This is where you can find the Linkmap, NPC Library, Players Guide, Hold information, Constellation List and Holidays for Avanthal.
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This northernmost city is the home of Morwen, The Goddess of Winter, and her followers who dwell year round in a land of frozen wonder. [Lore]
by Ablation on January 21st, 2014, 4:26 pm
Welcome to Avanthal - The Rainbow City in a Monochromatic Tundra. This is where you can find all of the OOC and IC information to thread in Avanthal.Please refer to this instead of the wiki. This thread will be continually updated and added to, any additions will be announced in the OOC thread (Please subscribe to). If you notice something important or helpful is missing please bring it to my attention. If you have any questions feel free to ask any and all questions. Furthermore, if you want to add anything to this thread (NPC, Locations, etc.) Feel free to post your ideas HERE.Table of Contents:*Links are WIP
PAGE ONE: |x| Avanthal Linkmap |x| Vantha Culture |x| Weather |x| PC Finances |x| Marriage, Birthdays and Funerals |x| Magic |x| Race Relations |x| Clothing |x| Crime and Punishment PAGE TWO: |x| Industry |x| Hunting |x| Fishing |x| Art |x| Architecture |x| NPC's, Holds and Secrets |x| Cuisine |x| Icewatch |x| Vani Terms |x| Constellations PAGE THREE: |x| Holidays |
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Ablation on May 9th, 2014, 7:49 pm, edited 11 times in total.

Ablation - Retired Staff
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by Ablation on May 9th, 2014, 7:24 pm
 Avanthal is a port city with the sea bordering its western side. The other sides of the city face the seemingly limitless tundra with the Northern Wastes to the north and the Northern Reaches to the south. The Icewall surrounds the entirely of the city, with the exception of the west side that has the sea as a natural barrier, the Icewall Gates are located on the east side. The buildings in Avanthal are grouped into small clusters that are loosely spread throughout the city. Each Hold forms its own cluster of buildings that are essential to the residents of that Hold while the city proper is a massive cluster that is located near the center. Most buildings are made from icestone and wood though some are made of stone while only a very few buildings are made with metal. Metal is incredibly difficult to come by in Avanthal and must be imported at a great cost. Travel between buildings can be difficult for foreigners as paths must be forged through the snow each day. The snowfall is so constant and so heavy it is impractical to build roads or formal paths that would be need almost continuous shoveling. So each day the Vanthas must slog through the snow anew and create paths to be used until the next snowfall.
There are small pockets of trees in Avanthal that provide a very small supply of wood though Avanthalians typically try to find other materials to use instead in order to preserve the few trees in the city. Often Avanthal will import wood or send groups south to harvest stronger trees. While there are several pockets of trees within the city itself, there are no trees outside of the city unless you journey several days south. The Avanthalian Pine is the most common tree in Avanthal and stands at a maximum of seventy ft. Please see it's entry in the Botanical Index for more information. The largest pockets of trees surround the Frostfawn Hold and the Tundra Training Stadium though even in these areas the woods are not dense. When writing, it is best to assume there are no trees in the area unless the location you are playing in explicitly states that there are trees around.
NOTE TO TRAVELERS: If you are traveling to Avanthal from another city you must do at least one travel thread that includes expense and skill consideration before being allowed in the gates. You must post a link to thread as well as proof of expense and skill consideration. Please attach this to your entrance post as well as posted in the ST's Office (Mine). If you are leaving Avanthal, this is also expected.City Entrance All PCs entering Avanthal must use one of these locations. The Icewall Gates The Port of AvanthalCentral City Locations Food & Lodgings The Luminary Commons - Main Eating HallSavintar Warrens - Guest AccommodationsThe Red Diamond Tavern - A popular pub run by Rayvoris of Winterflame HoldThe Rancid Reindeer - A seedy bar located near the Avanthal docksTasty Flakes - Shop that sells a variety of flavored snow Shops & Businesses Selling to NPCs requires moderation/permission.The Menagerie - Animal MarketThe Frozen Falls Market - Market where foreign/local traders can set up boothsSnow Stained Bows - Archery ShopLaria's Furs - Fur Clothing StoreThe Nimble Thimble - Knitting ShopNorthern Inkantations - A Tattoo ParlorLeadership Facilities The Ice Palace - Morwen's ResidenceSvanhildur - Prison of AvanthalThe Icewatch Barracks - Home of the Polar Bear GuardsTundra Training Stadium - Combat Training and Home of the Sport RystningCommunity Service Locations Whitevine Healing Center - Avanthal's Medical CenterThe Archery Range - Practice Area for All ArchersStories in the Snow - Avanthal's LibraryIce Fields Cemetery - Cemetery where the dead are buried in ice.The Snowflake Club -Social spot for older citizens where youths may ask adviceThe Northern Star - A daycare for children run by elder Vantha and a PyconThe Tree Retreat - A place to volunteer to grow plantsRecreation Locations The Crystal Hall - Avanthal's Center of Activity and Gathering SpotMirror Lake - Ice RinkThe Sculpture Yard - Artists Haven and HangoutThe Windward Boardwalk - Park and palisadeFrostpoint Lighthouse - Icestone lighthouse with great view of the seaSlippery Slope Sledding - Sledding hillThe Smoldering Embrace - Bonfire surrounded by a mazeMakutsi Springs - Bejeweled Tusk Night club Shrines and Religious Locations The Temple of Everwinter - Temple for Morwen's FollowersOrder of Radiance Chapter House - Meeting Place for all Priskil FollowersThe Temple of Evernight - Shrine to LethHold Locations These locations are open to all PCs. You do not need to be in the hold to use the services of the hold. Skyglow Hold The Skyglow HoldSkyglow Arvinta - Private residences of Skyglow Vantha and guestsKaliara Observation Deck - For viewing the night sky and landscapeAurora Showcase - A place that rents studio space for artists of all crafts[/color] Frostfawn Hold The Frostfawn HoldFrostfawn Arvinta - Private residences of Frostfawn Vantha and guestsThe White Elk Stables - Stables for All Animals in AvanthalRinti Gardens - Pet CemeteryWhitevine HoldThe Whitevine HoldWhitevine Arvinta - Private residences for Whitevine Arvinta and guests Medical Classrooms Small ClinicIceglaze HoldThe Iceglaze HoldIceglaze Arvinta - Private residences of Iceglaze Vantha and guests Craftsman Workshops Tool Repair ShopCoolwater Hold The Coolwater HoldCoolwater Arvinta - Private residences of Iceglaze Vantha and guests ShipwrightIce Treader - Boating and travel agency Snowsong Hold The Snowsong HoldSnowsong Arvinta - Private residences of Snowsong Vantha and guestsHall of Aural Creation - Practice Rooms for MusiciansStrings 'n Things - Instrument WorkshopWinterflame Hold The Winterflame Hold Winterflame Arvinta - Private residences of Winterflame Vantha and guests Practice Kitchens |

Ablation - Retired Staff
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by Ablation on May 9th, 2014, 7:26 pm
 Avanthal is the coldest city on Mizahar. The temperature never rises above 32 degrees F and can get as low as 40 degrees below zero F. The weather is snowy daily, and the city is prone to blizzards and high winds. The city is locked in an unending winter...[In drier years] the city gets ~400 feet of snow. The lack of forests around the city makes it about 20 degrees colder although there are some small forests lining the city and within the city.
The weather changes little from season to season the only marked difference is the amount of sunlight present. During the winter the city is in constant sunshine. Despite this the temperature only lightens by a few degrees. Storms during this season are more violent as the warmer land air meets the cold water front. During this season the Winter Goddess Morwen leaves Avanthal and spreads winter over the rest of Mizahar, explaining the temperature increase.
When Morwen returns on the first of spring the days become colder and begin to shorten until the city is cast into almost perpetual night for the summer. Because of this cyclic solar cycle Syna and Leth worship are typically season. The temperature drops in the Summer and storms are more frequent, however not as violent as Winter storms.
North of Avanthal in the Northern Wastes the wind front from the land and sea is the strongest. Here storms rage almost perpetually and the ice extends several miles out across the ocean. Here, there are heavy wind storms with little snow, leaving gray rocks bare by the wind.
South of Avanthal in the Northern Reaches the wind is lighter, though just as perpetual. Here, heavy snows fall and ice lakes wane and ebb with the seasons. There are more trees as one begins to go south. First spindly pines that quickly becomes massive as one approaches the warmer center of Miz towards the Spires. |

Ablation - Retired Staff
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by Ablation on May 9th, 2014, 7:27 pm
 Jobs: 2500 Word Minimum
Job Threads are where a PC is shown performing the duties of his or her occupation. To obtain employment, apply here. Once you have been given a job, you will be required to perform two threads displaying your PC being active in his or her career. These threads are to be no less than 2,500 words long and will be comprised of work-related actions for the entirety of the thread. If you're a carver, carve. Don't turn in 1,500 words of a conversation, 500 of carving and 500 of internal monologue then call it a job thread. You must complete both threads each season to receive seasonal wages. Only completing one thread does not guarantee half wages, either. That is up to the ST's discretion.
Icewatch Aid: 1500 Word Minimum
After you receive your seasonal wage, a 10% tax will be levied against all accounts that are not Icewatch members. This will pay for Icewatch members housing and clothing.
One may decrease the tax given to the Icewatch by doing extra work threads involving the Icewatch. For every extra work thread involving the Icewatch your taxes will decrease by 5%. 2 threads a season involving work with the Icewatch will mean you pay no taxes. Tax deduction threads have to be at least 1,500 words each and must be separate from Job threads and Hold Aid threads. An example would be that if a PC is a cook, that PC cooks for an Icewatch patrol. Again, these cannot be doubled with any other kind of credit-based thread.
Hold Aid: 2000 Word Minimum
Because Avanthal is remote and isolated, Miza are mainly used by traders and to buy luxuries for oneself. Within Avanthal, the Vantha often trade services instead of direct payment and every hold is expected to participate in the well-being of the other holds. Hold Aid threads are to be no less than 2,000 words.
Thus, each PC has the opportunity to conduct threads in which they aid and participate in hold responsibilities. When these are submitted for grading they will be awarded a necessity provided by another hold. These must be necessities and if awarded by a grader must first be approved by an AS or DS. These cannot involve the PCs job and must appeal to some other aspect of the hold. Remember, Avanthal is a tight-knit isolated community. Participating in community events, helping other holds, etc. will earn you rewards.
An example of this might be; Carrying messages for Hold members, Cleaning your hold, Shoveling Snow, Participating in the set up or take down of a celebration, watching another hold members animal or child. Depending on the effort evident in the thread one could receive lessons, material goods, or other favours from the NPC in question. These do not have to be the focal point of a thread but can be an aspect of a thread that leads to something more exciting. The point of these threads is to show your PC participates in their Hold and recognizes their duties as a Vantha.
All three of these types of threads; Job threads, Icewatch Aid, and Hold Aid are mutually exclusive. You may only claim the benefits of one of these types of threads. You must indicate what you are trying to receive when submitting your grades for grading. |

Ablation - Retired Staff
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by Ablation on May 9th, 2014, 7:35 pm
Marriage, Funerals
& Birthdays  Marriages
While one maintains some of their family ties when they marry into another hold, their new hold is now considered their family. Therefore, if a PCs mother married into a hold and birthed the PC the PCs family would for all intents and purposes be considered the hold they were born into. Even if they had blood relations to another hold these would not be recognized.
One is expected to only create children with someone they are married to. The Vantha respect their elders including their parents. Ones parents will set up several matches they approve of and typically allow the daughter or son decide. Gifts are exchanged between families and even if one is not invited to the wedding one is expected to provide the bride and groom with a present within a couple days of marriage.
Marriages themselves are not designed around love but functionality. The parents want to make their children happy but equally they wish to create a functional marriage. Thus, many are not faithful to their spouses. While this is never discussed and an obvious cheater will be frowned upon they are frowned upon because of their lack of subtly not their actual cheating. However, divorce can simply not be done in Avanthal and isn't recognized. If one chooses to indulge in whims and fancies outside of their marriage they are expected to remain emotionally faithful to their partner and aid them in all things above others. The Vantha do not view sex outside of marriage as unfaithful so long as one completes their duties to their new hold and husband as well.
Children are not expected from a marriage, but it is unacceptable to have Children out of wedlock. These children would not be treated any differently from those born in the proper fashion as the Vantha believe that it is not their fault. However, their mother will be nudged forcibly into marriage. Once she has married her children are adopted by their new father as if it was from his loins they came from. If she does not marry the hold takes a greater role in the childs life to make sure he or she is raised with the proper virtues.
Marriage is sacred amongst the Vantha and shouldn't be disrespected, however unlike other cultures throughout Miz this respect is realized differently. Their marriages are born of practicality and usefulness to build stronger and greater holds, nothing should be done to disrespect this balance. Love is believed to grow from working respect with one another.
The marriage ceremony itself varies amongst holds. Each hold has their own traditions, when one marries into another hold the marriage is conducted in the traditions of the husbands hold to which she now belongs. Frostfawn marriages typically involve a carriage and may be done on horseback while Coolwater marriages are usually done at sea.
Morwen presides over every marriage, thus no marriages are ever done in Winter. However, Morwens Priestess conducts the marriage vows while Morwen herself usually sits among the Vantha joining them in their joy for the newlyweds. Rings are not exchanged upon marriage but rather a matching symbol appears on both partners. This part of the celebration is very formal. The bride and groom always wear white and red while all those invited are expected to wear all white.
After the ceremony there is much frivolity and dancing. This part of the wedding is open without invitation and the entirety of Avanthal is welcome to celebrate. Stories are told, paintings are done, and it isn't unusual for many to fall asleep at the party as the celebration continues into the wee hours of the morning. When Icewatch members marry it is usually a much larger affair and the party may last several days.
As with weddings Birthdays are celebrated differently in each hold and by each member. Presents are typically given by a childs parents until they become an Ice maiden or marry. In the case of the Icewatch those that have been aided by an Icewatch member may also give the individual a Birthdays present. Birthdays are a great opportunity for children to meet and interact with potential partners since their daily duties often leave little time for such. Thus, until they are married parents will typically hold as elaborate party as they can afford and others parents are delighted when their children receive an invitation. While invitations may be handed out to ensure certain individuals arrive, as it is impolite to turn down an invitation it is acceptable to attend a party without an invitation.
Once a woman becomes an Ice maiden or has children she typically does not celebrate her Birthday as ostentatiously. While husbands, wives and friends may exchange gifts on someone's birthday or get together for a small party it is usually much less indulgent and extravagant. These adult parties are by invitation only usually.

Ablation - Retired Staff
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by Ablation on May 9th, 2014, 7:36 pm
Magic is not well understood or practiced in the majority of Mizahar cities. In the isolated Avanthal magical secrets are horded even more tightly as there are few well understood and known. There are few Vantha that willingly reveal their magical abilities if they happen to learn them even if they are well respected as any magic usage beyond Ice Reimancy is exciting and the individual will quickly be known throughout Avanthal.
Storytelling is often done in combination with Magic, and is the only publically demonstrated magic typically. All other magic is restricted to hunting, fishing and other duties. Despite employers potentially witnessing these abilities they will often say nothing and act as if the employee accomplished what they did through their own capabilities.
These magics are the most frequently used and admired by the Vantha. These three magics are the only ones all Vantha have the opportunity to learn through the Icewatch and elders. Talent in them is considered as valuable as hunting or other trades.
Reimancy - Ice Reimancy is granted by Morwen and is the most common magic seen in Avanthal. Other elemental Reimancy is rarely seen but treated with the same respect. All users are considered highly valuable. This skill is most frequently taught by parents or Icewatch members. Appreciated
Though almost no one will admit it these magics are very useful to the cold city. Though no love is lost on them the Vantha politely acknowledge the value of the users.
Auristics - Used mainly by the Icewatch it is a infrequently seen being used by a common Vantha. A subtle magic it garners less attention than other magics. Because of the Vanthas revealing eyes they are used to being unable to hide their emotions and Auristics is simply seen as another gift that allows them to witness the souls of others.
Projection - Useful and dramatic the Vantha have seen few travelers with this ability but whenever it is used the user rapidly becomes the center of much attention. This skill cannot be learned from any Vantha as the rare few who possess the skills horde the rare talent, this can only be bought or won from the rare traveller who enters Avanthal.
Spiritism - Extremely spiritual the Vantha believe everyone should have the chance to return to Morwen. Having never seen Spiritism misused the Vantha respect and honour this discipline. Though it does give some the hibbie jibbies. Unknown
Because Avanthal is so isolated most magics are simply not known. Those that are the flashiest are both the most feared and the most beloved as they make for excellent storytelling. These are the magics that are unknown to most of the Vantha population.
Familiary Flux Leeching Voiding Alchemy Animation Glyphing Magecraft Malediction Summoning Webbing Shielding Despised
These magics are despised in Avanthal. If conducted they will result in your immediate removal from the city by the Icewatch.
Hypnotism - rejected because of the value the Vantha place on their freedom. Paranoid they may be controlled they loathe the use of hypnotism.
Morphing - rejected because the Vantha and Morwen believe in taking hold of one's life and making the most of it. Morphing is also viewed as deception which is a foul art and won't be tolerated. |

Ablation - Retired Staff
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by Ablation on May 9th, 2014, 7:37 pm
 Note: The Vantha use their shifting eye colours as important markers in conversation, judging friends emotion, and etc. When outsiders arrive in Avanthal this can make the Vantha appear slightly awkward at times as they struggle to communicate with those with such unexpressive eyes.
Akalak – Akalak are accepted and generally liked in the city. Icewatch is usually quick to request the honor of training with or being trained by Akalak warriors that come to the city. Their sense of honour correlates well with the Vanthan sensibilities. Furthermore, Akalaks unusual colour is seen as highly attractive to Vanthan women and more than one has become entranced with an Akalak and left Avanthal to follow their heart.
Akvatari – Akvatari deal well with the cold and many come to enjoy the Vantha skills and learn. They have to be coerced to help the Coolwater hold but are highly valued for their ability to swim; aid with nets and chase or alert the sailors to the location of fish. Their melancholic attitude is more obvious when juxtaposed to the Vanthan sense of humour and joy.
Benshira – These desert people rarely come to Avanthal but any who do would be welcomed heartily. The residents of Avanthal relate to the Benshira’s emphasis on family and community and usually get along well together.
Chaktawe – Very rarely, if ever, seen in Avanthal these desert nomads are treated respectfully though their view on the exclusivity of storytellers is often a point of debate for Avanthal residents.
Charoda – These peaceful people have very rarely been spotted in Avanthal. As an artistic and peaceful group they are respected but their inability to eat meat makes most of the Vanthan cuisine inedible. Their peaceful ways can cause tension with the Avanthalian hunters and Icewatch.
Dhani – Due to the Dhani’s inability to deal well with cold temperatures this race rarely, if ever, travels to Avanthal. If they did come they would be treated with guarded respect and Frostfawn would be sure to keep a close eye out for when Dhani are around their animals. These creatures would spend much of their time sleeping lazily in the Avanthlian cold.
Drykas – Welcomed and respected, especially by the Frostfawn hold. Many Drykas leave with Avanthalian horses because of their renowned speed often in exchange for unmatched riding lessons. Their focus on community and practicality appeals to the Vantha.
Ethaefal – Though not well understood, members of this race are welcomed and treated with awed respect unless their mortal form is a highly disliked race. Ethaefal usually only reside seasonally in Avanthal as traders because half the year is spent in the presence of primarily Syna or Leth this has a severely detrimental effect on their mental health.
Eypharian - Never seen in Avanthal they would be treated treated politely but rarely invited to stay with Holds due to their annoying tendency to act superior. Eypharians multiple arms are heard of but thought to only be a childs tale.
Ghost – Residents of Avanthal have mixed feelings about this race. Malevolent ghosts are usually dealt with by the city spiritist. Ghosts of family members are usually aided in finding what they need to leave peacefully and rejoin the cycle of reincarnation.
Human – This race is usually welcomed and respected in the city.
Inarta– Though not very common the city, Inarta are generally well-liked and asked to share stories of their mountainous home. However, their political beliefs are in direct opposition of the Vantha and loud arguments will often be heard between politically oriented individuals. Alternatively, the cities are very similar in set up, everyone is expected to work to help the entire city survive, and the Inartans are respected for their sense of duty.
Isur – Rarely seen in Avanthal the Isur are welcomed, especially when bringing metal trade goods that are so rarely found in the city.
Jamoura – Citizens of Avanthal adore their large, furry neighbors to the south. The culture of Avanthal deeply values elders and the long-lived and wise Jamoura are well-respected.
Kelvic – Kelvic are a regular sight in Avanthal and are fully accepted into society. Most Vantha will at some point or another have bonded to a Kelvic. Thus despite the pain in losing one it is considered a common part of the city and individuals are supported in their grief.
Konti – Deeply respected the Konti vision water is a rare novelty only the wealthiest can indulge in. The Konti themselves are seen as ethereally beautiful and will find many willing lovers amongst the Vantha men.
Myrian – Rarely, if ever, seen in the city this fierce race is treated with cold hospitality and encouraged to leave the moment they become troublesome.
Nuit – Nuit are not trusted and allowed hesitantly into the city. Any Nuit in the city is usually followed by a few assigned Icewatch guards and certainly never allowed near either graveyard.
Pycon – Though not very common in the city this race is treated as a novelty by children and respected by adults if they prove themselves to be skillful. However, Pycons often feel limited in the cold city as their clay thickens in the intense temperature making shifting forms more difficult. Those found change little and are often older Pycon settling into a city that offers enormous exploration potential with limited danger.
Svefra – The sea-faring Svefra rarely make it up to Avanthal but are generally accepted and usually invited to stay with the Coolwater Hold. Their love of travel is not well understood by the Vantha but their enthusiastic drinking and hearty nature make them easy friends and instructors.
Symenestra – While citizens have of course heard the stories about widows and harvests for the most part that’s what they think it all is, stories. On the rare occasion that a woman is taken as a surrogate, people are divided about whether the stories are true or the pair just eloped.
Zith - Zith are not trusted and sometimes not allowed into the city. Zith who arrive at the gates would be heavily questioned before allowed entry and Icewatch would not hesitate to attack Zith who seemed to have bad intentions. |

Ablation - Retired Staff
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by Ablation on May 9th, 2014, 7:38 pm
Genders dress very similarly, however mens clothing edges are typically cornered while females are rounded. Females and males both wear colourful garb. Layers are integral to maintaining heat but preventing sweating and clothing is easily removable. Clothing is made from leather and furs mainly but satins are highly priced. Tassles, Bells, and decorative stitching are used on daily garb that remain in Avanthal while hunting and work garb looks the same but is typically less colourful. |

Ablation - Retired Staff
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by Ablation on May 9th, 2014, 7:39 pm

Ablation - Retired Staff
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