[Kenash Auction Hall] Causing A Stink

Haeli attends an auction by chance and comes out with more than the entertainment she bargined for.

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This lazy agricultural settlement rests on the swampy shores of the Middle Suvan at the delta of The Kenash River. The River's slow moving bayou waters have bred a different sort of people - rugged, cultured, and somewhat violent. Sprawling plantations of tobacco and cotton grow on the outskirts of the swamp in the rich Cyphrus soils, while the city itself curls around the bayou and spawns decadence and sins of all sorts. Life is slower in Kenash, but the lack of pace is made up for in the excesses of food and flesh in a city where drinking, debauchery, gambling, slavery, and overbearing plantation families dominate the landscape.

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[Kenash Auction Hall] Causing A Stink

Postby Haeli on January 8th, 2014, 10:30 am

Timestamp: 20th of Winter, 512 AV.

Haeli considered herself something of a scholar of people. There were a lot of opportunities around Kenash to study the creature she was curious about. Humans acted and thought in ways Haeli considered often counter productive or counter intuitive. So whenever she could, the witch lurked in city squares, observed outdoor concerts, and often went to slave auctions. She didn't go for the slaves, though that facet of Kenash society was indeed sad to her. Haeli went instead to study the people, how they interacted with each other in crowds, and how they interacted with people that were providing services.

She was often quiet, sitting in the back and simply finding a seat that gave her a great view of the stage and how people chose to bid. The auctioneer quietly came out on the stage, ran down a list of what was for sale that auction, and the crowd grew alive with a buzz as everyone spoke to each other at once. Haeli noted there were several strong men, pretty women, and more children than seemed decent on stage in chains that didn't seem to have any parents in sight.

The witch thought the practice cruel. Children should stay with their parents, and not be torn from them like these unfortunate kids were. Growing to adulthood without a parent - having lost her mother in a shipwreck during a storm - Haeli acutely felt for the children. They were sold first, obvoiusly warming up the crowd for some of the stronger more appealing slaves to be sold. Haeli paid very little attention, watching the crowd interact and how people treated the folks they purchased with interest. The crowd kept referring to the people for sale as stock or product, never once calling them people. Haeli wanted to ask someone why... why this distinction was made.

But everyone seemed distracted, and the opportunity didn't arise. Two women with tall hats in front of her were discussing a third absent women's affair. Haeli wasn't sure what an affair was, but she thought it meant situation and couldn't for the life of her decide what a torrid situation was. Two men next to her were discussing business. An older woman three seats down was busy coughing into a napkin in a way that didn't seem healthy. The longer she sat there, the more frustrated she grew trying to overhear and understand those around her.

It wasn't until the last person came up for bid that Haeli turned her attention tot he stage. The auctioneer was running down a list of attributes and trying not to laugh. The crowd was rumbling as well with a laugh. Haeli slipped her eyes over the person on the dais and frowned. What were they saying? She strained and finally caught someone saying two seats over that the kelvic was not going to sell. He was going to, instead, go to the culls.

Kelvic? Haeli's attention was captured and she strained to hear the auctioneer that blended all his words together. Kelvic what? Haeli coudln'd understand why everyone was laughing until finally the word they were pairing with kelvic became understandable. Skunk. Kelvic Skunk. Haeli felt angry then, angry that they were laughing at a creature they couldn't understand.

The auctioneer called one more time... no one moved to bid. Haeli felt, almost disjointedly, her hand lift and wave. The auctioneer pointed at her causing every head in the place to swivel.

"Sold! 200 gm!"
The man claimed and a second person handed her a ticket. Haeli sat there stunned. Sold? Had she must bought another kelvic slave?
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[Kenash Auction Hall] Causing A Stink

Postby Kit on January 8th, 2014, 10:53 am

The chubby, middle-aged kelvic tossed his head in confusion at the sounds of laughter around him. He had spent the last year--half his lifetime--being passed from slaver to slaver. He never understood what he did wrong; he only understood that he was somehow failing to serve his masters. He wondered, if they hated him so much, why they did not just let him go. He would gladly go into the wild and forage for his food as he used to do, if that was what would make the people happy.

Then he heard the familiar sound. "Sold!" He was sold again! Someone wanted him, even if only temporarily! He ran forward, excited to meet his new master, forgetting the chain that surrounded his neck. It yanked him back, and he fell over backwards. This caused a great deal more laughter. The skunk man did not want to get back up, but he was being yanked and pulled, and the chain was beginning to choke. He followed the chain to the edge of the stage, where he was handed off to meet his new master. He hoped he could make a better impression on this one, but somehow he always seemed to mess up.

With his hands still bound behind him, he sniffed eagerly at the figure in front of him, memorizing the scent. He grinned a big dopey grin. Being friendly was always the best way to make friends! Even if it hadn't worked very well in the past...
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[Kenash Auction Hall] Causing A Stink

Postby Haeli on January 8th, 2014, 4:22 pm

Haeli knew the procedure, not that she had to like it. The man with the finances wanted the money and once he got the money he gave her the slave. The witch looked forlornly at the stage, wondered what was wrong with her, and rose to go take care of payment. Once that was done, she walked up to the dais with the other new owners and watched what they did. Most were examining their merchandise like proud prize winners. Haeli approached the Kelvic, not too keen on searching his body parts and peering into his mouth.

"Hello. My name is Haeli. You are to e come with me, okay? I need to know if you have a name or if you prefer to be called by something else."
By this time the workers at the auction had exchanged the kelvics heavy chain for a leash, leaving the collar on him. They handed her one end of the leash and the key to his collar. The witch studied the piece of leather in her hands, wondering how she was going to hold on to the older man if he decided to run.

"Go girl. Make room for some of the other new owners."
One of the workers said. They would have never talked to her like that except that her freeborn tattoo was clearly evident. She nodded, understanding the way of it.

"Will you walk with me without the leash? I find them awkward."
She said, after she gave the kelvic time to answer and the worker time to press for her to excuse herself off the stage.
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[Kenash Auction Hall] Causing A Stink

Postby Kit on January 9th, 2014, 3:54 am

The kelvic liked that the girl spoke to him in a kind voice. A lot of times his masters spoke harshly, and he always felt like they were disappointed in him. Then she asked the question that made him nervous. Some masters didn't bother asking him for a name, and he didn't mind that. Usually, each new master gave him their own name, if they called him anything at all, so none of them had really stuck long enough for the kelvic to identify with it. Rather than trying to list all of the labels he'd been assigned, he panicked and made a strangled sound, after which he just shook his head.

Then she asked another question, and he was relieved. He could follow her without a leash. In fact, he would be thrilled to have such a simple task! He would be the best walker-without-a-leash she had ever seen! He nodded eagerly, bending over slightly so that she could more easily reach his collar. When she got close he could get a better idea of her scent. She smelled nicer than most of his other masters, more like the wilderness.

For a bit, the skunk wondered if it was okay that he wasn't talking. The majority of his masters preferred he stay silent, especially after hearing him open his mouth, but some of them wanted verbal answers to their questions, and he had no way of knowing what kind of master Haeli was.
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