[Verified by Radiant] Halona Mabel

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Halona Mabel

Postby Halona on January 11th, 2014, 11:02 pm

Halona Mabel


"I'll play nice as long as you help me to cross the bridge but that doesn't mean I'll pull you up after me."

Basic Info


  • Race: Kelvic ( Human/Wolf )
  • Age: 2 years, 7 months (16 in human years)
    Born The 18th of Summer, 511 AV
  • Gender: Female
  • Birthplace: Ravok
  • Current Location: Syliras, Bronze Woods
  • Profession: Hunter
  • Height: 5'2"
  • Weight: 100 lbs
  • Hair Color: Sandy blonde
  • Hair length: Below shoulder blade
  • Eye Color: Amber
  • Skintone: Fair
  • Additional features: Half of a black sun is branded on back of left hand. (Mark of a slave in Ravok)
  • Fluent Languages: Common, Canine
  • Fears: Fire, Helplessness, Small enclosed places
  • Likes: Hunting, Snow, Wild places, Winning, Freedom
  • Dislikes: Restriction, Rules/Laws, Rain, Busy cities, Letting others down, Losing
  • Habits: Talking in sleep, Snoring, Tree climbing, Smelling things
  • Hobbies/Enjoyments: Swimming, Racing, Hunting, Music appreciation, Dancing
  • Wishes: To learn to trust, Explore other wild places and experience cultures

Special Abilities

  • Shapeshifting - Wolf
  • Heightened Senses - Acute sense of smell and hearing, motion sensitive sight
  • Special Requirements - Large quantities of food preferably raw meat



Secret :
Halona is usually only in her human appearance in public to avoid unwanted attention. When in this form, she can be described as something of a wild beauty. Slender with a dancer's athletic build, Halona is fair skinned with freckled cheeks. Full lips ascend to high cheek bones and striking amber eyes are framed by sandy blonde hair residing just below her shoulder blade, speckled with bits of moss and any other tidbits the forest happens to drop in. Look down however, and you might spy the a scared brand residing on her back of her left hand, a mark every Ravok slave possesses, half of a black sun. A mighty sore subject she rarely discusses and the mention of it by others makes her hostile and defensive.
Her usual attire is a burgundy cotton dress with a violet vest hugging her middle, in winter she prefers a white wool dress with a snug winter green corset and in warmer weather she appears in a simple white linen chemise.
Her feet sport knee length black boots. Over a shoulder is a bow, on her back a quiver on one side and a pack on the other.

As a wolf she has a slender and small with long sturdy legs and fluffy fur as equally blonde as in her human form with eyes as amber. Height-wise she's a few inches above the average person's knees.

  • Small shallow gash in right shoulder - acquired 7th of Winter, fully healed and scarred over 34th of Winter. Small pale oval scar on back of right shoulder.



Secret :
Halona is territorial easily agitated when someone sets foot in her territory. She markers her territory well and doesn’t like individuals walking in her front door without permission as it were.
She regards truth highly among other things and as a result she ruffles more than a few feathers with her straightforward nature and brutal honesty.
Having always relied on her skill and wit alone, Halona prefers to take her chances solo than depend on a group for safety. Due to her past the Kelvic is particularly hostile to humans in the attempt to mask her otherwise deep rooted suspicion of them, and the nerve-wracking fear they will return her to a life of slavery.

Halona takes pride in being a Kelvic for after living with humans in close quarters for the majority of her adolescence, she understands that there are things she could hear they could not, that a certain variety of sudden movements that often caught her eye they remained oblivious to, and further more she knew she possessed a sense of smell so keen, no human could even begin to imagine. Therefore she flaunts her race and in doing so not only unconsciously or perhaps not so unconsciously makes the attempt to attract her bond-mate, but also clings to her sense of individuality she had been deprived of as a slave.
Like many Kelvics, Halona is seldom if ever reserved and would merrily parade about starker’s if she didn't observe the universal custom for clothing.
If there was one thing Halona had learned in her short childhood, it was self preservation. Having both the self conscious need to survive and the will to do whatever necessary to accomplish that goal, come hell or high water Halona would nearly do anything to preserve her freedom, independence and her life.
The concept of loyalty and friendship that fall short of Halona’s three main values would be something she’d hold dear if she trusted another enough to let them in. Her first lesson from her former master, Andrew was never to trust. He made sure of that first with his lies then with his petty excuses to punish her. Lastly with his attempt to murder her in retaliation for her talking back and actively arguing with him threatening his law given authority over her.
Curiosity is another value that drives Halona. She likes to know who she is dealing with, how best to survive off nature’s bounties and the social norms of an area so she doesn’t stand out if there’s a need to blend in. She especially interested in other cultures, what languages others speak and the gods various people worship and why.
She is somewhat confrontational and aggressive. As she can’t stand to simply fade into the background and let others take charge as she did as a slave. So when it comes to conflict, she's either the one who started it or the one determined to finish it, though it is to be observed that she is sometimes something of a coward slinking away when convenient.
Unlike many, she doesn’t perceive cheating as an unfair advantage over another but rather as the ability to use one’s skills wisely.
The Kelvic views the weak with disdain, never pity for they unlike her are simply not strong enough to survive and thus will perish given time. She respects the strong but is weary of such individuals as one never knows if they are truly friend or enemy since they have no one to rely upon thus no absolute loyalty.



Secret :
Halona's mother was a human prostitute in the slums of Ravok. However, she didn't stay with her for long, for at a month old she already appeared to be a three year old child and was walking, talking and eating everything in sight.
The landlord quickly took notice of how the young Kelvic’s eating habits was costing them money and devised a plan to get rid of the little moocher. First they burned her papers proving her citizenship, despite her mother's furious protests then used a connection within the Black Sun to discard her papers there too. Their tracks covered, they sold her into slavery without a second thought.

Shortly after being sold, she shifted. Her Kelvic form no longer a mystery, her price tripled at the slave market and she was sold on the auction for seven-hundred gold mizas to a rich merchant family. Her new home was in the noble district and her role was to be a pet to the family’s twelve year old brat, Andrew.

At first she found it odd that the family owned no more than one slave but had several servants. In truth it was for the merchant family's social image; to own many slaves was great but to command an army of servants to which you had to pay, made them appear extremely wealthy and ensured no one knew their secrets.

Halona never liked her new owner for he was cruel, and though she was young Kelvic she never developed even the lightest of bonds with Andrew. Upon entering her new home the servants swept her aside and laid down the rules, speak when spoken to, be seen not heard and address Andrew as young master at all times.
She had always been a bold thing, speaking her mind and expressing her contempt of her “master” to his face. At just two months old, Andrew locked her in her doghouse outside and lit it on fire. It took all the servants in the household to put it out and get her out. Andrew’s mother, Mistress Mabel called a healer of Rak'keli to help Halona recover. It was then Halona learned to fear Andrew for she never spoke her mind in his company again, or did she attempt to do anything to provoke him.
For the next year her life revolved around Andrew and his predictable emotions. When he was angry or frustrated as he often was, he took it out on her, if bored she was to do tricks at command to please him, the meager treats she managed to earn ending up as her only meal that day. She was fed when her Andrew felt like it and chained her outside when he grew tired of her, often he left her out there for days, despite the weather too lazy or uncaring to let her back in. There were times Andrew's parents stepped out of their own lives long enough to see how he fared, in doing so they often caught their son mistreating his pet. As mistreating a slave was taboo and would reflect badly on them and their business, they punished him thus he punished her.

Halona’s life remained an endless bout of misery for nearly half a year until she had enough.
She had always dreamed of freedom, running endlessly as the wolf she was rarely allowed to be into the horizon, no collar, no Andrew just the wind in her fur and the blue open sky. Determined to make her dreams reality, one night, she snuck into the kitchen and took the sharpest knife she could find. Returning to the boy's chambers she clamped a hand over his mouth and put the knife to his throat, ensuring his muffled cries never made it past the bedroom walls. Promising to kill him if he didn't hand over the key to her collar, he promptly handed it over and the Kelvic unlocked it then shifted. It was the second time she had ever shifted without being ordered and it was as if she could taste her freedom at hand.

Fleeing the home, she took to the streets. Choice and freedom were unfamiliar words as a pet but for the short time on the streets their meaning became clear. She had the right to do what she wanted to do when she wanted to do it and follows no one's orders but her own.

Halona scavenged for less than two days, steering clear of the law, certain her owner's were searching for her. So she kept a low profile, but was captured trying to hitch a ride on a slaver's ship heading out of Ravok. Thrown and locked into a cage, the slavers took the "stupid girl" with them on their long journey to Sunberth along the North Kabrin road.
Halfway into the journey the slavers became particularly agitated and nervous, spooking at everything that moved beyond the trail. Noticing this, Halona figured they were passing Syliras the free city she had once heard her owners ranting about. So she screamed as loud and hard as her voice would allow, making as much racket as she could before being gagged. Someone must of her heard her for not twenty chimes had passed before Syliras knights were upon them. Killing the slavers and freeing the slaves, Halona's perspective on humans shifted from all humans were evil malicious being to most of them were.

The liberated Kelvic fled into the folds of the Bronze woods not trusting the knights enough to enter their city. Having lived on the meager rations her jailers had provided for over a season, she was desperate for food. So she ate everything in sight, woofing down whatever she could find, be it plants, rotten meat, or insects. Her body had become so accustomed to the bare minimum exercise the slaver's gave her every day, that it couldn't provide the amount of energy it took to search for food and shut her down in a faint.

Roused by a gentle tongue she woke up to the delicious smell of fresh meat and two unfamiliar wolves. One was a young white female, named Dawn who was around Halona's own age on the wolf spectrum and the other was an older dark brown male, named Bracken. After wolfing down the food Halona joined their small pack.

With Bracken's patience and Dawn's encouragement the Kelvic soon became a proficient hunter herself. In the forest she remained making it her home, surviving alongside her new family. Her disdain for humans so strong, she remained in her wolf form, believing it to be her true self with her human form as a necessity to communicate with others.
In reality, Halona parted from her wolf companions shortly after learning the skills to survive, establishing a territory of her own. Why she left was a mystery to herself, it was almost like she was compelled to leave as if in search of something, or someone.
Last edited by Halona on February 14th, 2014, 1:26 am, edited 41 times in total.
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Halona Mabel

Postby Halona on January 11th, 2014, 11:43 pm



"Touch what is mine and you'll pay."



Halona has carved out a home in an abandoned bear's den underneath stable, moss covered boulders in the middle of the Bronze Woods, east of the Sukina geysers. On the outside the den appears to be the uninviting home of a large animal that most people would avoid unless specifically guided there by it's inhabitant. The den's entrance ends after three feet giving way to an underground 400 sq ft home. The room main light comes from a hearth keeping the place well heated even in the dead of winter. A bed of furs sits off to one side complimented by a large chest at its base while a sturdy table and four chairs lie in the middle of the chamber. A clear pool serves as fresh water at the far side of the chamber across from the bed, fed by underground water. The den's ceiling is high enough for the average person to walk around comfortably but the entrance is purposefully small to prevent unwelcome guests.

Outside behind the den, usually rests Halona's horse Zorro.

  • 1 grey wool, fur lined cloak (starting package)
  • 1 cotton shirt - tight fitting, green felt (SP)
  • 1 cotton pair pants - dark blue(SP)
  • 1 pair high black leather boots - to base of knees (SP)
  • 1 set undergarments (SP)
  • 1 wool dress - white with winter green corset (reference)
  • 1 cotton dress - burgundy with violet vest (reference)
  • 1 linen chemise - white (reference)

  • No Heirloom

Last edited by Halona on February 9th, 2014, 2:28 am, edited 24 times in total.
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She who dares to be truly wild...
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Character sheet

Halona Mabel

Postby Halona on January 12th, 2014, 12:12 am



"To improve is to change; to be perfect is to change often."

Skills & Lores

Skill EXP Total Proficiency
Tracking 10 SP + 1+1 12 Novice
Wilderness Survival 20 SP 20 Novice
Hunting 10 RB, 20 SP +1 31 Competent
Composite Long Bow + 1+1 2 Novice
Observation + 1 1 Novice
Stealth + 1+1 2 Novice
Intimidation + 1 1 Novice
Observation +2 2 Novice
Acrobatics +1 1 Novice
Unarmed Combat +1 1 Novice
Running +1 1 Novice

  • Geography of The Bronze Wood (SP)
  • Knowledge of edible plants (Sylira)
  • Tracking Tactic: Scat Masking Scent
  • Hunting Tactic: Neck Is a Weak Spot
  • My First Shot: A Perfect Miss
  • Using Underbrush for Concealment
  • The Scent of Rabbit
  • The Scent of Deer
  • Unarmed Combat: Jab
  • Unarmed Combat: Palm Strike
  • Unarmed Combat: Front Kick
  • A Little Companion: Shadow the Cat

Last edited by Halona on February 21st, 2014, 12:56 am, edited 13 times in total.
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She who dares to be truly wild...
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Halona Mabel

Postby Halona on January 12th, 2014, 1:45 am



"True friends stab you in the front."


Name, (Species)
Image Zorro, (Mixed Blood Horse)
Gender: Male - Age: 6 years - Coat: Black - Eye color: Rich brown
Purpose: Transporting kills, occasionally riding
Sold by a merchant desperate to get the mixed breed off his hands, Zorro fell into Halona's hands. A rather peculiar horse, he barely blinked and didn't bolt after observing Halona shift from human to wolf. Loyal to the bone, and highly suspicious of strangers after a fair amount of attempts of thieves trying to lead him away, he doesn't hesitate to kick when someone comes near. Rarely saddled and never tied up, Halona gives her horse free roam of the forest even though he rarely strays far from the den or with her on hunts.
Image Shadow
Gender: Male - Age: 1 year - Coat: Smokey black - Eye color: Copper hue
Purpose: Companion
After freeing the cat from its cage in the woods on the 26th of Winter 513, Shadow became Halona's closest companion. Appearing one second and disapearing the next, the mysterious feline checks up on Halona often before returning to whatever he was doing. About as encouraging as he is annoying, Shadow's personality has yet to be discovered.

Known People

PC Relationships
Name Relationship Impression
Nyrrah Fellow (claimed) Kelvic, neutral First perceiving Nyrrah as a weak minded individual, Halona thought herself above her fellow Kelvic until Nyrrah pushed back. Forming a type of grudging respect for her Kelvic kin, Halona still wonders if Nyrrah is the Kelvic she claims to be as she never witnessed the other Kelvic shift.
Alabast Stranger So curious about the squire dormitories that she snuck in one day, ending up in Alabast's room to avoid getting caught. Stunned to find the boy hanging from the ceiling by a leather belt, she helped him down with no response. Looting some of his things on the way out, Halona hoped the boy wasn't dead.
Rion Whitestone Acquaintance, friendly The blonde young man intrigues Halona. She wants to know what he's thinking and his reactions to the unknown fascinate her for a reason unknown even to her.
Kizora Fellow Kelvic, friendly An interesting woman to say the least. A fellow Kelvic in her eyes, Halona will address her in a more friendly manner and refrains from insulting the other Kelvic too much.
Terlin Acquaintance, disdained Shot by an arrow by the boy, Halona still has some tendrils of anger left and is determined to get even one day. To say the least she admires him as a hunter and acknowledges him as a person disregarding his young age and judging him by his actions instead.
Sei Tendo Fellow Kelvic, friendly Racing along the snowy slopes with the fun loving Kelvic was exhilarating, she has yet to play with another in a comrade like way again. Slightly jealous of Sei's more optimistic outlook and willingness to take everything with a smile and a laugh. She feels more at ease around him to say the least and is far more likely to open up.
Elsu Fellow Kelvic, friendly It was odd to race the bird but fun all the same. She has yet to meet her new acquaintance again and meet him on different terms and circumstances.
Last edited by Halona on February 21st, 2014, 1:10 am, edited 20 times in total.
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She who dares to be truly wild...
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Halona Mabel

Postby Halona on January 12th, 2014, 5:45 am



“Friendship is like money, easier made than kept.”

Total Coin: 3gm, 6sm, 20cm

Item Change Link Total Coin
Starting Coin NA NA 100 GM
Practice dummy, simple - 10gm pre-creation 90gm
Mixed blood -50gm pre-creation 40gm
Mount gearBit and bridle / Halter and lead / Blanket And Hood, Horse, Medium / Saddle, Riding -16gm pre-creation 23gm
Feed 30lb 30cm pre-creation 22gm, 9sm, 70cm
Clothes1 Wool dress, 1 Corset, 1 Cotton dress, 1 Vest, 1 Linen chemise -3gm, 1sm, 50cm pre-creation 19gm, 8sm, 20cm
Cooking itemsCooking Pot,Gallon/ 3 Cups, 6 oz/ Pan, 16" / 16 oz/ Pitcher, Gallon/ 3 Dishes, 5" -1gm, 1sm, 6cm pre-creation 18gm, 7sm, 14cm
Composite longbow, 10 barbed arrows, 1 Archer's golve, 1 small quiver (20) 16gm, 20cm Link 2gm, 6sm, 20cm

Last edited by Halona on February 9th, 2014, 2:27 am, edited 15 times in total.
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She who dares to be truly wild...
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Halona Mabel

Postby Halona on January 12th, 2014, 5:56 am



“Keep sitting there and life will pass you by.”

Winter 513 AV
Day Name Other PCs Type Status Rewards
1st Sunny Fun Happy Day Alabast Social? Completed Upcoming
6th [Bronze Woods] Bringing in the meat solo Job Completed ExperianceComposite Long Bow: + 1, Tracking: + 1, Observation:+ 1, Stealth: + 1, Intimidation: + 1 & LoresTracking Tactic: Scat Masking Scent, Hunting Tactic: Neck Is a Weak Spot, My First Shot: A Perfect Miss
7th Frost in the air Telrin, Kizora DuLonite, & Rion Whitestone TBD On-going? TBD
9th How Does One Go About Catching A Storm? Kizora DuLonite TBD On-going? TBD
10th In falling snow do tracks show solo Job Completed Upcoming
35th [Bronze woods] Sometimes indoors is the last thing you need Sei Tendo & Elsu TBD Dead Upcoming
38th In the Dead of Winter Sei Tendo Training Ongoing TBD
40th Memories at riverside Rion Whitestone Social Ongoing TBD
42nd Business Deals Medhozic Social-ish? Completed Upcoming
?? Out of Sunberth, into Syliras Nyrrah & Ishimaru Social Completed Upcoming

Last edited by Halona on February 21st, 2014, 12:52 am, edited 25 times in total.
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She who dares to be truly wild...
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Race: Kelvic
Character sheet

Halona Mabel

Postby Halona on January 12th, 2014, 7:36 am

100 Questions


“Play when you can, work when you must.”

General Information :
1. What is your Name?
The name's Halona Mabel, what's your's?

2. Do you go by a nickname or pet name?
My owner Andrew had a nickname he called me occasionally. It was Hal-hal, I hated it as I hated him. But that was the past and this is the present.

3. How old are you?
2 years 7 months, surprising right? Since I look like I'm 16.

4. What is your height?

5. What is your weight?
100 lbs

Aesthetics :
1. Describe yourself as you see yourself.
A small blonde wolf with...hmm? Ah, my human form? Well I'm still blonde and small but I have freckles dotting my cheeks. I also have skin. What? I have to describe my tone of skin too? Its fair with a light tan. Moving on.

2. Describe yourself as others typically see you.
I have been often been described as a beauty, whatever that means. My amber eyes are said to be striking and my build is slender with a subtle muscular tone, I have been told I have the body of a dancer. Though obviously short as a human standing a little over five feet, I've overheard my aura is somehow seen as intimidating.

3. What is your favorite body feature?
My amber eyes. Most people don't realize their eyes are their best weapon when it comes to body language, but I do. Or at least I think so. As I trust few to none I speak to, people often find themselves under the scrutiny of my "suspicious look" as I like to call it. More often than not the other person ends up trying their best to prove they're trustworthy or whatnot. I find it very entertaining.

4. How physically fit are you?
I'm in good enough to hunt a animal over a few miles and not stop until its dead in my jaws. But perhaps that's pure determination? Anyway, I practically work out everyday to catch breakfast, so no pudginess here.

5. How do you typically dress and what is your style?
Well I rather go with no clothes but you run into a city dweller and they're all stares. So I usually wear something as easy to get into as out of. I prefer simple dresses secured with a vest or corset as their easy to get out of if the need to shift arises.

Family :
1. Who are your parents and what are they like?
No clue, they were probably slaves as I was one once.

2. Do you have any brothers or sisters?
If I do and I probably do, I don't know them.
But I saw Dawn and Bracken as my family for a time. Does that count?

3. What is your extended family like?
I don't know if I even have any. And don't care enough to think about it.

4. Do you consider close friends as important or more/less important than family?
More than family as they would be the only things close enough to family I would have.

5. Do you treat animals like family?
I don't consider animals as animals. They have personalities and opinions just like people and are capable of be kind or cruel.
And yes I do, because Dawn and Bracken were my family and I still consider them as such even though I went my own separate way.

Location :
1. Where were you born?
Ravok. Don't know the specifics.

2. Where do you live now?
My territory is in the middle of the Bronze Woods near the geysers. I've made my home in a cave-like den, no trespassers allowed.

3. If you could live anywhere in Mizahar where would that be?
Perhaps Endrykas, I've heard little about that moving city but the thought of meeting people as wild as their home is intriguing.

4. Do you have a favorite place to vacation or spend leisure time?
The sunset falls, its so beautiful there. To simply listen to the roar of the water, feel the spray on your face and be mesmerized by the swift current is bliss. It reminds me of life, it goes on no matter who falls in.

5. Where do you fear to be?
Ravok. Its the one place I would always be identified as a slave.

Traits :
1. Do you have any physical weaknesses (disease, scars, and missing limbs?)
A few scars here and there acquired through my own stupid curiosity, or in hunts.

2. Are you right handed or left handed?
Aren't both hands meant to be used? That's what their there for right? I favor neither of my hands they are used equally.

3. What languages do you speak? What do you sound like? Do you have an accent?
I speak Common, and Canine. I've observed myself with one of those high pitched demanding voices but it's not shrill, my voice is maturing slowly but surely. If I have an accent I've never noticed it, perhaps because I avoid talking to humans. The said people who make up the majority of the population in Sylrias.

4. Do you have any odd mannerisms, annoying habits, or other defining characteristics?
I growl when I'm angry or agitated just as much in my human form as I do when I'm a wolf. Humans find it odd or awkward but I find it funny that they get uncomfortable over such a simple thing.

5. Do you have (or want to get) any tattoos or piercing? Why do you have them (or will get them) ?
Why would I want to put permanent dirt on my skin? Its hard enough to wash the real stuff off.

Occupations :
1. What is your occupation?
A hunter. I sell extra meat so it doesn't go to waste.

2. Do you like/dislike your work? Why?
I love it. The wind in your fur, chasing down the scent on the breeze and how it feels to run down your quarry is amazing. One could describe it as the famous 'thrill of the hunt'.

3. If you could be anything you wanted to, what would you be?
I like hunting. Why would I ever want to change getting paid for something I love to do?

4. What occupation do you admire the most? Why?
Healers, I guess? The fact that they can save someone from the verge of death is pretty amazing.

5. What occupation do you lest like? Why?
Perhaps people like the Sylrian Knights? Why do they always enforce the rules so much? I swear, one can never get away with anything...
I believe people could govern themselves just as well as the forest animals I coesist with. No one needs others to tell them what and what not to do. Then again they did kill my last jailers, so perhaps there are times they are needed.

Childhood :
1. What sort of child were you?
As a slave for the majority of my childhood I learned what and what not to say and when. Just because I was in the room and others around my age were talking didn't mean I was allowed to. I was to do what was asked of me when told to do it and shift on command. I never affiliated with the word "choice" until my escape.

2. What is your favorite memory from childhood?
Overpowering Andrew. His life was in the palm of my hands, the sheer power and control I felt over another was both sickening and exhilarating. I should have killed the little wench when I had the chance.

3. What is your worst memory from childhood?
Being starved for bad behavior and being starved for no reason at all. I never want to feel the pain of my stomach gnawing at me again, it was unbearable.

4. What sort of relationship did you have with your parents?
None, I never knew them probably never will.

5. Who was your most influential role-model?
Bracken, he never got angry for no reason and never once blamed me for messing up a hunt with a mistake. He was so laid back and patient it was hard to believe a wolf who was so deadly in hunts could possess that type personality.

Education :
1. What sort of education do you have?
Barely any, I can read and speak and not much else. The reading was only because my former master, Andrew was too lazy to read himself and insisted on being read to. So thus my education.

2. Do you like/dislike learning?
I like learning physical skills. Book work can stay with the long lived humans, I plan to enjoy my short life doing fun activities.

3. Where or how did you learn most of your skills/abilities?
Bracken, he taught me how to survive and watched over me, offering gentle advice when he felt it was needed.

4. How do you learn best?
I'm more of a hands on type of girl, talk my ears off and I'll eventually tune you out retaining nothing but show me something interesting and I'll pick it up quickly.

5. What are your educational goals for the future?
I want to learn more ways to fight and defend myself, for in this day and age you can never be too wary.

Relationships :
1. Do you form close bonds with people? Why? Why not?
People? Haha...no. Humans? In your dreams. I'm not a people person, let's just leave it at that.

2. Do you trust people easily? If not, why not?
Nope, especially if they're human or look human-ish, I get this nagging suspicion their going to stuff me in a sack and ship me off to someplace like Ravok.

3. Do you consider yourself straight, gay, bi, or something else?
Straight, no question. I like guys and perhaps they like me and if they don't, they can go die in a hole.

4. Have you ever been kissed? If so, describe the first time.
Why do you want to know? Its not that I haven't its just that I...haven't.

5. Have you ever had sex? If so, describe the first time.
Next question...

Drugs and Alcohol :
1. Have you ever been drunk? If so, describe your first time.
Nope and I don't plan to be.

2. Do you like to drink on a regular basis?
No. Never have, never will.

3. What sort of alcohol do you prefer?
How many times do I have to say the same thing? I've never drank alcohol. How am I supposed to have a preference?

4. Have you ever tried drugs (mood altering substances)? If so, which kinds and what did you think of them?
Not that I've known of, no.

5. What do you think of drugs and alcohol? Be specific.
I think they're bad for you? Not sure, never tried any.

Likes and Dislikes :
1. What are your hobbies?
Hunting mostly, one has to feed oneself. I occasionally attempt to make something resembling blankets out of my kills to add to my handy collection of furs. Picking fights, making snide remarks and pushing people's buttons are some other hobbies of mine.

2. Do you like to read?
Nope, only if I have to.

3. What annoys you more than anything else?
When I let someone down or am the cause of the failure of something important, it makes me feel like a 'good for nothing unskilled hooligan' in other words 'embarrassed'. I also get annoyed when my bluffs have no effect or am not taken seriously.

4. What do you find the most relaxing activity to do?
Swim. Don't you just love the cool sensation when you swim around? It sucks when you get out and your soaking wet though.

5. What kinds of things embarrass you? Why?
When I can't live up to my own expectations or am the one being laughed at. It ticks me off.

Favorites :
1. What is your favorite color or colors?
Green and blue. The sky and the grass, water and plants.

2. What is your favorite time of day?
Night, you hear things wake up and others settle down to sleep. Watching the stars is a favorite pastime until my close and I drift off.

3. What is the most beautiful thing you've ever seen?
I'm surrounded by beautiful things, clear pools of water dew on a pretty flower, the sun. I really can't choose.

4. What do you like to eat? What do you hate to eat?
Fresh meat, preferably meat I just killed. Any sort of plant, I can choke a few of them down but give me a plate full of plants and your asking for it.

5. What is your favorite type of weather? Does any kind scare you?
Snow, its so relaxing to watch them fall from the sky...unless its a blizzard. I hate thunderstorms, they're terrifying, especially when lightening flashes.

Outlook :
1. Are you optimistic or pessimistic?
Optimistic? I think so. Isn't it easier to think happy thoughts then to think of what could always go wrong? Too dreary for my taste. If you have the will, there is a way; I always say.

2. What are your religious views?
I respect Caiyha, goddess of nature. Since I live in nature I always feel both comforted living in her domain and on edge for nature is merciless as she is beautiful.

3. Would you be able to kill?
Yes. I can and have for food but never for sport.

4. What are your views on sex?

5. What, in your opinion, makes a successful life?
Getting up everyday and doing something you love. It could be something your devoted to, a hobby, or even a habit as long as you love it.

Actions :
1. What is the worst and best thing you’ve ever done?

2. What is your greatest regret?

3. What is your best/worst memory?

4. If you could change one thing about your past, what would it be and why?

5. What are you the most proud of doing in your life?

Emotions :
1. How honest are you about your thoughts and feelings with others?

2. Do you have any biases or prejudices?

3. What makes you happy?

4. Who or what, if anything, would you die for?

5. What makes you angry?

Relationships :
1. In general, how do you treat others?

2. Who is the most important person in your life, and why?

3. Who is the person you respect the most, and why?

4. Do you have a spouse or significant other? If not, describe an ideal lover.

5. Do you trust anyone to protect you? Who, and why

Group Situations :
1. Do you tend to argue with people, or avoid conflict?

2. Do you tend to take on leadership roles in social situations?

3. Do you like interacting with large groups of people? Why or why not?

4. Do you care what others think of you?

5. What do you think of others, in general?

Self Image :
1. What is your greatest strength as a person?

2. What is your greatest weakness?

3. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?

4. Are you generally introverted or extroverted?

5. Are you generally organized or messy?

Beliefs :
1. What God or Goddess do you find most appealing, if any?

2. Which God or Goddess do you fear, if any?

3. Do you have any Gnosis Marks? If so, how did you receive them?

4. What lengths would you go to to please your deity?

5. Where do you draw the line at pleasing your deity? What is too much?

Life & Death :
1. What do you absolutely live for?

2. What is the best part of life?

3. What is the best part of death?

4. If you could choose, how would you want to die?

5. What is the one thing for which you would most like to be remembered after your death?

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She who dares to be truly wild...
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Joined roleplay: January 11th, 2014, 2:24 am
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Race: Kelvic
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