Mizonia clutched helplessly to the drift wood, freezing in the icy water with little hope left "So this is how it's going to end clinging to a piece of wood" she thought to herself. She should have listened better when the sailors where giving her a lift said to stay away from the edge of the ship. "They probably haven't notice yet" she though. Then she noticed a ship a distance away that was slowly getting closer. She took her shot and began swimming toward the vessel by kicking with her feet. The ship she now could tell wasn't very large but that didn't matter to her now as she began to kick harder. She soon was along the side and reached up first with one hand then two and three until all six of her arms had a firm grasp on the side before she pulled her self up.
She immediately notice two men one the ship, one of which was had a blade at his hip and was questioning a women on the deck while the other seemed to take no interest much in what was going on. Mizonia coughed up a small bit of water as she rolled herself onto the deck with a clank as her Khopesh sheaths hit the wooden surface. She was slowly losing consciousness from the cold and the sudden exertion she used to get to and aboard the ship. She looked up at the others with a fierce gaze that seemed to say help me but at the same time almost would feel like a demand of a person unwilling to lose there life so easily.