Open How Does One Go About Catching A Storm?

Kizora sits beneath a tree to carve, and finds herself meeting new people

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Stretching northward along the coastline of the Suvan Sea, the Cobalt Mountains are the home of the Bronze Wood, numerous ruins, and creatures both strange and fantastical.

How Does One Go About Catching A Storm?

Postby Kizora DuLonite on January 26th, 2014, 3:03 am

Timestamp 9th Winter Year 513
Kizora rested her head against the tree behind her. Vicious winds pierced through her cloak, numbing her fingers. Each time she pulled the small eating knife across the wood she'd chipped from the tree, it left little nicks in her fingers. They were painful, but it helped her to feel alive.

She didn't know what she was making, just that she needed to make something. Anything, actually, anything at all. It was best not to think about it, better to just let her hands figure it out. The tips of her fingers were stained the tiniest color red, so she had to take special care not to smear it onto the wood.

Under her breathe, she hummed a the tune to a poem her mother used to tell her. Only vague memories were retained about what the poem was actually about, but the soft tune was imbedded in her soul. Each hiccup in the tune felt heavenly. She hadn't let herself fall to such silly pleasures in a long time.

The lump of wood began to take form in her hand. She lifted it up to admire it. A cloud, she thought. Probably a cloud. Her elbow hit the Crescent Sword at her hip as she brought it back down to look closer. It had gotten in her way so many times, she'd considered moving it. Such an act would be silly though. If one decides to hang out in dangerous areas, they must, of course, keep themselves armed. She continued to carve, and scanned the forest as she did so, checking for any oncoming threats.
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How Does One Go About Catching A Storm?

Postby Halona on January 30th, 2014, 2:39 am


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The small blonde girl stumbled through the onslaught of wind and snow, numb hands clutching the inside of her cloak for warmth. "Petching wind...damn cold." She muttered, crying out when a foot went through a particularly deep patch. Walking past a figure leaning without a second thought, just another human. They'll freeze to death by morning but that's not my concern as there's a warm city they could run to.
Curiosity getting the best of her, she peeked through the folds of her grey wool cloak as she passed the stranger. Recognizing the woman under the tree Halona stopped uttering,
"Kizora? We meet again I see."
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How Does One Go About Catching A Storm?

Postby Kizora DuLonite on January 30th, 2014, 3:23 am

"Halona! Why are you out here freezing?"

Her hands tucked the carving into the palm of her hand as she grinned. Memories...silly, catastrophic yet beautiful memories. Hands quivering a bit as she gestured to the snowy grass next to her, she offered a seat.

"How are you? Isn't it beautiful out. Its the kinda cold you really miss once you get warm again."

She'd missed Halona. Since that day, she hadn't met another Kelvic, so it was quite heart-warming to know her kin was doing well.
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How Does One Go About Catching A Storm?

Postby Halona on January 30th, 2014, 3:44 am


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Taking the offered seat, Halona answered,
"What's with the enthusiasm? I'm fine, just petching fine in this weather? How about you? Are you not cold? Why are you out here instead of taking shelter in the city?"
Shifting slightly, she thought, didn't expect to run into her again. I wonder if there's any hard feelings from our last meeting... Eh, she's not about to pry an apology out of me, she had it coming.
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How Does One Go About Catching A Storm?

Postby Kizora DuLonite on January 30th, 2014, 9:13 pm

"The enthusiasm? Hmm..I'm just in a good mood. I'm definitely cold, shivering a bit actually. But I like it. It helps me think."

She didn't say what she was thinking. It was nice to be on good terms with a fellow Kelvic. They are good allies to have, and she felt disconnected if she didn't chat with someone who understood sometimes.

"Ever learned how to carve? Its quite the rewarding craft. I think you'd like it."
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How Does One Go About Catching A Storm?

Postby Ellen Darin on January 31st, 2014, 10:57 pm

OOCI hope you don't mind me posting. It does say open?
Ellen had just entered the cobalt mountains, in attempt to find some hardy plants, ones that would grow even in winter. But as of yet she had been quite unfortunate in that task... Smiling slightly, she thought of the wilderness around her, whilst looking at the ground for any unusual plants, before she'd managed to stray from her path, only slightly, and the sound of two females talking caught her attention.

She looked up, to see one woman sat against a tree, carving into it, whilst conversing with another girl. Thinking to herself, Ellen decided to approach the two.

"Excuse, but have either of you seen any interesting plants?" she asked, wondering whether she was interrupting anything important...
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How Does One Go About Catching A Storm?

Postby Halona on February 1st, 2014, 1:25 am


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It seemed Halona could never speak without mixing some type of insult in her words. Though she enjoyed pushing other's buttons and sending more than a few snide remarks their way, she decided to treat her Kelvic kin better. They were the same after all.

"Carving? Why would I ever-" She broke off catching an insult before it manifested itself. "I mean, no I never have. How do you..." Alerted by approaching feet she let her words trail, snapping her head in the direction of the intruder.
The Kevlic's stony gaze fell upon a girl in her late teens sporting mousy brown hair and eyes as blue as a crystal pool. Upon the girl's inquiry, Halona nodded, indicating the tree behind her.
"I'm leaning on one." She sneered chuckling at her own lame joke. "Its winter, there's snow. What do you expect a vibrantly green forest teeming with life?" Shaking her head in mock disappointment, Halona waved her hand at the brown-haired girl gesturing she skedaddle. "Come back in spring."

Returning her attention back to Kizora she finished her previous sentence ignoring the new girl, "So how does carving work?"
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How Does One Go About Catching A Storm?

Postby Kizora DuLonite on February 1st, 2014, 1:53 am

Kizora was a bit taken aback by Halona's change in heart. It was friendlier, and welcome. Before she could respond, though, a new girl made their acquaintance. There was a friendly look to her face, and a part of her envied the life in the girls eyes. Hers were to dark to look so beautiful.

"Unique plants? I saw something with a weird hue a few feet back when I was walking here. It looked more like a weed than anything, but it might interest you."

A smile graced itself at the end of her words. Halona was great, but it took a bit for her to warm up to you. Kizora could only hope the teenage girl wasn't too offended.

Another hint of nostalgia shot through her when Halona asked her how carving worked. The question had been so similar to her own not so long ago.

"Well, you look at the wood, think about what you want to make, and chip away what you don't need. The tricky part is not taking too much away, really."

Her hand slid forward against the wood as she spoke, making sure the knife went with the curve of the wood.

"There's a few things that only practice can teach you, but its a good way to take your mind off things."
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How Does One Go About Catching A Storm?

Postby Ellen Darin on February 2nd, 2014, 5:35 pm

Ellen heard the blonde speak, and immediately her own face dropped, annoyed slightly at the blonde's words, and the hand gesture that she made

"Plants don't have to be alive. Some will be growing, and that means that one can take note of where they are going to be when they are ready to harvest, and then come back once it's grown and not have to spend an age trying to find those plants. Plus, not everything dies in winter, like you seem to expect!" Ellen frowned slightly, before she heard the other one speak, and her face turned back into a smile, thankful for the words that the dark haired one said. "Thank you so much. It's good to know that some people can be helpful."

She was about to leave, when she heard the blonde ask how carving worked, and Ellen's curiosity got the best of her, and she turned back to the two, carefully watching and listening what was happening...
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How Does One Go About Catching A Storm?

Postby Halona on February 4th, 2014, 2:57 am


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The blonde shot the newcomer a look of annoyance,
"Like I care" she snapped referring to the girl's defensive explanation. "All plants look the same in my book. The only ones that I ever gave a damn about were the edible ones like berries. They only roll around in spring and this is winter. Most plants are dead this time of year, unless your looking for some of these." She indicated a finger again to the tree she was leaning on. A plant that was very much alive but also one she had no use for.

Rolling her eyes at Kizora's kind method to dealing with people in contrast to her own, Halona's was fuming. Why was Kizora the way she was? She wondered slightly irritated. Kind to everyone, always wanting to make peace. Why? Who was she trying to impress? To please? What motive did she have?
"Huh?" She mumbled startled out of her thoughts as began Kizora speak to her once more. Eye's catching Kizora's fingers fiddling with knife and wood Halona watched intently in attempt to cover up not paying attention earlier. She didn't notice the other girl also watched from above as entranced with Kizora's slight skill.
Last edited by Halona on February 5th, 2014, 12:14 am, edited 1 time in total.
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