Closed [Event] The Dynasties Meet

Magistrate Lorenzo calls a meeting for Dynasty houses.

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This lazy agricultural settlement rests on the swampy shores of the Middle Suvan at the delta of The Kenash River. The River's slow moving bayou waters have bred a different sort of people - rugged, cultured, and somewhat violent. Sprawling plantations of tobacco and cotton grow on the outskirts of the swamp in the rich Cyphrus soils, while the city itself curls around the bayou and spawns decadence and sins of all sorts. Life is slower in Kenash, but the lack of pace is made up for in the excesses of food and flesh in a city where drinking, debauchery, gambling, slavery, and overbearing plantation families dominate the landscape.

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[Event] The Dynasties Meet

Postby Translucent on December 30th, 2013, 5:55 pm

59th Winter 513

The night was cold, colder then the swamps usual chilled winter. The light of Leth lit a silvery path up to the Magistrates house. The sounds of the swamp were muted this evening beneath the sounds of a growing crowd of people. Though Boldvine would have been far larger to host such a gathering, Lorenzo Konrath chose his house within the city to host this meeting of Dynasties because it was a serious meeting and not one he wished anyone to take as a reason for a party or other social event. Things have gotten far out of hand on his watch and he intended to bring it back under control.

Tonight there are lines of benches in his foyer, he wished it was summer so that he could be out of doors but he feared the cold would bother the Rajors and other Dhani members of the house. So instead he had cleared the foyer of all unnecessary furniture and lined comfortable benches so that the Dynasties could sit. The fire place is stoked, and the torches that flicker more for other people's needs as his Akalak eyes had no need for illumination.

His hair was immaculate, his clothing tailored just so, and he stood at the front of the room even as a few early arrivals had already claimed some of the seats. Speculation ran high in the city, rumors of Rujaro and of the Qintal were taking its toll on not only the peace of mind of the Dynasty but also freeborn and slaves. A slave that was worried that he or she was going to be mutilated and killed at any moment for being a slave was not one that was as productive in Lorenzo's mind. He would wait for a few chimes more to ensure all that were coming were here before he begins.

Mica Radacke was already here, his face a dark storm cloud of rage and anger, on the opposite side of the room Orkat Draer sat with his impassive face staring up at Lorenzo, completely ignoring Mica. Lorenzo made a note at watching those two, he was no fool and he had heard the rumors of Draer dealings, and of rumors that Radacke were planning to retaliate. So far politics had stayed Mica's hand, knowing if he rose against another house with no proof that he himself would be in terrible trouble.
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[Event] The Dynasties Meet

Postby Whist Askara on January 3rd, 2014, 3:15 am

Whist didn't like this situation at all but things were coming to a head and something had to be done; for everyone's sake. He adjusted his immaculately tailored suit needlessly and stepped to the door. Lorenzo looked Akalak and imposing-per usual- but he'd rather deal with the hard working no nonsense people any day of the week. It was just the sheer tediousness of politics that gave even his hair a headache.

His blue eyes turned to ice at the sight of both Mica Radacke on one side and Orkat Draer on the other. One could practically hear the sizzling animosity between the two and he didn't know a single person that wanted to watch them throw down tonight.

Remembering his manners, he nodded briskly but politely to Lorenzo and made for a bench that was diagonally placed to both Draer and Radacke. This was his second least favorite thing to do and he knew that it would soon be his total least favorite when Benjeman arrived.

Yes he was THE head of the Askara household but that didn't mean Whist had to like him. It wasn't even that he was gay---it was that he had no self control or an ounce of class. Whist detested him but knew he'd have to spend the night in close company with him. If he had a choice between having an Akalak castrate him with a dull spoon or spend ten chimes with Ben, well, he'd choose the blue guy.

Sitting with correct posture, he scanned the room and wished dearly for alcohol right now.

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Last edited by Whist Askara on January 3rd, 2014, 5:58 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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[Event] The Dynasties Meet

Postby Verena Lorak on January 3rd, 2014, 8:22 am

Verena Lorak does not usually go to events. Everything was too loud and too annoying for her. Except this time, it was different. When Lorana had inquired about the meeting, Verena had claimed that she would like to go, along with her brother and some other members. It would probably be the same bickering that never ceased to calm between the Dynasties, but she might get a helpful information or two. It had resulted in some questions, but she merely shrug and gave no answer.

And now, here she was in a carriage, Zorane sitting across from her. He had been tugging his collar for while now, finally loosening his tie. The siblings had probably been the last of the Loraks that left for the meeting - Zorane had some trouble with something he would not say - but Verena didn't mind. It was more comfortable for her to ride with only her brother.

Verena shifted her attention from him to her clasped hands on her lap. It had been hard for her these couple of days. There were so many things she had kept hidden from her brother. She had never done it before, but it was inescapable. He was supposed to be the only one she trusted, but she worried he might get into trouble if he knew. Verena could not tell him that she knew her was about to runaway and did nothing to stop her. Honestly, that she couldn't tell anyone. It will merely result in further punishment for Bella and Hallan.

Soon enough, they had arrived at the Magistrate's city house. The room was comfortably warm and she handed her cloak to the slave perched near the doorway. Dynasties were already spread across the benches, most sitting in silence while the rest talked in murmured whispers. After years of being in Kenash, it wasn't hard to sort out which person belonged to which family.

Beside her, Zorane straightened his tie, looking as impeccable as ever. Quietly, he held her arm and guided her toward the bench right behind their Head, Lorana Lorak.

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[Event] The Dynasties Meet

Postby Estrellir Konrath on January 3rd, 2014, 4:23 pm


Family relations with the ruling Magistrate did have its advantages... As Lorenzo's daughter, Estrellir arrived at the town house with him, earlier than most guests. While various carriages tottered over bridges and lined up at the entrance, she was watching them from the shadows around the porch and later out of corridors leading to the foyer. Slaves shot her curious glances, if they noticed her, but by then it had already been established that the second Konrath girl was a bit of an oddball. The Dynasties were too concerned with themselves and their respective enemies to notice a pale silhouette lingering at the edge of their vision.

When she stepped forward, the benches were not exactly packed, but filled considerably. As usual, she was wearing her work outfit, the light blouse and black pants of good quality hugging her form, but her hair was flowing over her shoulders in wild white locks. Only the lightest lines of black accented her eyes, otherwise she relied on their radiant violet color and the shimmering scales mingling with pale skin to complete her looks. The meeting was a business one, not a social occasion, so she dressed and styled accordingly. Anything else would've embarrassed her and her family.

Although she preferred to watch from the sidelines rather than step into the light, Estrellir knew how to blend in with society even on such occasions. Trying to decide on where to take a seat, she noticed the tension between Radacke and Draer. The discussions promised to become long and complicated, but that was what she thrived on, after all... After a quick survey of the other guests, she placed herself near Lorenzo himself, yet put enough distance between them to serve as eyes and ears in a corner he couldn't overlook himself.

It was expected of her to support her family first and foremost. While she intended to do just that, Estrellir never lost sight of her own agenda. Naturally, what she did and said depended on the course the event would take. For now, she settled on the bench and watched her neighbors with an expression of mild interest.

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[Event] The Dynasties Meet

Postby Adair Askara on January 3rd, 2014, 4:36 pm

Adair didn’t really like the current situation either. He doubted anybody did so (unless he or she was a Rujaro or a thoroughly masochistic Dyanasty member). He wanted to have fun, he wanted to enjoy life and not worry about anything, and all those things the Rujaro did made that hard. He wondered why they even did what they did. Did they honestly think that violence was the solution? Did they enjoy it? Why didn’t they just leave Kenash with their escaped slaves and everybody else and settle down in Sunberth or another anarchistic city where they would fit right in?

Petching Rujaro!

He wanted them gone, and he wanted all the other problems to be gone as well!

Since the occasion was a serious one, Adair was dressed like an almost normal person without any feathers or beads and not in clashing colours. He wasn’t wearing women’s clothes either, but a bright blue shirt and black leather pants. He refused to look concerned though. He didn’t like the way his face looked when he was concerned, so he smiled softly instead. He nodded at Whist and then he sat down next to him. If dear Whist considered Banjemin his least favourite person, then Adair was probably a close second.

He just couldn’t decide whether he was gay or not (according to some stupid, intolerant and uneducated people), his behaviour was often inappropriate, his style of dress strange and he earned his money with tattoos (that were often strange as well). On top of that he had pretended that he had died last season, arranged his own funeral and let all of Kenash mourn his passing. Could the day get any better for Whist?
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[Event] The Dynasties Meet

Postby Whist Askara on January 3rd, 2014, 5:43 pm

Whist's face remained impassive, but his fingers fisted in mounting anger. His blue eyes turned glacier cold as he looked at his slender, boyish faced cousin, more child than man. Adair. Here! Now?! This boy-child has the temerity to skip out on his political, diplomatic and familial duties like some irresponsible freeborn and he bothers to show his face NOW?

'Am I the only one willing to shoulder the Askara name and all its responsibilities? The only one who actually worked hard every day like a man should?! This spoiled, insecure, wispy brat shows up here tonight and I'm supposed to pretend everything's fine?!' Whist thought furiously.

The volume of words he spoke with his eyes could fill a book as he looked down icily at his cousin.

"So kind of you to grace us with your presence dear cousin. I do hope it hasn't inconvenienced you to show up for this important political business. We would hate to tax your meager strength with such an adult obligation..." His voice dripped with sarcasm behind the coolly polite tones. Just quiet enough for Adair to hear, but not enough for others to hear or see any open discord between the Askara contingent.

"Could you have at least worn something to show that the Askara name is not synonymous with careless indifference? Or do I need to lend you money for a decent tailor?"

The start of a headache throbbed at his temples as he clenched his jaw. And the night was only just beginning...

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[Event] The Dynasties Meet

Postby Translucent on January 3rd, 2014, 6:36 pm

The heads of household sat prominently amongst their house members, with the exception of course of the Konrath House seeing as how their head was the Magistrate. Lorenzo had to fight the urge to raise a hand to scratch an idle itch on his cheek, a purely habitual motion that would serve only to alert the canny Dynasty that their magistrate was on edge at best, worried at worst. His blue skin seemed all the darker in the flickery torch light.

The Akalak caught the eye of Whist Askara coming into the hallway, and raised an approving brow. Lorenzo found most of the Askara family tedious at best with their oddities and what he viewed as being completely over the top dramatic family. However Whist seemed to be one of the more pragmatic Askara, and he could count on his taking the situation seriously. Whist might not that Benjamin Askara sat on the other side of Adair, seemingly bored with the entire affair. Though those, like Lorenzo, who had known Benjamin the longest might realize that his bored act was simply a ruse to be able to watch the crowds without suspicion.

The Lorak healer slipped in with her brother, and Lorenzo gave her a nod of greeting. He couldn't know if she had obeyed his order to keep what had transpired that night a secret even from her brother, but he did know that no one else seemed to be digging around yet. He watched Verena Lorak ushered in by her brother, and wondered at the toll it took on her to have been present at the interrogation. Unfortunately it had to be done. Lorana looked at the two late comers cooly, not with annoyance but simply with a coolness that spoke of her displeasure at their lateness. She sniffed once before she leaned into Verena and whispered, "Watch the Draer's sister of mine, I will keep my eye on Mica. We notes later."

When his daughter Estrellir Konrath made it, Lorenzo had to stifle a smile that came to his lips. However his pale eyes lingered on hers emphatically with a subtle nod of his head. Estrellir was a dutiful daughter, a bit headstrong but dutiful all the same. While it wouldn't do to show too much emotion or feelings to this group he was proud of her.

Adair Askara Slipped in next and Lorenzo said a silent prayer to Wysar for the fact that Adair was not dressed in a pink frilly dress and acting a clown. That might be a sign on how serious this matter was, when Adair took it...somewhat seriously. Benjamin Askara quirked a brow at Adair's appearance but otherwise he ignored him as he did Whist..until Whist started to bicker with Adair. Whist was keeping it low key, which was good, but at a night like this houses needed to be unified. Casually, Benjamin took his walking stick -purely ornamental- and shifted it as if on accident and knocked the end of it against the shin of Whist. He didn't say anything, he just looked blandly at Whist one brow crooked before turning pointedly back toward Lorenzo.

The Akalak at the front cleared his throat, letting his authoritative voice linger in the air. "Fellow Kenashern, I have called this meeting to discuss a matter of grave importance. For seasons now, years, we have ignored the problem of the Rujaro. I know that I never thought that ...escaped slaves and slave sympathizers would be able to survive in the swamps and discounted them. That was our mistake, now they have holed up and dug in.. and they are responsible for nearly every attack on our persons this season."

Mica Radacke cursed loudly, interrupting the Magistrate, "Petching Shykes! Nothing more then filthy vermin that have rose above their place and dared to ..." His face was red but he was cut off by Lorenzo smoothly interrupting.

"Indeed Mica, they will be dealt with. But they are dug into the swamps, we will need to organize a search party, a hunt to sweep the swamps. However.." Lorenzo paused, hating having to reveal this tidbit, "There is evidence that the Rujaro have ...inside information. People and slaves alike planted inside Kenash..feeding them information."
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[Event] The Dynasties Meet

Postby Verena Lorak on January 5th, 2014, 8:09 am

Verena leaned back at her seat after she heard Lorana's request. She could understand that, though she doubted it would be useful or anything. Besides the Loraks, the Radackes and Draers had been affected the most by this whole Rujaro drama - no question in that. It was quite interesting really, how fast they turned against each other.

Still, she wasn't sure what to pay attention to. Verena turned her gaze toward the head of the Draer Family, Orkat Draer. He sat silently, keeping his eyes on the Magistrate. Verena had never been able to read people very well to begin with and with the Head's impassive face, she was out of her element. Both families were always indifferent towards each other until now, but with the rumor about the Svefras involvement with Rujaro, who know what will happen?

The sight of the Magistrate talking in front of the room reminded her too much of that night. Verena couldn't get it out of her head. The screams, the pleading. She feared it was branded forever in her mind. She had done nothing that night. Nothing. And the guilt was still there, heavy in her heart. No matter how she justified her actions, it was wrong. Her teeth gritted audibly and her hands started shaking.

Zorane calmly took his sister's hands in his, stopping the tremor before anyone started noticing. He kept his eyes trained on the Akalak in front though. It would not be good if she started freaking out. Verena never told him what had happened that night, when she was whisked away in the Konrath's carriage. He had watched them go from the balcony, a filthy man in tow and disappeared into the night. When his sister had returned, she was pale, her eyes unfocused. Something had happened that night. She didn't offered anything to him and he didn't ask. But he had accompanied her until she drifted into a fitful sleep and she kept muttering something he couldn't discern. Till now, Zorane had still had no idea what was going on.

"There is evidence that the Rujaro have ...inside information. People and slaves alike planted inside Kenash..feeding them information."

Verena took a deep breath, more than able to handle a panic attack. Her violet eyes rested again on the Draer, glad for something to focus on. After all, it was his family who was accused of being a traitor.

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[Event] The Dynasties Meet

Postby Estrellir Konrath on January 8th, 2014, 6:29 pm


Noticing the quirky Askara's entrance, Estrellir remembered the elaborately prepared and well organized funeral he'd performed for himself last season. She eyed him with mild interest. He and his kin served as distraction on more than one occasion. Sometimes she enjoyed watching their eccentric personalities clash with those around them. Now they were a welcome way to pass the time until Lorenzo's official opening words, if nothing else.

Eventually her father raised his voice and she directed her attention towards him with a faint spark of pride in violet eyes. Naturally, being part of a Dynasty meant respect and pride, but she felt connected to her family beyond that sense of duty. Perhaps it was due to the difference in looks – both Akalak and Konti always stood out in a crowd of humans. Their fates were entangled through their ancestors and respective patron deities, like two sides of a coin.

At the same time, Lorenzo's words reminded her of how the entire city was connected. All Dynasty members had worked with each other at some point to trade goods, negotiate conditions and grow food on the land. Their ancestors had worked together to build the city from scratch. Now there was need for unity again. Tangled up in conflicts and feuds, they'd never keep the Rujaro in check. From the point of view of the current Magistrate, that was the right way. Every word he said resonated within Estrellir's mind.

She blinked as Mica Radacke interrupted, but kept her features smooth. Tempers were rising high as slaves disappeared, turned up again injured or dead. Anger was a natural reaction, but in the face of a crisis logic and reason were needed. Estrellir didn't think highly of Mica's lack of self-control, but she kept her thoughts to herself.

A hint of sadness weighed down her features as Lorenzo admitted the truth most hadn't dared to mention yet. She shifted slightly on the bench and cast a look around, trying to read expressions and body language of those around her. Naturally, slaves would be easier and more reasonable spies, but every Dynasty would love to accuse their rival. The game of power would continue – but Estrellir hoped it'd be later rather than sooner. For the time being, she kept quiet, awaiting the rest of Lorenzo's speech.

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