Closed Wait Stop Trying to Stab me For a Chime!

(Cyna Redsun)

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The Diamond of Kalea is located on Kalea's extreme west coast and called as such because its completely made of a crystalline substance called Skyglass. Home of the Alvina of the Stars, cultural mecca of knowledge seekers, and rife with Ethaefal, this remote city shimmers with its own unique light.

Wait Stop Trying to Stab me For a Chime!

Postby Raien Ironarm Pitrius on January 30th, 2014, 5:53 pm

60th of Winter, 513 AV

Raien found himself yet again outside the safety of the city walls. Honestly he knew not whether he simply had a death wish, or enjoyed the notion of having one. But regardless away from the safety of Lhavit's walls he was, a mistake as previously stated that usually isn't the best idea in the world.

Still, while Raien himself is by no means daft, because he was actually worried by the wilderness, then again he' was also strangely drawn to it. And to be fair he does give it the deserved and appropriate level of respect. But no matter how hard he tried he could never keep himself away for more than a few days. It might have been that he traveled for a good many years and felt that nature was a part of him, or it might just be that he hates cities, who could say? Certainly not him.

Regardless of his intentions on this particular day he was indeed outside, he didn't deign to tempt Lhex and venture too far into the harsh mountain peaks mind you he wasn't even too far from the gates but outside he was.

Actually if he were forced to look back on his life then he'd have to say that this was definitely one more tame locations he'd come across, it was cold yes, but close enough to the city to avoid random creatures attempting to devour him. Overall this while not as far as he'd ever go, was where he felt most "safe" from the dangers generally accompanied with "sightseeing" in Kalea.

Apparently someone else thought so to, for as Raien walked along he noticed an all too familiar site, the crown of a tent, ever so slowly the whole body came into view as he came closer to it, his feet leaving obvious trails in the snow. As his eyes took it in the tent registered as similar to his own.

Whether it was owned by "good" or "bad" people there was no reasonable way to tell, the number while likely under four or five men was also up in the air. It was for this reason that Raien would have deigned to just keep on walking past as to avoid any undesirables or the conflict of interests they usually bring with them. Namely them wanting his money, and him not wanting to hand it over nicely.

Still, perhaps 'should have deigned' is the better choice of words. For while Raien knew he shouldn't, his curiosity had gotten the better of him once again. And before he was even a few feet past the tent he'd decided to peak into it. Walking over, he peeled apart the two flaps to gaze inside, as he did this his heart began to race, more out of fear that he was going to screw himself over than anything else. And sure enough no one was inside. Raien didn't know what he was expecting but it was a slight let down. Raien while going far enough to open the tent, would never go through the things inside. So, after he had take his look and been let down. He took his head straight out of it, running his hands over his face in an attempt to sate the leftover adrenaline.
Last edited by Raien Ironarm Pitrius on February 16th, 2014, 12:51 am, edited 9 times in total.
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Wait Stop Trying to Stab me For a Minute!

Postby Cyna Redsun on January 30th, 2014, 8:48 pm


Cyna had set up her tent outside of Lhavit, the winter months had been harsh this month. All of her fresh supplies had been consumed and she only had a few Kina left. So Cyna decided it was time to fish, the Amaranthine River wasn’t too far from where she had set up camp. It was only a bell and half ride from camp, Cyna grabbed her red hooded cloak wrapping it around her shoulders and strapped her bastard sword on her belt.

She felt it was safer to travel with it then without it, but she
figured for a fishing trip she wouldn’t need her armor or shield. Rose her mare was grazing when Cyna called out to her, the mare trotted up to her lowering her face. Cyna ran her hand down Rose’s neck before she grabbed the gear. She readied Rose and grabbed her fishing gear and pole, stashing the gear in the saddle bags and holding the pole as she rode towards the river.

Her long black hair hadn’t been washed in a while and if wasn’t for the winter chill she might be tempted to take a dip in the river to wash the filth from her hair. She wasn’t dirty but she felt a nice wash would make her feel rejuvenated. Cyna couldn’t let herself get distracted she knew all too well that things could take a turn for the worse in an instant. Her bright yellow brown hazel eyes watched the landscape for any sudden movements that could be a sign of danger, the horses galloped quickly to the river. Cyna dismounted quickly seeming to bounce on the river bed as she walked off the momentum of the sudden dismount. She walked over to rose who had already begun to drink the water from the river and patted her on the side before grabbing the rest of the fishing gear from the bags.

Cyna strung her fishing pole and tied the hook on the string, before she started to dig for the worms in the soft river bed soil. She had found a few the dark dirt contrasted against her lightly tan skin as the pink worms wiggled in her palm. She tossed one into the pond to bait the fish whilst she placed the other on her hook, before whipping the pole tossing the lane into the deep part of the river. The one she had tossed to stir the fish was already engulfed a slight ripple on the surface of the water was the only evidence that anything had even been there.

Though her worm on her fishing line seemed less appetizing to the fish or at least that was how she felt, for it had taken her a bell just to get a bite only to have her bait robbed from her. Cyna baited her line once again and cast it into the river with more luck this time. Only a handful of chimes had gone by before she had gotten a bite, she gave the line a jerk the hook embedding itself in the fish’s mouth. She pulled the line in holding the fish up with a smile for Rose to see.

“Look Rose I caught dinner!!”

A neigh was the only response she got as the fish thrashed around slowly suffocating, she strung the fish up on the rope she had on the side of the mare that she hung her game and catch on.

“Let’s go Rose, I’m hungry”

Cyna stashed the fishing gear and held the pole close to her as they began their journey back to camp. The sun was straight above her head by the time she had made it back to camp. Her mare seemed upset about something as the got nearer to the camp, Cyna leaned forward giving Rose a reassuring pat while she slid off quietly unsheathing her blade holding it in both hands as she crept through the brush just in time to catch a man rising from her tent. She thought he was cute looking but that didn’t matter the man was obviously a thief bringing her sword forward she pointed it towards the man yelling out

“You there!! Thief!! Prepare to die!!”

She placed both her hands on the blade and rushed the man and took a running swipe at him. Her eyes staring at the man with a cold remorseless glare.

Last edited by Cyna Redsun on February 1st, 2014, 6:39 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Wait Stop Trying to Stab me For a Minute!

Postby Raien Ironarm Pitrius on January 31st, 2014, 1:52 am

60th of Winter, 5 1 3 AV

Raien's reflexes snapped to attention as he was charged by a women he'd normally consider attractive... If of course she weren't currently trying to disembowel him. As she rushed him, her words registered somewhat, a brief mixed flurry of accusations, thieves, and preparations for death. None of these things Raien was particularly fond of...

He mentally debated whether or not to draw his sword, fearing that if he did it'd definitely be full on war. And if he didn't he'd suffer from the loss of his most treasured organ, his brain.

To be fair if said organ was working properly and wasn't packed to the brim with both testosterone and adrenaline he might have realized that pausing to think would garner him no advantages in a fight. And as the first attempts at words began to set forth from his tongue, his angry stalker was already fast upon him, causing him to quickly attempt to flee the blade's momentum filled course by partaking in a dodge.

Though in reality the dodge was more of a nervous reaction and less of a skillful escape it consisted of him barely stumbling from the broad blade's path and then falling awkwardly onto his arse, the only thing that saved him was the equally as awkward broad swing from the woman, that failed to find any hold on the flesh of the fallen "swordsman".

He didn't have time to think, he'd just seen what that got him, no now he had to react. And the only reaction that could possibly save him was returning to his feet and resolving this situation. Hopefully without either of their heads ending up on a pike.

Though just as executing the dodge had been, to roll back to ones feet while being confronted by a crazed weapon equipped opponent, while your heart tried to break from your chest no doubt to run away itself, was to put it lightly no easy task. He rolled of in two directions in a attempt to confuse the ruthless woman all the while attempting to get the words out that he wasn't in fact a thief. Of course his words were more or less inaudible muffled by the snow as he rolled out from in front of the woman . He had successfully made a fool of himself before completing yet another novice-like action that somehow allowed him to get to his feet.

In fact even Raien recognized that thieves were generally more skilled than this... Why didn't the woman before him notice as well? Still, regardless of her questionable observational skills he was now upright, and thus in a much better position to make her realize it.

His hand moved down to his sword out of second nature, Raien only found himself pausing slightly before deciding that he might need it to defend himself, but he wouldn't hurt this women. Who in her mind was most likely trying to do the same, albeit in a more offensive course of actions. Following through with his draw Raien grasped the handle, now feeling much more comfortable and in his element. Acrobatics made him feel like a fool, to be fair though to his dismay he'd played the part perfectly. Swordsmanship however was his thing, something he loved. He even had to remind himself not to get carried away, this resulted just from feeling the sword.

Moving his blade forward he attempted to hold the girl at range, prepared to mirror any moves she made in a circular pattern. It was then that he finally had the chance to say what he wanted to.

"Can you please calm down!!? I'm not a thief, just sheathe the sword and I promise you I can explain." His words sounded convincing enough to him, and while any thief would have most likely said the same things in his place, there was a certain genuine tone in Raien's voice, no matter how laced in an Isurian accent it was.
Last edited by Raien Ironarm Pitrius on February 13th, 2014, 7:10 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Wait Stop Trying to Stab me For a Minute!

Postby Cyna Redsun on February 1st, 2014, 5:49 pm


Cyna blade bit into the dirt for a brief second missing the thief that was now rolling to his feet. She looked over towards the man her eyes following his movements. She one pawed her swords hilt holding it in her right hand. Cyna took a deep breath relaxing her self. To stay calm that was the plan, she had let her anger take momentarily control and if the man had chose to side step her and draw his blade she would have been done for. Cyna felt lucky that her target decided to roll other then give her a swift counter-attack but she expected as much from a thief, they're all cowards in the end. She expected him to run, but instead he done something she hadn't expected he had drawn his blade and was now circling her waiting for a chance to strike, Cyna just turned holding her blade at her side. Then man with an accent she had yet to hear, spoke.

"Can you please calm down down!!? I'm not a thief, Just sheathe the sword I promise you I can explain."

"Shut your mouth, why should i believe scum like you."
She spat at his feet.

"Let your blade decided your innocence!"

With that she looped her index finger over her cross guard and placed it on the RicassoAn area at the base of the blade next to the guard that remains unsharpened. This increases the user’s ability to loop a finger over the guard (called fingering), or grasp the blade (Half-swording) to increase control of the point. Not all sword forms had ricasso. They can be found on many bastard swords, most cut & thrust swords and later rapiers. Those on two-Handed swords are sometimes called a “false-grip”, and usually allow the entire second-hand to grip and hold on. She wasn't sure of the thieves skill, but she was hoping that he wouldn't be expecting a piercing strike and she could end this battle quickly and swiftly. She was starving and pretty sure her stomach growled but in the heat of the moment and adrenaline pumping through her body; she wasn't sure she did know that if he manged to parry her attack she was ready to jump back in case he attempted to counter attack. Even then she wasn't sure if he did counter attack that she would be able to dodge fully. She just wanted to eat why did things have to be so difficult but she couldn't let a thief go unpunished she might settle for taking a finger if he was willing to negotiate for his life. Then with a swift forward step she lunged at her enemy hoping to pierce the liars heart.

That's when she noticed it mid lunge she couldn't stop but she stared at him none the less, he looked just like her deceased husband the only difference was his jar line was light different and his eyes were blue instead of brown and he was shorter you could mistake them for brothers.

A tear ran down her face.

oocSorry for the short post, I couldn't come up with much for a battle scene without ranting or going off on a tangent that would make little or no sense
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Wait Stop Trying to Stab me For a Minute!

Postby Raien Ironarm Pitrius on February 1st, 2014, 10:07 pm

60th of Winter, 513 AV

His plea for the the situation to be calmed was brushed off with but more harsh words. It didn't look as if he was going to get out of this.. Still, what was he supposed to do? This woman while harsh, was technically in the right. He had been snooping where he by no means belonged, even if he hadn't taken anything.

Raien's chest was beginning to pulsate with pressure in tune with his pounding head, how could he justify fighting back? Even if he only to incapacitate her.. There was no guarantee something wouldn't go wrong in the process. Actually it was more likely that something would go wrong. There was almost no way to predict a fight, and more often than not the outcome was strikingly different from what was expected or desired, occasionally even both.

Of course he didn't have much time to ponder his own guilt, or even partake in beating himself up any further. This was combat after all. And when the woman came in for yet another awkward strike Raien's muscle memory snapped into action alongside her. Side stepping slightly, he was stopped if only momentarily as his hyperactive eyes caught a quick glance of the girls's face. Was she crying? His surprise even causing him to mumble "Tears?".

This pause costed him. He barely had enough time to intercept her sword by sliding his own over top and apply downwards pressure until the woman's blade was near to the ground. And even this was painfully sloppy, relying on sheer reflexes which were only somewhat augmented by skill. In fact anyone other than a novice would be liable to laugh at his almost laughable form. Still, it did its job, for the most part at least. His attacker's sword was away from him, and she was wide open. Intent to take this, he sent his own muscled leg flying in a somewhat sloppy kick, aimed right at the woman's own.

He didn't have to pause to make this next move. Because, while he regretted having to harm her, it was much better than sending a sword into her side. And might just give him enough time to diffuse the situation... Maybe. It all depended on what happened next. But Raien was no doubt sending a silent prayer to his gods of choice.
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Wait Stop Trying to Stab me For a Minute!

Postby Cyna Redsun on February 1st, 2014, 11:20 pm


Cyna had become lost in her memories of Landon her dead lover. As her attack commenced she hadn't been paying attention when her target sidestepped her and parried her blade. She still didn't come too when her blades tip bit into the dirt. Her face had tears streaming down it as the memories of Landon flooded her mind. She remembered the first time they met. It had been a sunny day, she had been out and about exploring the town. She had went to the temple of the moon to pray to Leth as she always did. She walked out of the temple and that's when she first saw him he had walked up to her and asked if she had seen a dog running around with a pycon. That had started the hunt for the pycon which they had bonded over, but the time for her memories wasn't now she was fighting.

Though she didn't realized this until she felt the leg of her thief contact her own. She could see his face as she feel it was Landon she reached out for him, her sword falling out of her hand as she cried out
"Landon!" before hitting the ground, her vision rippled from the impact the breath left her lungs for a brief second before returning painfully. Her head hurt she must have hit it, her thoughts were jumbled. Cyna didn't know where she was, or what had happen she just knew that she hurt. She could see a figure towering over her in the corner of her eye the sun behind his head. She couldn't make out all of his features, but the man looked like Landon, no he was Landon.

"Landon"she groaned before passing out.

Cyna awoke she was in a room, it was the house her and her husband had shared. She couldn't figure out how she got there, she was in their bed. She rose out of bed naked as the day she was born, the wool Blankets scratching her body. She was confused on how she got there walking to the door way and opening the door slowly. That is when she heard it, it was a mans voice talking to another. Her first instinct was to press herself against the door frame and hide, but that is when she recognized the voice it was Landon's. She burst through the door yelling out
"Honey!!" when she had burst through the door the scenery changed and she was fully clothed and in armor. Standing before her was several monsters all charging at her raising her sword she decapitated one before parrying and counter attacking sending her blade through the creatures skull. The last beast stood before her calmly and grabbed her sword by the blade and pulled it into its heart.

When the blade pierced the beasts heart he changed into the form of her Landon a pool of blood appearing on his chest and ran up her blade consuming the blade before crawling up her hand and over her body his blood smothering her. She cried out and tried with all her might to stop it, but it kept consuming her body she fell the blood slowly smothering her breathing then her vision. Just as everything turned black she awoke.

Cyna awoke setting up in a rush, with sweat pouring down her head her breathing labored she was in her tent. It had been a dream she rubbed her temples and forehead. It had all been a dream, she had to remember Landon was dead nothing could bring him back. A noise outside her tent had brought her back to reality she remembered there had been a thief here before, but that was strange all her stuff was here she was safe and clothed. So who was that strange man, her curiosity was getting the better of her but it was more likely that Rose was making the noise and the man was long gone. She called out despite the fact he was most likely gone

"Oy You out there! speak your name and purpose stranger!"
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Wait Stop Trying to Stab me For a Minute!

Postby Raien Ironarm Pitrius on February 2nd, 2014, 12:43 am

60th of Winter, 5 1 3 AV

Raien's felt the force of his leg overturn the woman, sending her straight to the ground with an loud thump. Even though he hadn't hit her hard, a rush of fear and dread crept up his spine replacing the adrenaline that had previously been permeating ever bit of his flesh. Was she hurt? Did even his best attempt to resolve the misunderstanding at least somewhat peacefully fail..

Before he knew what he was really doing his hand was making contact with her silky hair searching for any possible kind of wound on the back of her head that she could have acquired during the fall. Raien was momentarily surprised by just how soft the dark hair was, but he quickly reprimanded himself for this lapse in focus. He had to keep on task.

With a few more minutes of frantic searching that extended to not only her head but anywhere else that could have been damaged by the fall. Raien settled into the conclusion that she was only stunned, or at least that's how it looked and what he hopped to be true. It was at this time that he truly began taking a non-task oriented look at the women. She was in fact beautiful. Almost shockingly so, the young feminine skin, but strong, firm jaw all made up the beautifully curved form that called out to him. How did he not notice this earlier?

Raien became uncomfortable surprised with himself for entertaining these thoughts. Quickly pushing all such things from his mind he lifted the not so surprisingly light girl up into his arms. Deciding that she'd be more prone to quick recovery if she were in her own bedroll rather than the cold, hard ground.

The walk to the tent wasn't really much of a walk at all, they had fought right beside it, after all it was the reason said fight took place anyway. As he pushed the flaps aside the irony of the situation hit him, he had been brought back to the same spot, once again opening this tent. All because he wanted to explain why he had done it in the first place instead of hurting the now obviously somewhat injured woman in his arms. Well, at least he hadn't killed her, strangely this thought brought very little comfort to his mind. He was both ashamed and embarrassed about the whole ordeal.

As Raien thought on his own shame he worked to place the woman into her bedroll. Which to be honest was a lot harder than one would think. He wondered how it was possible that she didn't wake up while he was doing it.... Raien shivered at the thought, she had tried to run him through for seeing him near her tent. What things would she assume if she woke up while he was placing her into bed?

He quickly proceeded to finish up the task of putting her into what he thought would be a comfortable position, worrisome thoughts still on his mind. Raien made even greater haste to exit the tent his thoughts slowly moving away from her waking up, and drifting towards what he'd do next..

It was obvious to him that he could just leave her. She'd probably be fine, and it would save him a lot of hassle he even toyed with the thought, albeit if only for a few brief ticks. Still, he could't bring himself to do it, he'd already wronged this woman one too many times this day. Leaving her would be just another act of wrongdoing. He hadn't even cared to partake in the first ones. It was more out of a sense of honor or even pride that he stayed, than worry for her survival but that was there too.

It was with this decision that he looked around, intent on occupying himself while he waited. It was then that he spotted the rather large fish she had left hung on her mare as an idea popped into his head. In response Raien slowly began his walk towards the somewhat startled horse. She would hungry when she woke up right?

A Bell and thirty Chimes Later...

Ok, so perhaps Raien wasn't the best chef. But it was the thought that counted right? Then again maybe that didn't apply to this situation all that well... He'd tried to produce some sort of food from the more than adequately sized catch he had to work with. Needless to say his expertise quickly stopped being of use after he created a fire...

He'd managed to completely ruin half of the fish in an attempt to make something more than stew. Needless to say... There was now soup boiling over a low fire in a pot he'd taken from his own pack.

Other than his cooking exploits Raien hadn't done much over the past bell or two. Besides hiding the woman's sword behind a nearby tree to make sure he didn't accidentally fall asleep only to wake up with a sword in his chest. Not that he was anywhere near relaxed enough to sleep that is.. But still, leaving someone who had previously tried to kill you with a weapon didn't seem a good idea to him. And of course Raien had cautiously peered into the the tent a few times, checking on the bed ridden woman, not daring to ever stare for too long out of fear that she might awake and have his face rub her the wrong way even if he was only making sure she was okay.

And so he was left there to his own devices, the sun was more or less set and it was becoming rather cold. So, when he heard the movement inside the nearby tent accompanied by nothing less than a demand issued by an attractive voice... At least it wasn't for his life this time.

Deciding it would be best to come to her not knowing what state she was in now, Raien began to flex his tired limbs before dragging himself over to the tent flaps and once more parting them. It was then that he threw a tired smile towards the woman along with some equally as exhausted sounding words.

"I think we've met before. But they call me Raien. Do you always greet people like this? With sword or sharped edged words, if I had a softer heart I might be hurt." The words obviously came from an attempt at jest, if only to make sure the situation didn't escalate. Raien's only worry was that the now awake woman would make it do so regardless of his jokes. Remembering the food he had made for her he added another line of dialogue.

"Still, if your interested, I've made you dinner." It was with this that he pulled himself from the tent, intent on allowing her to come out at her own pace.
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Wait Stop Trying to Stab me For a Minute!

Postby Cyna Redsun on February 2nd, 2014, 3:48 am

“ There are many mysteries in this world.
A few are quite close to you. However, you are
the greatest of these mysterious. ”
Cyna Redsun
Cyna head hurt something fierce, she reached back and felt the small lump that had developed on the back of her head. A jolt of pain ran through her when she touched the bump, giving her a headache.

"well that could be have went better"

She was very surprised when the thief opened her tent flaps.
"I think we've met before. But they call me Raien. Do you always greet people like this? With sword or sharped edged words, if I had a softer heart I might be hurt."

She felt a smile creep on her face as she prepared a witty and sharp response only to be cut off by what he said next.

"Still, if your interested, I've made you dinner."

"Tha- thanks" She could only stutter out a surprised and shameful thanks. She had tried to kill this man and here he was tending after her like one of his own. Treating her better then she deserved, she gazed at the man for a few more seconds before he retreated from the tents opening. She could not get over how much he looked like her dead Landon, there were some noticeable differences but the likeness was still to uncanny for her to comprehend. Cyna thought that he must be a relative of his, but she knew in her heart that it wasn't true. She was just grabbing for anything that preserve his memory, even though it was short tragic relationship. It was her first and most special one, but she remembered what her friend had told her everyone remembers their first. Still this strange man stirred feeling inside of her she had locked away since his death and with this she started to sob; looking around for his sword. She couldn't find it her eyes searching frantically for any sign of it, her breath starting to become more shallow as she began to over react.

She let out a hurt cry "Where is it!! His sword!"

Cyna struggled to her feet and burst out of the tent stumbling a bit from moving to fast. She looked toward the man tears streaming down her face and walked towards him putting both hands on his shoulders.

"Please give it back" she sobbed looking him in the eyes before she lie her head on his shoulder her sobs becoming stronger with each passing second as she groaned out please repeatedly. Her body numb she felt like she was in a horrible nightmare. She couldn't believe she had lost the one thing she had left of his and she was sure this man she was sobbing on had it.

Cyna had sunk to her knees in exhaustion and her stomach let out a growl, to let her and the world know she was hungry. Her tears stopped not because she was done crying, but because she had no more tears left to give. Her black hair fallen over her face giving her a sad appearance she hadn't felt this weak in a long time, maybe it had been the bump to the head that broke her wall or the man with the likeness of Landon. She didn't know which had started this wave of emotions, but she couldn't keep them bottled any long. Setting her pride aside she done a thing that was rare for her she apologized.

"I'm sorry Raien, my name is Cyna. I shouldn't have jumped to conclusions, you don't look like a thief and if I would have taken a more rational approach to this you might have found it more easy to forgive me. Thank you for looking after me I didn't deserve it and thank you for dinner, but I must beg you for my husbands sword!. Its all I have!! I promise I wont hurt you just please....please give it back!! I understand if you don't trust me and never forgive me for trying to take your life, but it will not happen again this I swear to Leth"

She looked Raien straight in the eyes a look of sadness reflected in them and on her face. She really hoped this man would give her the sword back she wished him no more harm, but it was doubtful he would believe her and she just wanted the comfort of feeling it near her. It hadn't left her side since his death and she didn't think at this moment she could go on without it. Even though it was an object made of nothing but steal, it was her rock it was her shield from the world and her emotions. Cyna needed the strength it gave her to overcome her own sea of emotions and battle her inner monsters.
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Wait Stop Trying to Stab me For a Minute!

Postby Raien Ironarm Pitrius on February 2nd, 2014, 5:46 am

60th of Winter, 5 1 3 AV

Raien jumped from the spot he'd previously seated himself in to wait for the recently waken woman. The sound of her shrill and obviously frantic cry pervading his ears.

"Where is it!! His sword!" What? Sword?! Did she really take so strongly to losing her weapon, and while Raien could understand how your steel could become a close friend, how could it drive someone towards loosing such a hurt cry? He just couldn't connect the dots, no he didn't have time to connect the dots even.

The girl had truly been sent into a frenzy. She awkwardly burst from her tent, stumbling her way up to him. And as Raien looked upon her his heart ached in pity... Not it wasn't pity.. It was empathy.. Maybe even regret, because Raien knew if only subconsciously that her current state was his fault. How much pain and worry was he going to subject this woman to? What kind of man did this?

And as she laid her tear covered face upon his own shoulder he felt the pressure building both in in his heart and behind his own eyes. Her begging was the last crack that broke the damn. A few lone tears accompanied with silence brought themselves forth from his eyes. He simply stood there speechless, not knowing what to do.. That is until she let out yet another, while long winded, no doubt grief filled plea.

"I'm sorry Raien, my name is Cyna. I shouldn't have jumped to conclusions, you don't look like a thief and if I would have taken a more rational approach to this you might have found it more easy to forgive me. Thank you for looking after me I didn't deserve it and thank you for dinner, but I must beg you for my husbands sword!. Its all I have!! I promise I wont hurt you just please....please give it back!! I understand if you don't trust me and never forgive me for trying to take your life, but it will not happen again this I swear to Leth" Her words threatened to break whatever composure the warrior still had... And as she finished her words a lone phrase drifted amongst his otherwise quiet thoughts. Why do I fail people.. At the moment Raien would have done anything to try and heal the her pain.. His own composure severely damaged as well.

Raien pulled away from the girl, feeling pained to have to force her away. His lips only able to form a single composure filled word, before he set off to a nearby tree "Sorry" was that word.

The tall tree was near to the camp, inconspicuous, he'd most likely would have had trouble relocating it if he hadn't foreseen the issue of retrieving the sword arising in the near future, and noted that it was directly behind the tent. In fact it was more of his intent to put it there than an afterthought.

Circling behind he saw the sword, it was only steel but it obviously held much greater significance to the woman he had left behind than it's looks would suggest. Similar to how his own sword held meaning to him, albeit in a much reduced way. Bending down he retrieved the blade, taking the opportunity of being away from the woman to try and regain his composure, wiping the salt water from his face and sending an unthought out plea for support to both Yahal and Tyveth, before setting back on the quick walk to the girl.

It was when he returned only a short time following his short lived departure that he offered the sword to the grief stricken beauty. Only momentarily considering that this was all a trick... But he hated himself for thinking it nonetheless. He had no right to accuse even with unspoken thoughts this girl of anything whatsoever... What was he doing? And it was with this that he felt compelled to offer some kind of apology.

"I'm more regretful of these things I've done today than you know. I was not trying to do anything to you or your property. I'm so sorry." The words were laced with grief of his own. Grief that due to his lack of fluency in common he was only poorly able to express.
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Raien Ironarm Pitrius
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Wait Stop Trying to Stab me For a Chime!

Postby Cyna Redsun on February 2nd, 2014, 9:40 am


Cyna was relieved when she heard the man apologize, but started to worry a bit when he walked away from her. She sat there knees in the light snow that blanketed the grass watching the man who had bested her, cared for and cooked her dinner walk off and for some reason she wanted to call out to him to ask him to come back to hold her. She saw him walk behind a tree and for a few brief seconds she thought that was the last she would see of him, but to her surprise he was heading back toward her and with her husbands sword no less.

This man who was he most wouldn't have given a second thought to her cry's and other's wouldn't have let he live to cry. This man was a good man she could feel it and from that feeling she could already feel the seed of trust this man had planted from his unnecessary kindness.

He held the sword out to her and apologized

"I'm more regretful of these things I've done today than you know. I was not trying to do anything to you or your property. I'm so sorry."

"There is no need this is all my fault, and I hope you can forgive me"

She took the sword from his hand with a gentle gesture and a kiss to his cheek, before bringing the sword to her chest hugging it like a child would hug a precious toy. The sword was more like a shield to her protecting her from the harsh emotions the world had to offer, it was the embodiment of everything her husband was. The sword was irreplaceable, Cyna walked away from the man hugging the sword until she got the scabbard placing it in its home with a swift precise movement before strapping it back onto her belt and whispering out a soft thank you to the man.

Gathering her resolve she turned to face the man a slight but serious smile upon her face. Her stomach letting out another growl breaking her resolve for a brief moment before the gestured towards the stew the man had made.

"Shall we eat good Raien"

Cyna walked over to the stew, grabbing a bowl and ladling the stew into it. She looked at the bowl for a few seconds before setting it down next to her for Raien. A slight sad look crept onto her face as she began filling the next bowl thoughts of Landon breaking down her resolve, to avoid another tear fest she shoveled her food down and stood up quickly turning towards Raien.

"Thank you for the food it was delicious, but I must retire I am tired and not feeling myself. You may stay if you wish or go."

Cyna paused for a second kicking the dirt up a bit of shyness seemed to stifle Cyna's next words

"I-I hope to get to see you again. I'd really like a re-rematch"

With a blush she retreated to her tent, crawling into the bedroll hiding herself under the blanket as a wave of emotion came over her, followed by a flood of tears and soft sobs. Landon was gone she knew that, there was no changing that. She had thought she had gotten past all the useless tears, she knew crying wouldn't change anything but she couldn't stop it. The image of the face of the new man Raien appeared in her minds eyes, and for a second the tears stopped. He was different she knew it, she knew he wouldn't let her down and with that she passed into the land of dreams; looking forward to a rematch with the man.

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Cyna Redsun
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