Closed Taking On A Jungle Crusie (Nanak)

Mamoru sets out to chart the lands and meets a respectable member of Myrian society.

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This is Falyndar at its finest. Danger lurks everywhere - in the ground, in the trees, in the bush. Only the strongest survive...

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Taking On A Jungle Crusie (Nanak)

Postby Kalesserimamoru on November 20th, 2013, 1:18 am


83rd of Fall 513 AV

Not many Dhani were bold enough to walk the lands during the day, but Mamoru wasn't one of those Dhani. He didn't fear the Myrians and thier hoards as many did. There were many dangerous creatures in the jungles, Akila Hounds, and yumen being just a few of them. If these creatures could survive in the jungle, he saw no reasons that the Dhani couldn't. It was about adapting in the world to survive, something that many had seem to forget over the years.

They were so used to hiding themselves from the tattooed monkeys that they forgot what it was like to live, they forgot what it was like to be Dhani. It was late in the evening, Syna's light was fading and Leth would soon take over for the night watch. Mamoru moved through the jungle, draped hin is dark robes, a simple cloth top underneath, a loincloth around his waist, and sandals on his feet. He didn't carry much with him, a small pack with a water skin inside and a few other items, and his katana strapped across his shoulder.

His task on this day wasn't to kill Myrians, although he would take any opportunity to do so if that time came. What he set out to do was to learn the land better, and to bring to memory the layout of the jungle and what was where. The food sources that the tasty non predators ate, the water source, hunting grounds and everything in between. With this information he would be better equipped to deal with monkeys and would know where they were hiding before they even saw him.

His first task was to find the closest water source and map it's location in his mind. The basin reached all around the jungle, slowing into smaller streams at some places and building into a large river at others. Some of these locations were easier to get to and others were harder depending on what animal was trying to use it. Mamoru paused, allowing his mind to calm and listened to the world around him to see if he could hear the faint sounds of water rushing along.

"Hmm...ssseeemsss I'm sstill a bit off. Better keep looking."

"Everything happens out of necessity."
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Taking On A Jungle Crusie (Nanak)

Postby Nanak on November 21st, 2013, 3:38 am

The jungles of his home were always full of life and today was no exception, Caiyha's children were at play today, even as the sun was lowering over the horizon, he could hear the singing of the birds and the playful screeches of the monkeys above him in the trees. The Myrian male had decided to adventure into the jungle for a few day to better learn his surroundings. His water sack and his small bag where strapped to his loincloth. Inside was a few days rations and his flint and steel. Though for any reason other then a distraction, he figured he wouldn't be needing a fire. But still it was better to have it an not need it then to not have it at all. He turned his axe over in his hand as he pushed through the brush, hacking at the thicker bushes. A smile spread across his face as the rays of the sun warming his skin as it sank below the horizon.

He could hear the rushing of water not to far in the distance, he squeezed the watersack. It was running low, he sighed and pushed his way towards the a river. It was big, with rapids pushing this way and that. His eyes followed the current the best it could as it zigged and zagged through the rocky river bed. He needed to find a part of the river that was slower, or maybe a stream that feed into it. He sat out, heading up the river in search of a slower source of water. He made his way up a small hill, where the river poured over the hill face and down into the rushing river that he had just traveled along side. The river slowed quite a bit from his previous location, he smiled this rocky river bed would be perfect to rest by and fill his watersack. He knelt by it, unstrapping his watersack, he pulled out the cork that kept the liquid inside and began to re-fill it by the river. Once done he re strapped the sack to his loincloth and splashed some water in his face. It was refreshing, the cool water splashing his sun warmed face, he leaned back on is legs. He sighed and relaxed for a few ticks, before standing back up and retrieving his axe from the ground. He continued his journey up river.

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Taking On A Jungle Crusie (Nanak)

Postby Kalesserimamoru on November 22nd, 2013, 1:40 am


Mamoru continued on, the Dhani walked in silence, while keeping his ears open and his sense awake. There was a fresh breeze coming from a wide ranged area, but in the same direction. It was much harder to detect than one would find when visiting inside a cave where the dank and musky air pointed to one direction and the bit of freshness towards an exit. In the jungle it was different, and the cooling winds didn't always mean there was fresh water close by.

Flamesss, and I thought I had gotten closser.

He stood for a moment in thought to weight his options. He could see the general area where the breeze had come from, but to find the quickest location was what he needed. Mamoru moved towards the closest tree and pulled off his robes and found a patch of undergrowth to store them in just in case someone was to wander by. He stretched his hands out and removed his sandals from his feet. The Dhani concentrated on his body and the flow of djed inside to allow his fingers and toes to morph into claws much like that of a jungle cat.

This was very useful for climbing and keeping himself attached to the tree while he moved. Once he was ready, the trickster pushed against the tree, dug in his claws and started to climb upward. He used his claws to grip the bark as he turned and maneuvered his body around and over branches. Mamoru positioned himself on top of a sturdy branch and looked out over the world below. He smiled when he saw it, a wondrous stream of blue not too far from where he was. It appeared that he had been closer than he thought the whole time.

The Dhani nodded, giving himself a mental pat on the back as he looked around more. Life from the trees was a lot different than life on the ground. Where up so high, one could see everything, chimes before it was even close to them. This was a good advantage to have in a fight, and Mamoru was taking to enjoying it. Looking to the waters, he noticed something else of note. A man down by the river bed, taking a drink, and he looked to be alone.

He was surprised in the least, seeing a monkey alone was something that just didn't happen, and opportunity that he just couldn't pass up. But, the trickster would play it smart, stay in hiding until he was sure that the man was alone. Monkeys were good at hiding and jumping out at the last second for a Dhani snack. Mamoru angled his body and allowed himself to slide down the mossy coating on the branch, before he flung himself into the tree directly across from it.

Time to play..

He stumbled for a moment, and had to catch himself by digging his claws into the branch before he tumbled off. Steady and ready to continue, the trickster climbed down a branch and nimbled his way down another before he would attempt to swing himself into the next tree over. Once he awkwardly slammed into it, claws digging into the body of the tree, he moved on, stalking his new prey.

Last edited by Kalesserimamoru on November 23rd, 2013, 11:39 pm, edited 1 time in total.
"Everything happens out of necessity."
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Taking On A Jungle Crusie (Nanak)

Postby Nanak on November 23rd, 2013, 4:40 pm

The rushing of the water behind him and the sound of animals rustling through the brush, Nanak could tell that he wasn't alone. He couldn't shake the feeling of someone or something watching him. His fingers gripped tightly around the handle of his axe, he walked slowly close to the river. He felt uneasy, a rising urge to challenge what ever was watching him grew in his stomach as he waited for it to emerge. He turned back towards the water and looked down into it. The reflection blurred by its movement. He couldn't make out much, other then the faint outlines of the trees and himself. He sighed slightly as he turned his back towards the river. Sweat dripped down his face from the humidity of the jungle, his eyes glanced along the jungle floor. There was nothing he could see, 'Doesn't mean there isn't something there' he thought. He turned again walking up the riverside, he wanted to find the main source of this river. If he was being followed he would call out his stalker there, if he didn't get attacked first.

He hoped his knowledge of the jungle and his ability to fight would be enough to turn on his would be attacker. With the blessing of Myri he would return to his village with a kill and something to show for it. The veins in his arms popped from his body as he turned his axe over in his hand, the idea of returning to the village with something to show for this trip excited him. Most Myrians traveled with another, if not a small group, but he had decided to travel alone. He shook off all thoughts of that being a fatal mistake, one that he would not have the chance to make again if his stalker got the better of him. His feet embraced the mud and dirt along the river bed, the sound of the rushing rapids fell back into the distance as he took each step.

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Taking On A Jungle Crusie (Nanak)

Postby Kalesserimamoru on November 24th, 2013, 12:56 am


Stealth wasn't his best asset, and the trickster climbed further into the canopy to better hide himself from view. Myrians were crafty, even if they were numb monkeys and he didn't want to be spotted before he was ready to act. Mamoru dug his claws into the bark again and pushed himself upward and onto the next branch. Resting on the large branch, he looked out and around again. The one he had been tracking was moving further up the river and Mamoru followed.

Bussy busssy monkey

He now knew of one way to find a water source, and if he stood up and looked directly behind, he could even see the way he came and certain trees that had mossy pattern like patches on them. It was an successful attempt, but he also felt the need to follow the river further to see how close it came to the nest. He would do this a few other times until he had mapped out the area, and could get to, not only the water sources, but the placed where food was more likely to be found, even further outside of the nest area.

Are you really alone little monkey? Are you ssso brave?

Mamoru slowly crawled across the branch before he lowered himself down onto the next branch that was closer to the tree across from him. Once he was there, he leaped across where he slammed into the body of the tree and quickly dug in his claws to catch himself as he had done before. After steadying himself, the trickster crawled around the tree and balanced himself on the branch to the side of the other. Mamoru moved on further, clawing his way through the canopy to the main source of the water.

"Everything happens out of necessity."
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Taking On A Jungle Crusie (Nanak)

Postby Nanak on November 30th, 2013, 7:22 am

The feeling of something watching him, something that felt so close almost felt like he was being toyed with. It bugged him, he hated it. His blooded boiled at the thought of someone trying to up stage the Myrian. He let out a low growl, "Show yourself. Coward" he said in his native tongue, if it was another Myrian. He might not feel as bad about it. But anything else was doomed to be hurt or worse. He tapped his fingers along the handle of his axe, he knew that he was never alone in the jungle. With Caiyha and Myri watching over him, and the creatures of the jungle, he could never be truly alone. But he remembered another race that lived in the jungle, a vile disgusting creature that deserve to be cut down every time one reared its ugly head. The Dhani, a snake like people, an enemy of his own race. They made his stomach churn in anger, that such a low race thinks that it has the right to walk the same jungle as his much higher race.

He walked with the mud trying to swallow his feet and pull him into the river. The rushing of the water was relaxing to the Myrian whose patience was running thin. He headed towards the rivers feeding point, the point that it rushed from the mouth of whatever fed it. He wanted to map the location in his mind, use it as a spot to track down beast. Or any travelers who would have the unfortunate luck to cross his path. Anything and everything that is worth killing is attracted to water, and a wide based point provided for better hunting grounds. With a wide body of water if front of them, they animals would have no choice but to run towards him or try and fight.

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Taking On A Jungle Crusie (Nanak)

Postby Kalesserimamoru on November 30th, 2013, 9:21 pm


Mamoru stopped and rested, the Dhani didn't think that climbing for even a short amount of time would be as tiring as he felt. He could feel heat and a tightness rising in his thighs and in the back of his calves. His shoulders also felt the strain and even a small part of his lower back. He crouched down on the branch and leaned back against the body of the tree to gain support. He could still see the Myrian shuffling around on the ground, and he wonder just how long he should follow before making a move.

He thought on this more, trying to decide what the better fun would be. Kill the monkey then and there? Or toy with him for a while? He had an idea then, and the trickster willed his djed again, Mamoru morphed his claws back into the human-like nails that he had before, then re concentrated the flow of djed to cover his body fully.

The change was a bit quicker and the transformation happened simultaneously through his form. The long dark hair atop his head curled slightly and became fuller, yellow-green eyes turned brown, and the dark pupils swelled into the sockets. Broad shoulders narrowed, bones and tissues retracting to form a smaller and much slimmer shape. The length of his body shifted, changing from the stocky shape of a man and reforming into a more slender, hour glass figure of the fared sex. His skin grew darker, tanning somewhere in between the bronzed skin of the Myrian's and his own pale flesh. The square, rock shape of his chest filled out, becoming soft, flush mounds that settled nicely into the top that he wore.

If the Myrian wanted a confrontation, then he would get one, but not the type that he expected. Mamoru was in control here, and only he could say what happened and when it happened. The trickster turned his now lean, slightly muscular body against the tree and started to move down. He had to take better care with his steps without the use of claws it was easier to fall down. Once he was down far enough, he jumped from the tree and landed crouched on the ground. He stared at the Myrian intensely as he slowly stood up and moved forward.

Long, silky black hair hung down from his scalp and draped over small, feminine shoulders. Eyes that were once yellow-green were now almond brown, and lips that were once a pale shade had turned fuller pink. There was a muscular tone in his arms and the legs that stick out from the loincloth that hung between them. The body and looks of a Myrian female that was active and strong. On his left shoulder was a black tattoo of a dagger, and on the right, an oddly shaped fig tree that extended up his bicep. The Dhani had studied the Myrian form carefully, and in doing so he could recreate that form almost to perfection.

"Why you alone? No fang?" He asked in Myrian tongue. Mamoru waited to get an answer, then stepped over to the rushing waters to kneel down and get a drink. Cool water rushed over his hands and he drank it down through cupped palms.

"Everything happens out of necessity."
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Taking On A Jungle Crusie (Nanak)

Postby Nanak on December 9th, 2013, 3:36 am

One of his own emerged from the brush, much to his surprise. He looked her over, his eyes sliding along the slim form of her body. Was he alone? Of course. He had felt that he had been alone since birth. Being born in a family with two sisters always being above you could make someone feel that way, but that only made him stronger in his ways. "No, I have no Fang. I travel alone to strengthen myself." he said simply enough. His voice showing no sign of fear or hate. He watched her drink from the river. "I could ask you the same thing" he said. He nodded slightly at her and started to walk again. He respected any child of Myri, but he had things to do. Animals to hunt and routes to map. He walked slowly feeling that she would stop him. He rolled his shoulders his body relaxing now that he had shaken the feeling of being stalked and hunted. It was a common feeling, but one you never gotten used to. For your own safety you had better not get used to it. If you did, you would slip up and become some things meal. He walked towards the jungles edge, knelling down he looked over some tracks. He dug his fingers into the dirt and lifted it up, it was lose, the animal had been by recently or so he hoped. He let the soft dirt flow between his fingers and back to the earth from which it came. He stood back up and looked towards the woman to se if she was still there. Much to his surprise she was, he hadn't traveled far but he figured she would go back to doing her own thing. He turned his body back towards her and spoke "Why did you follow me?" He was curious why she didn't just speak to him when she saw him.
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Taking On A Jungle Crusie (Nanak)

Postby Kalesserimamoru on January 9th, 2014, 2:30 pm


There was a satisfaction that no words could describe when one drank the cool waters of life. Mamoru/Tin tin, cupped his hands into the waters a second time and drank more. Water seeped through slender fingers and drained in thin lines down tanned skin. He sighed, taking a moment to enjoy the scene before he decided to speak again. "Tin tin, have fang. But far far away. Tin tin come here on journey. Find secret. mmhmm."

Turning his head, the trickster watched the man as he started to walk away and he couldn't help himself. His mischievous side called to him and he felt he needed to put it into action. One hand lifted, fingers waving lightly, as he drew his res from the palm of his hand. Mamoru focused on what he wanted to create and crafted the gal-like res into the shape of a tiny rock. He pushed more res from his hand, the excess spilling out and dipping into the waters below.

Mamoru drew the waters to attach to his res and flow upward to join with the watery pool forming in his hand. As the bit of water merged with the tiny water shaped rock it started to slowly grow until it was bigger than his hand, or rather Tin tin's hand. Dark eyes, stared at the Myrian and he transformed the collected gal into water to fit with the rest that lined the outer wall of the rock. He had the mind to pelt the monkey in the back of his head with it, but then he thought it over. Myrians didn't see to like magic, as least not any that he had seen. It would be funny, but if he wanted to keep his cover it probably wasn't a good idea.

The Dhani was about to release the rock when his eyes trailed down into the waters and he looked upon the fish swimming back and forth. A smile graced full pouty lips and he turned his palm downward and forced the rock into the waters as hard as he could. Two fish suddenly flipped into the air from the force and Mamoru waved his hands out quickly to try and catch one. But they were too fast and before he could even close his fingers around one, they were both come. " too slimey."

Mamoru hopped to his feet and turned around when he noticed the other had stopped as well. He stepped lightly and crossed over the distance and stood in front of the man, who didn't seem too taken with him/ Tin tin. "No reason. Tin tin look for water and food. Think maybe you do too?" He smiled and shuffled his legs. Normally the men seemed to enjoy that, but with this one, he wasn't sure.

"Everything happens out of necessity."
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Taking On A Jungle Crusie (Nanak)

Postby Traverse on January 28th, 2014, 2:56 pm




  • Acrobatics 1 XP
  • Climbing 2 XP
  • Endurance 1 XP
  • Morphing 1 XP
  • Observation 1 XP
  • Planning 1 XP
  • Reimancy 1 XP
  • Socialization 1 XP
  • Stealth 1 XP


  • Climbing: More Difficult Than it Seems
  • Using Reimancy to Fish
  • Feminine Allure Doesn't Always Work


If you return and edit your ledger with seasonal expenses accordingly let me know and I'll release your grade!

Additional Notes :
This was shaping up to be quite the interesting thread for the both of these two guys. For what was here it was a fun read and if you feel I left anything out just give me a holler.

If you have any questions, concerns, accolades, complaints, etc about your grade, drop me a PM and we can most certainly talk it out.

As always, Safe Travels!
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