Closed The Prices We Pay

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This lazy agricultural settlement rests on the swampy shores of the Middle Suvan at the delta of The Kenash River. The River's slow moving bayou waters have bred a different sort of people - rugged, cultured, and somewhat violent. Sprawling plantations of tobacco and cotton grow on the outskirts of the swamp in the rich Cyphrus soils, while the city itself curls around the bayou and spawns decadence and sins of all sorts. Life is slower in Kenash, but the lack of pace is made up for in the excesses of food and flesh in a city where drinking, debauchery, gambling, slavery, and overbearing plantation families dominate the landscape.

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The Prices We Pay

Postby Shayna on January 20th, 2014, 6:34 am

Shayna smiled up at him when he cupped her cheek once more. She had not pegged him to be the affectionate master that he was when he had first come into the auction house. Of course she had not pegged anyone being affectionate with her. She hadn't pegged herself to enjoy such affections either, but she was slowly becoming not just used to them but returning them. "Of course I am okay to go with you M'Lord. A little encounter with an irate Dynasty brat isn't something I am unused to." Though she really did not want to accompany him to the Rajor estate.

They walked to the city, the fact that she was a slave and not a pampered Dynasty lady made sure that she was fit enough for the walk. Though her legs had to make more movements then his to cover the same amount of space did not keep her from keeping up with him, and this is the second trip she made. She did not slow or complain, though she figured that she wouldn't have any trouble sleeping tonight.

When they made it back to the Inn she could not help but look toward the hall where the young couple's room was located, but of course saw nothing of interest. Not until her master spoke, drawing her attention to the exotic woman that looked almost as if she could have easily made a size and half of Shayna. Her green eyes widen, having never seen someone quite so fierce looking, her breath catches just a little in her throat as her curiosity flared.

"Who...or what is she M'Lord?" Shayna breathed the question, trying to keep her voice low, having to force her eyes to look somewhere except on the woman in question. She didn't want to appear rude or aggressive as to be staring at someone. "She doesn't look like she is from around here..."
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The Prices We Pay

Postby Kalesserimamoru on January 20th, 2014, 8:12 am


If ever asked, and he was, Mamoru would tell any and all that Shayna was his pet, and he meant that in every since of the word. Slavery was still something new to his life, and after doing everything for himself for well over a hundred years he was fine continuing with that. A slave he didn't really need, but a pet, that did interest him. Some of the males in the nest were kept as pets by some of the females, or rather they were treated as such. But one thing that he learned from watching them was that pets behaved better and were more loyal to the masters that showed them affection. So Mamoru lavished the teen slave with affections over and over again, even sometimes leaving her breathless in the middle of his bed.

The trickster would make sure that Shayna not only knew that she belonged to him, but that she also wanted to be his. There was also another side to it all, his own reactions to the treatment he gave her. Mamoru enjoyed the way she smelled, the way she tasted, and her soft skin, and warm body. But this didn't stop with the physical, he was also interested in the girl who seemed just a bit on the ambitious side. He had urged her to speak up, and when she did, he learned that this girl was a thinker, and he liked that. In the end there was a growing fascination between them both, and only time could tell where it would lead them.

Standing inside the building of the Inn, Mamoru was greeted by the same sights as last time, but of course any standing around wouldn't recognize him or Shayna because of the disguise he had used the last time, the illusion that he had created to change their faces to make them look like another. He listened to Shayna's question and he smiled as he thought over the answer. "No I don't think she is from around here. Unless I'm mistaken, I would say that she is a mercenary." Mamoru didn't know much about mercenaries, they didn't come to the jungle often because the Myrians would run them all away.

There was that one night, back when Mamoru had just learned his human form and he struck out onto the grass to wander around. It was a popular thing to do for young Dhani. Going out in their Dhani form would easily alert the Myrians and they would be attacked quickly and without fail. Being in human form halved that chance, but they were still in danger of being attacked by them or other wild life." Long ago, back before I became the man that I am today. I met a barbarian from across the sea. He had come with a band of other men looking for rare jewels and new lands. He called himself a mercenary..this woman reminds me of him."

The woman stood against the wall with her arms folded and eyes straight ahead, but when Mamoru and Shayna got closer she turned to them and spoke. "You Sanox?" she asked plainly. The trickster shook his head in return before he spoke. "Not it, I'm someone else." he almost cackled as he finished, but the woman seemed unamused.

"Right..ok." It wasn't the reaction he was looking for but it did tell him that this woman wasn't a taller, but a doer. Like all mercenaries were. "This is Sanox a member of one of the houses? I'm new here and trying to learn who is who." he lied, trying to get information.

"He might be, didn't say. All I know is I'm here for a job and waiting for him to get here so I can get started. You wanna talk to him wait til he comes, if he comes. You make the second person I've asked and neither of you are him. Don't know why I asked him though, guy looks more like the spy type than anything, but look almost clean enough to be Dynasty."

"A spy?" Mamoru turned his head slightly to look at Shayna then back to the woman. "Meh, he's been skulking around here all afternoon. Must be up to something." the woman added then fell silent once more. "I see, well..he's not..skulking around here now is he?" Mamoru asked with a forced look of shock on his face. "Nah, he went outside five chimes ago."
"Everything happens out of necessity."
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The Prices We Pay

Postby Mythic on January 26th, 2014, 12:04 am


XP Award!

Name: Kalesserimamoru

XP Award:

  • Weapon: Katana +1
  • Intimidation +2
  • Hypnotism +2
  • Pursuasion +2
  • Interrogation +2
  • Socialization +2
  • Observation +2
  • Flirting +2
  • Subterfuge +1

  • Trent Ackina - Having an affair with Trista
  • Trista - Betrothed to Hossior Ranjor
  • Hossior Ranjor - Halfbreed Dhani
  • Sandox - A spy?

Name: Shayna

XP Award: Withheld
Lore: Witheld
Notes: If you ever return to Mizahar, please send me a PM and I will post your grade.

General Notes:] A nice thread here. 'Tis a shame that it got cut short, I was interested to see how Mamoru intended to acquire the information he needed. There's an unfortunate dearth of good Intelligence threads :).

As always, if you have any comments or questions about your grade, please don't hesitate to shoot me a PM!
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