was a blacksmith, though I'm sad to say I never really paid him any attention when he tried to teach me. Maybe this could be my chance."

"Thank you for the help. I'll head to the Ironworks tomorrow. I think I'll ask around town and see if anyone needs any odd jobs done first. Thanks again." Taeghen heads out the front door and takes a moment to look around, then heads for the stables to find a place for his horse.
So... My house was broken into while I was on vacation. Several valuables were stolen including my xbox, tv, my favorite sword, and obviously.. my computer. That's why I haven't posted in a while. Got a new computer now.. So I'm back. Will resume posting ASAP
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[Syliras Location] Welcome Center/Employment Office

Postby Grayzdo Briety on August 28th, 2010, 7:00 pm

Grayzdo sighed and said "Alright then I'll about working at the Ironworks. Should be interesting." he headed out the door and to the Ironworks. His mind was on the fact that now he might be able to steal some weapons from his work if he was hired hopefully...
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[Syliras Location] Welcome Center/Employment Office

Postby Elhaym on August 31st, 2010, 3:12 am

Late Summer, 510 AV

Pain had been back in Syliras for weeks, and the whole starving artist gig was becoming less of a cliché and more of a reality. She had yet to sell a drawing to anyone, for any price. Stingy folk, they had turned out to be. In any case, she knew that getting a real job was inevitable. Pain loathed the idea of her art not being her "real job"; it was somewhat insulting. Nevertheless, her coin purse was empty and her stomach was growling. All the motivation she needed to find a job was there.

Pain stepped through the doors with confidence. Perhaps a pale, dirty girl who looked like she may or may not have bathed in a few days shouldn't have tried to exude such confidence. Never mind the bruised knuckles and face.

"Hello there. My name is Pain, and i'm an artist. Since Syliras doesn't seem to care much for those, I need another job." She said, trying to keep the annoyed tone out of her voice. Obviously, this was not something she preferred to admit to herself.

"I can draw, like I said... ummm, Oh, I'm also pretty fit. I can run pretty far without stopping, and I like animals. Dogs, really. Not so much birds or snakes or anything, but you know." She said, stopping to think intermittently as she spoke. "Well, do you think theres anything for me here?"
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[Syliras Location] Welcome Center/Employment Office

Postby Iasc on September 6th, 2010, 9:06 pm

2nd of Autumn

Iasc walked up to the employment office. He moved cautiously towards the desk and took his hood down. He offered a small smile that didn't look that comfortable on his face. He was sincere in his attempt to be more personable but it was hard for him.

"Hello", he said. "I would like a job if possible". He didn't let his smile slip although it was hard to do so.
"I have capabilities in mathematics, philosophy, mandolin playing and shortbow", he added.

He relaxed a bit after saying his peace.
"Oh....I almost forgot. My name is Iasc in case it matters"
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[Syliras Location] Welcome Center/Employment Office

Postby Sahsvin Isilla on September 7th, 2010, 2:00 pm

Timestamp 1st of Autumn

Isilla marched in with confidence, " Hello! I'm not very useful at anything, but I can train people with the iron fan, it's really an amazing weapon and everyone should be capable of using it...Do you think I could get a job?" she paused.. "The name's Isilla.. I really hope that you can get me a job! I can still do some housework maybe, if it's fine with you, since I'm much stronger than I look, but i would like a job that requires me not to sweat as much, something that won't ruin my makeup and something that will require me to look as best as I can.. I do hope there are some jobs for that, by the way, I can speak Snake so it would be fun teaching it to breakfas--- I mean, some nice students..." she batted her thick eyelashes and smiled in a hopeful manner.. She was trying to be as sweet as possible for this..
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[Syliras Location] Welcome Center/Employment Office

Postby Leviathan on September 7th, 2010, 3:26 pm


Aenysa Tieran glanced up from a large stack of papers, which although extremely well organized, still had a chaotic sense about it. The woman herself seemed overwhelmed with her work the moment Pain stepped through the door. Then, like some miracle by the Gods and Goddesses themselves, Aenysa's appearance shifted dramatically, transforming herself back to her natural bubbly and kind self. "Hello, Pain. I'm Aenysa Tieran. I'm sorry to hear about your unfortunate lack of success in the artist world. I personally would be more than happy to see more like yourself, but you are right, Syliras is not quite ready for such professions." Aenysa nodded solemnly as she spoke.

"But there's plenty of places to go for work. It sounds like you'd fit in with Lirelle at the Tooth and Claw, or Serena at the Windmount Stables. I know Serena is very good at training her workers, such a wonderful lady."

"Hello Iasc. You are a very rare one in Syliras. Unfortunately, there's not too much to do with Mathematics and Philosophy. I love them, or at least what little I know of them. I appreciate them I suppose, but I don't think Syliras has too many jobs that use these skills. I can suggest visiting Sina at Wildwood Music, she's such a charming woman and excellent with all kinds of music. I could also suggest Stormhold Salves, Sahfri Blackleaf already has four hands, but I'm sure she could always use a second calculating mind. Philtering might be just along your lines of talent anyway."


Aenysa peered up from a book as Isilla entered the office. She listened with glittering eyes and a beautiful smile as she spoke her short monologue, however the slip up at the end put the naturally joyous woman in a guard. There were many races that were suspicioned in Syliras. Zith, Symenstra, Dhani, and it was fairly obvious who this was. Aenysa shook her head slowly. "I'm afraid I cannot get you a job teaching weapon use. I can point you in the direct of places of occupation, but can do no more. If you are a trainer of war, you'll have to obtain all your customers and dues yourself." Aenysa was nervous, it didn't take a Konti to realize this. "However, I feel it necessary to say this..." Necessary, but obviously painfully difficult. "The Syliran Knights watch Syliras very very carefully. I would suggest you either control your urges for students or the like. The knights aren't tolerable of such things." Aenysa gathered herself and smiled again, back to her charming ways.

"But no woman likes to sweat. I'd like to suggest working at the Soothing Waters Bath and Massage. Even if you don't know much about massage, strong hands would be perfect for learning."
Bad News Everybody. School is picking up, Exams are beginning to happen, homework is growing time consuming, I may soon be evicted from my apartment, I'm dealing with severe and physical fights among several of my best friends, and I can't seem to find a time to get much needed sleep. I'm terribly sorry, but don't expect to see much of me for a long while.
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