OOC Info Seasonal Calendar & Almanac + Seasonal Challenges

This thread contains the seasonal Calender, Almanac and thread challenges for Kenash.

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This lazy agricultural settlement rests on the swampy shores of the Middle Suvan at the delta of The Kenash River. The River's slow moving bayou waters have bred a different sort of people - rugged, cultured, and somewhat violent. Sprawling plantations of tobacco and cotton grow on the outskirts of the swamp in the rich Cyphrus soils, while the city itself curls around the bayou and spawns decadence and sins of all sorts. Life is slower in Kenash, but the lack of pace is made up for in the excesses of food and flesh in a city where drinking, debauchery, gambling, slavery, and overbearing plantation families dominate the landscape.

Moderator: Gossamer

Seasonal Calendar & Almanac + Seasonal Challenges

Postby Gossamer on January 19th, 2014, 2:46 pm

As leaves wither and die, a bountiful harvest presents itself.

✥ A General Overview ✥

The Calendar of Events is a wonderful resource for PCs who are either looking to add a dash of local color to their posts or dive right on in and be a part of the action in a major way!

As you will see, not every single day is fleshed out because, to be perfectly honest, life just isn't a relentless series of dramatic events, there are most certainly those times when a day is just a day. Right? Plus, there needs to be time for your PC to shine! Also, as you take a closer look, some events listed are rather routine - such as the swearing in of officials or the announcement of a birth or engagement - while other events are downright shocking - such as a bold Rujaro assault on the city or an assassination attempt on a Dynasty member! So there's just enough excitement to be had, without feeling overwhelmed.

Use the Calendar of Events as you see fit, but be sure to review it often, as things will indeed change every season. Also, be sure to take a gander at the Seasonal Almanac, which literally presents the weather for every single day of the current season. It's just another way to add even more dimension to your already exciting posts.

Long live Kenash!

✥ Events for Spring 514 AV ✥

Spring brings with it a change of magistrate, and a change of pace. Winter's Rujaro problems seemed to have faded with the snows, as the mysterious group in the swamplands seemed to have gone quiet for the time being. Instead, politics abounds as slaves quietly go missing without a trace - and this time not turning up days later. Given the pattern that seemed to be emerging, the new Magistrate chose to form a new group in Kenash, known as the Watchers.

The Watchers quickly became a political animal in its own right, jockeying with the existing Dynasties in an uneasy alliance to maintain control over the slave population and perform security functions in the city of Riverfall and its surrounding plantations. Things come to a head when the Watchers feel pressured to justify their existence - their raid upon a Rujaro camp has revealed something, yet none except the Magistrate and his closest advisers know anything about it.

  • 1st - The first of spring arrives with a bitter chill left over from winter. At sunrise amidst the frosty air, the new Magistrate Banjemin Cherales Mahtu Askara the Tenth is sworn in. Kenash’s Rules and Regulations are read on the steps of his office.
  • 4th - A ship carrying several tons of tobacco runs aground a few miles off the delta. The shipment was bound for Syliras and quite valuable; the lighthouse keeper puts out a request for assistance in bringing the ship into port or at least salvaging as much of the cargo as possible.
  • 7th - The chill still seems to permeate the air, but Kenash ignores it in favor of a spring flower festival. Blossoming Blooms contributes bouquets to the festival, which normally would feature spectacular blossoms. However, unfortunately the cold left over from winter caused many of the flowers to remain buds, and the Kenasherans decide to lively up the festival with wine.
  • 12th - A seemingly random assortment of slaves go missing. Unlike the disappearances in winter, no traces are found. One day, they are there, the next they are gone, and a search is instigated to locate the missing.
  • 14th - The search continues, but the slaves are just... gone. Banjemin Askara declares the slaves runaways and ends the search. A reward is put out for the recovery of either the slaves themselves or any traces of where they went.
  • 19th - The Radacke family issues a formal protest to the Magistrate, arguing that the city as a whole should compensate the Dynasties for the missing slaves since the search was called off. The Magistrate refuses - but gives no explanation why. Though most Kenasharans wrote it off as the Askara being... Askara, Mica was seen conversing with Dervain Sitai afterwards.
  • 23rd - Rumors begin circulating that the Askara was attempting to formulate an alliance with the Sitai, brokering some form of deal whereby the Askara would get compensation for their missing slaves in return for support for some of the Sitai's initiatives when they gained the Magistrate in summer.
  • 24th - In a seemingly unrelated event, Banjemin Askara makes a decree that slaves are not permitted to congregate in groups larger than three for longer than a period of seven bells at any public venue.
  • 27th - The chill from winter finally wears off, and Kenash celebrates by throwing a lavish party, hosted by the Morealis family.
  • 30th - A small spring shower turns into torrential rain as the Kenash river threatens to overflow. Mica Radacke, however, makes a political stand, only offering to assist in stemming the overflow from the Uvic Lake if compensation is offered for the missing slaves.
  • 32nd - Banjemin continues to refuse to compensate Radacke or any other Dynasty for the missing slaves, and Uvic Lake overflows into Riverwave. The Draer, being Svefra, were better prepared for the overflow but tensions rise between Draer and Radacke as a result.
  • 35th - Independent investigation carried out piecemeal by individual Dynasties revealed that a total of ten slaves had gone mysteriously missing since the 12th. Seven children of various ages, races, and genders, two Kelvic females, and a human male. However, the breakdown in communication between the families meant that few knew the extent to which the disappearances had reached; each Dynasty only being aware of the missing slaves in their plantation.
  • 39th - Fingers are pointed as what began as a small garden party in the Bloodflower Rose Garden quickly became an argument between Willum Draer and and Bice Radacke. The argument started with veiled complaints about Radacke's refusal to be a "good neighbor" and assist when the spring rains caused the Uvic to overflow into Draer lands, but escalated into accusations that the Radacke had something to do with the missing slaves.
  • 42nd - Two "disappeared" slaves are recovered, in fairly good condition. Under harsh interrogation, the slaves gave contradictory accounts for their whereabouts, thereby causing further tensions to rise.
  • 45th - The Ackina proposes that their family, being one of the largest suppliers of slaves, also be the ones to recover missing slaves - for a price of course. Their proposal is shot down as other Dynasties - notably the Radacke and Rajor families - claim they would be better suited to such duty.
  • 47th - Magistrate Banjemin Askara is curiously silent on the subject of which family would be best suited to being Kenash's Watchers, instead issuing another decree that Freeborn would be limited to only being permitted to own three slaves at any given time, unless special dispensation is given by the Magistrate's office - per slave over the limit, and for a price. Several Freeborn-run businesses in Kenash protest this decree as it raised their expenses quite significantly.
  • 52nd - After 12 days of silence, Magistrate Banjemin Askara announces that no family would be established as being sole proprietor of retrieving missing slaves. It would give that family an inordinate amount of political control. While no Dynasty was happy with the decree, all agreed that it was probably fair. And several expressed surprise, given the seemingly random nature of Banjamin's decrees up until that point.
  • 55th - The Magistrate announces that rather than having a Dynasty be responsible for slave recovery, or have a rotation like with the Magistrate, there would be an organization as run by the city of Kenash that would serve that purpose. The announcement of the formation of the Watchers of Kenash is held on the steps of the Magistrate's office but the actual formation of the Watchers is left to Dariq.
  • 63rd - Politics abound as the various Dynasties try to worm their own people into the Watchers. The political clout a family might gain for having a majority share of the organization is significant - the Watchers as set forth would have a great deal of power in the city. After all, it was responsible for city security as well as tracking down and retrieving lost slaves.
  • 67th - The Watchers prove their worth by locating a cache in the swamps after following a tip. The camp was abandoned, but showed signs of recent activity - and implied that people were being moved. The Rujaro are suspected but no confirmation is given. Rather than ransack the cache looking for clues, the Watcher in charge chooses to leave it alone. This decision is regarded as a bad one by many of the Dyanasty brats.
  • 69th - Laying in wait, the Watchers manage to nab a small cadre of slaves moving through the camp they'd discovered. The recapture of the slaves vindicates the Watcher captain's decision, but the information gathered from the recovered slaves is disturbing - the Rujaro were moving runaways out of Kenash. When asked where they were being moved to, or how, the only answers given were vague and unusable.
  • 71st - The lighthouse keeper at Point Island Lighthouse announces a spring rainstorm was coming, but given that he had not correctly predicted the previous storm, he is ignored.
  • 72nd - A rainstorm commences.
  • 74th - An illness spreads through the plantations as the rains bring with them insects and disease. The illness strikes field slaves first, but began affecting house slaves that interacted with them. The Lorack family healers immediately set to work getting the disease under control before it became an epidemic - or started affecting Dynasty members.
  • 76th - The Watchers announced that their efforts had caused the Rujaro to retreat nearly completely from the city of Kenash - citing the lack of attacks in the season since their founding as proof. Most dynasty brats are not impressed.
  • 78th - Four small fires are set in the Blacksugar plantations. No causes found.
  • 80th - The illness is mostly stamped out. All told, the sickness took nearly a dozen slaves across Kenash's plantations, but curiously a handful of the slaves ostensibly taken by disease had mysteriously vanished.
  • 81st - Rumors begin circulating that the Rujaro have agents - or at least sympathizers - among the Watchers. The Watchers vigorously deny this, and decide to prove it with a show of force, forming a group to go into the swamps to stamp out a suspected Rujaro camp.
  • 87th - The camp is discovered... but the Watchers are unusually tight-lipped on what they found. Wild speculation begins to circulate as to what was discovered there.
  • 90th - A report is made by the Captain of the Watchers to the Magistrate regarding the raid on the 87th. Banjemin Askara refuses to release it, triggering even more rumors about what might have been discovered.

* Credit for the original design goes to Banickle. This seasons Calendar was written by Mythic.

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Seasonal Calendar & Almanac + Seasonal Challenges

Postby Gossamer on January 19th, 2014, 2:48 pm

Fall in Kenash, while mostly colorful, can swiftly turn rather dim and dank.

✥ A General Overview ✥

Have you ever read a series of posts, that all take place in the same location, on the same day, yet in each post the weather is drastically different? In one, it is sunny and the birds are singing, but then, in the very next post, it is raining and the streets are flooding.

Pretty annoying. Right?

Well, in Kenash, there is the opportunity to keep things very consistent with the existence of this almanac, which will be updated each season with the general temperature and weather forecast for all 91 or 92 days.

Does it need to be followed to the letter? No. Will it be followed by every single player without fail? Probably not. Nevertheless, it is here for the taking and, who knows, it may just help to spark an exciting event or shape the very path a PC takes!

Long live Kenash!

✥ Almanac for Fall 513 AV ✥

Day by Day :
There will be a day to day Almanac starting in Spring 514.

* Credit goes to Banickle for original design.

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Seasonal Calendar & Almanac + Seasonal Challenges

Postby Gossamer on January 19th, 2014, 2:52 pm

As if being a slave wasn't enough of a challenge already.

✥ A General Overview ✥

The Seasonal Challenge is exactly what it appears to be: a list of unique thread goals that a player can opt to do, in part or in full, alone or with a fellow PC, and either as single posts or combined. All of the goals need to be started in the designated season, but they do not need to be completed by season end. Also, there is always room for interpretation, however, the local Storytellers have the final say in whether or not the challenge has been achieved.

Every season a new list will be generated. If a player manages to complete all 12 goals, they will receive not only a medal, which will be added to their profile, but they may just earn a reward or two in-game! That said, the ultimate goal of the Seasonal Challenge is to spark the imagination and push players to do things they would not normally think of or naturally do themselves. As a bonus, it can also help cure writer's block, which seems to happen, on a frequent basis, even to the best of us.

Happy writing!

✥ Thread Goals for Spring 514 AV ✥

  • Pick a Flower
  • Notice A Slave Is Missing
  • Get Kissed
  • Participate In An Intense Political Discussion

  • Interact With A Member Of The Watchers (or join)
  • Discover something that intially looks important... and turns out to be pointless
  • Eat some chocolates
  • Believe (or disbelieve) the lighthouse keeper's forecasts publically.

  • Spread Or Hear Rurmors About Political Tensions Between Draer And Radacke.
  • Observe Or Participate In A fight
  • Annoy Someone
  • Learn any crafting skill (e.g. Weaving, Sewing, Gemcrafting, Smithing, etc.)

* Credit goes to Banickle for the original design.

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