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Postby Zuzana on August 22nd, 2010, 5:26 am


Race: Kelvic
Age and Birthday: 4, Autumn 10th 506AV
Gender: Female

Zuzana was born in early Autumn to her Kelvic mother, Tuscu, a large, vibrant parrot. The young Kelvic started her life out happily at her mother’s side, learning of the Jungle and Tabola near by. Early on in her life, Zuzana found herself straying from her mother to explore alone, at first she only would spend a few hours away, but soon that progressed into days of exploring the jungle around Tabola.

The young Kelvic curious nature worried Tuscu, who would spend her time looking for the quickly growing cub. Frequently the parrot would find her daughter trying to catch fish or napping in the sun. “Zuz, you must stay close, there are dangerous things out there of which you are not prepared for.” The mother would scold her child, taking the large feline back to their nesting area where their human possessions awaited them.

The small family would spend days in the Jungle, but did reside in Tabola, the two owned a small one room hut on the outskirts. Tuscu preferred for Zuz to stay in the hut at night and only go into the jungle during the day, the young, naïve cub preferred to ignore such warnings, wandering into the jungle at night. The decision the Tiger cub made on a hot, humid summer night was something Zuzana would never be able to fully recover from.

The cub enjoyed the jungle at night, the strange noises, strange creatures, the way the moon bounced off the plants, Zuzana loved all of it, there was a strange and dark beauty about the place. The Kelvic quietly stalked around the jungle form, her deep orange fur was still fluffy like a cubs, almost like down. Her eyes were large, almost proportional to her face; they were still a bit too large compared to the rest of her though.

Zuzana moved quietly, only rustling a few plants as the brushed along her coat, her eyes darting from shadowed tree to shadowed tree, trying to listen and hear the life that surrounded her. The young Kelvic quickly found her eyes on a large beast, pouncing on her. A large, black, jaguar pinned the cat to the ground, Zazuna was growing, but she was still a cub, still small compared to the large beast that leapt at her. The black cat lashed out, claws scratching across Zuzana’s chest, leaving three deep wounds under her collar bones. Pain streaked through the child, she let out a yelp of pain, struggling to get away from the violent creatures grasp.

A loud squawking cry erupted from the trees above Zuzana, her vibrant mother was perched, her wings spread out fully, trying to get the jaguar’s attention. Zuzana was able to get out from under it and begin to run back towards Tabola, the jaguar was not about to give up that easily, he pounced at Zuzana again, this time biting at her face. Teeth ripped through her right ear, taking a large chunk of fur and flesh.

The parrot swooped down, claws extended, aiming for the large, black cat’s face. Her intent was to blind the creature, even if temporarily, it would give time for Zuzana to run. The attack did not blind the creature, but its anger turned to the parrot, leaving Zuzana to pursue the bird. The young cub got up and ran as fast and hard as she could back to Tabola. Once she passed through the city gates, she collapsed, shifting back into the form of a young girl, lying in a small pool of blood.

It took a few days for Zuzana to be well enough to leave the care of a healer; once she was able to leave, Zuzana went to her home, searching for her mother. Tuscu was no where to be found within the city, which left one option, she was still in the jungle. Zuzana went in search of her mother, going the path she had gone only a few nights before. It did not take long for the young girl to step into a depressing scene. Golden eyes landed on a small pile of bloody feathers, all vibrant, all her mother’s colors.

The girl began to cry, scooping up the feathers and holding them tight to her bandaged chest. Her eyes remained closed as she cried down onto the remainder of her mother. Tuscu was dead, this was apparent, the feathers Zuzana had found were tail feathers, Tuscu wouldn’t be able to fly, she would have been grounded, there was no way she could still be alive.

Zuzana returned home for a short while, long enough to pack up a few of her things before vanishing into the forest for a year and a half, avoiding contact with most of Tabola, avoiding people. The girl grew into a woman, a full sized Tiger on her own in the jungle. She learned something from the night of her mother’s death, if she were to avoid getting close to anyone, she would not have to endure that pain again.

OOCThis is a short and sweet summery of Zuzana's bonding to Sheika and then him leaving her and her travel to Satu....

During Zuzana's time near Tabola, a strange Myrian man by the name of Sheika came across her napping territory. The tiger quickly took to the man and decided to lead him back to Tabola so he would not become someones lunch. Of course, her assisstance was paid back in the form of fish.
Zuzana ended up following Sheika and bonding to the strange fellow, following him and two other men (Zarriph and Corvo) on a quest. The only reason Zuzana went along was to assure Sheika's safety. The quest ended shortly and they were forced to return to Tabola.
Soon after the quest, Sheika left Zuzana, and the tiger was unable to find her bondmate. Sheika had been taken by a spirit, and his mortal body died. Zuzana found his lifeless body where he had fallen. The Kelvic buried the man where he lay, remaining by his grave for days fending off scavengers from her bondmate. She remained until the scavengers stopped showing then, struck by grief and full of anger, the Tiger left her home of Tabola. On her Journey's she found a strange human who looked like a fish, but was not a fish, Satu was her name and the woman welcomed her into the group which seemed to form around her. Another Kelvic was in the group, whom Zuzana had mixed feelings about but found it comforting to meet another of her kind.
Last edited by Zuzana on May 17th, 2011, 5:38 pm, edited 6 times in total.
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Postby Zuzana on August 22nd, 2010, 5:31 am



    While Zuzana is in her animalistic form she is a large Tiger. From snout to the tip of her tail she’s just over 10 feet long, at her shoulders she’s just under four feet tall. With being such a large Tiger, she weighs in at 600 pounds, of which is mostly muscle and visceral bits. Her fur is a deep orange with the obvious black markings crossing Zuzana’s face and body. Zuzana’s right ear is split, making a clear ‘V’ shape in the middle, most likely from a fight while she was a cub.
    Violence becomes you.

    Zuzana is a tall woman, standing at an even six feet while she is appearing human. In addition to her height she has a sturdy, large bone structure, her legs are long as well as her arms, her torso is a bit shorter than it should be. She weighs about what it expected for someone her size, near 185.
    A few small things set her apart from an average human, her eyes are a deep golden hue with a few flecks of green around the pupil, which is shaped fairly round, but seems unusually small compared to the iris. Her teeth are also strange, her canines are elongated and sharp on both top and bottom rows. The rest of the teeth are also sharp-looking, as if meant to tear through flesh.
    Zuzana has long auburn hair, which is usually worn in a long braid down her back or free, wild and tatted. The young Kelvic seems to care little for the condition of her hair or appearance, only tying back the hair if it is getting in the way; which is most of the time.
    Frequently when Zuzana appears human, she wears little or nothing, clothes are a bother, and keeping track of such things while she’s morphed is bothersome. When she does feel the need to wear clothing it’s a simple thin dress, which hangs loosely from her frame, open and free for ease of movement. The cloth is slightly see-through, and for that, she wears undergarments of a dark brown shade. While shoes are not that common to adorn her feet, it does occur, and when it does, they are sandals which wrap up her legs, pressing into her skin.
    She is missing a large portion of her right ear, as well as three scars across her chest from her left collar bone across to the top of her left breast. The scar is fairly old, but it puckered and pronounced against the rest of her.
    Peace is all I wish for.

Zuzana is a great deal of things, and finds herself confused about what she is and what her purpose is. The young Kelvic fights with herself over small and large things, mostly with her animalistic side. She feels great desire, and pleasure, with violence, like Myrians, she trains for battle and survival, much else is frivolous.
The Kelvic, is a fighter to her very core, but she also finds a great desire to find some sort of peace in her chaotic world; a place, point, thing, that calms the constant turmoil externally and internally. Along with her fighting prowess, she has quite the knack with living on her own in the wilderness. A life long desire that Zuzana holds, is to be granted the Tattoos that the Myrian wear. Though this is not something Zuzana is likely to ever accomplish.
Last edited by Zuzana on May 17th, 2011, 6:42 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Race: Kelvic
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Postby Zuzana on August 22nd, 2010, 5:32 am


Skill Points Earned Prog.
Hunting 19 Racial Novice
Unarmed Combat 26 SP Competent
Body Building 10 SP Novice
Intimidation 6 SP&XP Novice
Observation 1 XP Novice
Stealth 1 XP Novice
Teaching 1 XP Novice

Lore Earned
Falyndar Jungle Geography SP
Weak points on Humans SP
Protectiveness for the Bondmate XP
Lecturing a Myrian XP
Last edited by Zuzana on April 17th, 2011, 7:03 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Race: Kelvic
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Postby Zuzana on August 22nd, 2010, 5:33 am


# Of Item Item Cost Date Acq.
2 Peasant dresses 1 gm 1
1 Leather Belt 2 sm 1
2 Sackcloth Breeches 1 sm 1
1 Sackcloth Shirt 1 sm 1
1 Sandal 2 sm 1
1 Backpack 2 gm 1
1 Flint & Steel 1 gm 1
1 Waterskin 1 gm 1
4 Mother’s Feathers Heirloom 1



Addition of money Subtraction of money Total
+100 (Starting) -- 100
+500 (Housing) -- 600
-- -4 gm, 1 sm 595 gm, 9sm

Current Total: 595 gm, 9 sm
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Race: Kelvic
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Postby Zuzana on August 22nd, 2010, 5:34 am

Who are you really?

General Information :
-What is your Name?
    I was given the name “Zuzana” by my mother.
- Do you go by a nickname or pet name?
    I suppose I have been called Zuz maybe once or twice.
- How old are you?
    I will soon be turning 5.
- What is your height?
    As a human, six feet, as a tiger, five.
- What is your weight?
    This also varies, either 185 or 1,150.

Aesthetics :
- Describe yourself as you see yourself.
    Physically? Large, strong, intimidating, simple. There is little that is special aside from the shifting aspect.
- Describe yourself as others typically see you.
    The same I suppose, I never really stopped to ask.
- What is your favorite body feature?
    It’s a tie between claws and teeth.
- How physically fit are you?
    Better than most.

- How do you typically dress and what is your style?
    I do not ‘have a style’ if I am required to wear clothing, I will otherwise, there is little point to dressing if I am just going to shift back to my other form. When I do wear clothing, it’s loose and flowing, I do not care for constricting clothing.

Family :
- Who are your parents and what are they like?
    My mother was a parrot, which lead to interesting dinners. I did not know my father, and my mother never spoke of him. My mother was soft, too soft, but she was loving and I never felt alone.
- Do you have any brothers or sisters?
- What is your extended family like?
    I don’t know if I even have any.

- Do you consider close friends as important or more/less important than family?
    If I had some I would be able to tell you.
- Do you treat animals like family?
    I treat everyone the same until they prove worthy of different treatment. So I do not treat animals like family, but I also do not treat people like family.

Location :
- Where were you born?
    In the Jungles near Taloba.
- Where do you live now?
    The same area.
- If you could live anywhere in Mizahar where would that be?
    Here is fine, I have no reason to leave.
- Do you have a favorite place to vacation or spend leisure time?
    I will admit, I do love sunny spots.

- Where do you fear to be?
    I do not have such a fear.

Traits :
- Do you have any physical weaknesses (disease, scars, and missing limbs?)
    My right ear is not the most appealing thing to look at, it is split with a chunk missing. Though this has yet to be an obvious hindrance, more cosmetic than anything else.
- Are you right handed or left handed?
    I do no understand, I use everything while fighting.

- What languages do you speak? What do you sound like? Do you have an accent?
    Common fluently, Old Myrian conversationally, and Akalak phrases. What do I sound like? I’ve never gone about asking anyone that either. I suppose my voice is fairly low for a woman, but not to the point where you question.
- Do you have any odd mannerisms, annoying habits, or other defining characteristics?
    Everything I do is normal to me, if it seems odd to others, that is of their concern, not mine.
- Do you have (or want to get) any tattoos or piercing? Why do you have them (or will get them)?
    Marks of a warrior from the Myrians, for obvious reasons, to be marked with it is a great honor.

Occupations :
- What is your occupation?
    I do not have an occupation.
- Do you like/dislike your work? Why?
    The ‘work’ I do is surviving and bettering myself. So yes, I do like it. Why do I like it? To better oneself is to acquire purpose, something I am pursuing.

- If you could be anything you wanted to, what would you be?
    A great warrior.

- What occupation do you admire the most? Why?
    Silly question, you already know the answer: warriors. Without them we would have no land, no food, nothing.
- What occupation do you least like? Why?
    Cooks, I suppose, raw is the way I prefer it.

Education :
- What sort of education do you have?
    None aside from a few lessons from my Mother.
- Do you like/dislike learning?
    Depends what I’m learning, but in general, I dislike it.
- Where or how did you learn most of your skills/abilities?
    General life, and my Mother.
- How do you learn best?
    When I can do it, learning things like reading is something I doubt I will ever be able to master. I can learn a punch easily if I am shown and then practice.
- What are your educational goals for the future?
    General betterment with my physical abilities.

Relationships :
- Do you form close bonds with people? Why? Why not?
    No. When you create a bond with someone and are attached, they are a liability, you do foolish things in the name of love and care.
- Do you trust people easily? If not, why not?
    No, unless I have reason to trust them, why should I?
- Do you consider yourself straight, gay, bi, or something else?
    I suppose straight? I’ve never really put much thought into it, relationships are a burden.
- Have you ever been kissed? If so, describe the first time.
- Have you ever had sex? If so, describe the first time.

Drugs and Alcohol :
- Have you ever been drunk? If so, describe your first time.
    I have never consumed alcohol.
- Do you like to drink on a regular basis?
- What sort of alcohol do you prefer?

- Have you ever tried drugs (mood altering substances)? If so, which kinds and what did you think of them?
- What do you think of drugs and alcohol? Be specific.
    They weaken the mind and body, leaving you vulnerable, a foolish thing to do unless you have a death wish.

Likes and Dislikes :
- What are your hobbies?
    I enjoy fishing, they’re delicious when fresh. Training, in just about every regard is something I get a great deal of pleasure from. Napping in the sun is an enjoyable activity, although very unproductive.

- Do you like to read?
    I do not know how to read.

- What annoys you more than anything else?
    There are many things that annoy me, but most of all would have to be birds, they needn’t be so noisy all the time.
- What do you find the most relaxing activity to do?
    Lying in the sun.
- What kinds of things embarrass you? Why?
    Embarrass me? I cannot think of anything.

Favorites :
- What are your favorite colors?
    Oranges, reds.
- What is your favorite time?

- What is the most beautiful thing you’ve ever seen?
    Beautiful vibrant flowers of the Jungles.

- What do you like to eat? What do you hate to eat?
    Fish and fresh meat, though I have been getting a taste for some fruit.

- What is your favorite type of weather? Does any kind scare you?
    Sunny, dry. I do not care for storms, but they do not scare me.

Outlook :
- Are you optimistic or pessimistic?
    Neither, I’m realistic.
- What are your religious views?
    Faith is foolish, you can only depend on yourself.

- Would you be able to kill?
    Been there, done that.

- What are your views on sex?
    It is for reproduction, what more is there to it?

- What, in your opinion, makes a successful life?
    Internal strength and perseverance.

Actions :
- What is the worst and best thing you have ever done?
    Worst? Attempting to take on a full grown Jaguar while I was a cub was the most foolish thing I have done, I suppose that would make it the worst. The best think I have done would have to be avoiding foolish fights and bonds.
- What is your greatest regret?
    My greatest regret would have to be losing to that Jaguar.

- What is your best/worst memory?
    The same as my best and worst actions.

- If you could change one thing about your past, what would it be and why?
    Getting as close as I did to my mother, I would avoid such emotions.

- What are you the most proud of doing in your life?
    Self betterment and striving for perfection.

Emotions :
- How honest are you about your thoughts and feelings with others?
    Entirely, why bother lying? If it offends them, so be it.

- Do you have any biases or prejudices?
    Perhaps a few. I think poorly of most people who do not understand of desire to learn violence, it is a necessary thing.

- What makes you happy?
    Hunting, napping in the sun, fish.

- Who or what, if anything, would you die for?
    I would do for no one, nothing aside from myself, my beliefs and my land.

- What makes you angry?
    A great deal of things, being unable to control my surroundings, being unable to win in a fight, being unable to catch a fish for dinner, all of these things make me angry.

Relationships :
- In general, how do you treat others?
    Neutral, I will not go out of my way to help them, but I will not cause harm without provocation.
- Who is the most important person in your life, and why?
    No one.

- Who is the person you respect the most, and why?

- Do you have a spouse or significant other? If not, describe an ideal lover.

- Do you trust anyone to protect you? Who, and why?
    No, better to trust yourself, you do not know the power of others, but you know your own power.

Group Situations :
- Do you tend to argue with people, or avoid conflict?
    I do no provoke others, but I also do not avoid confrontation and conflict. If fighting is the best route, that is what I will take, but inversely, if it is best to avoid a scuffle, I will.

- Do you tend to take on leadership roles in social situations?
    I do not put myself into social situations, so I do not know what sort of ‘position’ I would take.

- Do you like interacting with large groups of people? Why or why not?
    No, it’s too unpredictable.

- Do you care what others think of you?

- What do you think of others, in general?
    They are in exsistance, they go about their lives and I go about mine, while I may encounter a great variety of people, I do not judge them unless I, for some reason, speak with them. In general, others are no more important to me than the clouds above me.

Self Image :
- What is your greatest strength as a person?
- What is your greatest weakness?
    I suppose my lack of care could be a bad thing, but I do not see it as such.
- If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
    I would not be a Kelvic, the chance of bonding with someone is the only thing that truly terrifies me.

- Are you generally introverted or extroverted?
    Introverted. I suppose.

- Are you generally organized or messy?
    Organized? I do not own many things so there is little need for organizations.

Beliefs :
- What God or Goddess do you find most appealing, if any?
- Which God or Goddess do you fear, if any?

- Do you have any Gnosis Marks? If so, how did you receive them?

- What lengths would you go to to please your deity?

- Where do you draw the line at pleasing your deity? What is too much?

Life & Death :
- What do you absolutely live for?
    Finding my purpose.
- What is the best part of life?
    Napping in the sun and training myself.

- What is the best part of death?
    As long as it is a warriors death, it is a noble and just one.

- If you could choose, how would you want to die?
    At the hands of a better opponent.

- What is the one thing for which you would most like to be remembered after your death?
    I would I to be remembered for my abilities.
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Race: Kelvic
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Postby Zuzana on August 22nd, 2010, 5:35 am

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