Neyasi Tillandsia

Name; Neyasi Tillandsia
Age; Twenty-two years of age
Gender; Female
Race; Symenestra
Sexuality; Heterosexual
Birthdate; The 23rd Day of Winter, in 491 A.V.
Birthplace; Kalinor, Kalea
Current Location; Riverfall, in Cyphrus
Web; Neyasi belongs to the Tillandsia web, a Symenestra family line that has long looked down upon the new way of life most Symenestra live, including the Harvest. This is the main reason why Neyasi is purely Symenestra, though the Tillandsia web currently consists of Neyasi and a few distant Dra cousins (that are generally never counted as part of the web) that Neyasi has never met, and quite frankly, doesn't care to.
Father; Drovidin Tillandsia, Full Symenestra, Whereabouts Unknown
Mother; Syini Tillandsia, Full Symenestra, Deceased
Sibling(s); Neyasi is a single child
Profession; Neyasi is currently a weaver

Name; Neyasi Tillandsia
Age; Twenty-two years of age
Gender; Female
Race; Symenestra
Sexuality; Heterosexual
Birthdate; The 23rd Day of Winter, in 491 A.V.
Birthplace; Kalinor, Kalea
Current Location; Riverfall, in Cyphrus
Web; Neyasi belongs to the Tillandsia web, a Symenestra family line that has long looked down upon the new way of life most Symenestra live, including the Harvest. This is the main reason why Neyasi is purely Symenestra, though the Tillandsia web currently consists of Neyasi and a few distant Dra cousins (that are generally never counted as part of the web) that Neyasi has never met, and quite frankly, doesn't care to.
Father; Drovidin Tillandsia, Full Symenestra, Whereabouts Unknown
Mother; Syini Tillandsia, Full Symenestra, Deceased
Sibling(s); Neyasi is a single child
Profession; Neyasi is currently a weaver