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Una and Others are snowed into the library waiting for the blizzard to clear.

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This northernmost city is the home of Morwen, The Goddess of Winter, and her followers who dwell year round in a land of frozen wonder. [Lore]

Snow Doon Library

Postby Una Tanta on December 27th, 2013, 12:10 am

5th Winter, 513 AV

Una gazed out of the windows as she covered them with rugs and extra blankets. It was so dark it was like staring into a never ending abyss. The wind howled around them and the old building creaked under the heavy winds. Doubtless the wind was worse out on the Tundra and Una hoped no one had been out hunting today. Even those caught outdoors in the city were risking life threatening weather. Hunkering down once the snow had started in too heavy to open the front door Una, Jack and his two workers had rounded everyone up into the middle of the library. The warmest part of the library with heavy drapery on the walls and fur on the floor.

Una had found a novice book on building a fire and was hovering over the sooty cave tilting her head back and forth. "Collect firewood that burns easily and create a pyramid." What was a pyramid? What kind of wood burnt easily? The heat from the bodies was making her skin itch irritably making it difficult to think. "Hey...Here..." Jack smiled and dropped off a bucket of water making Una smile as she ran her hands in the rippling top. Smearing it over her arms and legs Una almost wept with relief.

Turning back to the book she ran her eyes over the words more carefully. Pyramid...Pyramid...The word was familiar. She shuffled through the pile of books she had been reading and found one small leather bound journal on Ekytol. Inside there were several poems that referenced a pyramid. Shuffling through the book Una hoped to find a picture of a luck. Rising Una skimmed through the sections of books before pulling out the last journal on Ekytol. Fortunately inside there was a picture which Una set about creating with the logs one of the workers had dropped off for her.

Struggling to keep the logs from falling over Una realized she couldn't add one at a time. Taking pairs of logs she poised them opposite each other keeping the structure balanced. Glancing about she nabbed some charcoal from the front desk and wrote in tiny Char font, as her written Vani was hardly legible, and elaboration on the instructions. Certainly in a place like Avanthal better instructions on fire making would be useful.

2. Place small sticks and paper inside the pyramid.

3. Use your body as a wall to protect the fire from the wind.

4. Strike the fire into existence with flint and steel.

Una stared at the words blankly. These were hardly instructions...Finding some torn parchment but no small sticks Una placed them flat at the bottom of the pyramid. "Here..." a wrinkled man extended his hand, a bundled piece of parchment at it's epicenter. "Let me help you." He said stifling laughter. His shoulders were steeped deeply, as was his face beneath the solid Vantha cheekbones. Una nodded relieved and took out the ones she had just placed in crumpling them up like his. "Now put them back in in a small circle." Una did what he said slowly and carefully which was received with a smirk, "No need to be a perfectionist sweetie, one out of line wont make the flames shirk." Una laughed and nodded bundling the rest into a messy circle.

Taking out flint and steel from her bag Una looked at him beseechingly. The last time she had been on the Tundra she had had flint and steel but hadn't known how to use it. Next time maybe she would if he could teach her. Taking the pieces from her hands the old man smacked them together. Jumping back when sparks flew Una laughed once her heart had settled, "Gosh!"

Taking the flint and steel herself Una tried to strike them together to no avail. Her delight quickly turned to sorrow, like a child's emotions, she was becoming more and more like the Vantha each day. If her own eyes could change colour they would be changing as rapidly as this old mans did as she watched the mirth bubble up into the purple in his eyes. Taking her hands in his calloused wrinkly ones he gently and slowly showed her the angle at which to strike. Una's brow wrinkled as she made the motions over and over again without clashing the two pieces together. It reminded her of the ridges that sometimes smashed together in the ocean creating resounding shocks across the forest floor like during the Djed, but on land the same motion created fire. It was amazing the ways in which the undersea and soil land were different.

This time striking them together with force she leaned over the fire as guided by the old man until the sparks danced over the parchment instantly sending it alight. With a loud whoop of joy that caught everyone's attention Una flung her arms in the air. The wind sending the fire sputtering out and the people crowding around the common room into laughter. Una blushed as the Vantha giggled and snorted. They all acted like tots she thought to herself not realizing that her own outburst could be interpreted equally childlike.

Craning over the fire again Una struck the flint and steel against each other repeatedly until a small flame had caught. Withdrawing slowly Una grinned at the old man."Thanks!" "Oh we aren't done yet, that fire will soon sputter out if it doesn't catch on the logs." "Oh. How do we make it do that?" Smiling at her the old man laughed, "It's like teaching a 5 year old in a woman's body you know, we teach the children at the play school about fire when they're about 9." Una frowned not liking the insinuation but not wanting to insult the old man. Like any culture the Charodae respected elders and their knowledge as few lived so long.

"You need to blow on it and try to get the fire up around the logs, and make it last long enough and burn hot enough it lights the logs on fire." Nodding Una gathered more parchment and placed it on the logs. If the parchment burned so well it made sense to put it on the things you wanted it to burn. However, the fire simply jumped to the new pieces of parchment and burnt them asunder the flames stretching upward away from the logs. The old man said nothing, watching Una assess it herself. Dipping her hot hands in the water Una thought carefully. If the flames went up it made sense to put the parchment underneath. This time she threw parchment in around the bottom of the logs and soon enough a roaring fire was alight in the common room and the people gathered around it gratefully. Grinning and shaking the hands of a few who thanked her she nodded to the old man. Like her few words needed to be exchanged, he knew she was grateful.

Rising Una glanced around for Jack or one of the workers. Spotting Lorelle, one of Jack's most esteemed workers Una smiled. If anyone would know what next needed done she would. Jack wasn't too fond of Lorelle on a personal level but he was impressed with her organization and attention to detail. "Hi, Lorelle? I'm a friend of Jack's, he asked me to help out so I thought I would tell some stories to keep everyone calm but..." She gestured the grinning group around the fire, "So far they seem perfect fine. Can I help you block the leaks so the books aren't damaged?" She didn't dwell on the niceties, not because she didn't deem them important but because she had seen and asked Lorelle questions about finding books in the past that she didn't deem it necessary to introduce herself.

OOCI know it is usually bad manners to introduce your rp partner into the thread but it was a very long day when I wrote this and I didn't think of it so if you want to introduce yourself to the thread just send me a PM and I will delete the last paragraph and feel free to post your response in the meantime Lorelle
Last edited by Una Tanta on January 19th, 2014, 2:13 am, edited 5 times in total.
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Snow Doon Library

Postby Skidril on December 27th, 2013, 12:09 pm

Skidril found himself looking out through the windows every couple of chimes. He couldn’t even feel wrong about the nervousness that crept about his feet as they stumbled up and down the common room that the younger Skyglow led them to. Anyone with family out there in the dark was probably doing the same thing right about now. Neira was smarter than him when it came to finding shelter during the worrisome blizzards, but she was still the thorn in his side whenever he knew a road to her wouldn’t open on impulse. It was only normal for any creature to take care of its young, and by Morwen’s will she was the only younger thing in his life. His feet would tire from pacing stagnant miles every once in a while, but that wouldn’t stop the nervousness from creeping to other parts of his body.

It was always like this. He had a couple of years to get used to worrying all the time, but time didn’t help. Instead as the connection deepened, concerns multiplied. Cracking his knuckles in a most vulgar fashion, he looked for a pause from his thoughts. They would die down eventually, but not quite yet. His mind needed to be dragged elsewhere for the moment, and he found his distraction without effort. Like a fish out of water, quite literally, she was missing only the expected Coolwater harpoon between her shoulder blades. He heard rumors, obviously. Avanthal was a small place, so gossip wasn’t foreign even to foreigners. The rumors might’ve been lacking in poetic prose when translated to lesser languages, but even a deaf-mute could’ve picked up on this one.

As it… no, a she! As the she struggled with breathing life into the fire, he could see old Ewein trying to help her out. The old man might’ve been as likeable as an Iceglaze could get, but Skidril was still confused by the orderly manner in which the elder acted around her. Even if it was strange, it did calm him some. Vantha did good to follow the examples of their elders, and he was one, even when his blood argued. Even if she was foreign to their culture, her ideas were spot on. With everyone huddled together, exchange of bodily temperature might’ve sounded nice, but this wasn’t his first snow-in. Once the cold was taken care of, and room came to some light, he knew that all these huddled up individuals would break free from their husks and engage in all kinds of jovial activities.

Warmth spread among the crowd like a sentient thing. It played tingly with everyone’s earlobes for ticks at a time. Then it would move on to be soaked into the air completely. The inner bells aligned as they struck in each soul present. The room came to warmth, it had come to light, and now it was upon them to make it come to life. The only question now was who would care enough to be the first to raise them to their feet.

While everyone thought about it, a young girl from Snowsong raised her hand above most heads. Between her fingers, rhythm rattles, the sound told him. As she shook it, beans rang within the gourd, and the weak pulse spread across too large a space. Yet, it was in their very nature to echo. Resonating with the wakeup call, various people found that the floor beneath them was but a drum. By the perimeter of the room, hands found walls and produced different notes. Even those uncertain on what to grasp found themselves an instrument between the orderly claps. Skidril was among the last group, working himself into the beat as shakes and taps and claps each found their turn.
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Snow Doon Library

Postby Lorelle on December 31st, 2013, 9:49 am


It really wasn’t that much of a secret, Lorelle has never done well when there is a lot of people in the room. She is fine when it is just her and a couple other people. Fine when something is expected of her and she can get lost in the task instead of getting lost in the crowd. Being trapped in a blizzard with more than enough people stuffed in the library though? Yeah, not exactly her forte.

The female Vantha moves around the library, unhappy that she had to work today. If she hadn’t been working, the somewhat new Icemaiden would be at home snuggled up next to her dog. Nice and warm in her bed. Lorelle smiles softly at the thought. Wow, it is no wonder that she is an Icemaiden. She would prefer to be at home in bed instead of in a room full of people. Lorelle’s smile fades quickly at the thought. Turns into more of a frown.

Lorelle sighs, looking around the library. There is plenty of things going on. A female creature trying to light a fire with some old man, Jack seems to have found himself something to do, and a large enough amount of people who were caught outside now hunker down in the center of the library. Some sort of rhythmic music has started. It sounded by pounding on the floor, walls, bookshelves, anything that could be found. Some clap along, trying to find their places in the music. Something almost beautiful in a way. And Lorelle knows that as a Snowsong, she should stop and try to at least add something to it. But just before she is going to make herself do something, she is approached by the one who was trying to light a fire moments ago.A small part of Lorelle is relieved. Now she doesn’t have to try to join the clapping or do something else to add.

A friend of Jack’s? That is a bit strange and laughable. Lorelle didn’t know Jack had any friends. He always seems so focused and working. And always, always here. Lorelle sees him more than she sees Felix and the old man who hired her seasons ago. The owner of this place as far as she knows.

Even though she knows she shouldn’t, Lorelle smiles at this bit of news. It is not a pleasant, happy smile, but more of a smirk. A playful smile that could very well tell the story of a formulating plan to torture Jack. Or at least torment him relentlessly. It is true, personally the female Vantha and Jack have never really seen eye to eye. Most of the time he is telling her to do something. Put this away, clean this up, keep these people entertained so no one is disturbed. She does her job without compliant -or at least tries to- but to have something to aim back at him if they ever talk about something other than work is nice. Even if it is small.

“A friend of Jack’s?” Lorelle asks, though she isn’t really asking and she hopes that that is clear in her tone. She gives a smile, trying to force the color of gold and happiness into her eyes. “Well, any friend of Jack’s is a friend of mine,” she says happily, or her version of happily anyway. She vaguely recognizes the girl. Maybe she asked Lorelle for help with a book sometime or something? The Vantha isn’t sure and frankly she doesn’t care. She is much more interested in this woman’s relationship with Jack. She puts her hand out for a handshake. If Una takes her hand, than Lorelle will give it a shake before releasing it and letting her own hand drop down to her side. If Una doesn’t place her hand in Lorelle, than the Vantha will simply pull her hand back and try not to seem embarrassed.

“So, you know my name. I don’t know yours,” she points at, “Would you be so kind as to tell it to me?” She looks around the room, the ceiling mostly. Her eyes bounce around, looking at the panels that make up the roof that covers their heads. She crosses her arms before shrugging. “I don’t think that will be necessary,” she tells the woman, turning her gaze back to her. What a strange creature this woman before her is. Lorelle tries not to think about it. She will probably just freak herself out. “I was stuck in here awhile back during another big snowstorm. I don’t remember any leaks. Just being freezing,” she explains before shrugging again. “We should probably keep an eye out though, just in case anything does start leaking. Then we can get to it quickly. No harm to the books.”

Lorelle looks around at the shelves of books. It is such a small library, but with the shelves moves so that the room is bigger for the people it is sheltering it seems bigger. Lorelle sighs, watching as the people around her make music. It is strange really. The sound. Different. But in a good way. A small smile graces Lorelle’s lips. At least they are keeping themselves entertained. Leaving her out of having to really try and be social around this large enough mass of people. That is a relief. To Lorelle and probably all these people who would otherwise have to bare with her attempts at producing entertainment. Something that is not always a very pretty sight to behold.
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Snow Doon Library

Postby Una Tanta on January 3rd, 2014, 11:38 pm

OOCI know in open threads people feel hesitant about taking over and guiding the thread where they want it to go but feel free to do whatever you want. It's your thread as much as mine :3 So no need to wait for me to progress the story.

Lorelle's smile unnerved Una. Not having had many long lasting friends in her youth she didn't recognize the tell-tale smile of someone plotting to tease another. Already unnerved when the beautiful Vantha extended her hand Una awkwardly clasped her forearm and squeezed, a handshake popular in Thunder Bay.

Una smiled weakly in return distracted by the appearance of Jack. Catching sight of him over Lorelle's shoulder Una frowned, he was watching them carefully. Very little distracted Jack at work, so his fascination with their conversation left a bad taste in Una's mouth. “So, you know my name. I don’t know yours,” Lorelle hesitated waiting for an answer. When Una didn't give any, distracted by Jack, she asked more pointedly, “Would you be so kind as to tell it to me?”

"Oh! Uhm...Una Tanta..." Una replied looking back at the Vantha. Her hair curved around her face elegantly and for the first time in her life Una felt remarkably plain. She knew she was beautiful by Charoda standards. However, this Vantha for all she looked like any other Vantha was remarkably beautiful. The dainty face and delicate movements appealed to her Charodean sense of beauty.

“I don’t think that will be necessary, I was stuck in here awhile back during another big snowstorm. I don’t remember any leaks. Just being freezing. We should probably keep an eye out though, just in case anything does start leaking. Then we can get to it quickly. No harm to the books.” Una nodded, she liked the staccato of the woman's voice, but her long winded way of saying no thanks left Una waiting for the end of the sentence and her opportunity to walk away.

"Well then if there is nothing to do shall we join the masses?" Una laughed as the music around them tumbled through her ears and moved away from Lorelle toward the people. She could understand why Jack didn't like her, she was unnervingly beautiful and long winded. Una resentfully listed off the reasons in her mind why the girl was obviously an unappealing woman but the back of her mind nettled her, she was jealous.

The Vantha though annoyingly childish even as adults were the perfect people to be stuck in a library with. As the storm raged outside Una stepped forward her voice joining the throng of music. The Charoda language was very much like music itself and though she couldn't do the trebles and complicated meter that more trained singers were capable of her race lent her it's natural talent.

No complicated song was demanded by the beat. Voice was a musical instrument itself not the focal point like many bands lent it to be. Without words, her voice rose and fell with a single note. Uncomplicated, it was beautiful with it's simplicity. As other voices rose they drowned hers out and she joined the background voices of the novice children. Copying their simple escalations her voice, high pitched, fit in well among their equally untrained throats.

She smiled to herself, closing her eyes and swaying to the music they all created. Creeping out of the back corner Jack stepped up behind her. He didn't join in the throng but he tolerated it to Una's delight. Una smiled back at him thanks shining in her eyes. He valued the library as more than a place of entertainment, it was study and work. She was sure he would disapprove of the music they were creating, this was not a hall afterall, but he seemed to understand the importance of it in the foul weather. They weren't trying to disrespect the library merely...brighten it up a bit...Una thought to herself willing him to understand.

When he nodded at her, face still stern, Una moved away from the crowd with him. "They're just trying to entertain themselves Jack...Don't be such a snob." She teased. "I'm not being a snob, I just don't think it's appropriate." Frowning Una shook her head, "Then go work on your writing and ignore the music, it's not like anyone is going to come into the library needing you." Scowling he stormed away into his office leaving Una gritting her teeth in frustration between the book shelves.
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Snow Doon Library

Postby Skidril on January 14th, 2014, 10:15 pm

More and more people sounded forth for the scene to evolve. And then, once there was no longer room for shyness, the make-do orchestra could proceed. Somehow, even real instruments managed to find their way into hands of proud owners that began to strum tunes. It took a while for rhythm to get readjusted, and what was near harmony plummeted into disarray first. However the consonance was reclaimed through a slowing pace that seemed most sluggish after the initial surges of energy. Skidril could feel almost as if a part of him went missing as he reached to his side to pull out an instrument of his own. He was terrible when he played it, everyone would do well to remind him of it, but he still felt incomplete when unable to react in proper fashion.

With or without a single man, the library would soon reach something close to serenity. And he could still remember his first snow-in, and how after being loud for a while and entertaining themselves and everyone else, every crowd needed to be made an audience.
Dying beat of the fifth string was kept company by only a handful of the remaining living instruments. The claps began nervous and erratic, and soon enough the stomps stopped altogether. The only thing that kept itself together fully was people humming and chanting. Yet even that had to expire to give room for an area of opportunity. If someone wanted to tell a tale, the time would make itself known soon enough. His father thought him many things, and that bards were men of opportunity was but one of them. It was a shame that he was only a fifth of his father in these arts. This shortcoming kept him too grounded to reach out and grab the first one. Someone else could have it.

Everyone took the rattling sounds and ate them in awe, but they didn't mistake it for anything more than it was. People needed a wake-up call and they got one, but once fully awake, there was only so much aimless pursuits could do for them. Somewhere, a part of him flashed with memory. It was an old story, something he had heard back while growing up... maybe he could...

„Story!“ one of the younger occupants exclaimed in a raspy voice „Storytime!“ the voice was unusually raspy for someone so young. Apparently all this ruckus was but sandpaper to her vocal chords. The Vantha were a social people, so it didn't take long for even something as simple as two words to become accepted as the norm. Some mouths cried out for a story and some for storytime, but through the intertwining midst of it all, only five letters flew out.




Only someone's initiative could've broken the hypnotizing repetition of a deeply unsated craving. The yearn for more was something so great that Skidril's initial thoughts off telling one grew into an unsettling need to hear it. Without even trying to resist, Skidril found himself a part of the people, his chants one with their own. As they chanted, the occupants skittered around the room in what might've looked like a frenzy. The truth of the matter was that they were actually freeing up the right side of the room. Almost on instinct they knew every entertainer needed their own space separate from the crowd. While this did put a certain strain on the separated one, it also somehow only enlarged the glory of storytelling. What was it worth if not gazing the reaction on faces of your listeners as their eyes grew wide in admiration, in enchantment?
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Snow Doon Library

Postby Lorelle on January 18th, 2014, 8:33 am


Una Tanta. The name plays around in Lorelle’s mind. Such a strange name. Not one of the Vantha to be sure. Though, this woman wasn’t Vantha. That much was certain. No, she is something much different. Not something usually seen in the snowy city of Avanthal. Yet she is here so there must be a reason. Lorelle can’t help but wonder what that reason may be. What could possibly be holding this sea creature here? It couldn’t be the woman’s friendship with Jack. Could it? What exactly is the nature of said friendship? Such questions spin in Lorelle’s head. She craves to know the answers, but has not a moment to think of a way to ask them without sounding intrusive before the Charoda is already moving away from her into the crowd of people.

Lorelle frowns, watching the fishy woman go. Her arms cross as her eyes shift into colors that reflect her annoyance. The woman seems to have a want to get away from her. Sooner than Lorelle would normally expect from a person bored with her company. The Vantha sits most of her weight on her right leg, watching the Charoda move through the library. Lorelle herself pretty much stays where she is. She doesn’t hold any interest in joining the others in the center of the library. The noise irritates her. The clapping, drumming on the floor. Instruments are brought out and voices join. It feels and sounds like there is a lot of people here, but it is such a small library. Ten people at once in one spot of the library would make it seem crowded.

Lorelle sighs, about to go hide in an office and wait out the storm when something catches her eye. It is Jack. He has moved up out of the shadows and is now standing behind the strange creature who calls herself Una. Lorelle begins to move through the crowd, shifting her eyes around to different people so that she doesn’t seem like she is staring. She really isn’t. Still this friendship interests her. Anything concerning Jack and other people really does. He isn’t really the type one would say ‘has friends’. To consumed with his work. To worried about the library all the time.

They begin to move away together. Lorelle can’t help it, she follows this time. She squeezes herself between two book shelves on the other side of them. With the chants ringing out amongst the crowd, the Vantha is only able to catch snippets of their conversation. Fitting the pieces together wasn’t hard. Jack is displeased with the events at the library. Go figure. Una seems to want him to loosen up though or hole himself in his office where he copies books. Not much of a surprise. However, what is a surprise is the way Jack turns and storms off. That doesn’t seem to much like him. Though, none of the conversation seems like him. He is so quiet most of the time. Doesn’t like drawing attention to himself. Yet, Lorelle catches more than one set of eyes watching him as he goes to his office.

A mental battle rages within Lorelle. She tries to decide if she should confront Una, take Jack's lead and hide in one of the offices or try to calm the masses crying out for a story. The Vantha sighs, deciding on the third choice. No use trying to go to Una without making the creature want to get away from her more and the office would be no good. She would still be able to hear these people from there.

Lorelle walks out from between two of the bookshelves. She looks at the people, the chair they have set up. They expect a story. They want a storyteller. Someone who can capture their attention and make them forget the storm raging on outside. Lorelle bites down on her lower lip. She isn’t what one would call a great storyteller. Only basic knowledge of the skill has made its home inside her mind. She doesn’t think herself qualified for the job. Her eyes shift around nervously, looking for someone qualified for the job. Or at least one who looks interesting enough to play the part. Even if the story isn’t all that great, a good part of storytelling is in how the story is presented.

Una comes to mind. Lorelle frowns slightly, wanting the sea creature off her mind. However, Una is someone who would certainly capture the attention of these people. She is exotic in appearance and Lorelle is sure she could spin some sort of story. What else would she have in common with Jack other than books and stories? It seems unlikely that there could be anything else.

Groaning, Lorelle forces herself to put a smile on her face and turns back to the book shelves. She is quick to find the one where Una stands with her teeth clenched in anger.
“Una,” Lorelle calls out, trying to sound cheerful, “Just the person I wanted to see. See, there is a crowd just outside of these two bookshelves that are demanding a story.” Lorelle stands one or two feet in front of the Charoda, trying not to cross her arms and demand someone quickly quiet these people down. Her head feels as though it is spinning with all the noise. “I think you would be a good choice for the job. Being a creature of the sea and all, I would think you have some interesting tales to spin. What do you say?” Lorelle asks, hoping desperately that she will agree, “Will you do it?”
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Snow Doon Library

Postby Una Tanta on January 29th, 2014, 7:09 am

Una turned when her name was called and smiled back at Lorelle, “Just the person I wanted to see. See, there is a crowd just outside of these two bookshelves that are demanding a story.” Una tilted her head, "So?" The Vantha stood very near and Una squirmed slightly in discomfort. She was used to the vastness of the sea and she had never quite adapted to the intense closeness the Vantha felt compelled to keep.“I think you would be a good choice for the job. Being a creature of the sea and all, I would think you have some interesting tales to spin. What do you say? Will you do it?”

Una shuffled a little further away from the Vantha hoping she wouldn't notice and think it rude. "Sure I suppose, but would you write down what I say for me? You can write, right?" Una assumed she could since she worked in the library. Smiling either way she hoped she could get her ballad recorded. It would be wonderful to be able to have it immortalized.

Moving back through the shelves she stood in the spot cleared by the Vantha and smiled, "I have been in Avanthal for several seasons now as many of you know, and I have learned many of your stories. In deference and honour to your kindness and hospitality I offer the same. This is a ballad you will likely all know, and I hope you will sing along. Maybe afterward, you will all be interested in a story from my own people." She spoke Vani to them, her breathy accent and tendancy to round out the vowels giving it a peculiar softness.

I saw a bear rise,
From the broiling waters,
at the port of Avanthal.
He brandished his paws,
and cliffs of claws.

A dream of an ice-bear,
means a gale from the east.
Battering Ice Wall Gates came the windy beast.
Growing swiftly it hunkered down,
Threatening Morwens icy crown.
Craven and unwilling to rise,
Avanthal knelt,
Not to Morwen that day.

Jedara came,
bathed in night sky hair.
Wielding the moon,
She brought it to halt.

Too late is her action,
For so it is settled,
From the faring I turn, the going is fixed.
Craven and unwilling to rise,
Avanthal knelt,
Not to Morwen that day.

Jedara came,
Bathed in night sky hair.
Wielding the moon,
She beckoned Avanthal.

Then bright shone the morning
The Ice guards heeding,
They said they would charge as one mighty shield,
Yet each held the other back, eyes shifting.
If one were to sway, to stumble, or fall
For certain they would all.

Jedara came,
Bathed in night sky hair.
Wielding the moon,
She beckoned the bear.

Jedara rose.
A new path they pave,

All we, fight against the east gales
Armed with only companions
At the hearth we join together
To die, only when our friendship cease
Our enemies actions shortened, muted
abbreviations in the snow.
our army, together a ballad,
a trampling ocean flow.
Avanthal knelt,
To Morwen that day...

She smiled partway through as the people around her corrected her tone with a gentle chorus in the background and her trembling voice found the correct note once again. Her song was half spoken, half sung into a lilting bird and as the last verse tumbled forward the groups voice rushed up to meet her own until the Library shook with the force of the words.

She bowed breathless at the end. She sung it much better than the first time, when she first arrived in Avanthal but the proper chords still escaped her and she struggled to keep up with the rapid tempo. As she stood straight again and gazed out at the crowd grinning her eyes were met with Jack's in the shadows.

An intensely private and professional man he was intensely bothered by the rough loudness within his library. The Vantha acting as if they were in a tavern instead of a place of learning. However, as intensely dissatisfied with the situation as he was he would never speak up loud enough to stop the trouble, the only people he scolded with ease were his employees.

Una could see him moving through the bookshelves toward Lorelle. She couldn't hear what he privately whispered but the demand in his eyes was clear. He was demanding she shut down the revelry...
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Una Tanta
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Snow Doon Library

Postby Skidril on February 5th, 2014, 7:10 pm

The frenzy that was the crowd soon found themselves another object of admiration as at last their request seemed to be coming into fulfillment. The fish-woman stepped out before them. Being one of the many whose feelings were caught off balance for a moment, Skidril wouldn't notice exactly where the strange creature came from exactly, nor would he see Lorelle's part in the grand design, but he still appreciated the mechanism more than any little cog.
Her quite literally unearthly mouth pronounced a mild glaze of Vani that soothed the ears as they took the whole thing in. It was quite remarkable to Skidril how quickly all of them seemed to accept the strange creature as their storyteller. And he couldn't blame them, as peculiar as she might've been she still made the effort of learning their own language. Sure she could've spoken in Common just as well, but somehow that would've diminished her efforts. This way she was nothing short of incredible, her pronunciation bringing a smile to Skidril's face. It had been a long time since he'd last heard a proper tikita accent. Still when this particular woman was the case, it was hard to measure the exact warmth in her blood.

As her story unveiled, he did his best to take in every word. Her wording was beautiful in its own, peculiar way. Certainly he would be retelling her story for many times to come, as it deserved no less. Every sound making its mark, the story grew to a song and then again into an explosion of all things out of the ordinary. The library seemed content to turn into a concert hall equal in height as the finest tones of Snowsong, and if only for a tick, everyone would get their own part in the story. Mostly they just corrected the creature's speech pattern, but they were kind about it and she was just as graceful in taking the critique.

And she bowed bowed at the end, her breath running thin as the illusion of everything being alright broke away once more and people started nearing the windows. Again, even if it did no good whatsoever, Skidril too looked out, counted the flakes unsuccessfully for a couple of times and backed away while he still managed to find intent in doing so. With his obvious worry out of the way, he still felt like he somehow owed an apology to the creature that had managed to animate them . Even if he hadn't said anything, he still thought her lesser than a Vantha at first glance. If anything, she had proven herself more than half of one. With that thought in his mind, he walked over to where she was and congratulated her honestly: „That was beautiful! And your voice, where did you learn to speak Vani like that?“ there was probably an awful lot more he could've asked her, but at the tip of his tongue only bits remained.
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Snow Doon Library

Postby Skidril on February 5th, 2014, 7:10 pm

Couldn't erase it completely and I'm in a rush now, so I'll find a way to fix it properly soon enough. Pardon the inconvenience.
Last edited by Skidril on February 10th, 2014, 4:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Snow Doon Library

Postby Lorelle on February 7th, 2014, 6:56 am


The Vantha raises an eyebrow as Una brings up writing her tale down. Lorelle works at the library, yes. But she doesn’t work in that sense. Her writing talents are very little in comparison to most other Vantha for she hasn’t worked on them much. Nor does she care to do so. She is content as one can be keeping up with the ledger, working among the books and making sure everything is always in order, occasionally dealing with a late or damaged book. It isn’t an exciting life and Lorelle won’t pretend it is. But it is one she enjoys. And one that does not involve her knowing how to write well. She is about to tell the Charoda that when the creature nods and makes her way to the spot prepared for the one willing to entertain the large crowd of people.

Sighing softly, Lorelle looks to the Vantha in the crowd. She moves towards the back, grabbing someone who is doing something with a piece of paper and a quill. The Icemaiden asks the young Vantha to do what Una has asked her to do. With nothing better to do the boy agrees before sitting down once more. Nodding, happy with herself, Lorelle moves back towards the shadows of the library. Maybe she can get away for just a moment. That would be nice.

The air is soon filled with the lyrics of a well known ballad. Even with the broken notes of Una’s song, the way the others in the room fill the gaps make up for it. It is pleasant to listen to. However, Lorelle’s pounds at the sound of the notes. A form of illness commonly referred to as a headache is slowly beginning to force itself upon her. The song isn’t helping. Had this been up to her, the Vantha would have preferred silence. Just silence and nothing else.

Lorelle squeezes her eyes shut, trying to force the pain from her head. It isn’t really something she wants to deal with right now. When she opens her eyes, Jack is standing in front of her. Great. Another thing she doesn’t want to deal with. Crossing her arms, Lorelle sighs.
“What do you want Jack?” she asks. The Skyglow is obviously not in a good mood. Lorelle understands why he has gone sour. Well, more sour than usual. “This needs to stop,” he demands. Lorelle sighs, rolling her eyes. She looks to the people in the room. The ballad has stopped now and some man who is not Vantha, or at least not fully, is speaking with Una. The others in the room do as they please.

Turning back so that her gaze is locked on Jack’s, Lorelle shrugs.
“I don’t know how to help you,” she admits. The pounding in her head is beginning to grow louder. Each voice in the room feels like a sharp dagger pressing itself against her skull. She really just wants to go lay down in a silent room. “Well figure it out,” Jack demands. Lorelle just frowns, unable to come up with a response for him that will make him happy. All she can think about is this pain in her head and the fact that what Jack is requesting is unreasonable. “Figure it out yourself,” she snaps in a low voice so hopefully only he can hear, “There is a group of Vantha, known to be very hardy people mind you, trapped in a library while a blizzard rages on outside. What do you think can be done?”

Lorelle looks at him a moment longer, waiting for a response. In her mind, things are going to happen tonight that aren’t going to make him happy. He will be grumpy for awhile and she is sure she will pay for these people’s actions later. Considering Jack is like her second boss next to Felix who she doesn’t think is here tonight. Sighing softly, she lets her arms drop. The pounding in her head is intensifying. Jack still hasn’t given her an answer but seems to be thinking still on the matter. “I wouldn’t worry about it too much Jack. They are going to be noisy, probably shift the books around but I will work on that later. We’ll fix the library. They will quiet down on their own eventually. When they get tired enough,” she tells him before turning and leaving him.

Lorelle finds her way behind some of the library shelves, hidden from view as she slides down the wall and sits down. She just needs a moment to herself. Regain her thoughts and maybe let this headache work itself out of her. Resting her head against the wall, she lets her eyes shut but doesn’t sleep. Just listens to everything, every noise like another sharp point against her head. It makes her wince back each time. She may need more than a moment to herself. Many more.
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