Completed [Jungle Wilds] Red Viper, Black Constrictor (Saxani)

Aka just couldn't keep her eyes off her new patrolling partner, the female Guard, Saxani

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This is Falyndar at its finest. Danger lurks everywhere - in the ground, in the trees, in the bush. Only the strongest survive...

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[Jungle Wilds] Red Viper, Black Constrictor (Saxani)

Postby Soshakuakamamushi on December 13th, 2013, 6:00 am

This was foolish, it wasn't worth it. Aka would die if she stayed with this stupid overeager Constrictor. The Viper didn't think the day where a partner basically out-did her impulsive nature would come. She was usually the one who needed reminders to restrain her reckless actions and unnecessary display of power, but now... she had an idiot constrictor guard for a comrade. The Viper hissed in frustration as she slithered down from Saxani's body then swiftly moved her sinuous body away from the battlefield. Let her be overwhelmed by those monkeys, Aka didn't care anymore. It was either Saxani or both of them and frankly, Aka didn't feel the need to stupidly die just because the female guard wanted a tiger. With one last look to the Constrictor, the crimson snake mentally shook her head and continued her escape, her small form hidden by the darkness and thick vegetation. Good bye, Saxani.

"common" | "snake-tongue" | "arumenic" | thoughts

Important Note: Aka is currently pregnant (with eggs, being a Dhani) at the moment and as such, her belly is slightly bulging and she moves noticeably slower than usual.
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[Jungle Wilds] Red Viper, Black Constrictor (Saxani)

Postby Traverse on January 8th, 2014, 6:15 pm



  • Endurance 2
  • Hypnotism 1
  • Observation 3
  • Philosophy 1
  • Planning 2
  • Reimancy 3
  • Socialization 2
  • Stealth 3
  • Tactics 3


  • Focus is Needed on Patrol
  • Sashisaxani: Constrictor Guard
  • The Downside of Failing to Hypnotize a Comrade
  • Why Constrictors Aren't in Power
  • Saxani's Backstory
  • Learning Not to go in Fires Blazing
  • Reimancy Technique: Blowing Your Scent Downwind
  • Reimancy Technique: Earthen Spike Traps
  • Reimancy Technique: Internal Earth Spikes
  • Knowing When the Enemy is Too Strong

Additional Notes :
Loved this thread from Aka's view. I loved her exploration into doing all sorts of cool new death things with her reimancy, and that in the end it was her that held the voice of reason. Now with this new XP you'll be nearly a master at Reimancy, DEAR GODDESS. Anyway I greatly enjoyed Aka's perspective in this thread and thought you did an awesome job with everything, if you think I left anything out poke me.
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