The family sat in a large room, a long dark wooden table sitting as a centerpiece. Each of the many members of the Twilight house had a chair, made of a similar wood and embroidered cushions. Evenly spaced, they conveniently fit all around the table, awaiting the grand meal that was to come. In light of the Midwinter Festival, Altelo had arranged a large feast for them all… one of the biggest that season. Feasts, however, weren’t too unusual in this household… but with the recent quake they’d been a little more empathetic and tried to put money into restoration, rather than lavish meals. Today seemed to be an exception, and everyone was in their best, knowing that a several-course meal was to come.
Jenni sat near the end of the table closest to the doors of the kitchen… meaning that she was one of the closest to the approaching food. Altelo Twilight sat at that end as the patriarch, with Nosumo on his right… on her left. Surprisingly, she was only down one seat from that key spot. Though Altelo tried not to take seating so seriously, some of the members of the family were very picky about things… so the two’s friendliness as siblings had earned her father that place. To the Seeker’s right was Alyshi Twilight, an older woman who was one of the sticklers of tradition. Opposite her was one of the relatives Jenni was more friendly with… Kanami, who was sweet enough, though didn’t hold her scholarly preferences. However, Jenni couldn’t say anything negative about art… in fact, she quite liked her aunt’s pieces. Other members were scattered around, holding small conversations between themselves while they waited for the first course to arrive…. Out of five.
The young morpher curled a lock of hair behind one ear as she attempted to stare past Kanami to the far wall. The older woman and Alyshi were having an intense discussion about art versus business, and the business uses in art, and so on. It was a common argument between the two, and Jenni had heard it all. Meanwhile, her father was fussing with his knives and forks and spoons, leaning over the table to count everyone else’s, and see if they had the same numbers. Again, a usual activity. Everyone was dressed well – not their best – but still well. She was wearing her usual dress and slippers, with her necklace and bracelet on the side… it was what she wore to most family gatherings, though it wasn’t the most comfortable garment.
Her own eyes were directed at the large set of double doors at the nearest wall, where any moment… servants would come through with pots of soup. She knew it would be soup, since it was always soup at the beginning, at least in this House… and everyone had deep, white, ceramic soup bowls in front of them, and the furthest utensil to her left was a soup spoon. Those were dead giveaways. The only question was what kind of soup… it was different every time, though they were always delicious… Altelo had hired some of the best cooks he knew. Though the family had one steady employee who was a chef, a few others came in for the larger banquets, when more exquisite food was required… and just more.
Her expression was a dull one, until she saw the beginnings of an opening door. Her face brightened as a man dressed in a fine suit pushed his way out, a large pot of steaming soup on a trolley before him. A long ladle stuck out of it, ready to serve into the first bowl. This was Altelo’s, and he quietly thanked the man for the serving. The server then moved around the table clockwise, leaning over seated Twilights to ladle some of the hot liquid into their bowls. Because of this, the Seeker’s was second to last… though she was able to get a glance from others beside her what tonight’s was.
Before her was an orange soup, thick and chunky, with grated cheese on top. She leaned over it just a little and took a sniff. Was it… carrot? Yes, carrot and cheese soup. She liked that kind… hopefully this would be just as good, or better, than usual. Jenni eyed her uncle as the servant made his way out of the dining room, not going to start eating until… there. Altelo took a large spoonful of his own soup and began drinking, the signal for the rest of the family to dig it. The servings were small, as they had four more courses to go, but everyone was happy to begin eating what was sure to be a delicious meal.
The Seeker used her wide, round, spoon to mix the cheese and carrot together, before finally scooping out a serving of her own. Her right hand unconsciously rubbed the cloth napkin in her lap while she drunk quietly, careful not to slurp. Though most were eating, polite conversations dotted the table as people talked between mouthfuls… as you were supposed to do. ‘A word between every bite’ was the general rule, and though they weren’t technically biting anything… it still applied.
The soup itself was thick and warm, the cheese and carrots creating an excellent chunky texture. The chefs had added the right amount of seasoning too, meaning she didn’t have to add anything. Jenni smiled through her mouthful as it went down in a moment, returning quickly for another gulp. So much for the talking rule… she had nothing to talk about anyways, unless someone started up a conversation themselves… she preferred eating first, talking between courses… if there was any talking at all. It meant she could devour all the excellent food served first, and talk in large chunks like she liked to. However, some members of her family were sticklers for things… and there it was, her grandmother turning to her to speak or scold.
-- Winter 55th, 513 AV --
The family sat in a large room, a long dark wooden table sitting as a centerpiece. Each of the many members of the Twilight house had a chair, made of a similar wood and embroidered cushions. Evenly spaced, they conveniently fit all around the table, awaiting the grand meal that was to come. In light of the Midwinter Festival, Altelo had arranged a large feast for them all… one of the biggest that season. Feasts, however, weren’t too unusual in this household… but with the recent quake they’d been a little more empathetic and tried to put money into restoration, rather than lavish meals. Today seemed to be an exception, and everyone was in their best, knowing that a several-course meal was to come.
Jenni sat near the end of the table closest to the doors of the kitchen… meaning that she was one of the closest to the approaching food. Altelo Twilight sat at that end as the patriarch, with Nosumo on his right… on her left. Surprisingly, she was only down one seat from that key spot. Though Altelo tried not to take seating so seriously, some of the members of the family were very picky about things… so the two’s friendliness as siblings had earned her father that place. To the Seeker’s right was Alyshi Twilight, an older woman who was one of the sticklers of tradition. Opposite her was one of the relatives Jenni was more friendly with… Kanami, who was sweet enough, though didn’t hold her scholarly preferences. However, Jenni couldn’t say anything negative about art… in fact, she quite liked her aunt’s pieces. Other members were scattered around, holding small conversations between themselves while they waited for the first course to arrive…. Out of five.
The young morpher curled a lock of hair behind one ear as she attempted to stare past Kanami to the far wall. The older woman and Alyshi were having an intense discussion about art versus business, and the business uses in art, and so on. It was a common argument between the two, and Jenni had heard it all. Meanwhile, her father was fussing with his knives and forks and spoons, leaning over the table to count everyone else’s, and see if they had the same numbers. Again, a usual activity. Everyone was dressed well – not their best – but still well. She was wearing her usual dress and slippers, with her necklace and bracelet on the side… it was what she wore to most family gatherings, though it wasn’t the most comfortable garment.
Her own eyes were directed at the large set of double doors at the nearest wall, where any moment… servants would come through with pots of soup. She knew it would be soup, since it was always soup at the beginning, at least in this House… and everyone had deep, white, ceramic soup bowls in front of them, and the furthest utensil to her left was a soup spoon. Those were dead giveaways. The only question was what kind of soup… it was different every time, though they were always delicious… Altelo had hired some of the best cooks he knew. Though the family had one steady employee who was a chef, a few others came in for the larger banquets, when more exquisite food was required… and just more.
Her expression was a dull one, until she saw the beginnings of an opening door. Her face brightened as a man dressed in a fine suit pushed his way out, a large pot of steaming soup on a trolley before him. A long ladle stuck out of it, ready to serve into the first bowl. This was Altelo’s, and he quietly thanked the man for the serving. The server then moved around the table clockwise, leaning over seated Twilights to ladle some of the hot liquid into their bowls. Because of this, the Seeker’s was second to last… though she was able to get a glance from others beside her what tonight’s was.
Before her was an orange soup, thick and chunky, with grated cheese on top. She leaned over it just a little and took a sniff. Was it… carrot? Yes, carrot and cheese soup. She liked that kind… hopefully this would be just as good, or better, than usual. Jenni eyed her uncle as the servant made his way out of the dining room, not going to start eating until… there. Altelo took a large spoonful of his own soup and began drinking, the signal for the rest of the family to dig it. The servings were small, as they had four more courses to go, but everyone was happy to begin eating what was sure to be a delicious meal.
The Seeker used her wide, round, spoon to mix the cheese and carrot together, before finally scooping out a serving of her own. Her right hand unconsciously rubbed the cloth napkin in her lap while she drunk quietly, careful not to slurp. Though most were eating, polite conversations dotted the table as people talked between mouthfuls… as you were supposed to do. ‘A word between every bite’ was the general rule, and though they weren’t technically biting anything… it still applied.
The soup itself was thick and warm, the cheese and carrots creating an excellent chunky texture. The chefs had added the right amount of seasoning too, meaning she didn’t have to add anything. Jenni smiled through her mouthful as it went down in a moment, returning quickly for another gulp. So much for the talking rule… she had nothing to talk about anyways, unless someone started up a conversation themselves… she preferred eating first, talking between courses… if there was any talking at all. It meant she could devour all the excellent food served first, and talk in large chunks like she liked to. However, some members of her family were sticklers for things… and there it was, her grandmother turning to her to speak or scold.
Common - Nari/Crook - NPC - Writing - Reading