[Verified by Crosspatch] Kiasha

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Moderator: Liaisons


Postby Kiasha on January 25th, 2014, 5:18 pm



ppearance Race: Kelvic

Gender: Female

Age: 3

Birthday: 20th of winter, 510 av

Birthplace: Somewhere in Taldera

Animal form: Kiasha is a snow leopard.
Human form: Kiasha is slender, her build is naturally petite. She stands at barely 5'3 and weighs around 115 lbs. This combined with her Pale complexion and Pale Blue, almost Grey eyes leaves her looking almost fragile. Her long white tresses hold a natural wave and are often left free to fall about her. Her appearance while odd in its own rite doesn't scream Kelvin at first, save for her sharp and elongated canines. Even whilst in human form Kiasha has sharp hearing, the sight of a natural predator and fine tuned grace and balance.

Character Concept: Kiasha, like most cats whether big or small is very curious, yet cautious. Easily enticed by new or strange things, though exploring them at her own pace. Naturally quiet, she doesn't have much to say, but doesn't have a problem voicing her opinion. She is very thoughtful and often has usually gone over something a hundred times and analyzed every outcome before acting on it. At times this need to understand leaves her confused by her own thoughts. She's not shy, but prefers to choose when she's in the spotlight. At times she is quite nervous, and gets anxious easily. Especially in large crowds or when facing new things or places alone. She prefers her animal form over its human counterpart.

She prefers hunting her food over buying her food and while she eats her meat cooked while in civilized situations.. The case isn't so when she catches a rabbit. She has a fear of water, she can swim if need be, but will avoid it if possible. She's usually even tempered but can get frustrated fairly easy and has a bit of a temper.

Character History: Kiasha was born somewhere in Taldera, close to where the border joins Sylira. As a young child she was taken from her mother by a human man she called Dierth. She was too young to remember her mother. Dierth took her from Taldera to his home in Sylira. Dierth raised Kiasha in Sunberth. He was fascinated by her, encouraging her to embrace the animal inside her. While sheltering her the best he could from people he kept her all but secluded. He kept her by his side, teaching her little about socialization, instead focusing on honing her natural skills. Nothing she did could anger him. Kiasha came to love Dierth. She gazed upon him as a father,

Sadly that love was cut short, right after Kiasha's second birthday Dierth was taken from her by a horrible illness. While he was never truly a bond mate, he was the only person she'd ever really known and Kiasha mourned his death for a long time. Struggling with her loss and learning to survive on her own, alone in the world has left her thankful for the things Dierth taught her. It has also left her with a void, a need to find her place in the world. That drive to find what she's missing has led her to Syliras.

Language: common - fluent

Wilderness survival - 25 points (starting pack)
Hunting - 20 points (10 starting points + 10 racial bonus)
Tracking - 10 points (starting pack)
Cooking - 5 points (starting pack)

Lores: Lore of fending for yourself
Lore of losing a father figure.

Housing: Wilderness

1 Set of Clothing -Simple black dress
-Simple Undergarments
-Simple Cloak
-Simple Boots
1 Waterskin
1 Backpack which contains: -Comb (Wood) -Brush (Wood) -Soap -Razor -Balanced Rations (1 Week's worth) -1 eating knife -Flint & Steel 

100 Gold Mizas
+ 500 Gold mizas (sold housing)
- - - - - - - - - - - - -
600 Gold Mizas

Heirloom: A sapphire gem on a simple leather choker. A present from Dierth
Last edited by Kiasha on January 29th, 2014, 7:28 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Posts: 9
Words: 4158
Joined roleplay: January 25th, 2014, 12:08 am
Race: Kelvic
Character sheet

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