Open Out of Sunberth, into Syliras {Open}

New Kelvic character from Sunberth. Anyone can post.

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This shining population center is considered the jewel of The Sylira Region. Home of the vast majority of Mizahar's population, Syliras is nestled in a quiet, sprawling valley on the shores of the Suvan Sea. [Lore]

Out of Sunberth, into Syliras {Open}

Postby Halona on January 16th, 2014, 1:14 am

Halona Mabel

The blonde haired girl cocked her head, gazing at the knelling Nyrrah in confusion. Coyote? Coyote what excatly? Was Nyrrah trying to say she was a Kelvic too?
"Wait, your a Kelvic too?" Halona asked. Eyeing the dark haired girl in new found curiosity, but Halona's attention promptly changed to the small clay man and the Kelvic also knelt down as to have an easier conversation with the Pycon. "Its nice to meet you Ishimaru, I'm Halona." She said nodding to him in greeting. The Kelvic was feeling more at ease with the prospect of the others not being human.
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Out of Sunberth, into Syliras {Open}

Postby Nyrrah on January 16th, 2014, 3:16 am

"Nyrrah." Nyrrah said to the small man named Ishimaru. "Pycon" was an entirely new concept to her, as was alchemy. All she really knew was crime, mean humans and keeping to herself. She looked back at Halona and nodded. Two strange new things at once. Nyrrah had no idea who to focus her attention on, or how to focus on both.
"Well..." She said, glancing between Halona and Ishimaru.
"I have never met another Kelvic. Never even heard of Pycons... All I really know is humans." She listened to her rough, informal tone. They didn't sound so rough. Should I fix that...? She thought.
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Out of Sunberth, into Syliras {Open}

Postby Krong on January 16th, 2014, 11:11 pm

"Sorry for my trepidation earlier I believe you both to be of that accursed race of humans who care nothing about those they hurt or destroy" he said with pain evident in his voice.
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Out of Sunberth, into Syliras {Open}

Postby Nyrrah on January 17th, 2014, 3:28 am

Nyrrah contemplated his words for a minute, thinking of the little mans description of the human race. She had grown up with nothing but humans. She could see how they could be "accursed," especially the rough citizens of Sunberth. She had resented her human father. But it was a race she had tried to be like and longed to be close to. Her hopes started to sink a bit. Maybe the humans of Syliras were no better.. She was at a loss for words. She lapsed into a mediative, silent state and waited to hear Halona's opinion on the human race.
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Out of Sunberth, into Syliras {Open}

Postby Halona on January 17th, 2014, 7:57 am

Halona Mabel

Kelvic... The word didn't register at first. Halona was staring at out into space in though when the Pycon's comment brought her back to the present. "Humans are cruel heartless creatures that are so wrapped up in their own little world's they 'overlook' the crimes other's of their kind are committing." Halona's voice was simmering with barely suppressed rage. The excitement and joy that had engulfed her because of the discovery of another of her kind, had fled her allowing unpleasant memories to swim around in her head. "What one human city rejects another accepts." Bitterness entwined itself in her seething tone. "This subject brings back memories better left untouched."

She looked down at the balled up fists of her hands, indicating she was done talking about it. She felt annoyance at herself for going into such a lengthy speech about her hatred of humans. I was too careless. I must not allow myself to wallow in the past much less hint at my past life to others. They are not my friends...I need no friends. I must not show weakness.

(Ugh writers block...not enough detail on my part, sorry)
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Out of Sunberth, into Syliras {Open}

Postby Nyrrah on January 17th, 2014, 4:45 pm

( it's cool, I completely understand lol. I'm thinking of a plot, and thinking of bringing in more people. )

Nyrrah listened to the hatred in their voices, and once again felt like an outcast. She did not bear any hatred towards humans like them... She was not like them, it seemed. If she was not like them, how could you get along with them? Her golden eyes flickered back and forth between them as she thought over what she should do. Pretend to also hate them? Keep quiet? Ask why...? She was a bit curious. I am supposed to be changing, become more bold and so I'm... I cannot wilt at their differences. But what if they do not accept me? I don't want to be alone. I came to find a companion.. Or pack... Oh, stupid! You don't even know how to begin to do such things!
She thought for a while longer, and almost got the courage to ask why, until she thought of how Halona did not want to speak of it.
"Are there others like us in the city?" She finally blurted out, deciding to change the subject. This whole communication thing was difficult.
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Out of Sunberth, into Syliras {Open}

Postby Krong on January 17th, 2014, 6:45 pm

Ishimaru agreed with Halona's thoughts on humans and felt like she would be a useful ally in his plans but he would have to slowly introduce her to the concept of true revenge like what he had in mind. He decided to pose her a question later when he could do so alone, he wasn't quite sure on Hyrrah's opinion of the human race but she didn't seem as likely to accept his ideals as Halona. He then spoke to the two girls "Would either of you know of a place called Sahova and how to get there" he asked remembering someone mentioning the place before and how it was filled with magic. "I wish to continue my magical studies and have heard that it's the place to go" He gave a innocent smile.
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Out of Sunberth, into Syliras {Open}

Postby Halona on January 18th, 2014, 12:53 am

Halona Mabel

Halona looked up in relief the that Nyrrah hadn't pursued the other topic. The blonde girl pondered Nyrrah's question. Halona herself had heard of other Kelvics making their homes in the city but most were in their human form and practically impossible to recognize. On top of that she had never really made an effort to try. When she did enter Syliras, the city's odor always sent her fleeing for the hills in less than a bell.
"The few that can tolerate the smell, but its not like you can distinguish a Kelvic from other humans here, their just another one in the crowd." She said shrugging. In truth the Kelvic though curious of others of her kind didn't care much for the ones who lived in the city, they lived to close to humans and therefore must be oblivious to the harm humans inflicted upon their kind. Or so she believed.

Shifting her gaze to the Pycon, she listened to his question. In the two years that she'd been alive the only two cities she had ever bothered to know was Syliras and Ravok. She felt no need to learn about the others. As for magic she simply knew it existed, nothing more, nothing less. "Sahova?Never heard of it sorry." She told him.
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Out of Sunberth, into Syliras {Open}

Postby Nyrrah on January 19th, 2014, 10:43 pm

"I'm sorry, I don't know where it is, either." Nyrrah said to Ishimaru. She had heard of Sahvoa. She had heard of a lot of places but never been to any of them. None of them had ever sounded as appealing as Syliras. Nyrrah started to think of the other races in the city. She wondered how many there actually were.
"Where would we find them...?" She asked. She wanted to meet and see these different races. She smiled to herself a bit, imagining all the different possibilities from here in the city.
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Out of Sunberth, into Syliras {Open}

Postby Krong on January 20th, 2014, 12:02 am

Ishimaru was a little disappointed with their answer and had to disappoint Nyrrah on top of it since he had as much knowledge about the other races here as this girl did. "I'm sorry but until now I had believe there only to be humans here other than myself" he then gave a bow as he said "It was a pleasure to meet the both of you but unfortunately I must say ado" as he turned toward the shipyards in an attempt to find a way to Sahova.
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