[Verified by Daybreak] Tabitha Aryns

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Tabitha Aryns

Postby Tabitha Aryns on February 7th, 2014, 4:01 am

Tabitha "Tabby" Aryns
pronounced as "Tab-ih-tha, Tab-ee, Air-ens"

ImageBasic Facts
Race: Human
Gender: Female
Age: 21 Years Old
Birthday: Winter 89th, 492AV
Birthplace: Zeltiva

~ * ~

Current Location: Syliras
Employment: Soothing Waters
Job/Wages: Seamstress, 4 GM/D
Living Expenses: -45GM/S (Poor)

There isn't really anything special about Tabitha's appearance, she has dark brown hair that can appear reddish in the light, or black in the dark, and her eyes are a light brown but can appear pitch black at first glance. Her skin is fairly white with olive over tones, and stands at roughly 5'3" and weighs in at 103lbs, her body is thin with softly curved hips, and a small bust. There are currently no scars or marks on her body. Her clothes are generally neutral in color, and do not show favor to either feminine or masculine preferences. One interesting feature hanging around Tabitha's neck is an intricate silver key by a sturdy silver chain, Tabitha is rarely seen without it.

Character Concept
Tabitha is considered to be a strange girl full of many contradictions, shes quiet, and introverted but in no manner is she shy, and ironically enjoys interacting with people who are able to approach her aloof demeanor. While Tabitha may appear distant at first, she is very caring, and a reliable person, however she may prove to be too caring, and end up being walked on because of her inability to say no to her friends and family; though it may be painful, she knows what her limits are, and sets the bar accordingly. Meaning she doesn't make false promises if she feels she can not meet the expectations. Concerning interests, or work, she is a focused person who isn't distracted easily from her activities, but on the flip side she may end up becoming absorbed with what she is doing, and is unable to do anything else until someone breaks her out of her activity, or she herself snaps out of it.

Theme Song :

*Lyrics are on the youtube video's description.

Character History
Tabitha's history is fairly plain, she has a mother, and a father, both whom loved her very much, her mother was a seamstress that watched out for both husband and daughter, and Tabby's father was a lock and key-smith that had an almost obsessive passion for riddles and codes. Tabby helped her mother fix clothes at an early age, but what really peaked the young girl's interest was her father's cryptography skills, the making of a secret message that no one else could read was a thrilling idea. So both daughter and father would take turns sending each other codes, and cracking them, a small past time in her father's eyes, but it became the building blocks for Tabitha's own passion for cryptography.

Then the Winter of 512AV thrusted its dangers on the family, and Tabitha's best friend Amanda. With the deadly plague slowly taking the city, Tabby's mother and father bailed out early before the city itself could quarantine everyone. Leaving their daughter behind was an incredibly painful thing to do, but Tabby was adamant in helping her friend Amanda, whom had fallen to the cursed plague. Fortunately Amanda had made a recovery at the end of Spring 513AV, even if it had left her fairly weakened, and vulnerable, it would not have been possible if Tabitha hadn't been there to support her best friend. It was the little things that Tabitha did that made a huge difference in the outcome of Amanda's health.

Though Tabitha wasn't out of the woods yet, two seasons later she received word by courier that her father had fallen gravely ill, her mother wanted Tabby to come to Syliras as soon as possible. Of course with the distance the courier had to travel, it was unlikely that Tabby would make it in time to see her father alive still, she sold off her family's home and possessions and made the journey anyways; her mother would most likely need the emotional support. The journey was made by a small trade caravan that went in between Zeltiva and Syliras on the Kabrin road, and took at least 60 days to finally arrive in Syliras on the 77th of Fall, 513AV.

Much to Tabitha's dismay it was just as she had thought, her father was long dead, and already cremated, but he had left her a small silver key, with seven curious words etched on its surface, and a small gem hidden within its twisted silver handle, and a message whom her mother relayed to Tabby woefully:
"Solve my riddle."


Fluent Language: Common



Skill Name Level Exp. Math
Cryptography Novice 20/100 = (15RB)+(5SP)+_XP
Sewing Novice 19/100 = (10SP)+ 5+ 4+_XP
Investigation Novice 16/100 = (15SP)+ 1+_XP
Observation Novice 12/100 = (5SP)+ 2+ 2+ 3+_XP
Intelligence Novice 2/100 = 2+_XP
Planning Novice 1/100 = 1+_XP


Skill Name Level Exp. Math
Rhetoric Novice 16/100 = (15SP)+ 1+_XP
Socialization Novice 6/100 = 1+ 3+ 2+_XP
Subterfuge Novice 2/100 = 2+_XP
Persuasion Novice 1/100 = 1+_XP
Negotiation Novice 1/100 = 1+_XP
Intimidation Novice 1/100 = 1+_XP
Leadership Novice 1/100 = 1+_XP


Skill Name Level Exp. Math
Endurance Novice 1/100 = 1+_XP
Running Novice 1/100 = 1_XP


Skill Lores

  • Lore of Mending Clothes (SP)
  • Sewing: Fixing Holes And Tears On Fabric
  • Sewing: Tying Knots
  • Sewing: Patching Tunics
  • Sewing: Sewing Buttons

  • Lore of Identifying Simple Codes (SP)

  • Subterfuge: Eavesdropping Conversations

Geography Lores

  • N/A

City Lores

  • Location: Traveler's Row
  • Location: Soothing Waters
    Co-Workers: Two Annoying Girls
    Work: Disgruntled Customers Can Demand Compensation
  • Location: Temple of All Gods
  • Location: Syliras Theater Square
  • The Rogue Knight: A Knight's Secret
  • Two squires died by hanging
  • Something is wrong with Syliras...

  • N/A

PC & NPC Lores

  • Orion Michaels
    Orion: Kind Stranger
    Why not just Goodbye?

  • Ser Titus (Syliras NPC)
    Ser Titus: Knight Sergeant

SP Set of Clothing:
  • Simple Shirt (off white)
  • Simple Pants (forest green)
  • Simple Undergarments (grey)
  • Simple Coat (dark grey)
  • Simple Boots (dark brown)

Additional Clothing:
  • 2 Pairs of Linen Stockings
  • 1 Pair of Ramie Sandals
  • 1 Cotton Chemise
  • 1 Faded Navy Blue Cotton Tunic
  • 1 Buckled Leather Belt

1 Waterskin
1 Pair of Coarse Wool Gloves
1 Backpack which contains:
  • 1 Comb (wood)
  • 1 Brush (wood)
  • 1 Bar of Soap
  • Balanced Rations (1 Week's worth)
  • 1 Eating Knife
  • Flint & Steel

Sewing Kit
Spare Fabric
3 Needles
1 Thimble
1 Spool of Thread
1 Glue Bottle
3 Sheets of Paper
1 Small Pencil
Assorted Buttons
Tailors Tape
Basic Sewing Instructions

10 Ink Sticks
2 Blank Books
  • 10 Extra Pages (Paper)
1 Bucket, 2-Gallon
1 Medium Basket, Common, Beechwood
1 Sack (Empty)
1 Steel Knife
1 Jug, Gallon

Silver Key - Small in size, its teeth are far too whimsical in nature to be practical for a real lock, and as far as Tabitha knows it doesn't open anything. The handle is gnarled and twisted, underneath its silver strands is a piece of hidden smoky quartz, the gem itself is just barely visible. Etched in the silver there are several, seemingly unrelated words placed in the metal with care: Destiny, Pride, Trust, Hope, Belief, Caution, Peace. Whatever the intended message was is lost on Tabitha, she is currently unable to decipher her father's last riddle, but that does not stop her from contemplating its ambigious meanings. The key itself hangs on a seperate silver chain necklace.

Location: Syliras

House: Traveller's Row, 1 simple single room indefinitely.

Rent: 6gm 9sm/1 season


Purchase Cost Total
Starting +100 GM 100 GM
Cashed In House +500 GM 600 GM
Necklace (Silver Chain) -5 GM 595 GM
1 Sewing Kit -18 GM 577 GM
2 Sewing Needles -1 GM 576 GM
2 Blank Books -6 GM 570 GM
10 Extra Pages -4 GM 566 GM
10 Ink Sticks -3 GM 563 GM
Coarse Wool, Undyed Gloves (Good) -3 SM 75 CM 562 GM 6 SM 25 CM
Living Expense, Winter 513AV (Poor) -45 GM 517 GM 6 SM 25 CM
Traveler's Row Rent/Winter 513AV -6 GM 9 SM 510 GM 7 SM 25 CM
Travel Expense (Car. Fare: Fall 513AV) -60 GM/60 Days 450 GM 7 SM 25 CM
1 Bucket, 2-Gallon -5 SM 450 GM 2 SM 25 CM
1 Med. Basket, Common, Beechwood -1 SM 450 GM 1 SM 25 CM
1 Sack (Empty) -1 SM 450 GM 25 CM
1 Steel Knife -5 SM 449 GM 5 SM 25 CM
1 Jug, Gallon -4 SM 449 GM 1 SM 25 CM
2 Pairs of Stockings -8 SM 448 GM 6 SM 25 CM
1 Tunic: Dyed x1.5, Cotton x1.25, Good 75% -1 GM 4 SM 447 GM 2 SM 25 CM
1 Belt: Leather x2, Buckle (Simple) x10, Good 75% -1 GM 8 SM 445 GM 4 SM 25 CM
1 Pair of Sandals: Ramie x1.75, Good 75% -2 SM 63 CM 445 GM 1 SM 62 CM
1 Chemise: Cotton x1.25, Good 75% -94CM 445 GM 68 CM
Season Pay, Winter 513AV +182 GM 627 GM 68 CM
Thread ConsequenceTabitha was extorted by an unhappy customer. -20 GM 607 GM 68 CM
Living Expense, Spring 514AV (Poor) -45 GM 562 GM 68 CM
Traveler's Row Rent/Spring 514AV -6 GM 9 SM 555 GM 1 SM 68 CM
Season Pay, Spring 514AV +182 GM 737 1 SM 68 CM

Ledger Note: Expenses are not listed chronologically.
Last edited by Tabitha Aryns on June 1st, 2014, 4:29 pm, edited 87 times in total.
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Tabitha Aryns
Riddle me this.
Posts: 73
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Joined roleplay: February 7th, 2014, 3:42 am
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Tabitha Aryns

Postby Tabitha Aryns on February 7th, 2014, 7:12 am

Thread List

Current Events

Name Partner(s) Date Status Reward
Preperation for Season Change N/A N/A N/A N/A

*Date subject to change.

Past Events

Name Partner(s) Date Status Reward
Small Snippets Solo Spring 16th, 514AV (Morning) Graded LootObservation +3 XP ; Socialization +2 XP ; Negotiation +1 XP ; Rhetoric +1 XP ; Intimidation +1 XP ; Leadership +1 XP ; Sewing +4 XP ; Subterfuge +2 XP ; Planning +1 XP ; Running +1 XP ; Subterfuge: Eavesdropping Conversations, Sewing: Patching Tunics, Sewing: Sewing Buttons, Co-Workers: Two Annoying Girls, Work: Disgruntled Customers Can Demand Compensation
Too Soon... Prompted Solo Spring 16th, 514AV (Afternoon) Graded LootInvestigation +1 XP ; Persuasion + 1 XP ; Observation + 2 XP ; Intelligence + 2 XP ; The Rogue Knight: A Knight's Secret, Ser Titus: Knight Sergeant, Two squires died by hanging, Something is wrong with Syliras..., Location: Syliras Theater Square; and a slap to the face!
Cryptographic Signs Markus Andres Spring 28th, 514AV Grandfathered N/A
The Daily Grind Solo Winter 5th, 513AV Placeholder N/A
Silent Contemplation Orion Michaels Winter 47th, 513AV Graded LootSocilization +3 XP, Orion: Kind Stranger, Why not just Goodbye?, Location: Temple of All Gods
The Last Shirt Solo Winter 52nd, 513AV (Morning) Graded LootObservation +2 XP, Sewing +5 XP, Endurance +1 XP, Socialization +1 XP, Location: Traveler's Row, Location: Soothing Waters, Sewing: Fixing Holes And Tears On Fabric, Sewing: Tying Knots
Torn Hearts Orion Michaels Winter 52nd, 513AV (Afternoon) Grandfathered N/A

Flashbacked Events

Name Partner(s) Date Status Reward
Sewing Training 1 Solo Spring 4th, 501AV Placeholder N/A
Sewing Training 2 Solo Spring 10th, 501AV Placeholder N/A
Bully Markus Andres Spring 47th, 501AV Ongoing N/A
Amanda Plot 1 Solo Spring 66th, 501AV Placeholder N/A
Her Father's Riddle Solo Fall 78th, 513AV Ongoing N/A
Last edited by Tabitha Aryns on June 1st, 2014, 1:32 am, edited 10 times in total.
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Tabitha Aryns
Riddle me this.
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Tabitha Aryns

Postby Tabitha Aryns on April 25th, 2014, 7:28 am

NPC & PC Relations


ImageName: Ceras Aryns
Relation: Mother
Age: 52 Years Old
Bio: The mother of Tabitha Aryns, and widow to the recently deceased husband, Job Aryns. She cleans, she cooks, and she sews, and has a talent for it, however with the death of her husband her life has crumbled to near dust. Consumed with grief, Ceras has lost her job, and her emergency funds have dryed, if Tabitha hadn't arrived when she did then Ceras may have also found herself in Syliras' crematorium.
Skills: 30 Sewing, 10 Cooking, 10 Cleaning

Threads Involved :
Sewing Training 1 & 2 Placeholders
Her Father's Riddle
The Daily Grind
Too Soon...

ImageName: Job Aryns
Relation: Father
Age: 55 Years Old (Deceased)
Bio: The father of Tabitha Aryns, and husband to the recently widowed Ceras Aryns. In life he was a locksmith and secrets enthusiast, passing on his own passion to his daughter, and the sole reason for his daughter's innate curiousity of the unknown; to question when nothing made sense, and in turn uncover the answers. After his death, however, Job Aryns did not proceed to rejoin the circle of life, death, and rebirth, he stayed behind. Pained by his wife's extreme reaction to his death, he can not move on knowing his beloved is in agony, and thusly remains by her side in ghostly form- though she is mostly unaware of his presence. Concerning Tabitha: He ultimately trusts and believes in his daughter that whatever is thrown her way, she will handle it, and will be proud of her no matter what path she chooses, or who she will become in the future. For better, or for worse.
Skills: 25 Soulmist Projection, 15 Materialization, 10 Possession

Threads Involved :

ImageName: Amanda Eraspure
Relation: Best Friend
Age: 22 Years Old
Bio: Amanda is a perky and lively girl that has been Tabitha's best friend since she was six, and Amanda seven, if it hadn't of been for Amanda, Tabitha would be an incredibly shy girl with few social skills, if any at all. The two shared everything together, secrets, storys, toys, and even their blood; they pricked eachother's thumbs and combined the blood that flowed, they were sisters at heart, but they wanted to solidify that connection in blood. While Tabitha was more interested in riddles, and secret messages, Amanda took to plants and herbal remedies like a seed to earth. It is perhaps because of this specific skill set that she managed to escape the worst of her illness in the Winter of 512AV.
Skills: 30 Medicine, 10 Herbalism, 10 Philtering

Threads Involved :
Amanda Plot 1 Placeholder


Orion Michaels
-Waiting to be filled out.

Markus Andres
-Waiting to be filled out.
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Tabitha Aryns
Riddle me this.
Posts: 73
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Joined roleplay: February 7th, 2014, 3:42 am
Location: Syliras
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