Hello to all, and welcome to my office! I'm Memento, one of Wind Reach's Assistant Storytellers. If you think I can help with something, don't be afraid to PM me!
Queries: If you have any questions about Wind Reach, the Inarta, or about anything else, just ask and I will try my best to answer or to get an answer for you.
Grades Requests: All grades requests for threads on Wind Reach should be placed here. Do not go back to old grade requests to add new threads, as the order the requests are made should be respected by everyone. Failure to do so could result in your request being placed on the end of the line.
Modded Threads: If you want a modded thread, feel free to contact me. Just keep in mind that I cannot do threads that involves a God or Goddess, including gnosis marks. For those, please PM a Domain Storyteller or higher. For anything else, fill out the form and post it on my office or PM them to me.
You don't need to have a plot set in stone to request a modded thread, but you need to at least know what do you want to get out of the thread, be it character development, skills or lore.
- Code: Select all
[b]Thread Name:[/b] If the thread has already started or you want a specific name for it
[b]PC's Involved:[/b] List of all PC's involved in the thread
[b]Plot Summary:[/b] A brief description of what you want/are looking for in the thread.
[b]Notes:[/b] Is there a specific skill or lore you want to acquire? Any additional notes go here
Modded Threads