[Verified by Magpie] Neyasi Tillandsia

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Neyasi Tillandsia

Postby Neyasi Tillandsia on January 10th, 2014, 12:47 am

Neyasi Tillandsia


Name; Neyasi Tillandsia
Age; Twenty-two years of age
Gender; Female
Race; Symenestra
Sexuality; Heterosexual
Birthdate; The 23rd Day of Winter, in 491 A.V.
Birthplace; Kalinor, Kalea
Current Location; Riverfall, in Cyphrus
Web; Neyasi belongs to the Tillandsia web, a Symenestra family line that has long looked down upon the new way of life most Symenestra live, including the Harvest. This is the main reason why Neyasi is purely Symenestra, though the Tillandsia web currently consists of Neyasi and a few distant Dra cousins (that are generally never counted as part of the web) that Neyasi has never met, and quite frankly, doesn't care to.
Father; Drovidin Tillandsia, Full Symenestra, Whereabouts Unknown
Mother; Syini Tillandsia, Full Symenestra, Deceased
Sibling(s); Neyasi is a single child
Profession; Neyasi is currently a weaver
Last edited by Neyasi Tillandsia on February 9th, 2014, 3:40 pm, edited 6 times in total.
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Neyasi Tillandsia
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Neyasi Tillandsia

Postby Neyasi Tillandsia on January 11th, 2014, 2:39 am


Taking your first look at Neyasi, one might be reminded of a beautifully-crafted, ice-cold sculpture, or perhaps a dangerous wild animal that waits in the shadows. Either way, most tend to steer away from her on first sight, simply because the hard, penetrating ruby eyes, and the long, well cared-for onyx 'claws' at her sides reveal her blood to be that of a Symenestra.

Several layers of glossy, ebony hair frames a diamond-shaped, ashen face, falling down to the small of her back, where it coils into a delicately-done braid, and continues to her waist, intertwined with ribbons of fine black silk.
Her eyes match a pair of darkened rubies, their red irises eerily resembling the color of blood. Pieces of gold dot the coloring of her eyes, giving them a deep, almost penetrating gaze, which some describe as 'seeing into their souls'. Thick, dark lashes frame the hard-edged almond shape of her eyes, set beneath a pair of dark, arched eyebrows.
A straight, slightly-leaning nose rests between her optics, ending in a rounded tip, an average distance above her top lip.
A pair of reddish-brown lips conceals a pair of sharp, lengthened canines, often pulled into a tight, straight line of blank lack of emotion.

Her round, narrow shoulders sit close to a tall neck, marking the beginning of her long, pale arms, ending in her long, sharp black nails, defined by most as her 'claws'. Her chest is narrow, its depth average, perhaps leaning more towards the small side of the matter. Her waist is slim, ending in a set of narrow hips. Her long legs support most of her height, well-shaped, with a kind of flexibility and compact folding that helps Neyasi to run on all-fours, when she deems it necessary.
Last edited by Neyasi Tillandsia on January 11th, 2014, 3:28 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Neyasi Tillandsia
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Neyasi Tillandsia

Postby Neyasi Tillandsia on January 11th, 2014, 2:41 am


Neyasi doesn't typically count as one of the 'good guys', nor does she count as one of the 'bad guys'. She really just fits into that grey blurb in between that so many tend to ignore or fail to consider themselves a part of.
Neyasi can be dour, and occasionally morose. As with most Symenestra, even a wanderer such as herself, Neyasi tends to avoid large crowds or cities, partially because of the increased danger level to her lightweight, frail Symenestra body, and partially because Neyasi is a loner by nature.
Like her family before her, Neyasi disagrees with both the Harvest, and with those trying to stop it altogether. She prefers to stay away from her own race, and she bluntly refuses to partake in the Harvest.
But since this simple fact remains unknown to those who have only just met her, they never stick around to find out. Besides, Neyasi almost never stays in one place long enough, or hangs around a singular person long enough for anyone to really get to know her.
When you get past the dark, moody shell that defines Neyasi, one might find something worth sticking around for. Neyasi's nature is not to seek out violence, and to kill whatever she can lay her claws on, nor is it to maintain peace and order. But she will never stand by if someone who does not deserve it is in harm's way.
Neyasi isn't particularly seeking out romance. In fact, the thought rarely crosses her mind. She's never fallen in love, and the way she sees it, she probably never will. Caring, compassionate thoughts and emotions can be a difficult concept for her, at least when she thinks about it. When she doesn't think about it, the emotions and thoughts seem perfectly natural and rational. But she's not exactly one who feels these emotions very often.
Neyasi is a wanderer by nature. Since she was little, her father has allowed her to explore and go pretty much wherever she pleased. This helped develop her inquisitive nature for the world around her. She's most comfortable when she's in the wilderness, traveling on her own, or even with others.
Ethics; Neyasi won't jump up to help you on the spot, nor will she intentionally bring about your total destruction. But, though she hides it, she can't stand to watch others truly suffer, and when it comes down to what really matters, she'll be there, despite what others might think.
She does follow the traditions and religion of her people, following Viratas. She has also had a past history with aerial dancing, one of the few things that give her real joy and self-satisfaction.
-Aerial dancing
-Most dark colors, and a few bright gemstone colors, like red, green, and purple
-Being alone
-Delicate artwork
-Especially bright light
-Rude remarks
-Most bright colors, such as blue, pink, and yellow
-Large cities
-Hand-to-hand combat
Last edited by Neyasi Tillandsia on January 11th, 2014, 5:25 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Neyasi Tillandsia
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Neyasi Tillandsia

Postby Neyasi Tillandsia on January 11th, 2014, 2:43 am


Neyasi was born in Kalinor, to the wealthy, powerful Tillandsia web, sired by the head of the web, one Drovidin Tillandsia, and birthed by the lovely Syini Tillandsia, who, as with most Symenestra mothers, died upon birth.
Neyasi's father never re-married, deciding instead that he would raise his single child on his own, well-aware of his rapidly-declining family numbers, but unwilling to wed to a Symenestra who was not as pure-blooded as he, so was the depth of his stubbornness and pride.
Neyasi's earliest childhood years were spent learning to weave, soon making her own clothing, much to her father's pride. Unlike most other Symenestra girls, Neyasi was given free reign, allowed to traverse the cavernous city on her own, and in her own time, raised more as a son than a daughter, at least in the methods used. Since her father first allowed her to leave their family home, Neyasi has taken a particular liking to running on all fours, and climbing has always provided a level of self-satisfaction for her.
When Neyasi was around ten years old, her father began to teach her to wield a bow. This was unusual, even for a girl brought up like a son, but Neyasi proved adequate in the following years to come.
As Neyasi reached her fourteenth year in this world, she took a passionate liking to aerial dancing, and begged that her father allow her to learn. Around this time, due to lack of substantial breeding partners, and old age, most of the Tillandsia web had died away, save a few unnamed, unspoken-of Dras that her father never discussed with the growing young girl. Neyasi proved adequate in aerial dancing as well, almost enough to rival her bow skills, in a short span of time.
However, when Neyasi reached her fifteenth birthday, her father mysteriously disappeared on a trip to the surface-world that he began a year ago. By her sixteenth birthday, Drovidin Tillandsia was declared dead. Neyasi was left by herself, and, with no close relatives to go to, Neyasi was brought before the current rulers to decide her fate. When told that she would be adopted into a family of excellent Harvesters to finish her education and upbringing, Neyasi responded with a blunt refusal, having been brought up to look down upon the Harvest, and feeling irritated that no one was making further investigations to find her father. The ruling couple were surprised, but, not long after, Neyasi herself mysteriously vanished.
Shortly after leaving Kalinor and turning to wandering, Neyasi met Vordinan, a Nuit who had had interaction with her father, who had, apparently, anticipated his mysterious disappearance, and so left with Vordinan a map of Mizahar, with a strange route clearly marked out.
For a time afterwards, Vordinan traveled with Neyasi, teaching her how to survive in the wild, and helping to further the skills her father had provided, as well as introducing new ones. But not two seasons after pairing up, Vordinan's current body was incinerated by a magical fire before he could jump bodies, leaving Neyasi on her own. Neyasi located his ashes, and took them to a sort of 'secret place' in Kalea to give him a proper burial ceremony.
In the years that followed, there have been several reports of Neyasi being spotted in different regions on the surface, though very brief, and not entirely most definitely her. Most of the sightings were located in the desert. In any case, whenever a sighting is investigated, Neyasi herself was usually nowhere to be found.

A lead in the region of Sylira led Neyasi to take the long, difficult trip to and across the plains of Cyphrus to Riverfall, where she mainly hopes to find more clues leading to her father's whereabouts.
Last edited by Neyasi Tillandsia on February 9th, 2014, 3:46 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Neyasi Tillandsia
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Neyasi Tillandsia

Postby Neyasi Tillandsia on January 11th, 2014, 3:16 am

Skill Total XP Latest Gain Level
Acrobatics 10/100 [+10 (RB)] Novice
Weaving 22/100 [+2] Novice
Weapon: Longbow 20/100 [+20 (SP)] Novice
Aerial Dancing 10/100 [+10 (SP)] Novice
Socialization 3/100 [+3] Novice
Observation 2/100 [+2] Novice
Investigation 1/100 [+1] Novice
Fluent; Symenos
Basic; Common
Poor; Shiber
Lore of Symenestra Culture - Starting Package
Lore of Religion: Viratas - Starting Package
Primary Motions to Weave - From The Beginning
Understanding of Shedding - From The Beginning
Understanding of Picking - From The Beginning
Understanding of Beating-Up - From The Beginning
Aspiriation: Weaving - From The Beginning
Components of a Loom - From The Beginning
How a Loom Works - From The Beginning
Secondary Motions of Weaving - From The Beginning
Weaving: Let Off - From The Beginning
Weaving: Take-Up - From The Beginning
Weaving: Weft Selection - From The Beginning
Venser: Ravokian - The Heart that Darkens
Ravok: The Malt House - The Heart that Darkens
Ravok: Venser's House - The Heart that Darkens
Ravok: Bad To The Scholarly - The Heart that Darkens
Father didn't visit The Malt House - The Heart that Darkens

&Silken black shirt
&Silken black pants
&Silken undergarments
&Silken black cloak (Late Spring-Summer-Early Fall)
&Black wolf fur cloak (Late Fall-Winter-Early Spring)
&Simple black sandals
&One waterskin
&One silken knapsack which contains:
_-Comb (Bone)
_-Brush (Bone)
_-Fruit rations (one week's worth)
_-One eating knife
_-Flint & steel
&Journal of Drovidin Tillandsia (Heirloom)
&One crude map
Neyasi currently lives in a small one-room apartment in Nia's Boarding House, with a bunk, chest, chair, and small table.
Description Credit Debit Total
Starting Package +100 gm - 100gm
Black Wolf Fur Cloak - -65 gm 35gm
Mug of Ale - -4 cm 34 gm & 9 sm & 6cm
Last edited by Neyasi Tillandsia on March 4th, 2014, 12:12 am, edited 11 times in total.
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Neyasi Tillandsia
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Neyasi Tillandsia

Postby Neyasi Tillandsia on January 11th, 2014, 3:26 am

ImageName; Vordinan
Race; Nuit, Symenestra before death
Age; Until time of death in the Summer of 508 A.V., approximately 136 years of age, not including age of body. (Age of body was about 32 years of age)
Gender; Male
Birthplace; Born in Kalinor, Kalea, most likely converted to Nuit somewhere in Kalea
Birthdate; Vaguely unsure, most likely in the Spring of 372 A.V.
Vordinan was a strong-willed, experienced Nuit who met up with, and protected, Neyasi during the first seasons of her search, showing her what ropes he could, and helping her to locate her father as best he could. Over time, Vordinan grew exceptionally close to Neyasi, until he was something of a subconscious father figure who, for a short time, replaced the lack of her real father. Sadly, in the summer of 508 A.V., Vordinan died saving Neyasi's life, and half of his powdery white ashes were buried, and the other half were scattered into the wind from the top of a mountain. Despite what Neyasi tells herself, in harsh reality, Vordinan was more of a father than Drovidin ever was.
ImageName; Venser Rush
Race; Human
Age; 23 years of age
Gender; Male
Birthplace; Ravok, Sylira
Birthdate; 89th Day of Fall, 490 A.V.
Neyasi encountered the scholarly Venser for the first time on her first trip to Ravok in the Winter of 508 A.V. Almost fascinated by each other, Venser offered to take her to a popular pub in search of her father, without asking too many questions. Without luck in finding her father, and with Venser's becoming tipsy, Neyasi accompanied (though she thought of it as escorting) him to his home, where they unwittingly became friends shortly before Venser fell asleep. What they will gain from the bond, or whether they will cross paths again, remains uncertain.

Winter of 513 A.V.
Thread Name Description Date
New Beginning Neyasi adjusts to her new life in Riverfall. 28 of Winter
Thread Name Description Date
The Beginning A younger Neyasi begins the search for her father. 58 of Winter, 507 A.V.
The Heart that Darkens Neyasi meets Venser for the very first time. 66 of Winter, 508 A.V.
From The Beginning Neyasi sits in on a weaving lesson. 21 of Summer, 499 A.V.
An Unexpected Meeting When Neyasi and Sei meet for the first time, an exchange of skills occurs. 13 of Spring, 510 A.V.
The Burial Neyasi returns to Kalea to say one last farewell. 3 of Fall, 508 A.V.
The Price of Fur Neyasi literally goes shopping for a new cloak. 34 of Fall, 510 A.V.
One Way to Learn On a trip to the library, Neyasi makes a friend. 24 of Summer, 499 A.V.
There and Back When Neyasi makes a new friend, trouble ensues. 56 of Spring, 501 A.V.
Off to See the Wilderness Neyasi spends a night in the wilderness and gets a lesson in survival. 23 of Spring, 508 A.V.
Returning to the Grave Neyasi returns to the grave of an old friend, and encounters someone unexpected. 20 of Fall, 511 A.V.
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Neyasi Tillandsia
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