Closed Questions of Loyalty

Mamoru follows through on the Magistrates order for interrogation of slaves searching for Rujaro.

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This lazy agricultural settlement rests on the swampy shores of the Middle Suvan at the delta of The Kenash River. The River's slow moving bayou waters have bred a different sort of people - rugged, cultured, and somewhat violent. Sprawling plantations of tobacco and cotton grow on the outskirts of the swamp in the rich Cyphrus soils, while the city itself curls around the bayou and spawns decadence and sins of all sorts. Life is slower in Kenash, but the lack of pace is made up for in the excesses of food and flesh in a city where drinking, debauchery, gambling, slavery, and overbearing plantation families dominate the landscape.

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Questions of Loyalty

Postby Shayna on January 17th, 2014, 12:08 am


Shayna's mind was little more then animalistic now, nothing was thought nothing was processed. Instead she moved on instinct, felt rather than thought, needed rather than analyzed. She didn't think about her duty as a slave, or her place as his pet, instead she simply gave herself over to the primal urges that he built with every stroke of his fingers, lap of his tongue, or nip of his teeth. She continued to stroke him, and fell into the rhythm of his hips easily for as long as she could continue to reach. A tiny sound of disappointment left her lips when he slipped beyond her reach.

Her hands moved instead to bury into his hair, as she left her body over to his desires. Waves of heat flowed through her and erased any feelings of inadequacy or shock at the intimate kiss that he delivered. She gave him everything in that moment, every sound, every squirm against his lips, her body bowed lightly as the culmination of her desire built steadily and rapidly. For now Myrians, monkeys, jungles, and even rujaro was far from Shayna's mind as she shattered beneath his attentions.

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Questions of Loyalty

Postby Kalesserimamoru on January 17th, 2014, 6:02 am


Mamoru took it all in, every sound, taste and smell that he experienced and consumed it into his desire for his pet. Dhani were always hungry and this was no different, as far as Mamoru was concerned. No matter how much and how far he went, the trickster couldn't get enough of the teen slave laying beneath him. He continued with his intimate kisses, his mouth and tongue starving to taste her for just a little longer. Fingers trailed up and down her legs, tongue lapping her taut flesh more aggressively as the time passed. Shayna was hot and lively and he couldn't get enough of her.

He moved back upward, creating another trail of kisses up her stomach, making the climb back between her breasts, only to stop a moment to once again suckled the swollen flesh there before moving to kiss her neck. The trickster stared down at his pet who appeared completely spent below him. She looked amazing, dark hair disheveled about her head, breaths hot and moist, with pink flushes of arousal showing through her sun-warm skin. He wanted her for himself, only for him, and he would be the one to bring her pleasure and take that from her as well.

His want for her pulled true, and tenderly he entered her, a hot glide of flesh into flesh. His hands found her hips and Mamoru moved within her, caressing her inwardly with his arousal again and again. His hands moved about her body, fingers stroking and kneading her skin as he moved to cup her buttock to draw her closer so that she could take him in fully. Mamoru released a sigh of pleasure and started to buck his hips in a fast rhythm to continue their passionate session.

"Everything happens out of necessity."
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Questions of Loyalty

Postby Shayna on January 17th, 2014, 7:13 am


Her body was in a state of hyper sensitivity, every lap of his tongue sent a twinge of pain-pleasure shooting up her spine. Every breath against her caused a twitch as another of these sensations flooded her brain. Her fingers relax their hold in his hair, and she foggily became aware that she had clutched him to her at the height of her release. "M'Lord.." She sighed huskily as he kissed his way back up her body, her limbs felt heavy and relaxed other then the occasional tremor that ran the course of her body.

She had always told herself that she was glad that she was not considered pretty enough to be a pleasure slave, always told herself that she didn't want to be used for the pleasures her body could give. However in moments like these, after her master had gone through so much effort to wring every ounce of pleasure from her Shayna found the allure. Of course not every pleasure slave had such an attentive master. Her hands raised to stroke across his back, her fingers pressing slightly against him as he slipped inside her. Her lips parted and her eyes stared up at him widely, but as he quickened his pace her legs raise to wrap around his hips.

Shayna watched his features as long as she was able, drinking in any changes in his features that she could attribute to pleasure. Her hands stroked and caressed, her muscles tighten around him in a mimicry of her legs around his hips. She fell into his rhythm easily, rolling her hips against his, flesh meeting flesh in a frenzy. All the while she sought to drive him just as high as he drove her, needing to give him every ounce pleasure that he had poured into her.

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Questions of Loyalty

Postby Kalesserimamoru on January 17th, 2014, 6:02 pm


Mamoru's normally cool skin was much warmer now as he continued to ravage his young pet. His thrust were generous and he made sure to keep the flow of their combined rhythm so that their bodies came together at the exact same moment each time. There was an echo in the room, a sound caused by their rough actions and he smiled as Shayna's sweet voice sent musical notes into his ears. Perhaps it was the intensity of the moment, the ruling the Magistrate had made and the serious problem with the Rujaro, but there was a wildness to their actions. An animalistic hunger driving them both to take their experience to the next level.

His breaths were heavy, hands holding her hips to keep her in place as he grind his body into hers. Shayna's hips matched his motion and they collided in perfect rhythm again and again. Her hands touched his body and when she wrapped her legs around his hips to keep him closer, Mamoru freed his hands and kneaded and stroked her aching breasts. The trickster breathed in a desperate rhythm, his hands hard on her breasts, as he moved fast and frantic. Mamoru felt hot, a strange prickling sensation washing over his muscles, but he continued each possessive thrust burying him deep inside her in those final moments.

Mamoru completely abandoned himself to the pleasure, and in those last moments of frenzied writhing, he gave her his all. Wrapping his arms around her, he pulled her close. Deep, shuddering breaths became entwined in their moist kisses as he convulsed against her at the very height of his pulsing release. The Dhani fell over then, pulling Shayna into his arms and rested comfortably on the bed. Yellow-green eyes moved to the girl and he smiled. She wasn't going anywhere.
"I'm glad that we had this talk, I never thought you were a Rujaro, but it's good to know that I was right about you my pet."

"Everything happens out of necessity."
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Questions of Loyalty

Postby Shayna on January 18th, 2014, 12:01 am


Shayna took everything that he gave her, every sigh, every murmur, and every sensation. She took them and stored them in her memory, along with every sensation that ran along her nerve endings. When he gathered her close, for the pinnacle of the act, her arms snaked around him just as tightly. Her voice adding to the noise in the room as he reached his own heights, her body tightening around him to hold him close until he relaxed and moved to law on the bed. Her arms and legs loosen their hold on him, sliding over to take her normal place where she would sleep across him.

Her body was spent, all energy drained from her as she listened to his words. "M'Lord, I am loyal and faithful. I would never go to the Rujaro even if you were not my owner. The fact that you are my owner just makes it even more impossible for me to be swayed to be one." She murmured, her voice still a little husky from passion. "I promise you will never need to... take drastic measures to be certain of that." She shifted a little curving her body to fit against his easily enough. Her green eyes seeing the wet puddle where she had somehow managed to splash water out of the basin, then going to the shirt that had been soiled and dropped onto the floor. She should get up and clean up the mess before it caused damage, but for now her limbs were heavy and lethargic.

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Questions of Loyalty

Postby Kalesserimamoru on January 18th, 2014, 1:18 am


Mamoru's body felt heavy and he felt an awkward pulling in his dizzy fog, something similar to what people would feel after they'd been aboard a boat for a long time, then finally returned to the shore. There was a coat of sweat upon Shayna's body and as he laid still beside her, his breathing still erratic, he felt a strange phantom sensation as if he was still buried deep inside her. He released a sigh as she moved to her normal place beside him, and reached an arm around her to caress her rear as he normally did. Shayna's body was still hot, but with her glistening flesh pressed against his, it gave him a mixed, but pleasant filling.

His eyes lifted to the ceiling as they spoke, a mused expression upon his face, knowing that talking was about all they had enough strength left to do. Even his arm that wrapped around her, hand gently stroking her buttocks, felt like it was weighted down by something invisible.
"I'm sure that I won't. You are loyal, faithful, smart, and even beautiful. They had their chance with you and failed. Now I will take you, my pet and help you to achieve your full potential."He turned to look at her then, bringing the hand that wasn't already rubbing her rear to touch her lips. "I have big plans for this city and I'll need you to help me with that. I know I can count on you."He smiled and kissed her gently.

"Everything happens out of necessity."
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Questions of Loyalty

Postby Shayna on January 18th, 2014, 2:41 am


Shayna's body was pleasantly sore, her muscles taxed, her flesh tingling from the rough affections. She too was feeling a strange sensation, one that had nothing to do with the physical. Curiously she felt a warm feeling when she was next to him, one that in no way was due to her body temperature. Shayna had never felt this at any other point in her life. This sense of contentment, safety and adoration when she was with him. She didn't understand it but that didn't matter. He frightened her on one hand, with his strange powers and his simple Dhani-ness, but she knew that as long as she behaved and was obedient that he wouldn't use them against her.

She automatically kissed the tips of his fingers as he stroked her lips, then tipped her chin up to accept his kiss with a sleepy smile. "Just say the word M'Lord and it will be done." She said with a gentle air of confidence. "Though you need to tread careful in Kenash. We don't have these monkeys you speak of, well not in large amounts, nor do we have giant cats or dogs. But we have people who have no problems with ruining you financially, politically and if that fails, physically." Her fingers roam along his chest and stomach, aimlessly caressing without using too much muscle.

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Questions of Loyalty

Postby Kalesserimamoru on January 18th, 2014, 4:54 am


Mamoru smiled at her words, he believed that her feelings for him were genuine, and that she enjoyed being his mentally as well as intimately. There was a growing connection between the two, one that wasn't completely physical or emotional, but a combination of both. Shayna was worried for her master, he could see it in her eyes whenever he spoke about doing something that others might see as threatening. "My dear I've spent my life fighting an enemy that has no shortage of warriors to sacrifice for their cause. I have survived extinction, and crossed a jungle and a sea filled with grass to get here. I doubt these people here have ever seen anything like me."

Looking into her green eyes, he turned his body towards her, wrapping his arms around her as he kissed her again and again. Her breath was still hot from their intimate encounter and her creamy flesh still felt moist to his touch. Mamoru kissed her more, hands gently rubbing up and down her back and the other caressing her thigh. Slowly he broke the kiss and leaned down to kiss her neck as he reached for the sheets crumbled at the bottom of the bed. He pulled the cloth blanket up to cover them, and held his sleepy pet in his arms.
"You will see dear Shayna. One day this will all be different, and you will be so much more."

"Everything happens out of necessity."
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Questions of Loyalty

Postby Mythic on January 24th, 2014, 3:23 am


XP Award!

Name: Kalesserimamoru

XP Award:

  • Socialization +5
  • Reimancy (Water) +1
  • Intelligence +1
  • Interrogation +2
  • Observation +5
  • Seduction +5
  • Leadership +1
  • Storytelling +1

  • Rujaro: not likely to target Shayna
  • Shayna: member of Rujaro?
  • Shayna: has a calling
  • Shayna: Born to slavery
  • Adair Askara: Shayna's friend
  • Adair Askara: untrustworthy?
  • Shayna: Not a Rujaro
  • Shayna: A growing Connection

Notes: Mamoru's morphing of his finger, I felt, did not merit a point in Morphing as an expert in Morphing ought to be able to do such a thing without too much effort.

Name: Shayna

XP Award:
Lore: Withheld.
Notes: Shayna, if you ever return to Mizahar please PM me and I will post your grades.

As always, if you have any questions or concerns with your grade, please don't hesitate to PM me!
Do not take lightly your hopes, your ideas, your fantasies. Let them grow. Nurture them. Then your wildest imaginings will soon trip the dream fantastic, soaring into the Wonderplane, and spreading into something altogether... magnificent. And perhaps you’ll see them again someday.


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