Completed The Scholar and The Guard

[Clyde] Ricky pays one of the teachers a quick visit.

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The Scholar and The Guard

Postby Ricky Maze on January 24th, 2014, 5:19 am

The Scholar and the Guard
Winter 2nd 513 AV, 10th Bell
Location: The University

Was this it? It had to be if the directions that were given to him were correct. Ricky always had such little time in finding the right rooms when it came to the University, there were so many to keep up with that he actually felt a little thankful he didn't attend here. If he were too then he definitely would have a hard time finding his way around, considering the fact he would be lost all the damn time. "Looks t' be the right hall come t' t'ink o' it, 'e may even 'ave Anna's ole room." Wouldn't that be his luck if he found that to be true, you'd think since his last scurry through here he'd remember where to find her room after all. Considering it was during the days after the Coup was staged by Adarin, Ricky hardly had the time to remember which ways to take and doors to reach; especially when danger loomed all around.

"Right den, this 'ere looks t' be de door after all." Ricky slowed to a halt as he reached the number he was given, slightly nervous about meeting the man that probably awaited inside. He came here on a whim to meet with the rumored Mr. Sullins as he was referred to, although he's known to be a glypher Ricky had to go with his gut on this. He had the idea that, like Anna, Mr. Sullins knew plenty about Reimancy in general, or at least enough to give some insight just as the glyphing teacher before Mr. Sullins did last season. "Shame Anna 'ad t' leave really, but she's all grown now. She makes 'er own choices now..." The recollection of her time before and after magic seem to douse his spirit a little, the wonder at how someone so young and pure can easily be different years later; it made Ricky keep in mind how precious moments with Martin were today. With a cleared throat Ricky then proceeded to knock a couple times, and await for some answer to follow before he might speak.

Good thing he dressed rather warmly while he waited because the wintry air wasted no time in trying to settle in, the white long sleeve worn under his other white short sleeve worked well as a heat shield against the cold. "Dere's an idea! Ask 'em if he knows any t'ing 'bout Shieldin' as well." It was an idea that would have to wait, or as his father would tell him; one thing at a time Ricky. Right now the man just needed to see if this teacher was in his classroom or not. "Mr. Sullins ser, M'name is Ricky. I was told ye were the new Glyphin' teacher 'ere at the University. Hello?" Ricky spoke with a humble tone and kept a sort of low voice, out of respect that classes may or may not be in session at the moment.
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The Scholar and The Guard

Postby Clyde Sullins on January 25th, 2014, 2:39 am

Clyde was twenty years old. By most peoples estimate, that meant he was far to young to be a mage, at least a proper one.

But then, those were generally people who had not met him, or seen him practice his magics. People who doubted him, they did not tend to do so for long after seeing him at his work.

It also helped that Clyde had spent most of his life a mage. Having been initiated into Reimancy at five, he had spent three quarters of his life a mage, practicing, working, expanding his skills in his craft. What had they been doing when they were five years old? Making mud pies?

Lost on such a tangent as this, Clyde did not at first notice when someone spoke his name. He was at the front of a classroom, lost in thought, and also lost in a Glyph drawn at the front of the class, by some random student. However it was so ill begotten, even he was having trouble understanding it, particularly as he went through his own circular logic in his mind.

Someone suddenly saying his name was just the kick he needed to break out of such a cycle, back into more pertinent areas. Far from his past, into the present, working on the future. That was where he should be thinking.

As he turned with a swish of his robes, he saw another human, one older than him, but not by a great deal. He did not recognize him, which meant he was either a new student, or not one at all.

At the moment the classroom was empty, and Clyde was unsure how long it had been as such, how long he had gone off in a tangent after everyone had left.

"Mr. Sullins ser, M'name is Ricky. I was told ye were the new Glyphin' teacher 'ere at the University. Hello?"

"Yes, I am the new Glyphing teacher. Though that does not seem to be a question, more of a statement. Is the question coming, or was that all, did you just want to ascertain I was who you thought I was?"

Clyde gave the man a once over, before shrugging, and turning back to the board. Without bothering to look at the man, he spoke once more.

"Are you a student? I don't recognize you... And just to be clear, I don't go off teaching random people my craft. Do you have any idea what kind of trouble I would get in? Now if you were hoping to seek me directly, to avoid gaining acceptance into the school the correct way, you will find yourself disappointed. We do have entry requirements for a reason."
Clydes Stuff

I am actually in RL a super intelligent hamster from Rhode Island, with a 7 year plan to take over the world.

Update 6/2/18- 1:10AM EST: His 7 year plan a success, and several weeks ahead of schedule, Clyde leaves to oversee the world he has taken over.

No new threads after end of Spring 518-Will still be checking for PM's occasionally, but focusing on a new character.

Graders note: :
Please be aware Clyde is a master Magecrafter. He therefore should not be gaining full xp(or possibly shouldn't gain any at all) for simple tasks related to this magic, such as low level MC items, particularly for repetitions of creations he has done before. Feel free to contact me if unsure of a instance of his magic use compared to his skill level.
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The Scholar and The Guard

Postby Ricky Maze on January 25th, 2014, 7:03 am

What grand luck that he happen to have caught the teacher of this class at a time where he wasn't busy, Ricky would rather have waited for a better time to see this Mr. Sullins had he a class to instruct. Yet there was a surprised amusement the guard found as he laid eyes upon this man, where as he expected someone who looked much older this Sullins was still.... well, young. Tall indeed but not as tall as Ricky, the instructor stood rather thin compared to the guard. Definitely the build a scholar would hold onto, yet the age this man had to be couldn't be near Ricky's. He had to at least have some years on him at least, but in regards to knowledge the Zeltivan knew good and well that was a different matter.

Perspective was at work with him now, where as before small doses of anxiety held him back; curiosity led him on to wonder just what exactly this man might know. "Aye, Oi knew de previous teacher 'afore she left. Just wanted t' clarify dat Oi found de right person 'afore Oi go claimin' names." He humbly answered as he entered the room to properly greet the instructor, he held a content smile as he came near the desk to speak further with Mr. Sullins. "No actually," he gave a scratch at the back of his head a bit nervously after being asked if he were a student, "Oi know dat goin' roun' teachin' non-students t'ings 'bout yer craft is bad, which is why Oi can respect de need t' not share such t'ings wit' outsiders. Oi actually 'ave questions related t' other sources o' magic that a friend wondered 'bout."

There it was again, the nervous roll in his stomach. Gods why did it feel so irritating, so difficult to talk about this subject even when he tried his best to evade from sharing his secret. Ricky had no doubt this guy would surmise that he would be hinting at himself when asking these stupid questions, but the guard had to try his best to fish out what small information he could when chances arose. "See Oi know someone who can use a couple o' magic skills, but 'e ain't got much o' a clue as t' what t'ey do yet. Oi was only hopin' ya could fill in de blanks f'r me, if that's okay wit' ye o' course." Good. He managed to keep a straight face and firm voice to avoid any signs of false detail, considering he found it difficult to stray from the truth at best. In all honesty Ricky did tell the truth about his situation, just not the whole truth since he preferred to keeping his magic a secret.
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The Scholar and The Guard

Postby Clyde Sullins on January 25th, 2014, 1:00 pm

Clyde continued to look at the board as the man spoke, listening, but also continuing to inspect the Glyph. It was a attempt at a negotiation tactic, showing that the mans words did not even require his full attention, or warrant looking directly at him. It was a show of his relative position, to try and show that he was certainly in a position of power in any dealings to be made.

Besides, Clyde found much could be confused in ones face, when two people were looking at each other and talking. This forced the two to focus more on the actual content of the words, instead of any unspoken signals that might be let across. In this way, he limited the conversation to simply the words being spoken. It also tended to disconcert people who were used to talking face to face, another tick in his favor if his verbal sparring partner was not at ease.

"Aye, Oi knew de previous teacher 'afore she left. Just wanted t' clarify dat Oi found de right person 'afore Oi go claimin' names."

"Prior teacher? I don't know much of that person, though she was a she then? What was her name?"

Clyde did not care so much, but the tidbit might be of use, or might not. Either way it was a small bit of chatter the two could cross with, and perhaps would in the other mans eyes give him a chance to show he was willing to in turn give back knowledge. After all, nothing was free in magic. So in part it was also a small test, if only a very small one.

"No actually, oi know dat goin' roun' teachin' non-students t'ings 'bout yer craft is bad, which is why Oi can respect de need t' not share such t'ings wit' outsiders. Oi actually 'ave questions related t' other sources o' magic that a friend wondered 'bout."

"See Oi know someone who can use a couple o' magic skills, but 'e ain't got much o' a clue as t' what t'ey do yet. Oi was only hopin' ya could fill in de blanks f'r me, if that's okay wit' ye o' course."

"A friend? Right... Because everyone just so happens to have a friend who both knows of magic, and sends their friends upon trips to learn of magic. Knowing that such a conversation would be all but useless, since the uninitiated would not know enough of magic to properly converse on its topic, or to even properly understand answers received about it, if any are."

Clyde turned back for a moment to look at the man, as he spoke his next words. "You can tell your... "FRIEND"" here Clyde paused and made an actual air quote symbol with his middle and index finger of each hand, "that even if I did tell my secrets to non-students, which I don't, I certainly would not do it through a middleman, nor in such a roundabout fashion. Magic is secretive enough as it is, without the recipient of my knowledge attempting to hide behind shadows as to who is receiving it."

Turning back to the board, Clyde muttered his next words, almost as if he was not speaking to the man, more like he was having a small internal dialogue. "Not that I would call a person who sent me on such a trip a friend, more like a person trying to use me for their benefit, as a meat shield..."

Looking back at the boards once more, Clyde muttered to himself for a few moments about "principles" and "annoyances" before speaking to Ricky again without meeting his eyes.

"Just out of curiosity, what are these magics this "friend"" once more making air quotes, but this time doing so without turning, "wanted to know of?"
Clydes Stuff

I am actually in RL a super intelligent hamster from Rhode Island, with a 7 year plan to take over the world.

Update 6/2/18- 1:10AM EST: His 7 year plan a success, and several weeks ahead of schedule, Clyde leaves to oversee the world he has taken over.

No new threads after end of Spring 518-Will still be checking for PM's occasionally, but focusing on a new character.

Graders note: :
Please be aware Clyde is a master Magecrafter. He therefore should not be gaining full xp(or possibly shouldn't gain any at all) for simple tasks related to this magic, such as low level MC items, particularly for repetitions of creations he has done before. Feel free to contact me if unsure of a instance of his magic use compared to his skill level.
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The Scholar and The Guard

Postby Ricky Maze on January 26th, 2014, 5:54 pm

Ricky felt a smile work freely onto his face as his mention of the previous teacher seemed to interest this man, a friendly manner of respect was given as he answered in the humble and courteous form as before. "Probably called Dr. Marin o' somethin' o' the sort, but Oi personally knew 'er as Annalisa." He thought nothing of the idea that this man may one day see Anna, nor did he even give thought to whether it truly mattered or not. To Ricky it was just part of engaging in a friendly conversation, and hopefully learning a few new things in the process.

The next part of their discussion however took a different course of action, one that made Ricky's stomach roll even further as he struggled to keep from looking nervous. What was he thinking? A friend wouldn't just randomly see if he could ask about magic, not unless Ricky himself knew a bit about magic on his own. In this case Ricky might as well just fess up and admit it, but then for what reason would he have to do so? Damn him. Damn him and his impulsive mind, his shortcoming with little thought as to how vague this story he made was... Stupid idea to follow through really, and Ricky now understood as to why that was. "How de 'ell did I petch up?!" He thought silently as he definitely felt nervous now, even probably looked nervous too.

Then came the comment on the "shield" part which by Ricky's definition made him seem rather cowardly, in which this case Ricky was in fact the coward for once. Instead when he always faced his issues head on or dealt with them in some natural collective manner; this time he took to be overly cautious for once, for once, and somehow ended up looking the coward instead. Did it get cold just now? It certainly felt colder in this room, but then again Ricky's palms felt rather sweaty. Between the engagement with Mr. Sullins and the subject of magic, Ricky definitely knew by now he was more then nervous. Then finally the ice breaker, the moment that placed the spotlight back on Ricky once more. Out of simple curiosity Mr. Sullins wanted to know just what magics Ricky's falsified friend wanted to know of, and Ricky had to make up his mind and either continue to hide the truth... or fess up and admit that it was actually him for once.

"Dammit! Way t' petch things up Rick, yer a right ol' dumb ass ya 're." There had been a lump in his throat as he wondered how exactly things could turn out, either way he would end up feeling guilty about it at some point. He already did as of now. Yet his secret... the secret he worked hard to keep, it was bad enough that Anna learned of it last season. Yet if she knew magic and had skill in it, and if this man might have such same skill.... then he too could keep it secret... couldn't he? Just about fed up with the thoughts and the worry, Ricky caved in and finally allowed himself to speak. "Alright... Alright. I confess dere isn't a friend, but I ask ya t' keep this conversation between us if ye will." There was shame in his face as Ricky looked to the floor, guilt tripping himself into this mess as he sought to better the chances of a way out. Though a bit wounded with his pride and secrecy he knew good and well that it was for the best, and later on when all this was said and done he would look back with less of a guilty concious.

"I work 'ard t' keep what I can do a secret, 'cause I know good and well dose that can't control t'eir abilities wind up in de asylum. Yet I 'ave to know what can be done with t'ese abilites, so I know 'ow t' better control dem later on when I practice." A slight sweat broke over his brow as he shared this little bit of detail, already aware that he could no doubt be putting himself in danger. The door remained opened for one, and even if there were no students walking by... that still posed a risk on Ricky's behalf. Which is why the information he gave was spoken in a lower tone of voice, other than the fact Ricky was scared out of his mind in giving away his secrecy. "I only know two magics and know o' another... T'ey be the only three I dare show interest in too; Shieldin', Reimancy, and Flux." He finished with the answer to Clyde's previous question before the total cave in the guard had, silent as he watched the instructor further examine the glyph on the board.
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The Scholar and The Guard

Postby Clyde Sullins on January 29th, 2014, 3:48 pm

"Probably called Dr. Marin o' somethin' o' the sort, but Oi personally knew 'er as Annalisa."

Clyde noted the name for future reference, though he likely would never meet her. It all depended upon why the woman had left... She was decent enough though to be praised, while certainly not of his own caliber. At least not if what Stonemiller had said had been being honest . Which he could think of no reason not to be...

"Alright... Alright. I confess dere isn't a friend, but I ask ya t' keep this conversation between us if ye will."

Clyde shrugged, neither confirming or denying that he would keep the secret. He knew better than to make such promises, knowing that it all depended upon the situations he was in, who wanted to know, why, what was the price of keeping or giving up the information... Far to many factors to make such a broad agreement in the moment.

"Perhaps... Perhaps... We will see."

Though really looking back at the conversation, and Clyde's own words, it had been somewhat obvious the man was the mage, and not some friend. After all, that was one of the oldest of excuses, that some made up friend wanted to know of something, as a cover for themselves. Clyde hoped he would never stoop so low within the realm of lies, to use one so obvious.

"Though you have already lied to me once... That is not exactly a good way to start a relationship, especially when one wants so much from the person you are trying to lie to..."

"I work 'ard t' keep what I can do a secret, 'cause I know good and well dose that can't control t'eir abilities wind up in de asylum. Yet I 'ave to know what can be done with t'ese abilites, so I know 'ow t' better control dem later on when I practice."

"I only know two magics and know o' another... T'ey be the only three I dare show interest in too; Shieldin', Reimancy, and Flux."

With that said, Clyde finally turned from the board, seeming to be done inspecting the Glyph, ready now to talk directly to the man.

"I know a tiny bit of one, and a greater deal of another, though one of them I know nothing of, not even exactly what it is. Or no, I think I might vaguely, I recall someone I knew who used it. Not that it kept him from getting killed..."

Clyde paused for a moment at the end of his words, seemingly lost in thought upon the fluxer who had died. Not that he had specified which of the magics he was speaking of. For all Ricky knew he was speaking of a dead Reimancer, or Shielder.

Returning his gaze to Ricky, Clyde let out a sigh, and then crossed the room to pick up his staff which had been lying against a desk.

"Would you perhaps like to go for a walk? I find the school to be a bit troublesome at times, all those people zipping about trying not to blow themselves up. It can be rather taxing. Perhaps you know of a quieter place, being a local here, where we could better talk?"
Clydes Stuff

I am actually in RL a super intelligent hamster from Rhode Island, with a 7 year plan to take over the world.

Update 6/2/18- 1:10AM EST: His 7 year plan a success, and several weeks ahead of schedule, Clyde leaves to oversee the world he has taken over.

No new threads after end of Spring 518-Will still be checking for PM's occasionally, but focusing on a new character.

Graders note: :
Please be aware Clyde is a master Magecrafter. He therefore should not be gaining full xp(or possibly shouldn't gain any at all) for simple tasks related to this magic, such as low level MC items, particularly for repetitions of creations he has done before. Feel free to contact me if unsure of a instance of his magic use compared to his skill level.
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The Scholar and The Guard

Postby Ricky Maze on February 2nd, 2014, 7:18 am

Yes. Ricky lied to try and cover his own ass, yet that didn't mean he didn't feel guilty about it. However what was he to do? Openly admit the secret he worked so damn hard to keep? Such an idea would come across as insane to many that knew what was good for them, as if to participate in such an act was taboo to the ones within the circle. That circle being mages in general. Ricky's teacher who initiated him demanded his magic remain secret and look at how insane that man turned out to be, yet here Ricky stood now in the same form trying to cower behind a false statement. Lies weren't his thing and hiding truths just as well fell into the same clasification, thus Ricky only felt all the more a sucker in the event the consequences sunk into his mind.

Yet Mr. Sullins seem to know something at least, albeit he was rather very cryptic about it. Ricky couldn't right hand guess what magic was referenced as far as killing this man the glypher mentioned just then, assumption led to Reimancy as it held so much risks and dangers. Then again Flux could very well be dangerous too, although Ricky knew just the name and concept of it by small feat thanks to Miro back in Alvadas. Then again... shielding could very well have been the reference, although that's more of a defensive magic and Ricky literally knew this from experience; however the fact he knew only the usage of the skill and not their purpose hardly proved anything. "S'why I'm needin' answers, I want t' avoid such a fate." He softly admitted with honest sincerety, it would do him well to avoid telling only half the truth as of now.

Then Clyde came to the suggestion of a walk to a quieter place, which brought Ricky to wonder what came to the teacher's mind. Had he really wished to talk? Did he intend to help Ricky by some off chance out of sympathy or understanding? No... that would be too easy. Ricky knew by now that nothing came that easily, to hold the idea that such things are free in the world was naive. He couldn't play the fool in this matter, but he couldn't simply turn blind eye on the opportunity at hand. "Well uh, Oi do know a spot that's pretty quiet dis time o' de year." He sort of shrugged as he wasn't sure if such a place was what Clyde might have in mind. "T'ere's a place justs out past de Cerulien Pier called Maiden's Cape, dedicated t' de Black Lady 'er self since de ol' times. "er stories quite popular among de sailor's." He explained with a thumb pointed behind him in the manner of back out of the University, he waited to see if Mr. Sullins approved of this spot before leading them onward of course.
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The Scholar and The Guard

Postby Clyde Sullins on February 3rd, 2014, 10:16 pm

"S'why I'm needin' answers, I want t' avoid such a fate."

Clyde paused for a moment, unsure if the man was telling the truth, but having a feeling that he was... He had no further reason Clyde could think of to lie, now that Clyde knew he was a mage... Unless he was playing in a way totally different to him, which meant Clyde had already lost.

"Well uh, Oi do know a spot that's pretty quiet dis time o' de year. T'ere's a place justs out past de Cerulien Pier called Maiden's Cape, dedicated t' de Black Lady 'er self since de ol' times. "er stories quite popular among de sailor's."

Clyde looked in the direction Ricky pointed, and shrugged at him.

"Fine as any, as long as we won't be bothered. Lead the way. And perhaps you can tell me the story of this... Black Lady... I've never heard of her."

If Ricky led the way, Clyde would follow to the cape, likely not saying or doing much but occasionally shrugging or nodding to show he was listening to Ricky, assuming he said anything on the trip.

Unless of course he tried something funny, and forced Clyde to react... Then he might do something. However after awhile, Clyde would ask one more thing.

"So you know my name and what I do, what do you do?"
Clydes Stuff

I am actually in RL a super intelligent hamster from Rhode Island, with a 7 year plan to take over the world.

Update 6/2/18- 1:10AM EST: His 7 year plan a success, and several weeks ahead of schedule, Clyde leaves to oversee the world he has taken over.

No new threads after end of Spring 518-Will still be checking for PM's occasionally, but focusing on a new character.

Graders note: :
Please be aware Clyde is a master Magecrafter. He therefore should not be gaining full xp(or possibly shouldn't gain any at all) for simple tasks related to this magic, such as low level MC items, particularly for repetitions of creations he has done before. Feel free to contact me if unsure of a instance of his magic use compared to his skill level.
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The Scholar and The Guard

Postby Ricky Maze on February 7th, 2014, 11:47 am

Well that certainly came to be easier for Ricky now that Clyde had agreed to come along to the Cape, although it still intrigued Ricky at how the teacher could change his mind on teaching a subject outside the University grounds. There had to likely be some catch to the reason behind this that Ricky would later figure out, but for now he would just have to play along and hope that Clyde just wanted to be a favorable person. "Oh sure t’ing! Every sailor an’ merchant roun’ ‘ere knows de story ‘bout de Black Lady." He mused as he found himself inspired to tell the story, it wasn’t often he found chances to share these tales, but when they arose he enjoyed them all the same.

"Legend tells dat a sailor and his lover were long divided by de winds o’ fate as he went out t’ sea, his lover bein’ a fair an’ beautiful maiden she made ‘im a promise dat she’d wait forever f’r her man if she ‘ad t’. In turn he promised ‘er dat he’d one day return f’r ‘er, but as de years went by he never returned. " They were now out the halls and headed onto the University grounds as he continued to tell the story. "Accordin’ t’ de tale he was apparently lost at sea, yet the maiden waited f’r ‘er lover to return as prior t’ ‘er promise. Until at last death came t’ reunite ‘er wit’ ‘er lover once more, T’was a tale so tragic dat de sailors o’ the community made a statue o’ her an’ placed it right where she waited for ‘er lover, as a gift in honor o’ ‘er memory an’ devotion t’ her promise." He finished with a mystic sort of tone in his voice as the story reached its end, a hearty smile on his face as they were now outside the University and further into the city.

After the story had come to pass and a bit of silence came between them, Clyde finally managed to ask the fisherman about his trade. This of course made Ricky wonder if Clyde were intrigued with Ricky or just curious about him, considering the fisherman didn’t make the greatest first impression upon meeting. Still he owed Clyde honesty for what he attempted earlier, thus he wouldn’t hide anything too personal about his life if it were necessary. "I used t’ be a fisherman by trade, ‘cept I took up de role o’ a Wave Guard back in Five Twelve A.V. Nowadays though I spend me time bein’ a father." He shared with a hearty chuckle as he looked to Clyde once again, they were nearing the Cerulean Cape by now, so they didn’t have much farther to go until they reached the path that led to the Cape. "D’ ya ‘ave any family o’ yer own Mr. Sullins?" He inquired respectively to keep the conversation flowing.
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Credit goes to Fallon for allowing me to temper with her codings! :)
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The Scholar and The Guard

Postby Clyde Sullins on February 8th, 2014, 12:43 am

Clyde of course had not yet agreed to anything. As of now, he was simply going on a walk with someone and getting away from the school for a bit, away from it with its inherent loudness and such. But he certainly had said nothing as to agreeing to teaching, and so was not doing anything he had said he would not, or that would get him into trouble. At least, not when using the logic running through Clyde's mind. Others at the school might not see things exactly the same way as he did.

But then, Clyde was a Glyphing teacher... And this person had not asked him to teach him Glyphing. Which meant even if he did teach the man, did come to an agreement to do so, he would not be breaking the rules of the university by teaching his skills to those outside of the school, and without their permission.

Since that only applied to Clyde's skill he taught as a teacher here, Glyphing. Clyde smiled inwardly at himself as he finished puzzling through the logic of the situation, and his own reasoning for his actions.

"Oh sure t’ing! Every sailor an’ merchant roun’ ‘ere knows de story ‘bout de Black Lady."

Clyde headed along outside with Ricky, listening as he told his tale and directed Clyde to the mentioned place, the Maiden's Cape. He perhaps was not paying as much attention as he should be, but if nothing else he did pay close enough attention to know which direction they were headed in general. Hopefully if nothing else he could find his way back to the school. But then, navigating was not exactly Clyde's strong suit. And he had already gotten lost several times in Zeltiva. The last time had been at night, in a bad part of town that Clyde had not known existed.

"Legend tells dat a sailor and his lover were long divided by de winds o’ fate as he went out t’ sea, his lover bein’ a fair an’ beautiful maiden she made ‘im a promise dat she’d wait forever f’r her man if she ‘ad t’. In turn he promised ‘er dat he’d one day return f’r ‘er, but as de years went by he never returned. "

"Accordin’ t’ de tale he was apparently lost at sea, yet the maiden waited f’r ‘er lover to return as prior t’ ‘er promise. Until at last death came t’ reunite ‘er wit’ ‘er lover once more, T’was a tale so tragic dat de sailors o’ the community made a statue o’ her an’ placed it right where she waited for ‘er lover, as a gift in honor o’ ‘er memory an’ devotion t’ her promise."

As Ricky finished his tale, they had made their way out of the university, and were now walking down a city street. After that they walked in silence, Ricky leading, Clyde walking along with an occasional 'clop' of his staff on the ground.

When he asked the man what he did, he was a bit surprised to hear the answer. He was not a native, but he did at least have a vague idea of what the Wave Guard was. Sort of like a city guard, except mainly focused on the docks and such.

"I used t’ be a fisherman by trade, ‘cept I took up de role o’ a Wave Guard back in Five Twelve A.V. Nowadays though I spend me time bein’ a father."

It was interesting to hear the man used to be a fisherman, which seemed a odd job to transition to being a Wave Guard from... And then to learn that the man was a father, with a child at home. They were not that different in age, so surely the child was not all that old. But really, he was going gallivanting about trying to "learn magic" with a child at home to worry about?

"D’ ya ‘ave any family o’ yer own Mr. Sullins?"

"Not really. Just my parents, but I left them behind in my travels. Though it seems to me to be a bit reckless, risking your life trying to learn magic, with a child depending on you at home... Its one thing for me, no one depends on me, no one was affected by my leaving. But what would happen to that child if you were to die, some spell gone amiss, or at the hands of the troubles magic seems to inevitably bring down?"

As they walked, Clyde met Ricky's eyes for a moment, before continuing onward.

"I've been a mage for most of my life, and due to that I have been through a lot, seen much, and learned more in a short span than many learn in their entire lives. And first and foremost what I have learned is that magic seems to bring trouble, tends to by its inherent nature ask for trouble. and when one asks for trouble, they inevitably find it. So do you want trouble Ricky? Why do you want to learn magic? Why do you want to be a mage? To what end?"

"Why do you need to be a mage, and how badly do you need it?"
Clydes Stuff

I am actually in RL a super intelligent hamster from Rhode Island, with a 7 year plan to take over the world.

Update 6/2/18- 1:10AM EST: His 7 year plan a success, and several weeks ahead of schedule, Clyde leaves to oversee the world he has taken over.

No new threads after end of Spring 518-Will still be checking for PM's occasionally, but focusing on a new character.

Graders note: :
Please be aware Clyde is a master Magecrafter. He therefore should not be gaining full xp(or possibly shouldn't gain any at all) for simple tasks related to this magic, such as low level MC items, particularly for repetitions of creations he has done before. Feel free to contact me if unsure of a instance of his magic use compared to his skill level.
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