61st Winter, 513
It seemed to Alea like the entire Nitrozian household had collapsed almost overnight. The vast majority of the family was bedridden, including Valerius. She hadn't had to see too many of the other sickrooms, but Valerius seemed to think a little sickness was akin to dying. Alea, who had been sick before in her lifetime, did not think it was quite as bad as the young Nitrozian boy made it out to be. Still, uncontrollable vomiting was never fun for anyone, and from what she saw of the other household slaves running to fetch bowls and towels, it was the same throughout the mansion.
Alea had given her best effort to help ease the suffering of the sick, but she had no particular skill or knowledge of healing, and it was all she could do to try to make her charge comfortable. Today Valerius, unable to bear any more, had instructed Alea to seek out an associate of his, one "Nolan Parnell". Seeming to think he'd been poisoned, Valerius had sent her and ordered her to come back with a cure. He'd threatened her with punishment if she failed, but Alea thought he might be a little delirious and more than a touch desperate, so she was inclined to forgive his threats... on the assumption that he never carried them out. It wasn't her fault he'd never had a cold in his life.
She had to ask directions a few times, since she had never met Mr. Parnell before and wasn't sure where his shop was. Fortunately, once she hit the docks, the name of the shop, "Inovations," was known enough that it wasn't too hard to find (though she did pass it once before she noticed it). IT did not look like much, but then, she knew better by now that to judge buildings in Ravok by their outward appearances. She took a look at the sign in the window and frowned in confusion. Why was the shop name split into two words like that? It didn't make sense.
The illogic of the sign still nagging at her, she cautiously opened the door and tiptoed in. Clearing her throat lightly, she called out in a somewhat timid voice, "Mr. Parnell?"