(23:25:56) Strange: I should maybe take a step back from this situation.
(23:26:02) Rowland: I like this chat room. It is full of lots of people.
(23:26:13) Strange: Before it becomes an episode of Jersey Shore.
(23:26:16) Rowland digs a plothole behind one step behind Strange.
(23:26:27) Annalisa_Marin loves Sahova.
(23:26:27) Rosalie_Irvin: ...
(23:26:32) Strange: Ah! Noooooooooooo!
(23:26:33) Raien_Ironarm: Only a few select Chatlings do not participate in lurking though.
(23:26:47) Strange Holds onto the edge by one hand.
(23:26:49) Annalisa_Marin is reading from a script.
(23:27:04) Strange: Anna...
(23:27:10) Strange: I am your father...
(23:27:17) Strange falls...
(23:27:19) Rosalie_Irvin: I knew it.
(23:27:27) Raien_Ironarm: I'd help Strange, but for some reason I dislike emotes today. I have no reason why... I blame the ocd...
(23:27:32) Annalisa_Marin: What? No... No. That's impossible!
(23:27:32) Rowland: They will warm up to you, Raien. It takes about a month.
(23:27:37) Annalisa_Marin: Nooooo!