Closed Questions of Loyalty

Mamoru follows through on the Magistrates order for interrogation of slaves searching for Rujaro.

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This lazy agricultural settlement rests on the swampy shores of the Middle Suvan at the delta of The Kenash River. The River's slow moving bayou waters have bred a different sort of people - rugged, cultured, and somewhat violent. Sprawling plantations of tobacco and cotton grow on the outskirts of the swamp in the rich Cyphrus soils, while the city itself curls around the bayou and spawns decadence and sins of all sorts. Life is slower in Kenash, but the lack of pace is made up for in the excesses of food and flesh in a city where drinking, debauchery, gambling, slavery, and overbearing plantation families dominate the landscape.

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Questions of Loyalty

Postby Shayna on January 14th, 2014, 12:13 am


61st Winter 513 Evening Bells

Today was an eventful day in Kenash, the Magistrate sent word out to heads of households, and posted announcement that all slaves were to be interrogated to ensure that they were not secretly Rujaro. The slaves who knew of this quailed mostly, depending on the houses they belonged to some were more frightened then others. A tension had settled over the city as the season wore on, and even slaves cursed the Rujaro for the dangers they brought.

One slave was aware of the tension, though she was unaware of the order for she had kept to the cottage today. Her master had affairs to deal with that did not include her so Shayna found herself working around his cottage cleaning and otherwise keeping herself busy. She had far more free time then she was accustomed to having, for her duties tended to run the gambit of simply caring for her master and being around to fill roles that he needed.

She was expecting him back at any moment, and with the tension in Kenash coupled with the Rujaro attack she was eager for him to come before Syna sank too low on the horizon. She had tried her hand at cooking again, this time mystery meat sat sizzling in the pan -this time she remembered the lard to keep it from sticking- along with a few cut up tubers slowly growing mushy. She wasn't sure at all how it would taste, but she had learned that her master was not what one called a picky eater. She still would like to create meals that tasted good to him but she didn't hold out much hope on that count.

Using the spatula she flipped the meat over, it wasn't fully black on this side and she counted that a win. The orange colored tubers were slowly becoming far too mushy to really eat, but the flavor would be cooked into the meat. As long as she didn't burn the meat to the point that it was inedible, it might even go over better then the crunchy potatoes.

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Questions of Loyalty

Postby Kalesserimamoru on January 14th, 2014, 1:35 am


Mamoru headed back towards his cottage after a full day of work. The Rujaro were proving to be a problem for the city as kidnapping after kidnapping occurred and as always none of the people in the city were any help at finding anything. The missing Radacke woman had been found after the Rujaro had turned her into less of a human. Things weren't looking good and the people's faith in their Magistrate was growing weaker by the day.

What appeared to him as a last effort to fix the problem, and show that he still held power over the city, the Magistrate ordered every head of house to question their slaves and ferret out any Rujaro sympathizers. Mamoru wasn't worried about his pet being a part of their group. She had been a simple garden slave and he was sure that the world saw her as less. The Rujaro weren't likely to target her because none of them saw in her what the trickster did. Shayna had also seen a portion of his powers and the girl was smart enough to know that the run away slaves had nothing to offer her. Not like he did...

Once he made it back to the cottage, he moved inside and locked the door behind him. He was completely wrapped in shadows, the dark robes that he wore covered him completely and also muffled his steps. Mamoru removed the hood first, before disrobing and laying it across the closest chair. There was food cooking, he could smell it once he first crossed the swamps and came close to his home. Shayna was there cooking a meal and he was pleased at how she took to her knew chores so easily. Still dressed in a simple shirt and dark pants, he removed his boots and walked across the floor.

"I trust that everything has gone well while I was away? No more Rujaro attacks?" He asked her that for a reason because that was a subject that they were soon to discuss in that very room. The trickster moved over to the table and sat down in one of the chairs and sighed pleasantly."The city is busy, people up in arms over the Rujaro, and the Magistrate gave out an interesting order to all of the head's of house."

"Everything happens out of necessity."
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Questions of Loyalty

Postby Shayna on January 14th, 2014, 1:51 am


She had just managed to flip the meat out of the pan and onto a platter without dropping it, another score for her in her mind, when Mamoru stepped into the door. Her gaze immediately went to him, giving him a smile before she carried the platter to the table. She picked up a knife that had been laid out and cut into the thickest portion, the knife sawing through a little of the more charred parts and was pleased to find no blood. It was at least cooked through, and it will probably be a bit crunchy since apparently her master liked crunchy food. She tried not to relate that to the crunch of the bone that she had broken on the floor.

She placed a glass of water beside his chair and then busied herself cleaning up her mess as he sat and began to talk. "I doubt that if there were Rujaro here in your absence M'Lord that you would still have a slave alive and cleaning when you got back." This is said with just the barest hint of a smile and she moved with the skillet to the basin and this time poured water over it with a light hiss of steam. "I know that the slaves in the city proper have been worried for weeks now. Nothing is safe thanks to these Rujaro. If your an expensive slave you might be kidnapped and killed, if your not an expensive slave your looked at with suspicion."

She speaks as she uses a cake of soap to begin to scrub the skillet in the basin. Paying attention to her master, while finishing her chores was something she had been able to do since she was a child. her black hair was tied back tonight, mostly in deference to cooking with the lard, not wanting to have to try and scrub the grease from her strands from where it popped out of the pan. As a result her neck was bare, her brand that he had affixed on her neck exposed.

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Questions of Loyalty

Postby Kalesserimamoru on January 14th, 2014, 4:30 am


"Is that so?" The trickster replied to her words, which he imagined were supposed to be a joke. Never before had he met anyone who enjoyed joking about their own death, and so far he hadn't known her to joke much at all. "I suppose you're right. They would have carted you off in an instant. So much..raw talent in that tiny body of yours. Talent that is just begging to be tapped and explored." Mamoru smiled as he watched her, his words, as always having more than one meaning.

Looking to his plate, he sniffed the meat, the smell rising into his nose and making his belly growl. This was something he liked and was used to, the smell of cooked meat brought back memories. It was something that was done inside the nest and of course on the surface, the Myrians did as well. Mamoru started to eat, teeth sinking in and ripping apart the meat quickly. He drank water behind it, needing to remind himself to take smaller bites than he normally did while in Dhani, or snake form. It was a little known face about him, but he rarely ate in his human form. Digestion was slower and he couldn't eat so much before his body filled up.

But in Dhani, or snake form, the amount of food he could take in for one sitting was three times that amount, not to mention the fact that in snake form he could swallow his meals whole. Listening to his pet as she cleaned for him, Mamoru finished his meal and licked his lips.
"In that case I guess you should be grateful that you aren't an expensive slave." One hand lifted, hovering over his cup and the trickster started to push res out, allowing it to drift into the cup and fill it up. It was a small cup, and the res formed inside quickly. once it was to his satisfaction, he transformed both layers into water and watched as the fresh liquid filled his cup.

"This city is in a lot of trouble, but if the Dynasty think they are immune, they are going to be in for a rude and very violent awakening. However..they will do as they will, which reminds me we need to have a talk." Mamoru drank from his cup first, emptying it out before setting it back down on the table. Yellow-green eyes moved to Shayna and he watched her worked. One hand lowered to his side, palm turned upward as he started to push res out a second time. He pushed out more, pushing the gas-like res across the floor towards where Shayna stood.

The res slipped into the basin while she washed and started to draw the water, mixing in with it. A tiny bubble formed inside the basin, and sucked in more water until it grew bigger and bigger. Once he felt that he had enough water collected, Mamoru forced it to explode and the collected water swept out splashing Shayan's blouse. His trickster ways would always get the better of him, but he still had serious questions to ask.
"The Magistrate put out an order, every slave is to be interrogated for being possible Rujaro...every slave."
"Everything happens out of necessity."
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Questions of Loyalty

Postby Shayna on January 14th, 2014, 4:57 am


The skillet was being a burden to clean, of course it was her own fault for scorching the meat in it. However the only sounds she made as he spoke and ate was the sounds of the water splashing in the basin, and the very occasional light grunt. Whenever he seemed to make a pointed remark she would glance over to him, one brow raised as she mulled his words each and every one of them for meaning and context. She hadn't really been joking, she had been completely serious in her remarks, she might have been a little blase' about it only because as a slave not even her death was her own truly. It was not something she -nor any slave she knew- wanted to dwell on much, that it was perfectly legal for their owners to put them to death.

Even though his eating left a little to be desired in what one would call manners, it did make Shayna experience her own brand of happiness to know he was pleased enough to eat it. Even when he made the remark that she was not an expensive slave did nothing to dampen her enjoyment of his own enjoyment. "I suppose I am not an expensive slave." She didn't comment that it just meant that the dangers she could see -the Dynasty- were just that much more dangerous since she was not considered amongst them 'trustworthy'.

"What do you wish to speak of M'Lord." She replied instinctively, to his desire to talk. She was almost finished with the pan, thanks to her zeal in scrubbing she didn't notice anything amiss until water was splashing out of the basin, and a sharp gasp is given. The water was cold, it was not a little dirty thanks to her scrubbing, and she couldn't understand what had happened. Perhaps she was just scrubbing so hard that she splashed herself. Either way her top was soaked uncomfortably so, clinging to her curves. Immediately she reached for the drying cloth and began to dab at her top, noting the puddle on the floor as well.

Yet his words on the Magistrates orders caused her hands to still, and go numb, the towel falling from her fingers to the floor as she stared for a long tick at him. Her face pales and she trembles visibly, remembering the last time she had been interrogated. "Who.... How.. " She stumbles over her words, her mouth feeling like it had been stuffed with cotton so dry did it become. With rubbery legs she moved towards him, sinking to her knees in front of him. "Please M'Lord. I don't know anything. I don't know anyone who is Rujaro.. I am not Rujaro." The words tumbled from her lips quickly, tinged a little with panic.

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Questions of Loyalty

Postby Kalesserimamoru on January 14th, 2014, 7:14 am


The trickster found her reaction odd, he was sure that his little pet wasn't a dirty Rujaro, but her reaction made him wonder. Sitting back into his chair, Mamoru watched the girl as she stumbled over her words and came to settle down on her knees in front of him. Within a matter of ticks her demeanor had completely changed from the normal way that she spoke to him, to the frightened and uncertain way she spoke to him now. Could it be? Is my dear little meat pet actually involved with the swamp rebellion? Have I been so blind?

Yellow-green eyes stared at the girl, his features plain and unmoving. I don't believe it to be true. There would have been signs, unless.... Those two that attacked the cottage days ago, were they working secretly with her? Was this an attempt to make an easy kill and find a place to hide out where the city wouldn't think to look for them? If so, their reactions would have still been the same. Shayna had no idea of what I am, but she does now. She could have told them, but would they believe such a tale? These people seem to be ignorant of the true power of magic, I doubt anyone would think such things were possible.

Mamoru watched Shayna more, staring into her oddly colored green eyes. He didn't believe that she was Rujaro, in fact he was pretty sure that she wasn't. The idea that she could be had been ran through his mind a few times already and he couldn't see a possible connection. However, putting the fear into the girl could go along way to make sure that she didn't betray him later on.
"Not Rujaro you say? How can I be so sure? I'd like to think that I have been very kind to you, and given you a life better than what you had before." He lifted one finger, his morphing coming to use as he concentrated his magic on the nail of the finger that was pointed upward.

"I'd hate to think of you as anything other than loyal. But.." he paused watching as the single nail became harden and slowly started to grow longer and more sharp at the tip. "I plan to purchase other slaves in the future and I won't stand for any Rujaro in my home. You understand? Only through me can you prosper in this city and become something more than a slave. I am your master, and your body and soul belong to me."

"Everything happens out of necessity."
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Questions of Loyalty

Postby Shayna on January 14th, 2014, 7:42 am


Fear bubbled into Shayna's chest and throat, making it hard for her to breath, her eyes dilating widely. Even though he was the source of her fear now, she still reached out toward him and her hands raised to clutch at the fabric of his pants. Cecily had her strung up and systematically beaten with a whip, exquisitely so that very few of the countless strokes actually broke skin. The few scars that she sported on her back was just a few of those strokes, a mild reminder of her torment that night. Terrors of that night, the helplessness of being asked repeatedly about her connection with the the Rujaro, the inability to give any answers because she had not known any all bubbled up now threatening to suffocate her so tight was her chest.

For the first time since that night tears started to ooze from her eyes as his finger started to change, her eyes glued to it. "Yes M'Lord, please you have been most kind.. please please.. I don't know anything M'Lord... please don't hurt me.." She bubbled forth the pleas without even being able to comprehend exactly what she was saying so terrified was she of what he was going to do with the finger.

"I am yours M'Lord, always please, I am!" Her hands continue to clutch at his legs, frantic in her efforts to convince him that she was his. She pressed her body against his leg, the tears falling unchecked as she stared up at him from her knees. "Please M'Lord.." She shuddered and bent her neck, laying her brow against his knee, her shoulders shaking. Her entire body was tense, the abject horror that flooded her at the thoughts of all the things he could do to her to extract information she did not have fueled her fear. "How can I prove to you M'Lord, I am your slave, I am loyal only to you. Please M'Lord tell me how I can prove it, anything pleasae!"

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Questions of Loyalty

Postby Kalesserimamoru on January 14th, 2014, 10:06 pm


Mamoru watched as his fingernail grew even longer, something close to a claw now sticking up from his finger. He had thought before about getting more slaves now that he was starting to get used to having Shayna around, but the thought of possible Rujaro hadn't crossed his mind. It wasn't so unexpected however, many slaves wouldn't view their life with him as Shayna did. Others would want more, think that deserved better, and given his special treatment of his pet they could become jealous very quickly. He could tell by her words, and the way that she behaved that she was afraid, and he didn't think she would lie to him.

The trickster looked to his pet then back to his finger as he released his djed and allowed the nail to file back and lower into his finger again.
"I suppose I believe you. You're too smart to be mixed up in something so worthless and foolish."Leaning forward, Mamoru reached out with both hands and cupped Shayna's cheeks. He stared into her eyes, his thumbs lifting to wipe away her tears. "They will never win...ever. Their fates are sealed and they're fighting a losing battle. The world has already passed them by and their only relief will be in death."

Yellow-green eyes stared into her oddly shaded pools of green. His thumb moved down her cheek and gently traced her lips before he leaned forward to kiss them.
"You have a calling my dear girl, and you should hear it. You are not like those other slaves, no more than I am like any other freeborn. They don't realize it yet, but the moment that they do, they will turn on us. That is why we must stick together, you and I." Mamoru offered her a weak smile, his nose brushing against hers before he kissed her again, this time longer and deeper than before.

"Everything happens out of necessity."
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Questions of Loyalty

Postby Shayna on January 14th, 2014, 11:00 pm


The last time someone had questioned her they hadn't taken her pleas and assurances that she didn't know anything, Shayna had no reason to believe he would either. She had resigned herself to the questioning enough so that when he cupped her cheeks she jumped, yet his words pierced the fog of fear in her mind, and she sagged against him with relief. Her head tilted further into his hands, giving a shaky breath as she tried to bring her beating heart back under control. Her fingers slowly uncurled from his pants, noting just a little the wrinkles left from her grip.

"M'Lord, I have no desire to be out there. I have no wish to throw this away, I know where I belong." Though the trust that she had felt before, the trust that she knew what he wanted, trusted that she pleased him was broken, she returned his first kiss with a quiver. Fear had replaced that trust, fear that she would displease him. So when he kissed her again, her hands raised encircle his wrists as he continued to hold her face still beneath his lips. Her own lips sought his with a sense of desperation to please him, to convince him that she wanted nothing else but what he gave her. It helped that it was true, she didn't want freedom or what was in her mind the illusion of freedom.

When he allowed her to breath once more, she raised on her knees, one hand falling to pull the wet fabric of her shirt away from her skin. "Will they M'Lord? Or will they continue to chase their tails at the slaves and possible connection there?"

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Questions of Loyalty

Postby Kalesserimamoru on January 15th, 2014, 3:00 am


Mamoru cackled at her words, the girl was starting to sound like him. Or maybe, maybe she was starting to see things through his eyes, or come to the same conclusion on her own. His fingers stroked her cheeks and moved to comb through her long, dark hair. "I'm sure they will, they are far too stupid to realize the obvious course of action. If these Rujaro are such a threat and they are hiding in the swamps, one simply needs to burn the swamps to root them out."

He smiled again, parting her lips with his fingers and leaned closer as if to taste them again, but paused and continued to speak.
"One wouldn't need to destroy the enitre swamp lands, but enough to but a barrier of land between the city and the surrounding areas. That would help to keep them out. Perhaps they could build a wall, set traps. There are many ways to deal with this problem, but they are too far wrapped in themselves to see it."

The trickster released her head and sat back into his seat. He appeared thoughtful, though not angry in the least. His eyes stayed on Shayna, lowering to her blouse and noticed how it clung to her body. He wondered for a moment why she didn't simply remove it, but he didn't ask. They were having a serious conversation after all, and they needed to stay focused.
"But keep in mind, even fools can get lucky, and I won't be taken down by fools. So we will be extra careful, won't we Shayna?" Tilting his head, he smiled to her and waved a hand to call her to come to him. " I just realized that I don't know a lot about your past, your..history. You're a remarkable girl, and hearing your story might work well for our..bonding."

"Everything happens out of necessity."
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