Closed Nightmare Creatures

Shayna learns a horrible truth

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This lazy agricultural settlement rests on the swampy shores of the Middle Suvan at the delta of The Kenash River. The River's slow moving bayou waters have bred a different sort of people - rugged, cultured, and somewhat violent. Sprawling plantations of tobacco and cotton grow on the outskirts of the swamp in the rich Cyphrus soils, while the city itself curls around the bayou and spawns decadence and sins of all sorts. Life is slower in Kenash, but the lack of pace is made up for in the excesses of food and flesh in a city where drinking, debauchery, gambling, slavery, and overbearing plantation families dominate the landscape.

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Nightmare Creatures

Postby Kalesserimamoru on January 6th, 2014, 4:33 am


Meyora.. Muro..Mura? Mamoru had heard very little of the place, so little in fact that he didn't make a connection with the pale women with equally pale hair. But now that he heard it from another, it clicked together in away that made more sense. The question that she was asked made him smile, for he had asked that same thing of her and she had given him the exact same answer. It wasn't a surprise, all beings seemed to be bred a certain way and it was hard for them to break away from that thought pattern. Even he had been a victim of this until the God/Goddess of trickery touched him and opened his eyes. "Look around you girl, you are in the swamps..and yet you're still very much alive." he cackled softly.

With her in his arms, he didn't shy away from anything and pulled her close so that their bodies met in the right places and allowed her to settle atop him comfortably. Mamoru knew that winter wasn't as warm as it was in the jungle everywhere else. He had learned that through traveling the small amount that he had. But to stay in it for a season was something different. Still he would make it through the weather without trouble, this he swore. As the days passed his powers continued to grow and soon he would be able to create fire without the use of flint and steel. That would come in handy on those cold nights when all he needed was the fire to warm him. "Given your story, you must know something about the Askara house, hmm?"

Of course Shayna would be there, and unless his little pet had been stuck in the rain, her body was always warm enough. When his fingers moved over her scars he felt her flinch in his arms and smiled. They bothered her as he had come to suspect and was part of the reason he decided to hide them for her. "I have my ways dear girl, I will make sure that no one will see those so that you look your best." Moving his hand away from her scars, Mamoru rubbed her back quickly, trying to force heat to generate through friction. "And I agree, we can't have anyone thinking you disobey me..I won't have any of that." he added and slid his hands down to rub her thighs in the same way to warm them, before moving his hands back upward.

The pressure of his hands upon her body, and the quickness at which he touched her, caused her body to push against his and move up and down slightly, in a way that was anything but unpleasant. She tightened her arms around him and her soft flesh massaged his harder build and worked away his tiredness quickly. Suddenly the cottage had gotten much warmer.
"Everything happens out of necessity."
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Nightmare Creatures

Postby Shayna on January 6th, 2014, 5:09 am

Shayna squirmed just slightly against him, a natural adjustment process to maximize and ease the coming together of bodies. Her breath left her body in a soft sigh, even as her face turned to press against his chest. When he asked about the Askara's she nodded, "They are a volatile and odd family M'Lord." Her words spoken was only slightly muffled by his body. "Be careful around them. They are odd, they are peculiar and many underestimate what they are capable of because they are so."

Of course she had seen her master's form, she had watched as he turned his hands into a weapon, watched as he dispatched the two men so easily. She still worried about him, in her mind the Dynasties were all powerful with infinite reach, but she was a little more certain of her master's abilities. Laying against him, his hands moving across her back rapidly, building her natural body heat but also a much different sort of heat, Shayna tried to focus on him. She tried not to let him distract her, with the rocking of their bodies, so that she didn't miss anything he said. She was determined to not fail him again by letting distractions take away from her duty.

"Thank you M'Lord.." She said, genuinely grateful when he said that he could make sure no one sees her hated scarring. She didn't know how he was going to do it, but after what she had seen today she didn't doubt him at all. She probably wouldn't doubt him if he promised that he could make Syna set in the east and rise in the west. When he finished speaking, she raised her head just a little to look up at him with her unique eyes, eyes whose pupils were just a little dilated and wide, "I am sorry that I am damaged M'Lord. They should have told you so when you were looking to buy me. I should have said something since they didn't." She didn't know what possessed her, but her hands began to move along his shoulders, her fingers pressing into his muscles, much like the pleasure slave had shown her when they were at the Den.

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Nightmare Creatures

Postby Kalesserimamoru on January 6th, 2014, 6:41 am


Volatile and odd she said, and if he didn't know any better he'd think she were talking about the monkeys that lived on top of Zinrah. They were just as hard to predict and just as violent. But he wondered where the difference lied. The two were worlds apart and their ways were as different as night was to the day. Getting to know these people wouldn't be as easy, and he thought he might come out better if he just kept them at a distance...or. Mamoru's goals in life, while many and as changing as they were mostly held true. There was one thing that he lived by and seemed to work no matter what plan he had..and that was. Get rid of anyone that stands in my way..

Mamoru didn't come to Kenash to burn the place to the ground or destroy the lives there, leaving nothing behind but himself and a large pile of bones. However, he was far beyond any submissive state and if he couldn't break bread with certain families then he would just have to get rid of them...all of them. There were many ways he could do it, and by the end of the blood shed or exile, whatever fashion they were done in, it didn't matter. When the dust cleared they would be gone, and Mamoru would be short another enemy...that would be the end.

The trickster was already working up a plan in his mind, but he hadn't forgotten Shayna. The young woman, nude in his arms couldn't be dismissed so easily. There was a saying amongst Dhani, that the stench of a Myrian could burn one's nostrils shut. For a time, he wondered if this was just about Myrians or did all human types smell the same. This wasn't true in the least with Shayna. The scent of her damp hair, the softness of her body against his, there was nothing disgusting about this girl. He looked into her eyes as she apologized to him and smiled as his nose bumped hers.

Her hands gently massaged his shoulders much in the way the slave at the baths had done. Mamoru's own hands went to work and started to massage Shayna's body in the exact same way that he had done with her in the same bath. "Damaged? I think not. No, unique is a better word..." He paused to kiss at her neck, trailing his lips upward until he could find her lips and kissed them deeply. "There is more to you than you know...more to me than they know..but we shall show them, won't we Shayna?" A genuine smile crossed his lips and he leaned forward to kiss her again, his hands groping her body somewhat gently. "Now then, tell me everything you know about that family. Even rumors..I want it all."
"Everything happens out of necessity."
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Nightmare Creatures

Postby Shayna on January 6th, 2014, 7:16 am

The trainers at the farm where she had been bred had never slated it likely that she would be purchased as a pleasure slave. Most likely they probably figured at the most she might be tapped by a low level cousin of a third cousin and thus she wouldn't need training in this area. Shayna had never missed that training, until now. With his actions he made it clear to Shayna at least that he wanted her in that capacity, for reasons still unclear to the slave that had always been dubbed plain. That didn't matter though, he did and so she wanted to deliver, the problem is she was going mostly on instinct then any real knowledge.

She let his words roll over her, not damaged, arching her neck to offer him as much of the expanse as she could. Her own hands beginning to wander, but a gentle bite to her lip helped keep her grounded, focused..mostly.. on his words. "Yes M'Lord." She murmurs, her voice just a little husky though her lips smiled against his lips, accepting his kiss, and without real thought offered her own.

She squirmed in his lap but managed to answer his command to tell him everything about the family. "The head of house is Benjemen, he and many of the Askara males tend to .... enjoy both genders and very few of them hide the fact. They pretend to be carefree but really they want power just as every others. They are also known for seeking out the slaves that have displayed similar tendencies and they are all male. The ones that are in the house anyway. There is Adair Askara, who seems the only one that genuinely wants to play more then work and has been in his fair share of scandals."

She wasn't aware that she had already offered some information on Adair to him when he was in the guise of Reno. His hands were making it a bit difficult to dredge up more that didn't touch on her night there. "Cecily Askara. Thrives on decadence and unlike the rest of her family tends to take pleasure in the paranoia. She ... looks for reasons to question slaves." Speaking of the woman who had left the marks on her body sent a chill through Shayna, that manifested in a shiver. But she did not let it keep her from exploring with her hands, watching him closely to make sure she did not go too far.

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Nightmare Creatures

Postby Kalesserimamoru on January 6th, 2014, 8:16 am


From a very young age male Dhani learn that they have to pamper, please, worship, and work their scales off to get a females attention. It was something so deeply rooted in the Dhani males that it started very early during the stage that they first achieved Dhani form. They were animals in their own right and Mamoru was no different. He learned that if he wanted a female for help in advancement or for his own desires, he had to go after her. Shayna wasn't a Dhani, but Mamoru wanted the teen slave none the less. He enjoyed the way she offered herself to him, and was sure to lavish her with affection in return for being such a good slave.

Mamoru accepted her kiss and applied another deeper, his hands still roaming and petting her in ways they she seemed to react more positively too. He slowed his attentions to her body, but his lips kissed her neck gently as he listened to her speak. It was an interesting tail she gave him, but hardly surprising. Maybe it would be for humans, but there were those in the nest, males that enjoyed others males, and even females that enjoyed other females. Nothing truly odd about it, but going by the way Shayna spoke, it did give him the impression that many found it shameful in Kenash.

The name Adair Askara was brought up again, and once again it wasn't in favor. The man was wrapped in scandal, and Mamoru was becoming more and more convinced that this person could be the weak link to expose, or at least use as a trump card if needed. Cecily Askara was named last and the woman was said to enjoy paranoia. The trickster's eyes beamed brightly at her words and a wicked smile grew across his lips. There were few things he enjoyed more than causing others to be paranoid and potentially driven mad in the end. He would have to meet this woman, she could also be a good tool to use in the future should he need to take down their family.

Shayna wasn't pleased with the subject, and Mamoru felt her shiver against him. "That's enough for now, thank you for that Shayna. I will put it all to, where were we?" He kissed her lips again, prying, seeking out her tongue to massage with his own. His hands cupped her naked body and stroked her flushed breasts, before sliding lower inside his robes, fingers kneading her gently. He wouldn't ask more questions of her, she had done her part for the night.
"Everything happens out of necessity."
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Nightmare Creatures

Postby Shayna on January 6th, 2014, 2:15 pm

Shayna was getting much warmer within his robes, her body reacting to his attention and touch. Driven by instinct rather then training, Shayna submitted herself to him fully, her lips parting eagerly beneath his tongue, her own raising to delicately meet and dance with his. One arm remained locked around him, more clinging to him then anything else keeping herself balanced beneath the onslaught of sensations. Her other roamed, massaged across his back and then his chest, learning the dips and lines of his body much like she had when he was scaled.

The Askara's were wiped from her mind for the moment, the fact that she was short freckled and scarred was too. All that really remained was the desire to please him, the desire to satisfy him, and then pleasure that he gave her. In Shayna's mind it was one and the same, she received heightened doses of pleasure at his hands when she felt him react to a touch, or a squirm. She did nothing to hide her reactions from him, it not occurring to her to be embarrassed or ashamed of them. The only mar on the activity was the fact that she was so inexperienced in this duty that she felt she was not doing enough. This just spurred her on to continue questing, stroking and fondling, spending more time in areas that drew a reaction, all the while sitting astride him, fitted tightly against him but swaying with a soft instinctive motion. Dhani or not, Shayna enjoyed his affection thoroughly, though perhaps not in the way a female who was used to having affection lavished upon her.

She had flashes of cognizant thoughts, though the longer he spent kneading and touching the fewer these were. The predominant was a sense of awe and genuine affection for her master, his touches and kisses encouraging these feelings. There were a few minor ones, mainly those that were driven by her need to please and keep him happy.

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Nightmare Creatures

Postby Kalesserimamoru on January 6th, 2014, 8:56 pm


Mamoru kissed his pet deeper, drawing her tongue out of her mouth so that he might suckle it. His own tongue did dance with hers but found time to explore her mouth, flicking against her gums and teeth. His hands rose up her back, fingers sliding to the center and tracing their way back down her spine and ended their journey by pawing and groping her buttocks. Shayna was inexperienced he could tell, and the girl wasn't aggressive in the least.

This was also new to him, to meet a completely submissive female, who was comfortable allowing the male to lead. Mamoru took pleasure in this and sought out her pleasure with his own aggressive ways. He found her neck again, planting kisses on both sides, then as only a snake might do, he licked the length of the column before lightly digging his teeth into the pale skin there. Her touches were gentle and he willed her to continue her own exploring of his body. He urged her on more so with his hands now, fingers caressing and petting her beneath his robes to fully awaken her desires.

Of everything that he knew about her, all that she had told him, Shayna wasn't trained for such acts. In fact he might dare say that she wasn't even a house slave. However none of that mattered and he found her inexperience attractive in it's own way. Mamoru found her lips again and tasted them, his hands massaging her rear in the process. He moved their bodies together, hands guiding her hips to rock against his so that her rose bumped against his length suggestively. Shayna was hot, her temperature rising rapidly and the squirms only reinforced his desire to push forward. Lifting her into his arms, Mamoru shifted beneath her, then joined them together with a sigh. He kissed her neck quickly, hands holding her in place, as he started to slowly move his body against hers.
"Everything happens out of necessity."
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Nightmare Creatures

Postby Shayna on January 6th, 2014, 10:05 pm

Shayna's hand raised to cup the back of his neck, her fingers burying themselves in the damp black locks, still managing to have the presence of mind to be gentle. Whenever his tongue was not dueling with hers, her own tongue was exploring, tasting and flicking along the roof of his mouth. She was almost dizzy from the sensations his hands created within her, never had she imagined feeling this way. She had always assumed that if her master had wanted this from her then it would be clinical, never had she imagined such an intricate mesh of feelings that bubbled within her. This might be due to the fact that her one and only experience with this act had been a clinical lesson on the fact that her body was not her own.

There, however, was nothing clinical about this act. His fingers coaxed noises from her lips that she had never made before, his lips elicited a soft gasp when he bit at her neck. She experimented with tiny kisses lining his jaw, following the curve of his neck not quite daring to use her teeth, but her own tongue mimicked his, flicking and tasting at first hesitant, growing bolder if he did not react negatively.

When his reactions became apparent and he shifted to join them, Shayna's eyes widened half expecting pain but there was none. The first few moments were given to adjust and learning before her hips rocked on against him, following his lead. Her hands stilled, all her attention focused on their union and the flurry of heat that rose in waves through her. She leaned into his kiss, her body taking over for her mind now, moving against him in a rhythm that was set ages ago.

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Nightmare Creatures

Postby Kalesserimamoru on January 7th, 2014, 12:01 am


Shayna felt great, and amazingly so. The two meshed together perfectly and even the slightest movement sent an electrical shot through his spine. The Dhani enjoyed her warmth and found himself burrowing deeper, seeking out more as he took her with more passion and speed. One hand lifted and combed through her hair while the other remained lower, holding her steady so that she could take him fully each time their hips collided. This wasn't about domination, that role had already been decided when he purchased her. This was Mamoru forming a closer bond with his pet, creating a relationship between them that was about more than fear.

The trickster wanted Shayna to want to be his, he wanted her to want to please him in a way that was much deeper than a slave doing their job. He could have put fear in her and used that alone to control the girl, but he didn't want it that way. Not when he could have her want him, have her wanting to be with him and the thought of being apart would make her sad. Some would say that to know how a pet felt about their owner, the person had but to open the door. Mamoru wanted to bond with her on this level, to know if he were to open the door she wasn't going anywhere.

The trickster wanted her to want what he wanted, his desires were her own, and his secrets were hers to keep. He needed more than an obedient slave, but the undying devotion of a pet. Looking into her eyes, he could tell that she wanted, needed more and he would deliver. He moved against her with a rhythm that was almost animal like, and his thrust became more sharp as he moved between her thighs, hands squeezing her flesh as they roamed her back and lower. The robes wrapped around them started to get in the way and he removed them, and turned to lay Shayna with her back pressed against the bed.

Mamoru held his pet closely by her hips, his movements becoming more frantic as he continued his exploration of her young body. He gave himself to her fully and without pause, forsaking the roles of master and slave just to be man and woman enjoying an act that was far older than either of them. He took his time, giving her as much pleasure as she gave him, until his body was burning hot and he felt himself coming close to the end. Finally, he laid down on her, his weight pressing against her small frame as he guided their bodies to reach beyond their limits and then succumb to the ecstasy that ripped through them at the end.

Breathing deeply, he kissed her lips again and smiled as he looked down into her green eyes. Shayna was now his in every way possible.
"Everything happens out of necessity."
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Nightmare Creatures

Postby Poppy on January 18th, 2014, 6:53 am


...because you've EARNED it!

Mamoru :
Weapon: Katana - 2
Teaching - 2
Seduction - 5
Observation - 4
Acrobatics - 2
Weapon: Naginata - 1
Planning - 4
Brawling - 3
Morphing - 3
Intimidation - 2
Tracking - 1
Interrogation - 3
Torture - 2
Socialization - 5

Teaching What Should not be Taught
Penalties for Teaching Weapons to a Slave
Fighting in a Dark Swamp
Taking a Captive
Connection: Rujaro & Radacke
Cleaning Up After Yourself
Introducing Shayna to the Dhani-form
The Need for Security
The Story of Shayna's Scars
Askara: Volatile, Odd Family
Askara Quirks
Enjoying a Submissive Female
Inspiring Devotion

Shayna :
Observation - 4
Weapon: Katana - 4
Socialization - 5
Intelligence - 1
Investigation - 2
Torture - 2
Cleaning - 2
Medicine - 1
Massage - 2
Seduction - 2

Katana: A Curve-Bladed Sword
Forbidden Lessons
Mamoru: From Falyndar
Disobeying the Master
Caught by an Intruder
Mamoru: Dhani?!
Breaking a Finger
Rationalizations Make Torture Easier
Connection: Rujaro & Radacke
Close Contact with a Dhani
Dhani-Flavor, Dhani-Texture
Working Through the Fear
Acting on Instinct

Bonus: Simple Dagger; this weapon is plain, but sharp.

Notes :
Well, this was a well-packed little thread. :lol: I awarded what I saw, but feel free to let me know if you feel like I missed something.

Nicely balanced combat snippet; its always good to see people account for their own consequences.

A minor note for this epic-length thread. :) Try to watch the tenses; there is a tendency to switch mid-thread and even mid-post.

Please PM me with any questions, comments, or concerns!

But pleasures are like poppies spread,
You seize the flower, its bloom is shed.
Tam o'Shanter, Robert Burns

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