Closed The Prices We Pay part 2

Mamoru and Shayna investigate some more

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This lazy agricultural settlement rests on the swampy shores of the Middle Suvan at the delta of The Kenash River. The River's slow moving bayou waters have bred a different sort of people - rugged, cultured, and somewhat violent. Sprawling plantations of tobacco and cotton grow on the outskirts of the swamp in the rich Cyphrus soils, while the city itself curls around the bayou and spawns decadence and sins of all sorts. Life is slower in Kenash, but the lack of pace is made up for in the excesses of food and flesh in a city where drinking, debauchery, gambling, slavery, and overbearing plantation families dominate the landscape.

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The Prices We Pay part 2

Postby Shayna on January 20th, 2014, 4:53 pm


Shayna watched the other woman quietly, and rolled over the answers her master had given her in mind. "A mercenary, they are treasure hunters M'Lord?" She asked when he said he had met some in the jungle that was looking for jewels and such. "I am not sure there is any treasures in Kenash..The Dynasty owns it all if there is." She had grown accustomed to her master's touch, to his presence and even his body. So much so that she had to actively keep from reaching out to touch him, keep herself from those idle caresses that came so naturally when they were alone.

Before she could comment any further they were closer to the woman and she spoke. She barely gave Shayna a flick of her gaze, probably had already sized the short slave girl as a non-threat and chose to ignore her. This was fine by Shayna, it meant she could observe quietly both the Mercenary woman and the room in general. Her master seemed to be focusing his attention on the other woman so Shayna diverts hers to the surrounding room.

There were not many people here now, either all retired to their rooms or out and about in Kenash. However there were some notable things going on in the Inn. For example, the door to the first room off the hallway opened, paused, and then closed again softly. Could be just that whoever was in the room though better of leaving, it could be that someone was watching for someone else. There could be many explanations.

When the Mercenary mentioned that the person she had asked before Mamoru had left a few chimes before Shayna turned her attention to the door. She would offer to go look outside, but the last time she was casually watching the Inn she had gotten them into this mess. However, Shayna used the old method of 'fidgeting' to allow her to brush her arm against her master's to alert him, and then she moved quietly across the floor toward a window to peer outside.

Outside there were more people, not a crowd certainly, but there were several moving along the grounds some talking to each other, one or two obviously heading toward one place or another. It would be difficult to find someone out of place unless they really stood out like a sore thumb. However there was one figure, that appeared to be walking aimlessly with no other person to chat with, but without the drive that said he had someplace to go.
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The Prices We Pay part 2

Postby Kalesserimamoru on January 20th, 2014, 11:25 pm


Mamoru wouldn't tell her this, but each time that she called him M'Lord, he got a tingle up his spine. It would take him a long time to get used to being called anything other than you there, trickster, sneaky Dhani, Morgana's little brother, etc. Perhaps it was the name only, or possibly the girl's voice, but there was a reaction. "I believe they are swords for higher. The man that I met said he was a mercenary, but I don't think they all were. I think he was the hired muscle for whatever they were looking for. Much like many people in this city, those that are too weak to defend themselves, they simply hire another to do it for them."

Talking with the mercenary, he learned a few things. One was that she was waiting on someone for a job. That had little meaning to him, but she had mentioned that there was someone snooping around the Inn. Perhaps the paranoid fellow was right after all, and there was someone watching him. It was still too soon to tell and the fact way there were many people at the Inn, and this guy could be watching any one of them. Mamoru had felt Shayna's arm on his and glanced back to see the girl wander away from him. He too, had the thought of checking, but the result would be the same. Trent wasn't around and as far as he knew neither were the other two that he was there to check on.

It wouldn't be easy to make that connection, without being able to see who the man was watching. He kept his eyes opened for anyone else stalking the Inn and looked back to check on his pet, with whatever she was up to. "Hey, buddy. You mind taking a hike. Can't have you scaring off my work." the woman said in a slightly threatening voice. Mamoru turned back and looked at her, his features appearing almost amused. However, he didn't speak and started to look around more as he moved away from the woman.

He found himself needing an edge, and so far he had nothing. He figured that he could wait around and see who arrived to speak with the mercenary, but he wasn't sure if that was wise. There was no reason to think there was anything to it, and even the spy seemed a better choice. Mamoru moved back towards the window to find his pet, his hands reached out to hold her hips and he applied a gentle squeeze as he leaned down to speak into her ear. "Find anything interesting? A spy maybe? The mercenary wanted to be alone, but I doubt she would be of use either way."

Mamoru didn't seem to care if they were being watched and brushed his lips against the her's check while his fingers slipped just inside her breechers to touch her bare skin. "I suppose we'll have to look elsewhere then."

"Everything happens out of necessity."
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The Prices We Pay part 2

Postby Shayna on January 20th, 2014, 11:56 pm


She kept an ear out for her master, even as she continued to watch out the window, not quite being brave enough to exit the building to explore on her own. As the man moved beyond her limited scope of vision, Shayna felt her master move behind her. If she hadn't been paying attention to him she might not have realized that he was moving toward her. However she had, so when his hands fell to her hips she turned her head so that she could look up at him over her shoulder. He might not have cared if anyone was watching, but Shayna immediately let her green eyes wander over the room.

A soft tremor flowed through her body at his words in her ear, her lips curved into a smile even as she tilted her head to offer him her cheek more fully. If he didn't care who watched then she wouldn't try and hinder any affections from him. Her own hands fell to her hips, laid over the top of his, and her fingers stroked the back of his hands. "One can't be sure M'Lord. There are several people out there. I suppose we could rule out the couples, and the ones that are obviously heading some place specific." Her words are soft and quiet, and she held very still while she enjoyed his hands on her. Such an insignificant touch but she had grown accustomed to his rewards. i

"There was one man, who seemed to not really be with any one, and without direction. But he has wandered a little beyond the window." Now she stepped back, just a half a step so that she leaned just a little into his strength. She didn't fully press her short stature against him, instead just barely allowed her body to brush his. "He went toward the right.."

She had thought her life was full before, with the training and the plans to please her owner, raise up amongst slaves. It was not until she had been purchased by a Dhani, one who did not try and curb her knowledge or curiosity that she realized just how narrow her life really was. Already she had learned of the jungles called Falyndar, mercenaries, and she had learned a little more about Dhani's. She had learned the pleasures of being well rewarded for obedience, and the pleasures of being a pet rather then a slave.
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