He turned back to the horse as she thought over the new information - it was far from new for him. He'd lived all of it, every moment.. as much as his memory had clouded over his time in the mortal plane, since he had fallen to the seas and become lost, washed away on a city that had nothing for him but distrust for a beggar with the horns of an Ethaefal.. but he'd put it behind him. He'd seen far more than any of them, any noble or any beggar in the entire plane. He had watched it all, he had met the Sun Goddess in person, she had given him the name that he could no longer pronounce in this stupid petching mortal tongue.. after all, they had spent countless seasons together before he had fallen back to such a dreaded place, that he had been so happy to leave, no matter what awaited him on the other side. He knew he was not the only one, but that did not make anything better, knowing that others had also been dragged away from her care, such warmth and care.. it was almost as saddening as his own falling. In another way, it was amusing to watch them cry and scream, and kill themselves with sharpened sticks and stolen swords in the hopes of reaching her ethereal arms again. He always knew he would never be that pathetic. Not even in his inevitable death would he go, screaming like a newborn child and thrashing in agony... His mind clouded, and when the fog had cleared from the space behind his eyes, the girl had begun a fire. It was almost a good one.. even if she was using her own clothes, instead of the leaves trampled under the tree that her horse had once been tethered to. He reached down for a handful; slightly mouldy and crushed, but they would still work, he knew. So he dropped them on the fire abruptly and watched the fire surge through the fresh leaves, although it created a rather thick smoke. So he turned back from her and the horse without a word and began walking further back from the fire, nearly out of sight of its warm glow, before he found what he was looking for. Not very prominent amongst the winter soils, but a small selection of weeds that he uprooted and brought back to the fire in small handfuls, thrown over it in a gentle scattering to help settle the flames. Knowledge, powerful knowledge. A simple thing like knowing your surroundings could save your life, and he knew just how true that quote was. It'd helped him more than several times and he knew it would save him countless more - it was more powerful than any sword, or any bow, or any magic in the world. Simple, common knowledge when used effectively. Like now. "You should not use your cloak; you will need it for staying warm." He looked down on it, and then his attention turned to her. "And if I was your mother, I would smack you." She shouldn't be setting her clothes on fire, especially when she needed them. There was so much more to the environment that she could make use of - it seemed like she knew absolutely nothing. Except, how to make a relatively good fire. Even if it was with her own cloak as kindling. "And if something comes, I will kill it and cook it over that fire. You look hungry; I am here to try and stop you from dying. Do you want to die?" A serious question with a faint air of curiosity. |